Blake's Tecoc notes .TES Teco source file .TEC Teco macro file (compressed .TES file) The distribution has a lib directory that has some teco macros. The SQU macro used to squeze / compress teco source files is included there. = display value Use /nomemory to avoid memory files mung is just a link to teco To compile / compress a teco macro file do (np.tes to np.tec): mung squ np.tec=np.tes/D:N/L:Y/B:Y/T:Y/C:Y/W:N/A:Y/E:N My macros bl beginning of line bw beginning of word cls clear screen dw delete word el end of line ew end of word jmp jump to line np next page - display and move forward one screen pp previous page - display and move back one screen 0^X case insensitive search mode (default) -1^X case sensitive search mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Video mode of tecoc 5,7:w to evoke video display (5 command lines at bottom) 0,7:w video mode off -4:w to redraw screen ^w put current line at top of screen A file can be started in video mode with: teco -scroll:5 myfile on linux or Mac