/***************************************************************************** SinglP() This function performs the action of a single P command. It must 1. write the edit buffer to the output file. 2. clear the edit buffer 3. read a page into the edit buffer *****************************************************************************/ #include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */ #include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */ #include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */ #include "dchars.h" /* define identifiers for characters */ DEFAULT SinglP() /* do a single P command */ { DBGFEN(2,"SinglP",NULL); if (WrPage(CurOut, EBfBeg, EBfEnd, FFPage) == FAILURE) { DBGFEX(2,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, WrPage() failed"); return FAILURE; } GapBeg = EBfBeg; /* clear the... */ GapEnd = EBfEnd; /* ...edit buffer */ if (RdPage() == FAILURE) { DBGFEX(2,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, RdPage() failed"); return FAILURE; } DBGFEX(2,DbgFNm,"SUCCESS"); return SUCCESS; }