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143 lines
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Running TECOC
Tecoc is typically started via batch commands to set the first
argument to MUNG, TECO, or MAKE. The batch files are typically called
mung, teco, make, and inspect. (Inspect does a TECO/INSPECT.)
Several option switches are allowed on the TECO command line:
/IN[SPECT] -- Read file only, don't create an output file.
/NOC[REATE] -- If file doesn't exist, don't create it.
/NOI[NI] -- Don't execute INI file. (valid for MAKE or MUNG as well)
/NOM[EMORY] -- don't save filename as "last edited file" (valid for
MAKE also)
/NOP[AGE] -- Formfeeds don't stop file reads (valid for MAKE also)
/NOR[ENAME] -- Don't rename files, but copy them to keep references correct
(OS/2 only)
+nnn -- sets NOPAGE and positions dot to line nnn.
The part of the switch name in the square brackets is optional. For
instance "/IN" is the same as "/INSPECT".
MAKE filespec
starts tecoc to create file filespec. Does equivalent of EWfilespec$$
TECO filespec
starts tecoc to edit file filespec. Does equivalent of
TECO filespec2=filespec1
starts tecoc to edit filespec1, writing to filespec2. Does
equivalent of ERfilespec1$EWfilespec2$Y$$
starts tecoc to edit last edited file. Filename is saved in file
named teco*.tmp in the current directory, unless overriden
(described below).
MUNG filespec <args>
starts tecoc to execute filespec. Equivalent to
You can use "TECO @filespec <args>" instead of MUNG.
Key Bindings
The keys mentioned in the teco.doc file are somewhat confusing.
This should help:
<DELIM> The "Esc" key, "Esc" echoes as "$", however the
teco.doc file shows it as '`'.
<BS> Type as Control-h, this isn't the "Backspace" key.
<DELETE> The "Backspace" key. This isn't the "Delete" key.
<CR> The "Enter" key.
<LF> Type as Control-j.
Note that the assignments for <BS> and <DELETE> shown here are
swapped. <BS> can be "Backspace" and <DELETE> can be control-h by
clearing ET&2048, e.g. 2048,0ET
The Initialization File.
Tecoc mungs (executes as teco commands) the file TECO.INI in the
current directory before processing the command line. Initialization
can be done instead by defining a TEC$INIT environment variable (the
DOS "SET" command does this). The value is either the list of teco
commands to execute or a "$" followed by the pathname of the file
containing the initialization file. This allows a single, centrally
located initialization file.
The initialization file can be used to make initial settings. It can
return a value, but the value setting is somewhat obscure.
set TEC$INIT=1es
will cause successful searches to auto-display in all teco sessions.
Changing the location of the memory file.
Define the environment variable TEC$MEMORY to be "$" followed by the
pathname of the file designated the memory file.
set TEC$MEMORY=$c:\teco.mem
will cause the name of the last edit file to be stored in the file
teco.mem in the root directory of drive C.
The Libary directory
Defining the environment variable TEC$LIBRARY to be a directory path
(including the final "\" or "/") will allow the EI command to fetch
teco commands from this directory if the file is not found in the
current directory.
set TEC$LIBRARY=c:\lib\teco\
will cause the directory c:\lib\teco to be searched for teco command files.
Implemented flags:
ED&1 Allow carat "^" character in string searches
ED&2 Allow yank and _ unconditionally
ED&16 Failed searches preserve dot
ED&64 Move dot by one after each match in multiple occurance searches
ET&1 Type out in image mode
ET&2 Use scope for delete and control-U (default=1)
ET&4 Accept lowercase input (default=1)
ET&8 ^T reads without echo
ET&32 ^T reads with no wait
ET&128 MUNG mode (abort on error) cleared by "*" prompt
ET&2048 Swap backspace and delete (default=1)
ET&4096 We are using 8 bit characters (default=1)
ET&32768 Trap control-C
EZ&2 Don't rename files, copy them (OS/2 Version)
EZ&128 Don't stop read on formfeeds