__filename__ = "speaker.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.6.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "Accessibility"
import os
import html
import random
import urllib.parse
from flags import is_reply
from flags import is_pgp_encrypted
from utils import data_dir
from utils import get_post_attachments
from utils import get_cached_post_filename
from utils import remove_id_ending
from utils import is_dm
from utils import camel_case_split
from utils import get_domain_from_actor
from utils import get_nickname_from_actor
from utils import get_gender_from_bio
from utils import get_display_name
from utils import remove_html
from utils import load_json
from utils import save_json
from utils import has_object_dict
from utils import acct_dir
from utils import local_actor_url
from utils import get_actor_from_post
from content import html_replace_quote_marks
SPEAKER_REMOVE_CHARS = ('.\n', '. ', ',', ';', '?', '!')
def get_speaker_pitch(display_name: str, screenreader: str,
gender: str) -> int:
"""Returns the speech synthesis pitch for the given name
range_min = 1
range_max = 100
if 'She' in gender:
range_min = 50
elif 'Him' in gender:
range_max = 50
if screenreader == 'picospeaker':
range_min = -6
range_max = 3
if 'She' in gender:
range_min = -1
elif 'Him' in gender:
range_max = -1
return random.randint(range_min, range_max)
def get_speaker_rate(display_name: str, screenreader: str) -> int:
"""Returns the speech synthesis rate for the given name
if screenreader == 'picospeaker':
return random.randint(-40, -20)
return random.randint(50, 120)
def get_speaker_range(display_name: str) -> int:
"""Returns the speech synthesis range for the given name
return random.randint(300, 800)
def _speaker_pronounce(base_dir: str, say_text: str, translate: {}) -> str:
"""Screen readers may not always pronounce correctly, so you
can have a file which specifies conversions. File should contain
line items such as:
Epicyon -> Epi-cyon
pronounce_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/speaker_pronounce.txt'
convert_dict = {}
if translate:
convert_dict = {
"Epicyon": "Epi-cyon",
"espeak": "e-speak",
"emoji": "emowji",
"clearnet": "clear-net",
"https": "H-T-T-P-S",
"HTTPS": "H-T-T-P-S",
"XMPP": "X-M-P-P",
"xmpp": "X-M-P-P",
"sql": "S-Q-L",
".js": " dot J-S",
"PSQL": "Postgres S-Q-L",
"SQL": "S-Q-L",
"gdpr": "G-D-P-R",
"kde": "K-D-E",
"AGPL": "Affearo G-P-L",
"agpl": "Affearo G-P-L",
"GPL": "G-P-L",
"gpl": "G-P-L",
"coop": "co-op",
"KMail": "K-Mail",
"kmail": "K-Mail",
"gmail": "G-mail",
"Gmail": "G-mail",
"OpenPGP": "Open P-G-P",
"Tor": "Toor",
"memes": "meemes",
"Memes": "Meemes",
"rofl": translate["laughing"],
"ROFL": translate["laughing"],
"lmao": translate["laughing"],
"LMAO": translate["laughing"],
"fwiw": "for what it's worth",
"fyi": "for your information",
"irl": "in real life",
"IRL": "in real life",
"imho": "in my opinion",
"afaik": "as far as I know",
"AFAIK": "as far as I know",
"fediverse": "fediiverse",
"Fediverse": "Fediiverse",
" foss ": " free and open source software ",
" floss ": " free libre and open source software ",
" FOSS ": "free and open source software",
" FLOSS ": "free libre and open source software",
" oss ": " open source software ",
