
27 lines
848 B

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto usage
echo tecoc mung squ %1.tec=%1.tes/d:n/l:y/b:y/t:y/c:y/w:n/a:y/e:n
tecoc mung squ %1.tec=%1.tes/d:n/l:y/b:y/t:y/c:y/w:n/a:y/e:n
goto fini
echo : usage: squ filespec
echo :
echo : squ.bat will run the squ.tec "squish" macro on the teco macro
echo : source file filespec.tes, and produce a filespec.tec squished
echo : file. the following squish switches are used:
echo :
echo : /d:n don't simply delete unnecessary CR/LF's...
echo : /l:y ...delete CR/LF's then go back & add them for 70 char lines
echo : /b:y delete blank lines
echo : /t:y delete unnecessary tabs and formfeeds
echo : /c:y delete comments !(SP)...! and !(TAB)...!
echo : /w:n don't watch progress
echo : /a:y automatic mode, don't subsquish @^U%% macros
echo : /e:n don't allow adjacent escapes
echo :