From c691cff82df19116545d85d30bbdaefbe24a906a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Mottram
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2020 13:05:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add hashtag interpreter
--- | 1 + | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 58 ++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 238 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
index 34598bb82..6d619509c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ def validHashTag(hashtag: str) -> bool:
# long hashtags are not valid
if len(hashtag) >= 32:
return False
+ # TODO: this may need to be an international character set
validChars = set('0123456789' +
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +
diff --git a/ b/
index 54dd2a835..ade72823b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from newswire import getDictFromNewswire
from posts import createNewsPost
from content import removeHtmlTag
from content import dangerousMarkup
+from content import validHashTag
from utils import loadJson
from utils import saveJson
from utils import getStatusNumber
@@ -71,6 +72,97 @@ def removeControlCharacters(content: str) -> str:
return content
+def hasttagRuleResolve(tree: [], hashtags: []) -> bool:
+ """Returns whether the tree for a hashtag rule evaluates to true or false
+ """
+ if not tree:
+ return False
+ if tree[0] == 'not':
+ if len(tree) == 2:
+ if isinstance(tree[1], str):
+ return tree[1] not in hashtags
+ elif isinstance(tree[1], list):
+ return not hasttagRuleResolve(tree[1], hashtags)
+ elif tree[0] == 'and':
+ if len(tree) == 3:
+ firstArg = False
+ if isinstance(tree[1], str):
+ firstArg = (tree[1] in hashtags)
+ elif isinstance(tree[1], list):
+ firstArg = (hasttagRuleResolve(tree[1], hashtags))
+ secondArg = False
+ if isinstance(tree[2], str):
+ secondArg = (tree[2] in hashtags)
+ elif isinstance(tree[2], list):
+ secondArg = (hasttagRuleResolve(tree[2], hashtags))
+ return firstArg and secondArg
+ elif tree[0] == 'or':
+ if len(tree) == 3:
+ firstArg = False
+ if isinstance(tree[1], str):
+ firstArg = (tree[1] in hashtags)
+ elif isinstance(tree[1], list):
+ firstArg = (hasttagRuleResolve(tree[1], hashtags))
+ secondArg = False
+ if isinstance(tree[2], str):
+ secondArg = (tree[2] in hashtags)
+ elif isinstance(tree[2], list):
+ secondArg = (hasttagRuleResolve(tree[2], hashtags))
+ return firstArg or secondArg
+ elif tree[0].startswith('#') and len(tree) == 1:
+ return tree[0] in hashtags
+ return False
+def hashtagRuleTree(operators: [],
+ conditionsStr: str,
+ tagsInConditions: []) -> []:
+ """Walks the tree
+ """
+ if not operators and conditionsStr:
+ conditionsStr = conditionsStr.strip()
+ if conditionsStr.startswith('#') or conditionsStr in operators:
+ if conditionsStr.startswith('#'):
+ if conditionsStr not in tagsInConditions:
+ if ' ' not in conditionsStr:
+ tagsInConditions.append(conditionsStr)
+ return [conditionsStr.strip()]
+ else:
+ return None
+ if not operators or not conditionsStr:
+ return None
+ tree = None
+ conditionsStr = conditionsStr.strip()
+ if conditionsStr.startswith('#') or conditionsStr in operators:
+ if conditionsStr.startswith('#'):
+ if conditionsStr not in tagsInConditions:
+ if ' ' not in conditionsStr:
+ tagsInConditions.append(conditionsStr)
+ tree = [conditionsStr.strip()]
+ ctr = 0
+ while ctr < len(operators):
+ op = operators[ctr]
+ if op not in conditionsStr:
+ ctr += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ tree = [op]
+ sections = conditionsStr.split(op)
+ for subConditionStr in sections:
+ result = hashtagRuleTree(operators[ctr + 1:], subConditionStr,
+ tagsInConditions)
+ if result:
+ tree.append(result)
+ break
+ return tree
def newswireHashtagProcessing(session, baseDir: str, postJsonObject: {},
hashtags: str, httpPrefix: str,
domain: str, port: int,
@@ -82,6 +174,90 @@ def newswireHashtagProcessing(session, baseDir: str, postJsonObject: {},
Returns true if the post should be saved to the news timeline
of this instance
+ rulesFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/hashtagrules.txt'
+ if not os.path.isfile(rulesFilename):
+ return True
+ rules = []
+ with open(rulesFilename, "r") as f:
+ rules = f.readlines()
+ domainFull = domain
+ if port:
+ if port != 80 and port != 443:
+ domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port)
+ actionOccurred = False
+ operators = ('not', 'and', 'or')
+ for ruleStr in rules:
+ if not ruleStr:
+ continue
+ if not ruleStr.startswith('if '):
+ continue
+ if ' then ' not in ruleStr:
+ continue
+ conditionsStr = ruleStr.split('if ', 1)[1]
+ conditionsStr = conditionsStr.split(' then ')[0]
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ # does the rule contain any hashtags?
