diff --git a/webapp_hashtagswarm.py b/webapp_hashtagswarm.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae63481b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp_hashtagswarm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+__filename__ = "webapp_hashtagswarm.py"
+__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
+__license__ = "AGPL3+"
+__version__ = "1.1.0"
+__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
+__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
+__status__ = "Production"
+import os
+from blocking import isBlockedHashtag
+from datetime import datetime
+def htmlHashTagSwarm(baseDir: str, actor: str) -> str:
+ """Returns a tag swarm of today's hashtags
+ """
+ currTime = datetime.utcnow()
+ daysSinceEpoch = (currTime - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days
+ daysSinceEpochStr = str(daysSinceEpoch) + ' '
+ tagSwarm = []
+ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/tags'):
+ for f in files:
+ tagsFilename = os.path.join(baseDir + '/tags', f)
+ if not os.path.isfile(tagsFilename):
+ continue
+ # get last modified datetime
+ modTimesinceEpoc = os.path.getmtime(tagsFilename)
+ lastModifiedDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(modTimesinceEpoc)
+ fileDaysSinceEpoch = (lastModifiedDate - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days
+ # check if the file was last modified today
+ if fileDaysSinceEpoch != daysSinceEpoch:
+ continue
+ hashTagName = f.split('.')[0]
+ if isBlockedHashtag(baseDir, hashTagName):
+ continue
+ if daysSinceEpochStr not in open(tagsFilename).read():
+ continue
+ with open(tagsFilename, 'r') as tagsFile:
+ line = tagsFile.readline()
+ lineCtr = 1
+ tagCtr = 0
+ maxLineCtr = 1
+ while line:
+ if ' ' not in line:
+ line = tagsFile.readline()
+ lineCtr += 1
+ # don't read too many lines
+ if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
+ break
+ continue
+ postDaysSinceEpochStr = line.split(' ')[0]
+ if not postDaysSinceEpochStr.isdigit():
+ line = tagsFile.readline()
+ lineCtr += 1
+ # don't read too many lines
+ if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
+ break
+ continue
+ postDaysSinceEpoch = int(postDaysSinceEpochStr)
+ if postDaysSinceEpoch < daysSinceEpoch:
+ break
+ if postDaysSinceEpoch == daysSinceEpoch:
+ if tagCtr == 0:
+ tagSwarm.append(hashTagName)
+ tagCtr += 1
+ line = tagsFile.readline()
+ lineCtr += 1
+ # don't read too many lines
+ if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
+ break
+ if not tagSwarm:
+ return ''
+ tagSwarm.sort()
+ tagSwarmStr = ''
+ ctr = 0
+ for tagName in tagSwarm:
+ tagSwarmStr += \
+ '' + tagName + '\n'
+ ctr += 1
+ tagSwarmHtml = tagSwarmStr.strip() + '\n'
+ return tagSwarmHtml
diff --git a/webapp_search.py b/webapp_search.py
index db4b04525..c50773cfe 100644
--- a/webapp_search.py
+++ b/webapp_search.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from webapp_utils import htmlFooter
from webapp_utils import getSearchBannerFile
from webapp_utils import htmlPostSeparator
from webapp_post import individualPostAsHtml
-from blocking import isBlockedHashtag
+from webapp_hashtagswarm import htmlHashTagSwarm
def htmlSearchEmoji(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
@@ -380,79 +380,221 @@ def htmlSearch(cssCache: {}, translate: {},
return followStr
-def htmlHashTagSwarm(baseDir: str, actor: str) -> str:
- """Returns a tag swarm of today's hashtags
+def htmlSkillsSearch(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
+ httpPrefix: str,
+ skillsearch: str, instanceOnly: bool,
+ postsPerPage: int) -> str:
+ """Show a page containing search results for a skill
- currTime = datetime.utcnow()
- daysSinceEpoch = (currTime - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days
- daysSinceEpochStr = str(daysSinceEpoch) + ' '
- tagSwarm = []
+ if skillsearch.startswith('*'):
+ skillsearch = skillsearch[1:].strip()
- for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/tags'):
+ skillsearch = skillsearch.lower().strip('\n').strip('\r')
+ results = []
+ # search instance accounts
+ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts/'):
for f in files:
- tagsFilename = os.path.join(baseDir + '/tags', f)
- if not os.path.isfile(tagsFilename):
+ if not f.endswith('.json'):
- # get last modified datetime
- modTimesinceEpoc = os.path.getmtime(tagsFilename)
- lastModifiedDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(modTimesinceEpoc)
- fileDaysSinceEpoch = (lastModifiedDate - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days
- # check if the file was last modified today
- if fileDaysSinceEpoch != daysSinceEpoch:
+ if '@' not in f:
+ if f.startswith('inbox@'):
+ continue
+ actorFilename = os.path.join(subdir, f)
+ actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename)
+ if actorJson:
+ if actorJson.get('id') and \
+ actorJson.get('skills') and \
+ actorJson.get('name') and \
+ actorJson.get('icon'):
+ actor = actorJson['id']
+ for skillName, skillLevel in actorJson['skills'].items():
+ skillName = skillName.lower()
+ if not (skillName in skillsearch or
+ skillsearch in skillName):
+ continue
+ skillLevelStr = str(skillLevel)
+ if skillLevel < 100:
+ skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
+ if skillLevel < 10:
+ skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
+ indexStr = \
+ skillLevelStr + ';' + actor + ';' + \
+ actorJson['name'] + \
+ ';' + actorJson['icon']['url']
+ if indexStr not in results:
+ results.append(indexStr)
+ if not instanceOnly:
+ # search actor cache
+ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/cache/actors/'):
+ for f in files:
+ if not f.endswith('.json'):
+ continue
+ if '@' not in f:
+ continue
+ if f.startswith('inbox@'):
+ continue
+ actorFilename = os.path.join(subdir, f)
+ cachedActorJson = loadJson(actorFilename)
+ if cachedActorJson:
+ if cachedActorJson.get('actor'):
+ actorJson = cachedActorJson['actor']
+ if actorJson.get('id') and \
+ actorJson.get('skills') and \
+ actorJson.get('name') and \
+ actorJson.get('icon'):
+ actor = actorJson['id']
+ for skillName, skillLevel in \
+ actorJson['skills'].items():
+ skillName = skillName.lower()
+ if not (skillName in skillsearch or
+ skillsearch in skillName):
+ continue
+ skillLevelStr = str(skillLevel)
+ if skillLevel < 100:
+ skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
+ if skillLevel < 10:
+ skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
+ indexStr = \
+ skillLevelStr + ';' + actor + ';' + \
+ actorJson['name'] + \
+ ';' + actorJson['icon']['url']
+ if indexStr not in results:
+ results.append(indexStr)
- hashTagName = f.split('.')[0]
- if isBlockedHashtag(baseDir, hashTagName):
- continue
- if daysSinceEpochStr not in open(tagsFilename).read():
- continue
- with open(tagsFilename, 'r') as tagsFile:
- line = tagsFile.readline()
- lineCtr = 1
- tagCtr = 0
- maxLineCtr = 1
- while line:
- if ' ' not in line:
- line = tagsFile.readline()
- lineCtr += 1
- # don't read too many lines
- if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
- break
- continue
- postDaysSinceEpochStr = line.split(' ')[0]
- if not postDaysSinceEpochStr.isdigit():
- line = tagsFile.readline()
- lineCtr += 1
- # don't read too many lines
- if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
- break
- continue
- postDaysSinceEpoch = int(postDaysSinceEpochStr)
- if postDaysSinceEpoch < daysSinceEpoch:
- break
- if postDaysSinceEpoch == daysSinceEpoch:
- if tagCtr == 0:
- tagSwarm.append(hashTagName)
- tagCtr += 1
+ results.sort(reverse=True)
- line = tagsFile.readline()
- lineCtr += 1
- # don't read too many lines
- if lineCtr >= maxLineCtr:
- break
+ cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
+ if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
+ cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
- if not tagSwarm:
- return ''
- tagSwarm.sort()
- tagSwarmStr = ''
- ctr = 0
- for tagName in tagSwarm:
- tagSwarmStr += \
- '' + tagName + '\n'
- ctr += 1
- tagSwarmHtml = tagSwarmStr.strip() + '\n'
- return tagSwarmHtml
+ skillSearchForm = htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename)
+ skillSearchForm += \
+ '
' + translate['Skills search'] + ': ' + \
+ skillsearch + '
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ skillSearchForm += \
+ '' + translate['No results'] + \
+ '
+ else:
+ skillSearchForm += ''
+ ctr = 0
+ for skillMatch in results:
+ skillMatchFields = skillMatch.split(';')
+ if len(skillMatchFields) != 4:
+ continue
+ actor = skillMatchFields[1]
+ actorName = skillMatchFields[2]
+ avatarUrl = skillMatchFields[3]
+ skillSearchForm += \
+ ''
+ ctr += 1
+ if ctr >= postsPerPage:
+ break
