__filename__ = "capabilities.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
__status__ = "Production"

import os
from auth import createPassword
from utils import getNicknameFromActor
from utils import getDomainFromActor
from utils import loadJson
from utils import saveJson

def getOcapFilename(baseDir: str,
                    nickname: str, domain: str,
                    actor: str, subdir: str) -> str:
    """Returns the filename for a particular capability accepted or granted
    Also creates directories as needed
    if not actor:
        return None

    if ':' in domain:
        domain = domain.split(':')[0]

    if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts'):
        os.mkdir(baseDir + '/accounts')

    ocDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain
    if not os.path.isdir(ocDir):

    ocDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/ocap'
    if not os.path.isdir(ocDir):

    ocDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
        nickname + '@' + domain + '/ocap/' + subdir
    if not os.path.isdir(ocDir):

    return baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
        nickname + '@' + domain + '/ocap/' + \
        subdir + '/' + actor.replace('/', '#') + '.json'

def CapablePost(postJson: {}, capabilityList: [], debug: bool) -> bool:
    """Determines whether a post arriving in the inbox
    should be accepted accoring to the list of capabilities
    if postJson.get('type'):
        # No announces/repeats
        if postJson['type'] == 'Announce':
            if 'inbox:noannounce' in capabilityList:
                if debug:
                    print('DEBUG: ' +
                          'inbox post rejected because inbox:noannounce')
                return False
        # No likes
        if postJson['type'] == 'Like':
            if 'inbox:nolike' in capabilityList:
                if debug:
                    print('DEBUG: ' +
                          'inbox post rejected because inbox:nolike')
                return False
        if postJson['type'] == 'Create':
            if postJson.get('object'):
                # Does this have a reply?
                if postJson['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
                    if postJson['object']['inReplyTo']:
                        if 'inbox:noreply' in capabilityList:
                            if debug:
                                print('DEBUG: ' +
                                      'inbox post rejected because ' +
                            return False
                # are content warnings enforced?
                if postJson['object'].get('sensitive'):
                    if not postJson['object']['sensitive']:
                        if 'inbox:cw' in capabilityList:
                            if debug:
                                print('DEBUG: ' +
                                      'inbox post rejected because inbox:cw')
                            return False
                # content warning must have non-zero summary
                if postJson['object'].get('summary'):
                    if len(postJson['object']['summary']) < 2:
                        if 'inbox:cw' in capabilityList:
                            if debug:
                                print('DEBUG: ' +
                                      'inbox post rejected because ' +
                                      'inbox:cw, summary missing')
                            return False
    if 'inbox:write' in capabilityList:
        return True
    return True

def capabilitiesRequest(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str,
                        requestedActor: str, requestedDomain: str,
                        requestedCaps=["inbox:write", "objects:read"]) -> {}:
    # This is sent to the capabilities endpoint /caps/new
    # which could be instance wide or for a particular person
    # This could also be added to a follow activity
    ocapId = createPassword(32)
    ocapRequest = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        "id": httpPrefix + "://" + requestedDomain + "/caps/request/" + ocapId,
        "type": "Request",
        "capability": requestedCaps,
        "actor": requestedActor
    return ocapRequest

def capabilitiesAccept(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
                       nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                       acceptedActor: str, saveToFile: bool,
                       acceptedCaps=["inbox:write", "objects:read"]) -> {}:
    # This gets returned to capabilities requester
    # This could also be added to a follow Accept activity

    # reject excessively long actors
    if len(acceptedActor) > 256:
        return None

    fullDomain = domain
    if port:
        if port != 80 and port != 443:
            if ':' not in domain:
                fullDomain = domain + ':' + str(port)

    # make directories to store capabilities
    ocapFilename = \
        getOcapFilename(baseDir, nickname, fullDomain, acceptedActor, 'accept')
    if not ocapFilename:
        return None
    ocapAccept = None

