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This function "executes" a ^ (caret) command. Most TECO commands
which are control characters (^A, ^B, etc) can also be entered as a caret
and letter combination. For example, control-A can also be entered as
#include "zport.h" /* define portability identifiers */
#include "tecoc.h" /* define general identifiers */
#include "defext.h" /* define external global variables */
#include "chmacs.h" /* define character processing macros */
#include "deferr.h" /* define identifiers for error messages */
DEFAULT ExeCrt() /* execute a ^ (caret) command */
unsigned char TmpChr;
static DEFAULT (*FCAray[])(VVOID) = {
/* ^A*/ ExeCtA, /* ^B*/ ZExCtB, /* ^C*/ ExeCtC,
/* ^D*/ ExeCtD, /* ^E*/ ExeCtE, /* ^F*/ ExeNYI,
/* ^G*/ ExeIll, /* ^H*/ ZExCtH, /*TAB*/ ExeCtI,
/* LF*/ ExeNul, /* VT*/ ExeIll, /* FF*/ ExeCtL,
/* CR*/ ExeNul, /* ^N*/ ExeCtN, /* ^O*/ ExeCtO,
/* ^P*/ ExeCtP, /* ^Q*/ ExeCtQ, /* ^R*/ ExeCtR,
/* ^S*/ ExeCtS, /* ^T*/ ExeCtT, /* ^U*/ ExeCtU,
/* ^V*/ ExeCtV, /* ^W*/ ExeCtW, /* ^X*/ ExeCtX,
/* ^Y*/ ExeCtY, /* ^Z*/ ExeCtZ, /* ^[*/ ExeEsc,
/* ^\*/ ExeIll, /* ^]*/ ExeIll, /* ^^*/ ExeCCC,
/* ^_*/ ExeUsc
if (IncCBP() == FAILURE) {
return FAILURE;
TmpChr = To_Upper(*CBfPtr);
if ((TmpChr < 'A') || (TmpChr > '_')) {
ErrChr(ERR_IUC, *CBfPtr);
return FAILURE;
return (*FCAray[TmpChr-'A'])();