
38 lines
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This header file defines identifiers for control characters.
#define CTRL_A '\001' /* SOH - start of heading */
#define CTRL_B '\002' /* STX - start of text */
#define CTRL_C '\003' /* ETX - end of text */
#define CTRL_D '\004' /* EOT - end of transmission */
#define CTRL_E '\005' /* ENQ - enquiry */
#define CTRL_F '\006' /* ACK - acknowledge */
#define CTRL_G '\007' /* BEL - bell */
#define BAKSPC '\010' /* BS - backspace control H */
#define TABCHR '\011' /* HT - horizontal tab control I */
#define LINEFD '\012' /* LF - line feed control J */
#define VRTTAB '\013' /* VT - vertical tab control K */
#define FORMFD '\014' /* FF - form feed control L */
#define CRETRN '\015' /* CR - carriage return control M */
#define CTRL_N '\016' /* SO - shift out */
#define CTRL_O '\017' /* SI - shift in */
#define CTRL_P '\020' /* DLE - data link escape */
#define CTRL_Q '\021' /* DC1 - device control 1 */
#define CTRL_R '\022' /* DC2 - device control 2 */
#define CTRL_S '\023' /* DC3 - device control 3 */
#define CTRL_T '\024' /* DC4 - device control 4 */
#define CTRL_U '\025' /* NAK - negative acknowledge */
#define CTRL_V '\026' /* SYN - synchronous idle */
#define CTRL_W '\027' /* ETB - end of transmission block */
#define CTRL_X '\030' /* CAN - cancel */
#define CTRL_Y '\031' /* EM - end of medium */
#define CTRL_Z '\032' /* SUB - substitute */
#define ESCAPE '\033' /* ESC - escape control [ */
#define FSCHAR '\034' /* FS - file separator control \ */
#define GSCHAR '\035' /* GS - group separator control ] */
#define RSCHAR '\036' /* RS - record separator control ^ */
#define USCHAR '\037' /* US - unit separator control _ */
#define SPACE '\040' /* SP - space */
#define DELETE '\177' /* DEL - delete */