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This file contains most of the definitions needed by TECO-C files.
#define TVERSION 146 /* version number of TECO-C */
Bit masks for ED mode control flag. The ones that are commented out
are not used in TECO-C. They are included here because they are used by
TECO-11, and may be implemented in TECO-C someday.
#define ED_CARET_OK 1 /* don't use "^" as control-char prefix */
#define ED_YANK_OK 2 /* let yanks clear text buffer */
/*#define ED_NO_EXP 4*/ /* don't allow arbitrary expansions */
#define ED_PRES_DOT 16 /* preserve "dot" on failing searches */
/*#define ED_IMMED_OK 32*/ /* allow immediate escape-sequence commands */
#define ED_DOT_BY_ONE 64 /* move dot by one on iter. search failure */
/*#define ED_NO_W 128*/ /* don't do automatic "^W" before prompt */
#define ED_FF 128 /* do not stop read on FF */
#if defined(unix) || defined(AMIGA)
#define ED_UNIXNL 256 /* use Unix-style newline line terminators */
#define ED_VTGR 512
#define ED_NOSCDEL 1024 /* old style delete handler */
#define ED_BTEE 2048 /* use BTEE instead of DIAMOND */
#define ED_STDOUT 4096 /* use standout for doeves pointer */
#define ED_INVCR 8192 /* don't show CR in scope - closer to TECO-11
but really not as good in my opinion (Mark Henderson)*/
Value for EH flag.
#define EH_COMMAND 4 /* on error, output failing command string */
Bit masks for ET mode control flag. The ones that are commented out
are not used in TECO-C. They are included here because they are used by
TECO-11. The 2048 bit is listed as "reserved for TECO-8" in the TECO-11
source code. I needed another bit, so I used it.
#define ET_IMAGE_MODE 1 /* output without doing conversions */
#define ET_SCOPE 2 /* use scope for delete and control-U */
#define ET_READ_LOWER 4 /* accept lowercase input */
#define ET_NO_ECHO 8 /* don't echo input on control-T */
/*#define ET_CAN_CTRL_O 16*/ /* (TECO-11) cancel control-O on output */
#define ET_NO_WAIT 32 /* read with no wait on control-T */
/*#define ET_DETACH 64*/ /* process detached flag */
#define ET_MUNG_MODE 128 /* mung mode */
/*#define ET_TRUNCATE 256*/ /* (TECO-11) truncate lines on output */
#define ET_WAT_SCOPE 512 /* "WATCH" code exists, terminal is scope */
#define ET_WAT_REFRESH 1024 /* "WATCH" code exists, terminal is refresh */
#define ET_BKSP_IS_DEL 2048 /* treat BACKSPACE like DEL on input */
#define ET_EIGHTBIT 4096 /* it's an eight-bit terminal */
#define ET_ACCENT_GRAVE 8192 /* accept ` as escape (for VT220 terminals) */
#define ET_VT200 16384 /* special VT200 mode */
#define ET_TRAP_CTRL_C 0100000 /* trap control-C */
Values for EU flag.
#define EU_NONE -1 /* no case flagging of any type */
#define EU_LOWER 0 /* flag lowercase characters on output */
#define EU_UPPER 1 /* flag uppercase characters on output */
These identifiers are bit masks for elements of the ChrMsk array.
The ChrMsk array is used by the macros defined in the ChrMac.h file and by
the ReadCS function to make the character input code fast. See the comment
above the definition of the ChrMsk array in file TECOC.C.
