__filename__ = "outbox.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Timeline" import os from shutil import copyfile from session import create_session from auth import create_password from posts import is_image_media from posts import outbox_message_create_wrap from posts import save_post_to_box from posts import send_to_followers_thread from posts import send_to_named_addresses_thread from utils import has_object_stringType from utils import get_base_content_from_post from utils import has_object_dict from utils import get_local_network_addresses from utils import get_full_domain from utils import remove_id_ending from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import dangerous_markup from utils import is_featured_writer from utils import load_json from utils import save_json from utils import acct_dir from utils import local_actor_url from utils import has_actor from blocking import is_blocked_domain from blocking import outbox_block from blocking import outbox_undo_block from blocking import outbox_mute from blocking import outbox_undo_mute from media import replace_you_tube from media import replace_twitter from media import get_media_path from media import create_media_dirs from inbox import inbox_update_index from announce import outbox_announce from announce import outbox_undo_announce from follow import outbox_undo_follow from follow import follower_approval_active from skills import outbox_skills from availability import outbox_availability from like import outbox_like from like import outbox_undo_like from reaction import outbox_reaction from reaction import outbox_undo_reaction from bookmarks import outbox_bookmark from bookmarks import outbox_undo_bookmark from delete import outbox_delete from shares import outbox_share_upload from shares import outbox_undo_share_upload from webapp_post import individual_post_as_html def _person_receive_update_outbox(recent_posts_cache: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, message_json: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ Receive an actor update from c2s For example, setting the PGP key from the desktop client """ # these attachments are updatable via c2s updatableAttachments = ('PGP', 'OpenPGP', 'Email') if not message_json.get('type'): return if not isinstance(message_json['type'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update type is not a string') return if message_json['type'] != 'Update': return if not has_object_stringType(message_json, debug): return if not isinstance(message_json['object']['type'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update object type is not a string') return if message_json['object']['type'] != 'Person': if debug: print('DEBUG: not a c2s actor update') return if not message_json.get('to'): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update has no "to" field') return if not has_actor(message_json, debug): return if not message_json.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update has no id field') return if not isinstance(message_json['id'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update id is not a string') return domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) if len(message_json['to']) != 1: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update - to does not contain one actor ' + str(message_json['to'])) return if message_json['to'][0] != actor: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update - to does not contain actor ' + str(message_json['to']) + ' ' + actor) return if not message_json['id'].startswith(actor + '#updates/'): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s actor update - unexpected id ' + message_json['id']) return updatedActorJson = message_json['object'] # load actor from file actorFilename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(actorFilename): print('actorFilename not found: ' + actorFilename) return actor_json = load_json(actorFilename) if not actor_json: return actorChanged = False # update fields within actor if 'attachment' in updatedActorJson: for newPropertyValue in updatedActorJson['attachment']: if not newPropertyValue.get('name'): continue if newPropertyValue['name'] not in updatableAttachments: continue if not newPropertyValue.get('type'): continue if not newPropertyValue.get('value'): continue if newPropertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue if 'attachment' not in actor_json: continue found = False for attachIdx in range(len(actor_json['attachment'])): if actor_json['attachment'][attachIdx]['type'] != \ 'PropertyValue': continue if actor_json['attachment'][attachIdx]['name'] != \ newPropertyValue['name']: continue else: if actor_json['attachment'][attachIdx]['value'] != \ newPropertyValue['value']: actor_json['attachment'][attachIdx]['value'] = \ newPropertyValue['value'] actorChanged = True found = True break if not found: actor_json['attachment'].append({ "name": newPropertyValue['name'], "type": "PropertyValue", "value": newPropertyValue['value'] }) actorChanged = True # save actor to file if actorChanged: save_json(actor_json, actorFilename) if debug: print('actor saved: ' + actorFilename) if debug: print('New attachment: ' + str(actor_json['attachment'])) message_json['object'] = actor_json if debug: print('DEBUG: actor update via c2s - ' + nickname + '@' + domain) def post_message_to_outbox(session, translate: {}, message_json: {}, post_to_nickname: str, server, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int, recent_posts_cache: {}, followers_threads: [], federation_list: [], send_threads: [], postLog: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, allow_deletion: bool, proxy_type: str, version: str, debug: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, allow_local_network_access: bool, city: str, system_language: str, shared_items_federated_domains: [], shared_item_federation_tokens: {}, low_bandwidth: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str, peertube_instances: str, theme: str, max_like_count: int, max_recent_posts: int, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, content_license_url: str) -> bool: """post is received by the outbox Client to server message post https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#client-to-server-outbox-delivery """ if not message_json.get('type'): if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox has no "type" parameter') return False if not message_json.get('object') and message_json.get('content'): if message_json['type'] != 'Create': # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#object-without-create if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - adding Create wrapper') message_json = \ outbox_message_create_wrap(http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json) # check that the outgoing post doesn't contain any markup # which can be used to implement exploits if has_object_dict(message_json): contentStr = get_base_content_from_post(message_json, system_language) if contentStr: if dangerous_markup(contentStr, allow_local_network_access): print('POST to outbox contains dangerous markup: ' + str(message_json)) return False if message_json['type'] == 'Create': if not (message_json.get('id') and message_json.get('type') and message_json.get('actor') and message_json.get('object') and message_json.get('to')): if not message_json.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + 'Create does not have the id parameter ' + str(message_json)) elif not message_json.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + 'Create does not have the type parameter ' + str(message_json)) elif not message_json.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + 'Create does not have the actor parameter ' + str(message_json)) elif not message_json.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + 'Create does not have the object parameter ' + str(message_json)) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + 'Create does not have the "to" parameter ' + str(message_json)) return False # actor should be a string if not isinstance(message_json['actor'], str): return False # actor should look like a url if '://' not in message_json['actor'] or \ '.' not in message_json['actor']: return False # sent by an actor on a local network address? if not allow_local_network_access: localNetworkPatternList = get_local_network_addresses() for localNetworkPattern in localNetworkPatternList: if localNetworkPattern in message_json['actor']: return False testDomain, testPort = get_domain_from_actor(message_json['actor']) testDomain = get_full_domain(testDomain, testPort) if is_blocked_domain(base_dir, testDomain): if debug: print('DEBUG: domain is blocked: ' + message_json['actor']) return False # replace youtube, so that google gets less tracking data replace_you_tube(message_json, yt_replace_domain, system_language) # replace twitter, so that twitter posts can be shown without # having a twitter account replace_twitter(message_json, twitter_replacement_domain, system_language) # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#create-activity-outbox message_json['object']['attributedTo'] = message_json['actor'] if message_json['object'].get('attachment'): attachmentIndex = 0 attach = message_json['object']['attachment'][attachmentIndex] if attach.get('mediaType'): fileExtension = 'png' mediaTypeStr = \ attach['mediaType'] extensions = { "jpeg": "jpg", "gif": "gif", "svg": "svg", "webp": "webp", "avif": "avif", "audio/mpeg": "mp3", "ogg": "ogg", "mp4": "mp4", "webm": "webm", "ogv": "ogv" } for matchExt, ext in extensions.items(): if mediaTypeStr.endswith(matchExt): fileExtension = ext break mediaDir = \ base_dir + '/accounts/' + \ post_to_nickname + '@' + domain uploadMediaFilename = mediaDir + '/upload.' + fileExtension if not os.path.isfile(uploadMediaFilename): del message_json['object']['attachment'] else: # generate a path for the uploaded image mPath = get_media_path() mediaPath = mPath + '/' + \ create_password(16).lower() + '.' + fileExtension create_media_dirs(base_dir, mPath) mediaFilename = base_dir + '/' + mediaPath # move the uploaded image to its new path os.rename(uploadMediaFilename, mediaFilename) # change the url of the attachment attach['url'] = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/' + mediaPath attach['url'] = \ attach['url'].replace('/media/', '/system/' + 'media_attachments/files/') permittedOutboxTypes = ( 'Create', 'Announce', 'Like', 'EmojiReact', 'Follow', 'Undo', 'Update', 'Add', 'Remove', 'Block', 'Delete', 'Skill', 'Ignore' ) if message_json['type'] not in permittedOutboxTypes: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST to outbox - ' + message_json['type'] + ' is not a permitted activity type') return False if message_json.get('id'): post_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['id']) if debug: print('DEBUG: id attribute exists within POST to outbox') else: if debug: print('DEBUG: No id attribute within POST to outbox') post_id = None if debug: print('DEBUG: save_post_to_box') if message_json['type'] != 'Upgrade': outboxName = 'outbox' # if this is a blog post or an event then save to its own box if message_json['type'] == 'Create': if has_object_dict(message_json): if message_json['object'].get('type'): if message_json['object']['type'] == 'Article': outboxName = 'tlblogs' savedFilename = \ save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, post_id, post_to_nickname, domain_full, message_json, outboxName) if not savedFilename: print('WARN: post not saved to outbox ' + outboxName) return False # save all instance blogs to the news actor if post_to_nickname != 'news' and outboxName == 'tlblogs': if '/' in savedFilename: if is_featured_writer(base_dir, post_to_nickname, domain): savedPostId = savedFilename.split('/')[-1] blogsDir = \ base_dir + '/accounts/news@' + domain + '/tlblogs' if not os.path.isdir(blogsDir): os.mkdir(blogsDir) copyfile(savedFilename, blogsDir + '/' + savedPostId) inbox_update_index('tlblogs', base_dir, 'news@' + domain, savedFilename, debug) # clear the citations file if it exists citationsFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/' + \ post_to_nickname + '@' + domain + '/.citations.txt' if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename): try: os.remove(citationsFilename) except OSError: print('EX: post_message_to_outbox unable to delete ' + citationsFilename) # The following activity types get added to the index files indexedActivities = ( 'Create', 'Question', 