
274 lines
9.9 KiB

ErrChr(), ErrMsg(), ErrStr(), ErrUTC(), ErrVrb()
These functions display TECO's error messages.
ErrChr display a message that contains a special character
ErrMsg display a message given the message number
ErrStr display a message that contains a special string
ErrUTC display UTC or UTM based on macro stack depth
ErrVrb display the verbose form of an error message
#include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */
#include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */
#include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */
#include "deferr.h" /* define error message codes */
#include "dchars.h" /* define identifiers for characters */
#include <string.h> /* prototype for strlen() */
static VVOID ErrDsp(WORD ErrNum, unsigned char *ELine);
static VVOID ToErr(unsigned char Charac, charptr *PtrPtr);
IMPORTANT: if you change this list, you must also change DEFERR.H,
static char *Errors[] = {
/* 0*/ "ARG Improper arguments",
/* 1*/ "BNI > not in iteration",
/* 2*/ "DTB Delete too big",
/* 3*/ "FNF File not found \"%s\"",
/* 4*/ "ICE Illegal ^E command in search argument",
/* 5*/ "IEC Illegal character \"%s\" after E",
/* 6*/ "IFC Illegal character \"%s\" after F",
/* 7*/ "IIA Illegal insert argument",
/* 8*/ "ILL Illegal command \"%s\"",
/* 9*/ "ILN Illegal number",
/* 10*/ "IPA Negative or 0 argument to P",
/* 11*/ "IQC Illegal \" character",
/* 12*/ "IQN Illegal Q-register name \"%s\"",
/* 13*/ "IRA Illegal radix argument to ^R",
/* 14*/ "ISA Illegal search argument",
/* 15*/ "ISS Illegal search string",
/* 16*/ "IUC Illegal character \"%s\" following ^",
/* 17*/ "MAP Missing '",
/* 18*/ "MEM Memory overflow",
/* 19*/ "NAB No argument before ^_ ",
/* 20*/ "NAC No argument before ,",
/* 21*/ "NAE No argument before =",
/* 22*/ "NAP No argument before )",
/* 23*/ "NAQ No argument before \"",
/* 24*/ "NAS No argument before ;",
/* 25*/ "NAU No argument before U",
/* 26*/ "NCA Negative argument to ,",
/* 27*/ "NFI No file for input",
/* 28*/ "NFO No file for output",
/* 29*/ "NYA Numeric argument with Y",
/* 30*/ "NYI Not yet implemented",
/* 31*/ "OFO Output file already open",
/* 32*/ "PDO Push-down list overflow",
/* 33*/ "PES Attempt to pop an empty stack",
/* 34*/ "POP Attempt to move pointer off page with \"%s\"",
/* 35*/ "SNI ; not in iteration",
/* 36*/ "SRH Search failure \"%s\"",
/* 37*/ "STL String too long",
/* 38*/ "TAG Missing tag !%s!",
/* 39*/ "UTC Unterminated command",
/* 40*/ "UTM Unterminated macro",
/* 41*/ "XAB Execution aborted",
/* 42*/ "YCA Y command aborted",
/* 43*/ "IFE ill-formed numeric expression",
/* 44*/ "SYS %s",
/* 45*/ "UCD unable to close and delete output file %s",
/* 46*/ "UCI unable to close input file",
/* 47*/ "UCO unable to close output file",
/* 48*/ "UFI unable to open file %s for input",
/* 49*/ "UFO unable to open file %s for output",
/* 50*/ "URC unable to read character from terminal",
/* 51*/ "URE unable to read TECO command file",
/* 52*/ "URL unable to read line from input file",
/* 53*/ "UWL unable to write line to output file"
Simply call ErrMsg with either ERR_UTC (unterminated command) or
ERR_UTM (unterminated macro) depending on whether we're in a macro or not.
ErrMsg((MStTop < 0) ? ERR_UTC : ERR_UTM);
This function displays the verbose form of an error message.
The verbose form is a short paragraph explaining the error condition in
some detail. This function is called from ErrDsp when the least significant
two bits of the EH flag are set to 3, or from FrstCh when the user types
a / immediately after receiving a short error message.
Verbose explanations of error messages are stored in the HELP system
so that they can be accessed using the HELP command. Therefore this function
calls ZHelp to display the verbose messages.
VVOID ErrVrb(ErrNum) /* display verbose error message */
WORD ErrNum; /* error message number */
ZVrbos(ErrNum, Errors[ErrNum]);
This function displays a TECO error message on the terminal screen.
This function is passed the number of the error message and the text of the
error message.
The EH flag controls how verbose the error message will be. The two
least significant bits of the EH flag control how verbose the error message
is. The third bit (mask is EH_COMMAND) causes the erroneous command string up
to and including the erroneous command to be displayed.