#define RCS_AST '\1' /* asterisk */
#define RCS_BS '\2' /* backspace */
#define RCS_CCH '\3' /* control char other than ^G, ^U or ^Z */
#define RCS_CR '\4' /* carriage return */
#define RCS_CTG '\5' /* control-G */
#define RCS_CTU '\6' /* control-U */
#define RCS_CTZ '\7' /* control-Z */
#define RCS_DEF '\10' /* char other than RCS_AST, RCS_BS, etc. */
#define RCS_DEL '\11' /* delete */
#define RCS_GRV '\12' /* accent grave */
#define RCS_LF '\13' /* line feed */
#define RCS_LWR '\14' /* lowercase character */
#define RCS_SP '\15' /* space */
#define RCS_VF '\16' /* vertical tab or form feed */
#define RCS_CTC '\17' /* control-C */
#define CM_DIGIT '\20' /* digits */
#define CM_LINE_TERM '\40' /* line terminators (lf, vt, ff) */
#define CM_LOWER '\100' /* lowercase */
#define CM_UPPER '\200' /* uppercase */
These identifiers are set by the search commands. They provide a way
for the search commands to all rely on common code, even when the commands
behave slightly differently. It's a terrible way to code, but it was only
done in the search code.
#define E_SEARCH 1 /* E_ command */
#define FB_SEARCH 2 /* FB command */
#define FK_SEARCH 3 /* FK command */
#define N_SEARCH 4 /* N command */
#define S_SEARCH 5 /* S command */
#define U_SEARCH 6 /* _ command */
Identifiers for indices into the IFiles and OFiles arrays.
#define NOFDBS 3 /* number of output file data blocks */
#define POUTFL 0 /* primary output stream */
#define SOUTFL 1 /* secondary output stream */
#define EPRCFL 2 /* output stream used by E% command */
#define PINPFL 0 /* primary input stream */
#define SINPFL 1 /* secondary input stream */
#define EQFL 2 /* input stream used by EQ command */
#define EIFL 3 /* first input stream used by EI command */
Identifiers for :EG special function types.
#define EG_INI 1 /* inititalization macro */
#define EG_LIB 2 /* default macro library directory */
#define EG_MEM 3 /* last-file-edited memory */
#define EG_VTE 4 /* filename of video macro */
#define EG_OTHER 5 /* system-specific :EG command */
#define CLEAR_VAL 1
#define GET_VAL 2
#define SET_VAL 3
Function return codes.
#define FAILURE (-1) /* function return status */
#define SUCCESS 0 /* function return status */
#define FILENF 3 /* "file not found", returned by ZSWild and ZOpInp */
CmdMod Bits.
#define ATSIGN '\1' /* mask of "at sign" bit in CmdMod */
#define COLON '\2' /* mask of "colon" bit in CmdMod */
#define DCOLON '\4' /* mask of "double colon" bit in CmdMod */
#define MARGIS '\10' /* mask of "m defined" bit in CmdMod */
Arguments to ZSetTT function.
#define TT8BIT 1 /* whether terminal can handle 8-bit characters */
#define TTWIDTH 2 /* number of columns of charactes */
#define TTHEIGHT 3 /* number of rows of characters */
Miscellaneous identifiers.
#define FFLINS 5 /* number of blank lines displayed for form feed */
#define INFINITE -1L /* loop count value for infinite loops */
#define PRIMARY '\0' /* primary input or output stream specifier */
#define SECNDARY '\1' /* secondary input or output stream specifier */
#define OPERAND 0 /* means element is an integer */
#define OPERATOR 1 /* means element is + - * / & or | */
#define LOWER 0 /* case conversion mode specifier, for ^V, ^W */
#define NONE 1 /* case conversion mode specifier */
#define UPPER 2 /* case conversion mode specifier, for ^V, ^W */
define structure for expression stack
struct EStck {
LONG Elemnt; /* integer or operand character */
int ElType; /* Entry's type: OPERATOR or OPERAND */