'Note', 'EncryptedMessage', 'Article', 'Patch', 'Announce' ) if message_json['type'] in indexedActivities: indexes = [outboxName, "inbox"] selfActor = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain_full) for boxNameIndex in indexes: if not boxNameIndex: continue # should this also go to the media timeline? if boxNameIndex == 'inbox': if is_image_media(session, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, message_json, translate, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, allow_local_network_access, recent_posts_cache, debug, system_language, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem): inbox_update_index('tlmedia', base_dir, post_to_nickname + '@' + domain, savedFilename, debug) if boxNameIndex == 'inbox' and outboxName == 'tlblogs': continue # avoid duplicates of the message if already going # back to the inbox of the same account if selfActor not in message_json['to']: # show sent post within the inbox, # as is the typical convention inbox_update_index(boxNameIndex, base_dir, post_to_nickname + '@' + domain, savedFilename, debug) # regenerate the html useCacheOnly = False pageNumber = 1 showIndividualPostIcons = True manuallyApproveFollowers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, post_to_nickname, domain) individual_post_as_html(signing_priv_key_pem, False, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, pageNumber, base_dir, session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, None, True, allow_deletion, http_prefix, __version__, boxNameIndex, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme, system_language, max_like_count, boxNameIndex != 'dm', showIndividualPostIcons, manuallyApproveFollowers, False, True, useCacheOnly, cw_lists, lists_enabled) if outbox_announce(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, message_json, debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Updated announcements (shares) collection ' + 'for the post associated with the Announce activity') if not server.session: print('DEBUG: creating new session for c2s') server.session = create_session(proxy_type) if not server.session: print('ERROR: Failed to create session for post_message_to_outbox') return False if debug: print('DEBUG: sending c2s post to followers') # remove inactive threads inactiveFollowerThreads = [] for th in followers_threads: if not th.is_alive(): inactiveFollowerThreads.append(th) for th in inactiveFollowerThreads: followers_threads.remove(th) if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + str(len(followers_threads)) + ' followers threads active') # retain up to 200 threads if len(followers_threads) > 200: # kill the thread if it is still alive if followers_threads[0].is_alive(): followers_threads[0].kill() # remove it from the list followers_threads.pop(0) # create a thread to send the post to followers followersThread = \ send_to_followers_thread(server.session, base_dir, post_to_nickname, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, http_prefix, federation_list, send_threads, postLog, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, version, shared_items_federated_domains, shared_item_federation_tokens, signing_priv_key_pem) followers_threads.append(followersThread) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any unfollow requests') outbox_undo_follow(base_dir, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle skills changes requests') outbox_skills(base_dir, post_to_nickname, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle availability changes requests') outbox_availability(base_dir, post_to_nickname, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any like requests') outbox_like(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any undo like requests') outbox_undo_like(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any emoji reaction requests') outbox_reaction(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any undo emoji reaction requests') outbox_undo_reaction(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any undo announce requests') outbox_undo_announce(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any bookmark requests') outbox_bookmark(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle any undo bookmark requests') outbox_undo_bookmark(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle delete requests') outbox_delete(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, message_json, debug, allow_deletion, recent_posts_cache) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle block requests') outbox_block(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle undo block requests') outbox_undo_block(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle mute requests') outbox_mute(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug, recent_posts_cache) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle undo mute requests') outbox_undo_mute(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug, recent_posts_cache) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle share uploads') outbox_share_upload(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug, city, system_language, translate, low_bandwidth, content_license_url) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle undo share uploads') outbox_undo_share_upload(base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: handle actor updates from c2s') _person_receive_update_outbox(recent_posts_cache, base_dir, http_prefix, post_to_nickname, domain, port, message_json, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: sending c2s post to named addresses') if message_json.get('to'): print('c2s sender: ' + post_to_nickname + '@' + domain + ':' + str(port) + ' recipient: ' + str(message_json['to'])) else: print('c2s sender: ' + post_to_nickname + '@' + domain + ':' + str(port)) namedAddressesThread = \ send_to_named_addresses_thread(server.session, base_dir, post_to_nickname, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, http_prefix, federation_list, send_threads, postLog, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, version, shared_items_federated_domains, shared_item_federation_tokens, signing_priv_key_pem) followers_threads.append(namedAddressesThread) return True