
114 lines
3.9 KiB

This function executes an A command.
A Appends the next page of the input file to the contents
of the text buffer, thus combining the two pages of
text on a single page with no intervening form feed
character. This command takes no argument. To perform
n Appends, use the n<A> construct. Note that nA is a
completely different command.
:A Equivalent to the A command except that a value is
returned. -1 is returned if the append succeeded, and
0 is returned if the append failed because the
end-of-the-input-file had previously been reached (^N
flag is -1 at start of this command).
n:A Appends n lines of text from the input file to the
contents of the text buffer. The value of n must not
be negative. A value is returned indicating whether or
not there were in fact n lines remaining in the input
file. -1 is returned if the command succeeded. 0 is
returned if end-of-file on the input file was
encountered before all n lines were read in. Note that
the command can succeed and yet read in fewer than n
lines in the case that the text buffer fills up.
nA Equivalent to the ASCII code for the .+n+1th character
in the buffer (that is, the character to the right of
buffer pointer position .+n). The expression -1A is
equivalent to the ASCII code of the character
immediately preceding the pointer and 0A is equivalent
to the ASCII code of the character immediately
following the pointer (the current character). If the
character position referenced lies outside the bounds
of the text buffer, this command returns a -1.
#include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */
#include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */
#include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */
#include "deferr.h" /* define identifiers for error messages */
DEFAULT ExeA() /* execute an A command */
unsigned char TmpChr;
ColonMod = (CmdMod & COLON); /* is it :A or n:A */
CmdMod &= ~COLON; /* clear : flag */
* if we have a numeric argument, it's nA or n:A
if (EStTop > EStBot) { /* if numeric argument */
UMinus(); /* if it's -A, make it -1A */
if (GetNmA() == FAILURE) { /* get numeric argument */
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, GetNmA() failed");
return FAILURE;
if (ColonMod) { /* if it's n:A */
if (NArgmt < 1) {
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, n:A, n < 1");
return FAILURE;
while (NArgmt-- > 0) {
if (RdLine(&EBfFul) == FAILURE) {
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, RdLine() failed");
return FAILURE;
if (EBfFul) {
if (IsEofI[CurInp]) { /* if end-of-file */
return PushEx(0L, OPERAND);
return PushEx(-1L, OPERAND);
* it's nA
if (NArgmt < 0) {
if ((GapBeg+NArgmt) < EBfBeg) {
return PushEx(-1L, OPERAND);
TmpChr = *(GapBeg+NArgmt);
} else {
if ((GapEnd+NArgmt+1) > EBfEnd) {
return PushEx(-1L, OPERAND);
TmpChr = *(GapEnd+NArgmt+1);
sprintf(DbgSBf,"PushEx(%d)", TmpChr);
return PushEx((LONG)TmpChr, OPERAND);
* if there is no numeric argument, must be A or :A
if (IsEofI[CurInp]) { /* if already at end-of-file */
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,(ColonMod) ? "PushEx(0)" : "SUCCESS");
return ((ColonMod) ? PushEx(0L,OPERAND) : SUCCESS);
if (RdPage() == FAILURE) { /* read a page */
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, RdPage() failed");
return FAILURE;
DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,(ColonMod) ? "PushEx(-1)" : "SUCCESS");
return (ColonMod) ? PushEx(-1L, OPERAND) : SUCCESS;