define structure for loop stack
struct LStck {
LONG LIndex; /* loop repetition count */
charptr LAddr; /* pointer to start of loop in command buf */
define structure for q-registers
struct QReg {
charptr Start; /* start of text */
charptr End_P1; /* end of text, plus one */
LONG Number; /* numeric part of q-register */
define structure for macro stack
struct MStck {
charptr CStBeg; /* saves CStBeg */
charptr CBfPtr; /* saves CBfPtr */
charptr CStEnd; /* saves CStEnd */
WORD EStBot; /* saves EStBot */
WORD EStTop; /* saves EStTop */
WORD LStBot; /* saves LStBot */
WORD LStTop; /* saves LStTop */
QRptr QRgstr; /* local q-register table */
Debugging macros
#define DBGFEN(lv,fnm,msg) static char *DbgFNm = fnm; DbgFEn(lv, DbgFNm, msg)
#define DBGFEX(lv,fnm,msg) DbgFEx(lv, fnm, msg)
#define DBGFMS(lv,fnm,msg) DbgFMs(lv, fnm, msg)
#define DBGFEN(lv,fnm,msg)
#define DBGFEX(lv,fnm,msg)
#define DBGFMS(lv,fnm,msg)
function definitions
VVOID init_code_checksums(void);
VVOID check_code_checksums(void);
VVOID init_consistency_check(void);
VVOID check_consistency(void);
DEFAULT BakSrc(void); /* backwards search to match 1st character */
DEFAULT BldStr( /* build a string */
charptr XBfBeg, /* beginning of build-string buffer */
charptr XBfEnd, /* end of build-string buffer */
charptr (*XBfPtr)); /* pointer into build-string buffer */
VVOID ClenUp(void); /* clean up for TECO-C abort */
DEFAULT CMatch( /* match a character */
BOOLEAN *SamChr); /* returned match indicator */
DEFAULT DbgDsp(void); /* debugging, control debugging display (^P) */
VVOID DbgFEn( /* debugging, function entry */
int DbgFLv, /* function display level */
char *DbgFNm, /* function name */
char *DbgMsg); /* an entry message, usually parameters */
VVOID DbgFEx( /* debugging, function exit */
int DbgFLv, /* function display level */
char *DbgFNm, /* function name */
char *DbgMsg); /* an exit message, usually return value */
VVOID DbgFMs( /* debugging, function message */
int DbgFLv, /* function display level */
char *DbgFNm, /* function name */
char *DbgMsg); /* an message */
DEFAULT DoCJR( /* do C, J or R stuff */
LONG HowFar); /* positive or negative displacement */
VVOID DoEvEs( /* do an EV or ES mode control flag function */
WORD Flag);
DEFAULT DoFlag( /* handle mode control flag */
WORD *Flag);
VVOID EchoIt( /* echo a character to to terminal */
unsigned char Charac);
VVOID ErrChr( /* display error message with character arg */
WORD ErrNum, /* the error number */
unsigned char EChr); /* character to imbed in message */
VVOID ErrMsg( /* display error message */
WORD ErrNum); /* the error number */
VVOID ErrPSt( /* display error message with string arg */
WORD ErrNum, /* the error number */
charptr EBeg, /* string to imbed in message */
charptr EPtr); /* ptr to end-of-string, plus one */
VVOID ErrStr( /* display error message with string arg */
WORD ErrNum, /* the error number */
char *EStr); /* string to imbed in message */
VVOID ErrUTC(void); /* unterminated command or macro */
VVOID ErrVrb( /* display a verbose error message */
WORD ErrNum); /* error message number */
DEFAULT ExeA(void); /* execute an A command */
DEFAULT ExeAtS(void); /* execute an at-sign (@) command */
DEFAULT ExeB(void); /* execute a B command */
DEFAULT ExeBar(void); /* execute a bar (|) command */
DEFAULT ExeBSl(void); /* execute a backslash (\) command */
DEFAULT ExeC(void); /* execute a C command */
DEFAULT ExeCCC(void); /* execute a control-^ command */