+ if not tagsInConditions:
+ continue
+ if not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags):
+ continue
+ # the condition matches, so do something
+ actionStr = ruleStr.split(' then ')[1].strip()
+ # add a hashtag
+ if actionStr.startswith('add '):
+ addHashtag = actionStr.split('add ', 1)[1].strip()
+ if addHashtag.startswith('#'):
+ if addHashtag not in hashtags:
+ hashtags.append(addHashtag)
+ htId = addHashtag.replace('#', '')
+ if validHashTag(htId):
+ hashtagUrl = \
+ httpPrefix + "://" + domainFull + "/tags/" + htId
+ postJsonObject['object']['tag'][htId] = {
+ 'href': hashtagUrl,
+ 'name': addHashtag,
+ 'type': 'Hashtag'
+ }
+ hashtagHtml = \
+ "#" + \
+ htId + ""
+ content = postJsonObject['object']['content']
+ if content.endswith('
+ content = \
+ content[:len(content) - len('')] + \
+ hashtagHtml + ''
+ else:
+ content += hashtagHtml
+ postJsonObject['object']['content'] = content
+ actionOccurred = True
+ # remove a hashtag
+ if actionStr.startswith('remove '):
+ rmHashtag = actionStr.split('remove ', 1)[1].strip()
+ if rmHashtag.startswith('#'):
+ if rmHashtag in hashtags:
+ hashtags.remove(rmHashtag)
+ htId = addHashtag.replace('#', '')
+ hashtagUrl = \
+ httpPrefix + "://" + domainFull + "/tags/" + htId
+ hashtagHtml = \
+ "#" + \
+ htId + ""
+ content = postJsonObject['object']['content']
+ if hashtagHtml in content:
+ postJsonObject['object']['content'] = \
+ content.replace(hashtagHtml, '')
+ del postJsonObject['object']['tag'][htId]
+ actionOccurred = True
# If routing to another instance
# sendSignedJson(postJsonObject: {}, session, baseDir: str,
@@ -91,6 +267,8 @@ def newswireHashtagProcessing(session, baseDir: str, postJsonObject: {},
# federationList: [],
# sendThreads: [], postLog: [], cachedWebfingers: {},
# personCache: {}, False, __version__) -> int:
+ if actionOccurred:
+ return True
return True
@@ -210,6 +388,7 @@ def convertRSStoActivityPub(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str,
# save the post and update the index
if savePost:
+ newswire[originalDateStr][6] = hashtags
if saveJson(blog, filename):
updateFeedsOutboxIndex(baseDir, domain, postId + '.json')
diff --git a/ b/
index 082108b61..956d9efe5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ from content import removeHtmlTag
from theme import setCSSparam
from jsonldsig import testSignJsonld
from jsonldsig import jsonldVerify
+from newsdaemon import hashtagRuleTree
+from newsdaemon import hasttagRuleResolve
testServerAliceRunning = False
testServerBobRunning = False
@@ -2173,8 +2175,64 @@ def testRemoveHtmlTag():
+def testHashtagRuleTree():
+ print('testHashtagRuleTree')
+ operators = ('not', 'and', 'or')
+ conditionsStr = '#foo or #bar'
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ assert str(tree) == str(['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']])
+ assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar'])
+ hashtags = ['#foo']
+ assert hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ hashtags = ['#carrot', '#stick']
+ assert not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ conditionsStr = 'x'
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ assert tree is None
+ assert tagsInConditions == []
+ hashtags = ['#foo']
+ assert not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ conditionsStr = '#x'
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ assert str(tree) == str(['#x'])
+ assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#x'])
+ hashtags = ['#x']
+ assert hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ hashtags = ['#y', '#z']
+ assert not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ conditionsStr = 'not #b'
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ assert str(tree) == str(['not', ['#b']])
+ assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#b'])
+ hashtags = ['#y', '#z']
+ assert hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ hashtags = ['#a', '#b', '#c']
+ assert not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ conditionsStr = '#foo or #bar and #a'
+ tagsInConditions = []
+ tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions)
+ assert str(tree) == str(['and', ['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']], ['#a']])
+ assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar', '#a'])
+ hashtags = ['#bar', '#a']
+ assert hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ hashtags = ['#foo', '#a']
+ assert hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
+ hashtags = ['#x', '#a']
+ assert not hasttagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags)
def runAllTests():
print('Running tests...')
+ testHashtagRuleTree()