+ skillSearchForm += ''
+ skillSearchForm += htmlFooter()
+ return skillSearchForm
+def htmlHistorySearch(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
+ httpPrefix: str,
+ nickname: str, domain: str,
+ historysearch: str,
+ postsPerPage: int, pageNumber: int,
+ projectVersion: str,
+ recentPostsCache: {},
+ maxRecentPosts: int,
+ session,
+ wfRequest,
+ personCache: {},
+ port: int,
+ YTReplacementDomain: str,
+ showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
+ """Show a page containing search results for your post history
+ """
+ if historysearch.startswith('!'):
+ historysearch = historysearch[1:].strip()
+ historysearch = historysearch.lower().strip('\n').strip('\r')
+ boxFilenames = \
+ searchBoxPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain,
+ historysearch, postsPerPage)
+ cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
+ if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
+ cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
+ historySearchForm = \
+ htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename)
+ # add the page title
+ historySearchForm += \
+ '' + translate['Your Posts'] + '
+ if len(boxFilenames) == 0:
+ historySearchForm += \
+ '' + translate['No results'] + \
+ '
+ return historySearchForm
+ iconsPath = getIconsWebPath(baseDir)
+ separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, None)
+ # ensure that the page number is in bounds
+ if not pageNumber:
+ pageNumber = 1
+ elif pageNumber < 1:
+ pageNumber = 1
+ # get the start end end within the index file
+ startIndex = int((pageNumber - 1) * postsPerPage)
+ endIndex = startIndex + postsPerPage
+ noOfBoxFilenames = len(boxFilenames)
+ if endIndex >= noOfBoxFilenames and noOfBoxFilenames > 0:
+ endIndex = noOfBoxFilenames - 1
+ index = startIndex
+ while index <= endIndex:
+ postFilename = boxFilenames[index]
+ if not postFilename:
+ index += 1
+ continue
+ postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
+ if not postJsonObject:
+ index += 1
+ continue
+ showIndividualPostIcons = True
+ allowDeletion = False
+ postStr = \
+ individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
+ maxRecentPosts,
+ iconsPath, translate, None,
+ baseDir, session, wfRequest,
+ personCache,
+ nickname, domain, port,
+ postJsonObject,
+ None, True, allowDeletion,
+ httpPrefix, projectVersion,
+ 'search',
+ YTReplacementDomain,
+ showPublishedDateOnly,
+ showIndividualPostIcons,
+ showIndividualPostIcons,
+ False, False, False)
+ if postStr:
+ historySearchForm += separatorStr + postStr
+ index += 1
+ historySearchForm += htmlFooter()
+ return historySearchForm
def htmlHashtagSearch(cssCache: {},
@@ -711,220 +853,3 @@ def rssHashtagSearch(nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
return hashtagFeed + rss2TagFooter()
-def htmlSkillsSearch(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
- httpPrefix: str,
- skillsearch: str, instanceOnly: bool,
- postsPerPage: int) -> str:
- """Show a page containing search results for a skill
- """
- if skillsearch.startswith('*'):
- skillsearch = skillsearch[1:].strip()
- skillsearch = skillsearch.lower().strip('\n').strip('\r')
- results = []
- # search instance accounts
- for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts/'):
- for f in files:
- if not f.endswith('.json'):
- continue
- if '@' not in f:
- continue
- if f.startswith('inbox@'):
- continue
- actorFilename = os.path.join(subdir, f)
- actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename)
- if actorJson:
- if actorJson.get('id') and \
- actorJson.get('skills') and \
- actorJson.get('name') and \
- actorJson.get('icon'):
- actor = actorJson['id']
- for skillName, skillLevel in actorJson['skills'].items():
- skillName = skillName.lower()
- if not (skillName in skillsearch or
- skillsearch in skillName):
- continue
- skillLevelStr = str(skillLevel)
- if skillLevel < 100:
- skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
- if skillLevel < 10:
- skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
- indexStr = \
- skillLevelStr + ';' + actor + ';' + \
- actorJson['name'] + \
- ';' + actorJson['icon']['url']
- if indexStr not in results:
- results.append(indexStr)
- if not instanceOnly:
- # search actor cache
- for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/cache/actors/'):
- for f in files:
