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# MAKEFILE.TC: Borland Make file for TECO-C
# Last updated: 17 July 1990
# Command line:
# make -fmakefile.tc [-D80186] [-DALL] [-DINCDIR=?]
# [-DLIBDIR=?] [-DMAP] [-DMODEL=?]
# -D80186
# The default is to compile for the 8086. If you have an 80186 or
# an 80286, -D80186 will supposedly enable some 80186 instructions
# like ENTER/LEAVE and PUSH <immediate data>.
# I don't think ENTER and LEAVE are generated if a function doesn't
# have any local variables. I think ENTER and LEAVE are slower
# than the standard function entry/exit sequence; but they can
# end up being smaller (?).
# PUSH <immediate data> means a number can be pushed directly on
# the stack (ie: PUSH 10) instead of loading the number into a
# register first and then pushing the register (ie MOV AX, 10 !
# PUSH AX). Saves a minuscule amount of space; and is faster, so
# why not?
# The default is to compile a TECO-C module and add it to the TECOC.LIB
# library. If you're compiling all the modules from scratch, -DALL will
# compile every module first, then build the TECOC.LIB library which is
# much faster.
# I have my Turbo C libraries in C:\TC\INCLUDE
# I have my Turbo C libraries in C:\TC\LIB
# The default is to not generate a TLINK .MAP file. The CHECKSUM_CODE
# #define in ZPORT.H enables runtime code checksumming to insure that
# code isn't being overwritten by stray pointers. The checksumming
# routines in TECOC.C require a current TLINK C .MAP file in order to
# work, so if you enable the CHECKSUM_CODE option, be sure to compile
# with -DMAP; and be sure you have an up-to-date .MAP file when running
# with code checksumming. Note: CHECKSUM_CODE doesn't work with Turbo
# Debugger since TD modifies code as it runs.
# Memory Model macro. '?' is one of the following:
# s small (near code, near data)
# c compact (near code, far data)
# m medium (far code, near data)
# l large (far code, far data, 64K static data)
# h huge (far code, far data, 64K static data per module)
# If DEBUGGING is TRUE in ZPORT.H you will have to use the large
# or huge model to get large (far) code. If DEBUGGING is FALSE
# in ZPORT.H you can use the compact model to get small (near) code.
# Stay with a large (far) data model. TECO-C uses huge pointers and
# we wouldn't want to send a huge pointer to a small data model C
# library routine which expects a near pointer.
# There *is* code in ZPORT.H which has been used to allow debugging
# completely under the small data model (look for __SMALL__), although
# there many problems. Do not use the small (near) data models.
# The default is to include stack checking (tcc -N, see STKCHK below)
# and Turbo Debugger (tcc -v) code. For production versions of TECO-C
# use -DNODEBUG. This will disable stack checking (tcc -N-), disable
# Turbo Debugger (tcc -v-), enable jump and register optimizations
# (tcc -O -Z), generate for speed (-G), merge duplicate strings
# (tcc -d) and use the Pascal function calling sequence (tcc -p)
# to generate smaller and faster function calls.
# Note: this NODEBUG switch has *nothing* to do with the internal
# debugging code enabled by setting DEBUGGING on in ZPORT.H.
# -DTCPP100
# There is a conflict in Turbo C++ v1.00 between large model and
# stack checking. If TCPP is defined and we're including TD debugging
# code (implying we're debugging in large model?), then disable stack
# checking.
!if !$d(MODEL) # if no model defined on the command line
!if $d(NODEBUG) # if we're not debugging
MODEL=c # use the compact model
!else # else
MODEL=l # use the large model
!endif # endif
!endif # endif
!if !$d(LIBDIR) # if no library directory on the command line
LIBDIR=f:\bc4\lib # use my Turbo C library directory
!endif # endif
# TCC options:
# -1 80186/286 Instructions (only if you have a 186+)
# -G Generate for speed (not debugging)
# -Idir Include file directory
# -K Default char is unsigned
# -N Check stack overflow (debugging)
# -O Optimize jumps (not debugging)
# -Z Optimize register usage (not debugging)
# -c Compile only
# -d Merge duplicate strings (not debugging)
# -m? memory model (? = c or l)
# -p use Pascal function calls (not deubgging)
# -v Source level debugging (debugging)
# -w Enable all warnings
COMPILE=bcc -c -m$(MODEL) -w -K
!if $d(NODEBUG) # if we're not debugging
COMPILE=$(COMPILE) -p -O1 # do optimizations
