213 lines
6.5 KiB
213 lines
6.5 KiB
NULL ignored
^A output message to terminal
^B current date
^C interrupt
^D set radix to decimal
^E form feed flag
^E<n> (match char) match ASCII code n
^E[] (match char) match one of list
^EA (match char) match alphabetics
^EB (match char) match separator character
^EC (match char) match symbol constituent
^ED (match char) match digit
^EGq (match char) match contents of q-register
^EL (match char) match line terminators
^EMx (match char) match any number of x
^EQq (string build char) use contents of q-register q
^ER (match char) match alphanumerics
^ES (match char) match spaces and/or tabs
^EUq (string build char) use ASCII code in q-register
^EV (match char) match lowercase
^EW (match char) match uppercase
^EX (match char) match anything
^F not implemented
^G^G kill command string
^G<SP> retype current command line
^G* retype entire current command line
^H current time
BS immediate mode: back up one line and type one line
TAB insert tab and text
LF ignored in commands
LF immediate mode: advance one line and type one line
VT not a TECO command
FF output a form feed to terminal
CR ignored
^N end of file flag
^Nx (match char) match any character but x
^O set radix to octal
^P not a TECO command
n^Q convert line offset to character offset
^Qx (string char) use x literally
^R value of current radix
n^R set radix to n
^Rx (string char) use x literally
^S -(length of last inserted string or found search string)
^S immediate mode: not yet implemented
^S (match char) match any separator character
^T ASCII value of next character typed in
n^T output character whose ASCII value is n to the terminal screen
^U (command line) erase current command line
^Uq put string into q-register
:^Uq append string to q-register
n^Uq put ASCII character "n" into q-register
n:^Uq append ASCII "n" to q-register
^V convert search strings to lowercase
^Vx (string char) convert x to lowercase
^W convert search strings to uppercase
^Wx (string char) convert x to uppercase
^X search mode flag
^X (match char) match any character
^Y equivalent to ".+^S,."
^Z size of text in all q-registers, plus command line
^Z^Z^Z quit TECO, leave everything as it was before TECO was entered
ESC command and string terminator
^[ like ESC
^\ not a TECO command
^] not a TECO command
^^x ASCII value of x
n^_ ones complement of n
SP ignored
! define tag
n"< test for less than zero
n"= test for equal to zero
n"> test for greater than zero
n"A test for alphabetic
n"C test for symbol constituent
n"D test for digit
n"E test for equal to zero
n"F test for false
n"G test for greater than zero
n"L test for less than zero
n"N test for not equal to zero
n"R test for alphanumeric
n"S test for successful
n"T test for true
n"U test for unsuccessful
n"V test for lowercase
n"W test for uppercase
# logical OR
$ separate TECO commands
n%q add n to q-register q, return the result
& logical AND
' end of conditional
( numeric expression grouping
) numeric expression grouping
* multiplication
*q immediate mode: save last command string in q-register q
+ addition
, numeric argument separator
- subtraction or negation
. current pointer position
/ division
/ immediate mode: type detailed explanation of error
0-9 numeric argument constructors
: modify next command
n; exit iteration of n is greater than or equal to zero
n:; exit iteration if n is less than or equal to zero
n< iterate n times
n= type n in decimal
n== type n in octal
n=== type n in hexadecimal
n:= type n in decimal, no carriage return
n:== type n in octal, no carriage return
n:=== type n in hexadecimal, no carriage return
> end iteration
? toggle trace mode
? immediate mode: type out erroneous command string
@ modify next text argument
A append next input page to edit buffer
nA ASCII value of character at .+n
n:A append n lines to input buffer
B always zero. represents beginning of edit buffer
nC advance n characters
nD delete n characters
m,nD delete between m and n (same as m,nK)
E%q write q-register to file
nE_ destructive search without page protection
EA select secondary output stream
EB open input and output files
EC copy input file to output file and close files
nEC not yet implemented
ED edit mode flag
EF close output file
EH help level flag
EI open indirect command file
EK kill output file
EL open log file
EN wildcard lookup
EO return version number of TECO
EP select secondary input stream
EQq read from file into q-register
ER open input file
ES search verification flag
ET type out control flag
EU case flagging flag
EV edit verify flag
EW open output file
EX close files and exit
EY read without yank protection
nF_ destructive search and replace
F' flow to end of conditional
F< flow to start of iteration
F> flow to end of iteration
F| flow to ELSE part of conditional
m,nFB search between locations m and n
nFB search, bounded by n lines
m,nFC search and replace between m and n
nFC search and replace over n lines
nFD search for and delete string
nFK search for string and delete intervening text
nFN paged search and replace
FR replace last string
nFS search and replace
Gq get string from q-register into edit buffer
G* get string from filespec buffer into edit buffer
G_ get string from search buffer into edit buffer
:Gq type text in q-register q
:G* type filespec
:G_ type search string
H equivalent to B,Z
I insert text
nI insert character whose ASCII value is n
nJ move pointer to J
nK kill n lines
m,nK delete between m and n (same as m,nD)
nL advance n lines
Mq execute commands in q-register
nN paged search
O go to label
nO goto selected label in list
nP advance n pages
m,nP write out characters m to n
nPW write edit buffer n times
m,nPW write out characters m to n
Qq number in q-register q
:Qq size of text in q-register q
nR back up n characters
nS search for nth occurrence of a string
::S compare string
nT type n lines
m,nT type characters between m and n
nUq put n into q-register q
nV view n lines
m,nV view m lines before, n lines after pointer
W not yet implemented
nXq put n lines into q-register q
m,nXq put character m through n into q-register q
n:Xq append n lines to q-register q
m,n:Xq append characters m through n to q-register q
Y yank a page into the edit buffer
Z end of buffer (number of characters in the edit buffer)
[q push q-register q onto q-register stack
\ value of string in edit buffer
n\ convert n to digits in edit buffer
]q pop q-register stack into q-register q
n_ destructive paged search
` not a TECO command
a-z treated as uppercase equivalents
{ not a TECO command
| start of ELSE part of conditional
} not a TECO command
~ not a TECO command
DEL not a TECO command