DEFAULT ExeCln(void); /* execute a colon (:) command */
DEFAULT ExeCom(void); /* execute a comma (,) command */
DEFAULT ExeCrt(void); /* execute a caret (^) command */
DEFAULT ExeCSt(void); /* execute a command string */
DEFAULT ExeCtA(void); /* execute a control-A command */
DEFAULT ExeCtC(void); /* execute a control-C command */
DEFAULT ExeCtD(void); /* execute a control-D command */
DEFAULT ExeCtE(void); /* execute a control-E command */
DEFAULT ExeCtI(void); /* execute a control-I (tab) command */
DEFAULT ExeCtL(void); /* execute a control-L (form feed) command */
DEFAULT ExeCtN(void); /* execute a control-N command */
DEFAULT ExeCtO(void); /* execute a control-O command */
DEFAULT ExeCtP(void); /* execute a control-P command */
DEFAULT ExeCtQ(void); /* execute a control-Q command */
DEFAULT ExeCtR(void); /* execute a control-R command */
DEFAULT ExeCtS(void); /* execute a control-S command */
DEFAULT ExeCtT(void); /* execute a control-T command */
DEFAULT ExeCtU(void); /* execute a control-U command */
DEFAULT ExeCtV(void); /* execute a control-V command */
DEFAULT ExeCtW(void); /* execute a control-W command */
DEFAULT ExeCtX(void); /* execute a control-X command */
DEFAULT ExeCtY(void); /* execute a control-Y command */
DEFAULT ExeCtZ(void); /* execute a control-Z command */
DEFAULT ExeD(void); /* execute a D command */
DEFAULT ExeDgt(void); /* execute a digit command */
DEFAULT ExeDot(void); /* execute a dot (.) command */
DEFAULT ExeDQu(void); /* execute a double-quote (") command */
DEFAULT ExeE(void); /* execute on of the E commands */
DEFAULT ExeEqu(void); /* execute an equals-sign (=) command */
DEFAULT ExeEsc(void); /* execute an ESCAPE command */
DEFAULT ExeExc(void); /* execute an exclamation-mark (!) command */
DEFAULT ExeEY(void); /* execute an EY command */
DEFAULT ExeF(void); /* execute one of the F commands */
DEFAULT ExeFB(void); /* execute an FB command */
DEFAULT ExeG(void); /* execute a G command */
DEFAULT ExeGtr(void); /* execute a greater-than (>) command */
DEFAULT ExeH(void); /* execute an H command */
DEFAULT ExeI(void); /* execute an I command */
DEFAULT ExeIll(void); /* execute an "illegal" command */
DEFAULT ExeJ(void); /* execute a J command */
DEFAULT ExeK(void); /* execute a K command */
DEFAULT ExeK(void); /* execute a K command */
DEFAULT ExeL(void); /* execute an L command */
DEFAULT ExeLBr(void); /* execute a left-bracket ([) command */
DEFAULT ExeLst(void); /* execute a less-than (<) command */
DEFAULT ExeM(void); /* execute an M command */
DEFAULT ExeN(void); /* execute a N command */
DEFAULT ExeNul(void); /* execute a null command */
DEFAULT ExeNYI(void); /* "not yet implemented" function */
DEFAULT ExeO(void); /* execute an O command */
DEFAULT ExeOpr(void); /* execute a operator (+,-,*, etc.) command */
DEFAULT ExeP(void); /* execute a P or PW command */
DEFAULT ExePrc(void); /* execute a percent {%} command */
DEFAULT ExePW(void); /* execute a PW command */
DEFAULT ExeQ(void); /* execute a Q command */
DEFAULT ExeQes(void); /* execute a question-mark (?) command */
DEFAULT ExeR(void); /* execute an R command */
DEFAULT ExeRBr(void); /* execute a right-bracket (]) command */
DEFAULT ExeRtP(void); /* execute a right-parenthesis command */
DEFAULT ExeS(void); /* execute an S command */
DEFAULT ExeSCl(void); /* execute a semi-colon (;) command */
DEFAULT ExeT(void); /* execute a T command */
DEFAULT ExeU(void); /* execute a U command */
