/***************************************************************************** ExeCtE() This function executes a ^E (control-E or caret-E) command, which returns the value of the form feed flag. The form feed flag is -1 if the last read operation was terminated because a form feed was encountered. It is 0 otherwise. If the ^E command is preceded by a numeric argument, then the command sets the value of the form feed flag. The form feed flag is used by the output code to indicate whether a form feed should be appended when the edit buffer is written to the output file. *****************************************************************************/ #include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */ #include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */ #include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */ DEFAULT ExeCtE() /* execute a ^E (control-E) command */ { DBGFEN(1,"ExeCtE",NULL); if (EStTop > EStBot) { /* if numeric argument */ if (GetNmA() == FAILURE) { /* get numeric arg */ DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"FAILURE"); return FAILURE; } FFPage = (NArgmt == -1) ? -1 : 0; CmdMod = '\0'; /* clear modifiers flags */ DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"SUCCESS"); return SUCCESS; } CmdMod = '\0'; /* clear modifiers flags */ DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"PushEx(FFPage)"); return PushEx(FFPage, OPERAND); }