__filename__ = "mastoapiv2.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.4.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "API" import os from utils import load_json from utils import get_config_param from utils import acct_dir from utils import remove_html from utils import get_attachment_property_value from utils import no_of_accounts from utils import get_image_extensions from utils import get_video_extensions from utils import get_audio_extensions from utils import get_image_mime_type from utils import lines_in_file def _get_masto_api_v2id_from_nickname(nickname: str) -> int: """Given an account nickname return the corresponding mastodon id """ return int.from_bytes(nickname.encode('utf-8'), 'little') def _meta_data_instance_v2(show_accounts: bool, instance_title: str, instance_description: str, http_prefix: str, base_dir: str, admin_nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, registration: bool, system_language: str, version: str, translate: {}) -> {}: """ /api/v2/instance endpoint """ account_dir = base_dir + '/accounts/' + admin_nickname + '@' + domain admin_actor_filename = account_dir + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(admin_actor_filename): return {} admin_actor = load_json(admin_actor_filename, 0) if not admin_actor: print('WARN: json load exception _meta_data_instance_v1') return {} rules_list = [] rules_filename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/tos.md' if os.path.isfile(rules_filename): with open(rules_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_rules: rules_lines = fp_rules.readlines() rule_ctr = 1 for line in rules_lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('#'): continue rules_list.append({ 'id': str(rule_ctr), 'text': line }) rule_ctr += 1 is_bot = False is_group = False if admin_actor['type'] == 'Group': is_group = True elif admin_actor['type'] != 'Person': is_bot = True url = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/@' + \ admin_actor['preferredUsername'] if show_accounts: active_accounts = no_of_accounts(base_dir) else: active_accounts = 1 created_at = '' if admin_actor.get('published'): created_at = admin_actor['published'] icon_url = remove_html(admin_actor['icon']['url']) image_url = remove_html(admin_actor['image']['url']) thumbnail_url = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/login.png' admin_email = None noindex = True if 'indexable' in admin_actor: if admin_actor['indexable'] is True: noindex = False discoverable = True if 'discoverable' in admin_actor: if admin_actor['discoverable'] is False: discoverable = False no_of_statuses = 0 no_of_followers = 0 no_of_following = 0 if show_accounts: no_of_followers = lines_in_file(account_dir + '/followers.txt') no_of_following = lines_in_file(account_dir + '/following.txt') # count the number of posts for _, _, files2 in os.walk(account_dir + '/outbox'): no_of_statuses = len(files2) break published = None published_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, admin_nickname, domain) + '/.last_published' if os.path.isfile(published_filename): try: with open(published_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_pub: published = fp_pub.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read last published time 2 ' + published_filename) # get all supported mime types supported_mime_types = [] image_ext = get_image_extensions() for ext in image_ext: mime_str = get_image_mime_type('x.' + ext) if mime_str not in supported_mime_types: supported_mime_types.append(mime_str) video_ext = get_video_extensions() for ext in video_ext: supported_mime_types.append('video/' + ext) audio_ext = get_audio_extensions() for ext in audio_ext: supported_mime_types.append('audio/' + ext) fields = [] # get account fields from attachments if admin_actor.get('attachment'): if isinstance(admin_actor['attachment'], list): translated_email = translate['Email'].lower() email_fields = ('email', 'e-mail', translated_email) for tag in admin_actor['attachment']: if not isinstance(tag, dict): continue if not tag.get('name'): continue if not isinstance(tag['name'], str): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(tag) if not prop_value_name: continue if not tag.get(prop_value_name): continue if not isinstance(tag[prop_value_name], str): continue tag_name = tag['name'] tag_name_lower = tag_name.lower() if tag_name_lower in email_fields and \ '@' in tag[prop_value_name]: admin_email = tag[prop_value_name] fields.append({ "name": tag_name, "value": tag[prop_value_name], "verified_at": None }) instance = { "domain": domain_full, "title": instance_title, "version": version, "source_url": "https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon", "description": instance_description, "usage": { "users": { "active_month": active_accounts } }, "thumbnail": { "url": thumbnail_url, "blurhash": "UeKUpFxuo~R%0nW;WCnhF6RjaJt757oJodS$", "versions": { "@1x": thumbnail_url, "@2x": thumbnail_url } }, "languages": [system_language], "configuration": { "urls": { }, "accounts": { "max_featured_tags": 20 }, "statuses": { "max_characters": 5000, "max_media_attachments": 1, "characters_reserved_per_url": 23 }, "media_attachments": { "supported_mime_types": supported_mime_types, "image_size_limit": 10485760, "image_matrix_limit": 16777216, "video_size_limit": 41943040, "video_frame_rate_limit": 60, "video_matrix_limit": 2304000 }, "polls": { "max_options": 4, "max_characters_per_option": 50, "min_expiration": 300, "max_expiration": 2629746 }, "translation": { "enabled": False } }, "registrations": { "enabled": registration, "approval_required": False, "message": None }, "contact": { "email": admin_email, "account": { "id": _get_masto_api_v2id_from_nickname(admin_nickname), "username": admin_nickname, "acct": admin_nickname, "display_name": admin_actor['name'], "locked": admin_actor['manuallyApprovesFollowers'], "bot": is_bot, "discoverable": discoverable, "group": is_group, "created_at": created_at, "note": '<p>Admin of ' + domain + '</p>', "url": url, "avatar": icon_url, "avatar_static": icon_url, "header": image_url, "header_static": image_url, "followers_count": no_of_followers, "following_count": no_of_following, "statuses_count": no_of_statuses, "last_status_at": published, "noindex": noindex, "emojis": [], "fields": fields } }, "rules": rules_list } return instance def masto_api_v2_response(path: str, calling_domain: str, ua_str: str, authorized: bool, http_prefix: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, translate: {}, registration: bool, system_language: str, project_version: str, custom_emoji: [], show_node_info_accounts: bool, broch_mode: bool) -> ({}, str): """This is a vestigil mastodon API for the purpose of returning a result """ send_json = None send_json_str = '' if not ua_str: ua_str = '' admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if admin_nickname and path == '/api/v2/instance': instance_description = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceDescription') instance_title = get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: domain_full = onion_domain http_prefix = 'http' elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): domain_full = i2p_domain http_prefix = 'http' if broch_mode: show_node_info_accounts = False send_json = \ _meta_data_instance_v2(show_node_info_accounts, instance_title, instance_description, http_prefix, base_dir, admin_nickname, domain, domain_full, registration, system_language, project_version, translate) send_json_str = 'masto API instance metadata sent ' + ua_str return send_json, send_json_str