DEFAULT ExeUnd(void); /* execute an underbar (_) command */
DEFAULT ExeUsc(void); /* execute control-_ command */
DEFAULT ExeV(void); /* execute a V command */
DEFAULT ExeW(void); /* execute a W command */
DEFAULT ExeX(void); /* execute a X command */
DEFAULT ExeY(void); /* execute a Y command */
DEFAULT ExeZ(void); /* execute a Z command */
DEFAULT FindES( /* find end of string */
unsigned char TrmChr); /* termination char if no @ modifier */
DEFAULT FindQR(void); /* find a q-register index */
DEFAULT FlowEC(void); /* flow to end of conditional */
DEFAULT FlowEE(void); /* flow to | or ' */
DEFAULT FlowEL(void); /* flow to end of loop */
DEFAULT GetAra(void); /* get m,n area */
DEFAULT GetNmA(void); /* get numeric argument */
DEFAULT IncCBP(void); /* increment CBfPtr */
VVOID Init( /* initialize TECO-C */
int argc,
char *argv[]);
DEFAULT InsStr( /* insert string into edit buffer */
charptr string,
ptrdiff_t length);
BOOLEAN IsRadx( /* is the character in the radix set? */
unsigned char Charac);
LONG Ln2Chr( /* convert line offset to character offset */
LONG Value);
VVOID MakDBf( /* make digit buffer */
LONG Binary, /* binary number to be converted */
DEFAULT NRadix); /* radix to be used: 8, 10 or 16 */
DEFAULT MakRom( /* make room in q-register */
SIZE_T Amount); /* how much room to make */
DEFAULT PopMac(void); /* pop variables after macro call */
DEFAULT PshMac( /* push variables for macro call */
charptr Start, /* start of new command string */
charptr End); /* end of new command string, plus one */
DEFAULT PushEx( /* push onto expression stack */
LONG Item,
DEFAULT RdLine( /* read a line */
BOOLEAN *EBfFul); /* returned "edit buffer is full" indicator */
DEFAULT RdPage(void); /* read a page from a file */
VVOID ReadCS(void); /* read command string */
DEFAULT Replac(void); /* replace a string */
DEFAULT Search( /* top level search */
BOOLEAN RepCmd); /* TRUE if the command has two arguments */
DEFAULT SinglP(void); /* execute a single P function */
DEFAULT SkpCmd(void); /* skip a single command */
DEFAULT SrcLop(void); /* search loop */
DEFAULT SSerch(void); /* single search */
VVOID TAbort( /* terminate TECO-C */
DEFAULT tstat);
VVOID TypBuf( /* type a buffer on the terminal */
charptr YBfBeg,
charptr YBfEnd);
VVOID TAbort( /* cleanup for TECO-C abort */
DEFAULT tstat);
VVOID TypESt(void); /* type error string on terminal */
VVOID UMinus(void); /* handle unary minus */
DEFAULT WrPage( /* write to output file */
DEFAULT OfIndx, /* index into OFiles array */
charptr OBfBeg, /* address of output buffer beginning */
charptr OBfEnd, /* address of output buffer end */
LONG AddFF); /* -1 means add form feed, 0 means don't */
voidptr ZAlloc( /* like standard malloc function */
SIZE_T MemSiz);
VVOID ZBell(void); /* ring the terminal bell */
DEFAULT ZChIn( /* input a character from the terminal */
BOOLEAN NoWait); /* return immediately? */
LONG ZClnEG( /* execute special :EG command */
DEFAULT EGWhat, /* what to get/set/clear: MEM, LIB, etc. */
DEFAULT EGOper, /* operation: get, set or clear */
charptr TxtPtr); /* if setting, value to set */
VVOID ZClnUp(void); /* cleanup for TECO-C abort */
ULONG Zcp2ul( /* convert voidptr to unsigned long */
voidptr cp);
VVOID ZDoCmd( /* terminate and pass command string to OS */
charptr GBfBeg,
charptr GBfPtr);
VVOID ZDspBf( /* output a buffer to the terminal */
charptr buffer,
SIZE_T length);
VVOID ZDspCh( /* display a character */
char Charac);
DEFAULT ZExCtB(void); /* execute a ^B command */
