/***************************************************************************** DefErr.h This file defines identifiers for error messages generated by TECOC-C. The codes that are commented out are those that were defined in TECO-11, but are not used by TECOC-C. IMPORTANT: if you change this file, you will need to change TECOC.RNH, DEFERR.H, VRBMSG.H and ERR.C. *****************************************************************************/ #define ERR_XXX -1 /* no error */ #define ERR_ARG 0 /* improper arguments */ #define ERR_BNI 1 /* > not in iteration */ #define ERR_DTB 2 /* delete too big */ #define ERR_FNF 3 /* file not found "filename" */ #define ERR_ICE 4 /* illegal ^E command in search argument */ #define ERR_IEC 5 /* illegal character "x" after E */ #define ERR_IFC 6 /* illegal character "x" after F */ #define ERR_IIA 7 /* illegal insert argument */ #define ERR_ILL 8 /* illegal command "x" */ #define ERR_ILN 9 /* illegal number */ #define ERR_IPA 10 /* negative or 0 argument to P */ #define ERR_IQC 11 /* illegal character "x" following " */ #define ERR_IQN 12 /* illegal q-register name "x" */ #define ERR_IRA 13 /* illegal radix argument to ^R */ #define ERR_ISA 14 /* illegal search argument */ #define ERR_ISS 15 /* illegal search string */ #define ERR_IUC 16 /* illegal character "x" following ^ */ #define ERR_MAP 17 /* missing ' */ #define ERR_MEM 18 /* memory overflow */ #define ERR_NAB 19 /* no argument before ^_ */ #define ERR_NAC 20 /* no argument before , */ #define ERR_NAE 21 /* no argument before = */ #define ERR_NAP 22 /* no argument before ) */ #define ERR_NAQ 23 /* no argument before " */ #define ERR_NAS 24 /* no argument before ; */ #define ERR_NAU 25 /* no argument before U */ #define ERR_NCA 26 /* negative argument to , */ #define ERR_NFI 27 /* no file for input */ #define ERR_NFO 28 /* no file for output */ #define ERR_NYA 29 /* numeric argument with Y */ #define ERR_NYI 30 /* not yet implemented */ #define ERR_OFO 31 /* output file already open */ #define ERR_PDO 32 /* push-down list overflow */ #define ERR_PES 33 /* attempt to pop empty stack */ #define ERR_POP 34 /* attempt to move pointer off page with "x" */ #define ERR_SNI 35 /* ; not in iteration */ #define ERR_SRH 36 /* search failure "text" */ #define ERR_STL 37 /* string too long */ #define ERR_TAG 38 /* missing tag !tag! */ #define ERR_UTC 39 /* unterminated command "x" */ #define ERR_UTM 40 /* unterminated macro */ #define ERR_XAB 41 /* execution aborted */ #define ERR_YCA 42 /* Y command aborted */ /* * The following errors aren't listed in the Standard TECO Manual, but * were added for use by TECO-C. */ #define ERR_IFE 43 /* ill-formed numeric expression */ #define ERR_SYS 44 /* %s */ #define ERR_UCD 45 /* unable to close and delete output file */ #define ERR_UCI 46 /* unable to close input file */ #define ERR_UCO 47 /* unable to close output file */ #define ERR_UFI 48 /* unable to open file "x" for input */ #define ERR_UFO 49 /* unable to open file "x" for output */ #define ERR_URC 50 /* unable to read character from terminal */ #define ERR_URE 51 /* unable to read TECO command file */ #define ERR_URL 52 /* unable to read line from input file */ #define ERR_UWL 53 /* unable to write line to output file */ /* Standard TECO errors that possibly should be generated by TECOC-C: ?CON Confused use of conditionals ?FER File error ?INP Input error ?OUT Output error Standard TECO errors not used by TECO-C are: ?CCL CCL.SV not found or EG argument too long ?CPQ Can't pop into Q-register (TECO-C uses PES) ?DEV Invalid device ?ERR RSTS/E error message (RSTS/E only) ?FUL Output Command would have overflowed output device ?IFN Illegal character "x" in filename ?MLA Missing Left Angle Bracket ?MLP Missing ( ?MRA Missing Right Angle Bracket ?MRP Missing ) ?MSC Missing Start of Conditional ?NPA Negative or 0 argument to P (TECO-C uses IPA) ?NRO No room for output ?UTM Unterminated macro ?WLO System Device Write-Locked ?nnn I/O Error or Directive Error (RSX-11 only) %Superseding existing filed (TECO-11 only) %Search fail in iter (TECO-11 only) */