The low two bits of EH have the following meanings:
0 same as 2
1 only the three letter code is output
2 three letter code and one-line error message
3 three letter code, one-lien message and paragraph
static VVOID ErrDsp(ErrNum, ELine)
WORD ErrNum; /* the error number */
unsigned char *ELine; /* error message text */
WORD HlpLvl;
ptrdiff_t lenn;
HlpLvl = (EhFlag & 3) ? (EhFlag & 3) : 2;
lenn = (HlpLvl < 2) ? 4 : strlen((char *)ELine);
ZDspBf(ELine, lenn);
if (HlpLvl == 3) { /* if paragraph */
ErrVrb(ErrNum); /* display paragraph */
ZDspBf("\r\n", 2);
if (EhFlag & EH_COMMAND) { /* if error string display is on */
LstErr = ErrNum;
Given a character and a buffer pointer, this function puts the
displayable representation for the character into the buffer and updates
the buffer position. For most characters, the displayable representation
is the character itself.
static VVOID ToErr(Charac, PtrPtr)
unsigned char Charac;
charptr *PtrPtr;
char SBuf[5];
char *SPtr;
size_t SLen;
switch (Charac) {
case TABCHR: SPtr = "<TAB>"; SLen = 5; break;
case LINEFD: SPtr = "<LF>"; SLen = 4; break;
case VRTTAB: SPtr = "<VT>"; SLen = 4; break;
case FORMFD: SPtr = "<FF>"; SLen = 4; break;
case CRETRN: SPtr = "<CR>"; SLen = 4; break;
case ESCAPE: SPtr = "<ESC>"; SLen = 5; break;
case '\0': SPtr = "<NUL>"; SLen = 5; break;
default: if (Charac >= DELETE) {
SPtr = SBuf;
MakDBf((LONG)Charac, 16);
SLen = (size_t) (DBfPtr - DBfBeg);
SBuf[0] = '[';
MEMMOVE(&SBuf[1], DBfBeg, SLen);
SBuf[++SLen] = ']';
} else if (Charac < SPACE) {
SPtr = SBuf;
MEMMOVE(SBuf, "<^x>", 4);
SBuf[2] = Charac + '@';
SLen = 4;
} else {
SPtr = (char *)&Charac;
SLen = 1;
MEMMOVE(*PtrPtr, SPtr, SLen);
*PtrPtr += SLen;
VVOID ErrChr(ErrNum, EChr) /* display error message with character arg */
WORD ErrNum; /* the error number */
unsigned char EChr; /* character to imbed in message */
char *TmpPtr;
unsigned char ErrBuf[ERBFSIZ];
charptr EPtr = ErrBuf;
*EPtr++ = '?';
TmpPtr = Errors[ErrNum];
while (*TmpPtr != '%') { /* copy up to "%" */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
ToErr(EChr, &EPtr); /* copy the %c character */
TmpPtr++; /* skip % */
TmpPtr++; /* skip c */
while (*TmpPtr) { /* copy rest of string */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
*EPtr = '\0';
ErrDsp(ErrNum, ErrBuf);
VVOID ErrMsg(ErrNum) /* display error message */
WORD ErrNum; /* the error number */
char *TmpPtr;
unsigned char ErrBuf[ERBFSIZ];
charptr EPtr = ErrBuf;
*EPtr++ = '?';
TmpPtr = Errors[ErrNum];
while (*TmpPtr) { /* copy rest of string */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
*EPtr = '\0';
ErrDsp(ErrNum, ErrBuf);
VVOID ErrStr(ErrNum, EStr) /* display error message with string arg */
WORD ErrNum; /* the error number */
char *EStr; /* string to imbed in message */
char *TmpPtr;
unsigned char ErrBuf[ERBFSIZ];
charptr EPtr = ErrBuf;
*EPtr++ = '?';
TmpPtr = Errors[ErrNum];
while (*TmpPtr != '%') { /* copy up to "%" */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
while (*EStr) { /* copy %s string */
ToErr((unsigned char)*EStr++, &EPtr);
TmpPtr++; /* skip % */
TmpPtr++; /* skip s */
while (*TmpPtr) { /* copy rest of string */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
*EPtr = '\0';
ErrDsp(ErrNum, ErrBuf);
VVOID ErrPSt(ErrNum, EBeg, EEnd) /* display error message with string arg */
WORD ErrNum; /* the error number */
charptr EBeg; /* string to imbed in message */
charptr EEnd; /* ptr to char after last char */
char *TmpPtr;
unsigned char ErrBuf[ERBFSIZ];
charptr EPtr = ErrBuf;
*EPtr++ = '?';
TmpPtr = Errors[ErrNum];
while (*TmpPtr != '%') { /* copy up to "%" */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
while (EBeg < EEnd) { /* copy %s string */
ToErr(*EBeg++, &EPtr);
TmpPtr++; /* skip % */
TmpPtr++; /* skip s */
while (*TmpPtr) { /* copy rest of string */
*EPtr++ = *TmpPtr++;
*EPtr = '\0';
ErrDsp(ErrNum, ErrBuf);