DEFAULT ZExCtH(void); /* execute a ^H command */
DEFAULT ZExeEJ(void); /* execute an EJ command */
VVOID ZExit( /* terminate TECO-C */
DEFAULT estat);
VVOID ZFree( /* like standard free() function */
voidptr pointer);
DEFAULT ZFrSrc(void); /* forward search to match 1st character */
VVOID ZHelp( /* display a help message */
charptr HlpBeg, /* first char of help request */
charptr HlpEnd, /* last character of help request */
BOOLEAN SysLib, /* use default HELP library? */
BOOLEAN Prompt); /* enter interactive help mode? */
VVOID ZIClos( /* close input file */
DEFAULT IfIndx); /* index into IFiles array */
VVOID ZOClDe( /* close and delete output file */
DEFAULT OfIndx); /* index into OFiles array */
VVOID ZOClos( /* close output file */
DEFAULT OfIndx); /* index into OFiles array */
DEFAULT ZOpInp( /* open input file */
DEFAULT IfIndx, /* index into file data block array IFiles */
BOOLEAN EIFile, /* is it a macro file? (hunt for it) */
BOOLEAN RepFNF); /* report "file not found" error? */
DEFAULT ZOpOut( /* open output file */
DEFAULT OfIndx, /* output file indicator */
BOOLEAN RepErr, /* report errors? */
BOOLEAN Backup); /* create backup? TAA MOD */
VVOID ZPrsCL( /* parse the command line */
int argc,
char **argv);
DEFAULT ZPWild(void); /* preset the wildcard lookup filespec */
voidptr ZRaloc( /* re-allocate memory*/
voidptr OldBlk,
SIZE_T NewSiz);
DEFAULT ZRdLin( /* read a line */
charptr ibuf, /* where to put string */
ptrdiff_t ibuflen, /* max length of buf */
int IfIndx, /* index into IFiles[] */
DEFAULT *retlen); /* returned length of string */
VVOID ZScrOp( /* do a screen operation */
int OpCode); /* code for operation */
DEFAULT ZSetTT( /* set a terminal parameter */
DEFAULT TTWhat, /* what terminal parameter to set */
DEFAULT TTVal); /* new value for the terminal parameter */
DEFAULT ZSWild(void); /* search for next wildcard filename */
VVOID ZTrmnl(void); /* open terminal input and output */
VVOID ZVrbos( /* display verbose form of an error message */
WORD ErrNum, /* error number (see DEFERR.h) */
char *ErMnem); /* error mnemonic */
DEFAULT ZWrBfr( /* write a buffer */
DEFAULT OfIndx, /* index into OFiles array */
charptr BfrBeg, /* address of output buffer beginning */
charptr BfrEnd); /* address of output buffer end */
#else /* else (not USE_PROTOTYPES) */
VVOID init_code_checksums ();
VVOID check_code_checksums ();
VVOID init_consistency_check();
VVOID check_consistency();
DEFAULT BakSrc(); /* backwards search to match 1st character */
DEFAULT BldStr(); /* build a string */
VVOID ClenUp(); /* clean up for TECO-C abort */
DEFAULT CMatch(); /* match a character */
DEFAULT DbgDsp(); /* debugging, control debugging display */
VVOID DbgFEn(); /* debugging, function entry */
VVOID DbgFEx(); /* debugging, function exit */
VVOID DbgFMs(); /* debugging, function message */
DEFAULT DoCJR(); /* do C, J or R stuff */
VVOID DoEvEs(); /* do an EV or ES mode control flag function */
DEFAULT DoFlag(); /* handle mode control flag */
VVOID EchoIt(); /* echo a character to to terminal */
VVOID ErrChr(); /* display error message with character argument */
VVOID ErrMsg(); /* display error message */
VVOID ErrPSt(); /* display error message with string argument */
VVOID ErrStr(); /* display error message with string argument */
VVOID ErrUTC(); /* unterminated command or macro */
VVOID ErrVrb(); /* display a verbose error message */
DEFAULT ExeA(); /* execute an A command */
