/***************************************************************************** GetNmA() This function "gets the numeric argument". When a command which takes a numeric argument is executed, it checks whether the expression stack is empty. If the expression stack is not empty, this function is called to get the numeric argument on the expression stack into global variable Number. It is assumed that the calling function checked that the expression stack is non-empty (i.e. that EStTop > EStBot). This function checks that the expression stack contains an operand (not an operator). If it does, the operand is removed from the stack and placed in NArgmt. *****************************************************************************/ #include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */ #include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */ #include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */ #include "deferr.h" /* define identifiers for error messages */ DEFAULT GetNmA() /* get numeric argument */ { DBGFEN(2,"GetNmA",NULL); if (EStack[EStTop].ElType == OPERAND) { /* it's an operand */ NArgmt = EStack[EStTop].Elemnt; --EStTop; #if DEBUGGING sprintf(DbgSBf,"SUCCESS, NArgmt = %ld",NArgmt); DbgFEx(2,DbgFNm,DbgSBf); #endif return SUCCESS; } #if DEBUGGING sprintf(DbgSBf,"dying with IFE, EstBot = %ld, stack =",(LONG)EStBot); DbgFMs(2,DbgFNm,DbgSBf); while (EStTop > 0) { printf("EStack[%ld].ElType = ", (LONG)EStTop); if (EStack[EStTop].ElType == OPERATOR) { printf("OPERATOR, EStack[%ld].Elemnt = '%c'\r\n", (LONG)EStTop, (char)EStack[EStTop].Elemnt); } else { printf("OPERAND, EStack[%ld].Elemnt = %ld\r\n", (LONG)EStTop, (LONG)EStack[EStTop].Elemnt); } EStTop--; } #endif ErrMsg(ERR_IFE); /* ill-formed numeric expression */ DBGFEX(2,DbgFNm,"FAILURE, unterminated command"); return FAILURE; }