__filename__ = "crawlers.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.6.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core" import os import time from utils import data_dir from utils import save_json from utils import user_agent_domain from utils import remove_eol from blocking import get_mil_domains_list from blocking import get_gov_domains_list from blocking import get_bsky_domains_list from blocking import update_blocked_cache from blocking import is_blocked_domain default_user_agent_blocks = [ 'fedilist', 'ncsc scan', 'fedifetcher' ] def update_known_crawlers(ua_str: str, base_dir: str, known_crawlers: {}, last_known_crawler: int) -> int: """Updates a dictionary of known crawlers accessing nodeinfo or the masto API """ if not ua_str: return None curr_time = int(time.time()) if known_crawlers.get(ua_str): known_crawlers[ua_str]['hits'] += 1 known_crawlers[ua_str]['lastseen'] = curr_time else: known_crawlers[ua_str] = { "lastseen": curr_time, "hits": 1 } if curr_time - last_known_crawler >= 30: # remove any old observations remove_crawlers = [] for uagent, item in known_crawlers.items(): if curr_time - item['lastseen'] >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 30: remove_crawlers.append(uagent) for uagent in remove_crawlers: del known_crawlers[uagent] # save the list of crawlers dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) save_json(known_crawlers, dir_str + '/knownCrawlers.json') return curr_time def load_known_web_bots(base_dir: str) -> []: """Returns a list of known web bots """ known_bots_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/knownBots.txt' if not os.path.isfile(known_bots_filename): return [] crawlers_str = None try: with open(known_bots_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_crawlers: crawlers_str = fp_crawlers.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to load web bots from ' + known_bots_filename) if not crawlers_str: return [] known_bots = [] crawlers_list = crawlers_str.split('\n') for crawler in crawlers_list: if not crawler: continue crawler = remove_eol(crawler).strip() if not crawler: continue if crawler not in known_bots: known_bots.append(crawler) return known_bots def _save_known_web_bots(base_dir: str, known_bots: []) -> bool: """Saves a list of known web bots """ known_bots_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/knownBots.txt' known_bots_str = '' for crawler in known_bots: known_bots_str += crawler.strip() + '\n' try: with open(known_bots_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_crawlers: fp_crawlers.write(known_bots_str) except OSError: print("EX: unable to save known web bots to " + known_bots_filename) return False return True def blocked_user_agent(calling_domain: str, agent_str: str, news_instance: bool, debug: bool, user_agents_blocked: [], blocked_cache_last_updated, base_dir: str, blocked_cache: [], block_federated: [], blocked_cache_update_secs: int, crawlers_allowed: [], known_bots: [], path: str, block_military: {}, block_government: {}, block_bluesky: {}): """Should a GET or POST be blocked based upon its user agent? """ if not agent_str: return True, blocked_cache_last_updated, False agent_str_lower = agent_str.lower() for ua_block in default_user_agent_blocks: if ua_block in agent_str_lower: print('BLOCK: Blocked User agent 1: ' + ua_block) return True, blocked_cache_last_updated, False agent_domain = None if agent_str: contains_bot_string = False llm = False # is this an LLM crawler? # https://github.com/ai-robots-txt/ai.robots.txt/blob/main/robots.txt llm_bot_strings = ( 'gptbot', '-ai/', ' ai/', '-ai ', ' ai ', 'chatgpt', 'anthropic', 'mlbot', 'claude-web', 'claudebot', 'ccbot', 'facebookbot', 'google-extended', 'piplbot', 'oai-search', 'applebot', 'meta-external', 'diffbot', 'perplexitybot', 'omgili', 'imagesiftbot', 'bytespider', 'amazonbot', 'youbot', 'petalbot', 'ai2bot', 'allenai', 'firecrawl', 