DEFAULT ExeAtS(); /* execute an at-sign (@) command */
DEFAULT ExeB(); /* execute a B command */
DEFAULT ExeBar(); /* execute a bar (|) command */
DEFAULT ExeBSl(); /* execute a backslash (\) command */
DEFAULT ExeC(); /* execute a C command */
DEFAULT ExeCCC(); /* execute a control-^ command */
DEFAULT ExeCln(); /* execute a colon (:) command */
DEFAULT ExeCom(); /* execute a comma (,) command */
DEFAULT ExeCrt(); /* execute a caret (^) command */
DEFAULT ExeCSt(); /* execute a command string */
DEFAULT ExeCtA(); /* execute a control-A command */
DEFAULT ExeCtC(); /* execute a control-C command */
DEFAULT ExeCtD(); /* execute a control-D command */
DEFAULT ExeCtE(); /* execute a control-E command */
DEFAULT ExeCtI(); /* execute a control-I (tab) command */
DEFAULT ExeCtL(); /* execute a control-L (form feed) command */
DEFAULT ExeCtN(); /* execute a control-N command */
DEFAULT ExeCtO(); /* execute a control-O command */
DEFAULT ExeCtP(); /* execute a control-P command */
DEFAULT ExeCtQ(); /* execute a control-Q command */
DEFAULT ExeCtR(); /* execute a control-R command */
DEFAULT ExeCtS(); /* execute a control-S command */
DEFAULT ExeCtT(); /* execute a control-T command */
DEFAULT ExeCtU(); /* execute a control-U command */
DEFAULT ExeCtV(); /* execute a control-V command */
DEFAULT ExeCtW(); /* execute a control-W command */
DEFAULT ExeCtX(); /* execute a control-X command */
DEFAULT ExeCtY(); /* execute a control-Y command */
DEFAULT ExeCtZ(); /* execute a control-Z command */
DEFAULT ExeD(); /* execute a D command */
DEFAULT ExeDgt(); /* execute a digit command */
DEFAULT ExeDot(); /* execute a dot (.) command */
DEFAULT ExeDQu(); /* execute a double-quote (") command */
DEFAULT ExeE(); /* execute on of the E commands */
DEFAULT ExeEqu(); /* execute an equals-sign (=) command */
DEFAULT ExeEsc(); /* execute an ESCAPE command */
DEFAULT ExeExc(); /* execute an exclamation-mark (!) command */
DEFAULT ExeEY(); /* execute an EY command */
DEFAULT ExeF(); /* execute one of the F commands */
DEFAULT ExeFB(); /* execute an FB command */
DEFAULT ExeG(); /* execute a G command */
DEFAULT ExeGtr(); /* execute a greater-than (>) command */
DEFAULT ExeH(); /* execute an H command */
DEFAULT ExeI(); /* execute an I command */
DEFAULT ExeIll(); /* execute an "illegal" command */
DEFAULT ExeJ(); /* execute a J command */
DEFAULT ExeK(); /* execute a K command */
DEFAULT ExeK(); /* execute a K command */
DEFAULT ExeL(); /* execute an L command */
DEFAULT ExeLBr(); /* execute a left-bracket ([) command */
DEFAULT ExeLst(); /* execute a less-than (<) command */
DEFAULT ExeM(); /* execute an M command */
DEFAULT ExeN(); /* execute a N command */
DEFAULT ExeNul(); /* execute a null command */
DEFAULT ExeNYI(); /* "not yet implemented" function */
DEFAULT ExeO(); /* execute an O command */
DEFAULT ExeOpr(); /* execute a operator (+,-,*, etc.) command */
DEFAULT ExeP(); /* execute a P or PW command */
DEFAULT ExePrc(); /* execute a percent {%} command */
DEFAULT ExePW(); /* execute a PW command */
DEFAULT ExeQ(); /* execute a Q command */
DEFAULT ExeQes(); /* execute a question-mark (?) command */
DEFAULT ExeR(); /* execute an R command */
DEFAULT ExeRBr(); /* execute a right-bracket (]) command */
DEFAULT ExeRtP(); /* execute a right-parenthesis command */
DEFAULT ExeS(); /* execute an S command */
DEFAULT ExeSCl(); /* execute a semi-colon (;) command */
DEFAULT ExeT(); /* execute a T command */
DEFAULT ExeU(); /* execute a U command */
