# # Mix Power C v1.3.0 make (project) file for Teco-C # Last updated: 14 November 1989 # # compile with: # # PC /1 /2 /f- /idir /j /ml /r- /s /t /w /y makefile.prj # # /1 (80186+ only) 80186 instructions # /2 (80286+ only) 80286 instructions # /f- no floating point # /idir Power C's include file directory list # /j default to signed char's # /ml large memory model (1MB code, 1MB data) # /r- (debugging only) disable register variables # /s (debugging only) check for stack overflow # /t (debugging only) prepare information for CTrace # /w enable all warnings # /y show names of functions on screen while compiling # # Note: Teco-C doesn't seem to work under Power C v1.3.0. I called # MIX and they said the 'huge' keyword doesn't work yet (they wanted to # make it work by Christmas 1989). Teco-C needs 'huge' # pointers since 'far' pointer addition, subtraction, and comparison # (which are done all over the place in Teco-C) isn't guaranteed to work # correctly all the time, whereas, for 'huge' pointers it is. # # - Manfred Siemsen # tecoc.mix tecoc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dscren.h ctype.h dchars.h baksrc.mix baksrc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h bldstr.mix bldstr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dchars.h chmacs.h cmatch.mix cmatch.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h docjr.mix docjr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h doeves.mix doeves.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h doflag.mix doflag.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h echoit.mix echoit.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h err.mix err.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h deferr.h dchars.h exea.mix exea.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h exeats.mix exeats.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h exeb.mix exeb.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h exebar.mix exebar.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h 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tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h dchars.h deferr.h srclop.mix srclop.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h sserch.mix sserch.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h typbuf.mix typbuf.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h typest.mix typest.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h uminus.mix uminus.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h wrpage.mix wrpage.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h zfrsrc.mix zfrsrc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h zmsdos.mix zmsdos.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h clpars.h deferr.h \ dchars.h dscren.h vrbmsg.h tecoc.exe