" OSS ": " open source software ",
"🤔": ". " + translate["thinking emoji"],
"RT @": "Re-Tweet ",
"#nowplaying": translate["hashtag"] + " now-playing",
"#NowPlaying": translate["hashtag"] + " now-playing",
"#": translate["hashtag"] + ' ',
"¯\\_(ツ)_/¯": translate["shrug"],
":D": '. ' + translate["laughing"],
":-D": '. ' + translate["laughing"],
":)": '. ' + translate["smile"],
";)": '. ' + translate["wink"],
":(": '. ' + translate["sad face"],
":-)": '. ' + translate["smile"],
":-(": '. ' + translate["sad face"],
";-)": '. ' + translate["wink"],
":O": '. ' + translate['shocked'],
"?": "? ",
'"': "'",
"*": "",
"(": ",",
")": ","
if os.path.isfile(pronounce_filename):
pronounce_list = []
with open(pronounce_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_pro:
pronounce_list = fp_pro.readlines()
except OSError:
print('EX: _speaker_pronounce unable to read ' +
if pronounce_list:
for conversion in pronounce_list:
separator = None
if '->' in conversion:
separator = '->'
elif ';' in conversion:
separator = ';'
elif ':' in conversion:
separator = ':'
elif ',' in conversion:
separator = ','
if not separator:
text = conversion.split(separator)[0].strip()
converted = conversion.split(separator)[1].strip()
convert_dict[text] = converted
for text, converted in convert_dict.items():
if text in say_text:
say_text = say_text.replace(text, converted)
return say_text
def speaker_replace_links(http_prefix: str, nickname: str,
orig_domain: str, orig_domain_full: str,
say_text: str, translate: {},
detected_links: []) -> str:
"""Replaces any links in the given text with "link to [domain]".
Instead of reading out potentially very long and meaningless links
text = say_text
text = text.replace('?v=', '__v=')
text = text.replace(char, ' ')
text = text.replace('__v=', '?v=')
replacements = {}
replacements_hashtags = {}
words_list = text.split(' ')
if translate.get('Linked'):
linked_str = translate['Linked']
linked_str = 'Linked'
prev_word = ''
for word in words_list:
if word.startswith('v='):
replacements[word] = ''
if word.startswith(':'):
if word.endswith(':'):
replacements[word] = ', emowji ' + word.replace(':', '') + ','
if word.startswith('@') and not prev_word.endswith('RT'):
# replace mentions, but not re-tweets
if translate.get('mentioning'):
replacements[word] = \
translate['mentioning'] + ' ' + word[1:] + ', '
prev_word = word
domain = None
domain_full = None
if 'https://' in word:
domain = word.split('https://')[1]
domain_full = 'https://' + domain
elif 'http://' in word:
domain = word.split('http://')[1]
domain_full = 'http://' + domain
if not domain:
if '/' in domain:
domain = domain.split('/')[0]
if domain.startswith('www.'):
domain = domain.replace('www.', '')
replacements[domain_full] = '. ' + linked_str + ' ' + domain + '.'
if '/tags/' in domain_full and domain != orig_domain:
remote_hashtag_link = \
http_prefix + '://' + orig_domain_full + '/users/' + \
nickname + '?remotetag=' + domain_full.replace('/', '--')
for replace_str, new_str in replacements.items():
say_text = say_text.replace(replace_str, new_str)
for replace_str, new_str in replacements_hashtags.items():
say_text = say_text.replace(replace_str, new_str)
return say_text.replace('..', '.')