DEFAULT ExeUnd(); /* execute an underbar (_) command */
DEFAULT ExeUsc(); /* execute control-_ command */
DEFAULT ExeV(); /* execute a V command */
DEFAULT ExeW(); /* execute a W command */
DEFAULT ExeX(); /* execute a X command */
DEFAULT ExeY(); /* execute a Y command */
DEFAULT ExeZ(); /* execute a Z command */
DEFAULT FindES(); /* find end of string */
DEFAULT FindQR(); /* find a q-register index */
DEFAULT FlowEC(); /* flow to end of conditional */
DEFAULT FlowEE(); /* flow to | or ' */
DEFAULT FlowEL(); /* flow to end of loop */
DEFAULT GetAra(); /* get m,n area */
DEFAULT GetNmA(); /* get numeric argument */
DEFAULT IncCBP(); /* increment CBfPtr */
VVOID Init(); /* initialize TECO-C */
DEFAULT InsStr(); /* insert string into edit buffer */
BOOLEAN IsRadx(); /* is the character in the radix set? */
LONG Ln2Chr(); /* convert line offset to character offset */
VVOID MakDBf(); /* make digit buffer */
DEFAULT MakRom(); /* make room in q-register */
DEFAULT PopMac(); /* pop variables after macro call */
DEFAULT PshMac(); /* push variables for macro call */
DEFAULT PushEx(); /* push onto expression stack */
DEFAULT RdLine(); /* read a line */
DEFAULT RdPage(); /* read a page from a file */
VVOID ReadCS(); /* read command string */
DEFAULT Replac(); /* replace a string */
DEFAULT Search(); /* top level search */
DEFAULT SinglP(); /* execute a single P function */
DEFAULT SkpCmd(); /* skip a single command */
DEFAULT SrcLop(); /* search loop */
DEFAULT SSerch(); /* single search */
VVOID TAbort(); /* terminate TECO-C */
VVOID TypBuf(); /* type a buffer on the terminal */
VVOID TypESt(); /* type error string on terminal */
VVOID UMinus(); /* handle unary minus */
DEFAULT WrPage(); /* write to output file */
voidptr ZAlloc(); /* like standard malloc function */
VVOID ZBell(); /* ring the terminal bell */
DEFAULT ZChIn(); /* input a character from the terminal */
LONG ZClnEG(); /* execute special :EG command */
VVOID ZClnUp(); /* cleanup for TECO-C abort */
ULONG Zcp2ul(); /* convert charptr to unsigned long */
VVOID ZDoCmd(); /* terminate and pass command string to OS */
VVOID ZDspBf(); /* output a buffer to the terminal */
VVOID ZDspCh(); /* display a character */
DEFAULT ZExCtB(); /* execute a ^B command */
DEFAULT ZExCtH(); /* execute a ^H command */
DEFAULT ZExeEJ(); /* execute an EJ command */
VVOID ZExit(); /* terminate TECO-C */
VVOID ZFree(); /* like standard free() function */
DEFAULT ZFrSrc(); /* forward search to match 1st character */
VVOID ZHelp(); /* display a help message */
VVOID ZIClos(); /* close input file */
VVOID ZOClDe(); /* close and delete output file */
VVOID ZOClos(); /* close output file */
DEFAULT ZOpInp(); /* open input file */
DEFAULT ZOpOut(); /* open output file */
VVOID ZPrsCL(); /* parse the command line */
DEFAULT ZPWild(); /* preset the wildcard lookup filespec */
voidptr ZRaloc(); /* re-allocate memory*/
DEFAULT ZRdLin(); /* read a line */
VVOID ZScrOp(); /* do a screen operation */
DEFAULT ZSetTT(); /* set a terminal parameter */
DEFAULT ZSWild(); /* search for next wildcard filename */
VVOID ZTrmnl(); /* open terminal input and output */
VVOID ZVrbos(); /* display verbose form of an error message */
DEFAULT ZWrBfr(); /* write line to file */
void Scope();
void centre();
void dolf();
void dobs();
void ccs();
void do_right();
void do_left();
void do_sf();
void do_sr();
void do_down();
void do_up();
void do_seetog();
void redraw();
void keypad_on();
void keypad_off();