/***************************************************************************** ExeCln() This function handles the colon and double-colon modifiers. This function implements the modifiers by setting bits in the CmdMod variable. Commands which are sensitive to colon or double colon modification check CmdMod explicitly. *****************************************************************************/ #include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */ #include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */ #include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */ DEFAULT ExeCln() /* execute : or :: modifiers */ { DBGFEN(1,"ExeCln",NULL); if (CmdMod & COLON) { /* if colon bit is set */ CmdMod &= ~COLON; /* clear colon bit */ CmdMod |= DCOLON; /* set double-colon bit */ } else { CmdMod |= COLON; /* set colon bit */ } DBGFEX(1,DbgFNm,"SUCCESS"); return SUCCESS; }