def _add_ssml_emphasis(say_text: str) -> str:
"""Adds emphasis to *emphasised* text
if '*' not in say_text:
return say_text
text = say_text
text = text.replace(char, ' ')
words_list = text.split(' ')
replacements = {}
for word in words_list:
if not word.startswith('*'):
if not word.endswith('*'):
replacements[word] = \
' \n' + \
' \n' + \
' \n' + \
', '').replace('
', ' ') if not is_pgp_encrypted(content): # replace some emoji before removing html if ' <3' in content: content = content.replace(' <3', ' ' + translate['heart']) content = remove_html(html_replace_quote_marks(content)) content = speaker_replace_links(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, content, translate, detected_links) # replace all double spaces while ' ' in content: content = content.replace(' ', ' ') content = content.replace(' . ', '. ').strip() say_content = content say_content = _speaker_pronounce(base_dir, content, translate) # replace all double spaces while ' ' in say_content: say_content = say_content.replace(' ', ' ') say_content = say_content.replace(' . ', '. ').strip() else: say_content = content image_description = '' post_attachments = get_post_attachments(post_json_object) if post_attachments: if isinstance(post_attachments, list): for img in post_attachments: if not isinstance(img, dict): continue if not img.get('name'): continue if isinstance(img['name'], str): image_description += remove_html(img['name']) + '. ' is_direct = is_dm(post_json_object) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) reply_to_you = is_reply(post_json_object, actor) published = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('published'): published = post_json_object['object']['published'] summary = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): if isinstance(post_json_object['object']['summary'], str): post_json_object_summary = post_json_object['object']['summary'] summary = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(post_json_object_summary) summary = html.unescape(summary) actor_url = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) speaker_name = \ get_display_name(base_dir, actor_url, person_cache) if not speaker_name: return {} speaker_name = _remove_emoji_from_text(speaker_name) speaker_name = speaker_name.replace('_', ' ') speaker_name = camel_case_split(speaker_name) actor_url = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) gender = get_gender_from_bio(base_dir, actor_url, person_cache, translate) if announcing_actor: announced_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(announcing_actor) announced_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(announcing_actor) if announced_nickname and announced_domain: announced_handle = announced_nickname + '@' + announced_domain say_content = \ translate['announces'] + ' ' + \ announced_handle + '. ' + say_content content = \ translate['announces'] + ' ' + \ announced_handle + '. ' + content post_id = None if post_json_object['object'].get('id'): post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id']) follow_requests_exist = False follow_requests_list = [] accounts_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain_full) approve_follows_filename = accounts_dir + '/followrequests.txt' if os.path.isfile(approve_follows_filename): follows = [] try: with open(approve_follows_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_foll: follows = fp_foll.readlines() except OSError: print('EX: _post_to_speaker_json unable to read ' + approve_follows_filename) if follows: if len(follows) > 0: follow_requests_exist = True for i, _ in enumerate(follows): follows[i] = follows[i].strip() follow_requests_list = follows post_dm = False dm_filename = accounts_dir + '/.newDM' if os.path.isfile(dm_filename): post_dm = True post_reply = False reply_filename = accounts_dir + '/.newReply' if os.path.isfile(reply_filename): post_reply = True liked_by = '' like_filename = accounts_dir + '/.newLike' if os.path.isfile(like_filename): try: with open(like_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_like: liked_by = fp_like.read() except OSError: print('EX: _post_to_speaker_json unable to read 2 ' + like_filename) calendar_filename = accounts_dir + '/.newCalendar' post_cal = os.path.isfile(calendar_filename) share_filename = accounts_dir + '/.newShare' post_share = os.path.isfile(share_filename) return _speaker_endpoint_json(speaker_name, summary, content, say_content, image_description, detected_links, gender, post_id, post_dm, post_reply, follow_requests_exist, follow_requests_list, liked_by, published, post_cal, post_share, theme_name, is_direct, reply_to_you) def update_speaker(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, post_json_object: {}, person_cache: {}, translate: {}, announcing_actor: str, theme_name: str, system_language: str, box_name: str) -> None: """ Generates a json file which can be used for TTS announcement of incoming inbox posts """ speaker_json = \ _post_to_speaker_json(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, post_json_object, person_cache, translate, announcing_actor, theme_name) if not speaker_json: return account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) speaker_filename = account_dir + '/speaker.json' save_json(speaker_json, speaker_filename) # save the ssml cached_ssml_filename = \ get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object) if not cached_ssml_filename: return cached_ssml_filename = cached_ssml_filename.replace('.html', '.ssml') if box_name == 'outbox': cached_ssml_filename = \ cached_ssml_filename.replace('/postcache/', '/outbox/') gender = None if speaker_json.get('gender'): gender = speaker_json['gender'] ssml_str = \ _speaker_endpoint_ssml(speaker_json['name'], speaker_json['summary'], speaker_json['say'], system_language, gender, box_name) try: with open(cached_ssml_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_ssml: fp_ssml.write(ssml_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write ssml ' + cached_ssml_filename)