'friendlycrawler', 'googleother', 'icc-crawler', 'scrapy', 'timpibot', 'velenpublic', 'webzio-extended', 'cohere-ai', 'facebookexternal', 'img2dataset', 'isscyberriskcrawler', 'sidetrade', 'kangaroo.ai', 'kangaroo bot', 'iaskspider', 'duckassistbot' ) for bot_str in llm_bot_strings: if bot_str in agent_str_lower: if '://bot' not in agent_str_lower and \ '://robot' not in agent_str_lower and \ '://spider' not in agent_str_lower and \ 'pixelfedbot/' not in agent_str_lower: contains_bot_string = True llm = True break # is this a web crawler? If so then block it by default # unless this is a news instance or if it is in the allowed list bot_strings = ( 'bot/', 'bot-', '/bot', '_bot', 'bot_', 'bot;', ' bot ', '/robot', 'spider/', 'spider.ht', '/spider.', '-spider', 'externalhit/', 'google', 'facebook', 'slurp', 'crawler', 'crawling', ' crawl ', 'gigablast', 'archive.org', 'httrack', 'spider-', ' spider ', 'findlink', 'ips-agent', 'woriobot', 'webbot', 'webcrawl', 'voilabot', 'rank/', 'ezooms', 'heritrix', 'indeedbot', 'woobot', 'infobot', 'viewbot', 'swimgbot', 'eright', 'apercite', 'bot (', 'summify', 'linkfind', 'linkanalyze', 'analyzer', 'wotbox', 'ichiro', 'drupact', 'searchengine', 'coccoc', 'explorer/', 'explorer;', 'crystalsemantics', 'scraper/', ' scraper ', ' scrape ', 'scraping') for bot_str in bot_strings: if bot_str in agent_str_lower: if '://bot' not in agent_str_lower and \ '://robot' not in agent_str_lower and \ '://spider' not in agent_str_lower and \ 'pixelfedbot/' not in agent_str_lower: contains_bot_string = True break if contains_bot_string: if agent_str_lower not in known_bots: known_bots.append(agent_str_lower) known_bots.sort() _save_known_web_bots(base_dir, known_bots) # if this is a news instance then we want it # to be indexed by search engines if news_instance: return False, blocked_cache_last_updated, llm # is this crawler allowed? for crawler in crawlers_allowed: if crawler.lower() in agent_str_lower: return False, blocked_cache_last_updated, llm print('BLOCK: Blocked Crawler: ' + agent_str) return True, blocked_cache_last_updated, llm # get domain name from User-Agent agent_domain = user_agent_domain(agent_str, debug) else: # no User-Agent header is present return True, blocked_cache_last_updated, False # is the User-Agent type blocked? eg. "Mastodon" if user_agents_blocked: blocked_ua = False for agent_name in user_agents_blocked: if agent_name in agent_str: blocked_ua = True break if blocked_ua: return True, blocked_cache_last_updated, False if not agent_domain: return False, blocked_cache_last_updated, False # is the User-Agent domain blocked blocked_ua = False if not agent_domain.startswith(calling_domain): blocked_cache_last_updated = \ update_blocked_cache(base_dir, blocked_cache, blocked_cache_last_updated, blocked_cache_update_secs) blocked_ua = \ is_blocked_domain(base_dir, agent_domain, blocked_cache, block_federated) if blocked_ua: print('BLOCK: Blocked User agent 2: ' + agent_domain) block_dicts = { "military": block_military, "government": block_government, "bluesky": block_bluesky } for block_type, block_dict in block_dicts.items(): if blocked_ua or not block_dict: continue if '/users/' not in path: continue # which accounts is this? nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] # does this account block? if not block_dict.get(nickname): continue if block_type == "military": blk_domains = get_mil_domains_list() elif block_type == "government": blk_domains = get_gov_domains_list() else: blk_domains = get_bsky_domains_list() for domain_str in blk_domains: if '.' not in domain_str: tld = domain_str if agent_domain.endswith('.' + tld): blocked_ua = True print('BLOCK: Blocked ' + block_type + ' tld user agent: ' + agent_domain) break elif agent_domain.endswith(domain_str): blocked_ua = True print('BLOCK: Blocked ' + block_type + ' user agent: ' + agent_domain) break return blocked_ua, blocked_cache_last_updated, False