    # if the capability already exists then load it from file
    if os.path.isfile(ocapFilename):
        ocapAccept = loadJson(ocapFilename)
    # otherwise create a new capability
    if not ocapAccept:
        acceptedActorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(acceptedActor)
        if not acceptedActorNickname:
            print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + acceptedActor)
            return None
        acceptedActorDomain, acceptedActorPort = \
        if acceptedActorPort:
            ocapId = acceptedActorNickname + '@' + acceptedActorDomain + \
                ':' + str(acceptedActorPort) + '#'+createPassword(32)
            ocapId = acceptedActorNickname + '@' + acceptedActorDomain + \
                '#' + createPassword(32)
        ocapAccept = {
            "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
            "id": httpPrefix + "://" + fullDomain + "/caps/" + ocapId,
            "type": "Capability",
            "capability": acceptedCaps,
            "scope": acceptedActor,
            "actor": httpPrefix + "://" + fullDomain
        if nickname:
            ocapAccept['actor'] = \
                httpPrefix + "://" + fullDomain + '/users/' + nickname

    if saveToFile:
        saveJson(ocapAccept, ocapFilename)
    return ocapAccept

def capabilitiesGrantedSave(baseDir: str,
                            nickname: str, domain: str, ocap: {}) -> bool:
    """A capabilities accept is received, so stor it for
    reference when sending to the actor
    if not ocap.get('actor'):
        return False
    ocapFilename = \
        getOcapFilename(baseDir, nickname, domain, ocap['actor'], 'granted')
    if not ocapFilename:
        return False
    saveJson(ocap, ocapFilename)
    return True

def capabilitiesUpdate(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
                       nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                       updateActor: str,
                       updateCaps: []) -> {}:
    """Used to sends an update for a change of object capabilities
    Note that the capability id gets changed with a new random token
    so that the old capabilities can't continue to be used

    # reject excessively long actors
    if len(updateActor) > 256:
        return None

    fullDomain = domain
    if port:
        if port != 80 and port != 443:
            if ':' not in domain:
                fullDomain = domain + ':' + str(port)

    # Get the filename of the capability
    ocapFilename = \
        getOcapFilename(baseDir, nickname, fullDomain, updateActor, 'accept')
    if not ocapFilename:
        return None

    # The capability should already exist for it to be updated
    if not os.path.isfile(ocapFilename):
        return None

    # create an update activity
    ocapUpdate = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'type': 'Update',
        'actor': httpPrefix + '://' + fullDomain + '/users/' + nickname,
        'to': [updateActor],
        'cc': [],
        'object': {}

    # read the existing capability
    ocapJson = loadJson(ocapFilename)

    # set the new capabilities list. eg. ["inbox:write","objects:read"]
    ocapJson['capability'] = updateCaps

    # change the id, so that the old capabilities can't continue to be used
    updateActorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(updateActor)
    if not updateActorNickname:
        print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + updateActor)
        return None
    updateActorDomain, updateActorPort = getDomainFromActor(updateActor)
    if updateActorPort:
        ocapId = updateActorNickname + '@' + updateActorDomain + \
            ':' + str(updateActorPort) + '#' + createPassword(32)
        ocapId = updateActorNickname + '@' + updateActorDomain + \
            '#' + createPassword(32)
    ocapJson['id'] = httpPrefix + "://" + fullDomain + "/caps/" + ocapId
    ocapUpdate['object'] = ocapJson

    # save it again
    saveJson(ocapJson, ocapFilename)

    return ocapUpdate

def capabilitiesReceiveUpdate(baseDir: str,
                              nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                              actor: str,
                              newCapabilitiesId: str,
                              capabilityList: [], debug: bool) -> bool:
    """An update for a capability or the given actor has arrived
    ocapFilename = \
        getOcapFilename(baseDir, nickname, domain, actor, 'granted')
    if not ocapFilename:
        return False

    if not os.path.isfile(ocapFilename):
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: capabilities file not found during update')
        return False

    ocapJson = loadJson(ocapFilename)

    if ocapJson:
        ocapJson['id'] = newCapabilitiesId
        ocapJson['capability'] = capabilityList

        return saveJson(ocapJson, ocapFilename)
    return False