- if not f.endswith('.json'):
- continue
- if '@' not in f:
- continue
- if f.startswith('inbox@'):
- continue
- actorFilename = os.path.join(subdir, f)
- cachedActorJson = loadJson(actorFilename)
- if cachedActorJson:
- if cachedActorJson.get('actor'):
- actorJson = cachedActorJson['actor']
- if actorJson.get('id') and \
- actorJson.get('skills') and \
- actorJson.get('name') and \
- actorJson.get('icon'):
- actor = actorJson['id']
- for skillName, skillLevel in \
- actorJson['skills'].items():
- skillName = skillName.lower()
- if not (skillName in skillsearch or
- skillsearch in skillName):
- continue
- skillLevelStr = str(skillLevel)
- if skillLevel < 100:
- skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
- if skillLevel < 10:
- skillLevelStr = '0' + skillLevelStr
- indexStr = \
- skillLevelStr + ';' + actor + ';' + \
- actorJson['name'] + \
- ';' + actorJson['icon']['url']
- if indexStr not in results:
- results.append(indexStr)
- results.sort(reverse=True)
- cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
- if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
- cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
- skillSearchForm = htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename)
- skillSearchForm += \
- '' + translate['Skills search'] + ': ' + \
- skillsearch + '
- if len(results) == 0:
- skillSearchForm += \
- '' + translate['No results'] + \
- '
- else:
- skillSearchForm += ''
- ctr = 0
- for skillMatch in results:
- skillMatchFields = skillMatch.split(';')
- if len(skillMatchFields) != 4:
- continue
- actor = skillMatchFields[1]
- actorName = skillMatchFields[2]
- avatarUrl = skillMatchFields[3]
- skillSearchForm += \
- ''
- ctr += 1
- if ctr >= postsPerPage:
- break
- skillSearchForm += ''
- skillSearchForm += htmlFooter()
- return skillSearchForm
-def htmlHistorySearch(cssCache: {}, translate: {}, baseDir: str,
- httpPrefix: str,
- nickname: str, domain: str,
- historysearch: str,
- postsPerPage: int, pageNumber: int,
- projectVersion: str,
- recentPostsCache: {},
- maxRecentPosts: int,
- session,
- wfRequest,
- personCache: {},
- port: int,
- YTReplacementDomain: str,
- showPublishedDateOnly: bool) -> str:
- """Show a page containing search results for your post history
- """
- if historysearch.startswith('!'):
- historysearch = historysearch[1:].strip()
- historysearch = historysearch.lower().strip('\n').strip('\r')
- boxFilenames = \
- searchBoxPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain,
- historysearch, postsPerPage)
- cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon-profile.css'
- if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/epicyon.css'):
- cssFilename = baseDir + '/epicyon.css'
- historySearchForm = \
- htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename)
- # add the page title
- historySearchForm += \
- '' + translate['Your Posts'] + '
- if len(boxFilenames) == 0:
- historySearchForm += \
- '' + translate['No results'] + \
- '
- return historySearchForm
- iconsPath = getIconsWebPath(baseDir)
- separatorStr = htmlPostSeparator(baseDir, None)
- # ensure that the page number is in bounds
- if not pageNumber:
- pageNumber = 1
- elif pageNumber < 1:
- pageNumber = 1
- # get the start end end within the index file
- startIndex = int((pageNumber - 1) * postsPerPage)
- endIndex = startIndex + postsPerPage
- noOfBoxFilenames = len(boxFilenames)
- if endIndex >= noOfBoxFilenames and noOfBoxFilenames > 0:
- endIndex = noOfBoxFilenames - 1
- index = startIndex
- while index <= endIndex:
- postFilename = boxFilenames[index]
- if not postFilename:
- index += 1
- continue
- postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename)
- if not postJsonObject:
- index += 1
- continue
- showIndividualPostIcons = True
- allowDeletion = False
- postStr = \
- individualPostAsHtml(True, recentPostsCache,
- maxRecentPosts,
- iconsPath, translate, None,
- baseDir, session, wfRequest,
- personCache,
- nickname, domain, port,
- postJsonObject,
- None, True, allowDeletion,
- httpPrefix, projectVersion,
- 'search',
- YTReplacementDomain,
- showPublishedDateOnly,
- showIndividualPostIcons,
- showIndividualPostIcons,
- False, False, False)
- if postStr:
- historySearchForm += separatorStr + postStr
- index += 1
- historySearchForm += htmlFooter()
- return historySearchForm