!else # else
COMPILE=$(COMPILE) -v # compile for Turbo Debugger
!if !$d(TCPP100)) # if not TC++
COMPILE=$(COMPILE) -N # compile for stack checking
!endif # endif
!endif # endif
!if $d(80186) # if we're on a 80186 or better
COMPILE=$(COMPILE) -1 # enable 80186 code
!endif # endif
!if $d(INCDIR)
# TLIB options:
# /c case sensitive library
# /e create extended dictionary
!if $d(NODEBUG)
# how to make the TECOC.EXE file
tecoc.exe : tecoc.obj tecoc.lib
bcc -m$(MODEL) -lm tecoc.obj noeh$(MODEL).lib tecoc.lib
# how to make the TECOC.OBJ module
tecoc.obj : tecoc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dscren.h
$(COMPILE) tecoc.c
# what constitutes the TECOC.LIB library
baksrc.obj bldstr.obj clenup.obj cmatch.obj docjr.obj doeves.obj \
doflag.obj echoit.obj err.obj exeats.obj exea.obj exebar.obj \
exebsl.obj exeb.obj execcc.obj execln.obj execom.obj execrt.obj \
execst.obj execta.obj exectc.obj exectd.obj execte.obj execti.obj \
exectl.obj exectn.obj execto.obj exectp.obj exectq.obj exectr.obj \
exects.obj exectt.obj exectu.obj exectv.obj exectw.obj exectx.obj \
execty.obj exectz.obj exec.obj exedgt.obj exedot.obj exedqu.obj \
exed.obj exeequ.obj exeesc.obj exeexc.obj exeey.obj exee.obj \
exefb.obj exef.obj exegtr.obj exeg.obj exeh.obj exeill.obj \
exei.obj exej.obj exek.obj exelbr.obj exelst.obj exel.obj \
exem.obj exenul.obj exenyi.obj exen.obj exeopr.obj exeo.obj \
exeprc.obj exepw.obj exep.obj exeqes.obj exeq.obj exerbr.obj \
exertp.obj exer.obj exescl.obj exes.obj exet.obj exeund.obj \
exeusc.obj exeu.obj exev.obj exew.obj exex.obj exey.obj \
exez.obj findes.obj findqr.obj flowec.obj flowee.obj flowel.obj \
getara.obj getnma.obj inccbp.obj init.obj insstr.obj isradx.obj \
ln2chr.obj makdbf.obj makrom.obj popmac.obj pshmac.obj pushex.obj \
rdline.obj rdpage.obj readcs.obj replac.obj search.obj singlp.obj \
skpcmd.obj srclop.obj sserch.obj tabort.obj typbuf.obj typest.obj \
uminus.obj wrpage.obj zfrsrc.obj zmsdos.obj
# how to make the TECOC.LIB library
!if $d(ALL) #build entire library at once
tecoc.lib : $(TECOC_OBJS) tctlib.rsp
del tecoc.lib
tlib $(TLIB_OP) tecoc.lib @tctlib.rsp
$(COMPILE) $*.c
!else #modules added to library after compile
tecoc.lib : $(TECOC_OBJS)
$(COMPILE) $*.c
tlib $(TLIB_OP) tecoc.lib -+$*.obj
# The CHECKSUM_CODE routines use the ZFirst() function in ZFIRST.C
# to get an idea of where the first code module is located in memory
# when TECO-C is loaded.
zfirst.obj : zfirst.c
# the TECOC.LIB library modules.
baksrc.obj : baksrc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h
bldstr.obj : bldstr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dchars.h chmacs.h
clenup.obj : clenup.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
cmatch.obj : cmatch.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h
docjr.obj : docjr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
doeves.obj : doeves.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
doflag.obj : doflag.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
echoit.obj : echoit.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
err.obj : err.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h deferr.h dchars.h
exea.obj : exea.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeats.obj : exeats.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exeb.obj : exeb.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exebar.obj : exebar.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exebsl.obj : exebsl.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h
exec.obj : exec.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execcc.obj : execcc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
execln.obj : execln.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execom.obj : execom.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
execrt.obj : execrt.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h deferr.h
execst.obj : execst.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
execta.obj : execta.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exectc.obj : exectc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exectd.obj : exectd.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execte.obj : execte.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execti.obj : execti.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exectl.obj : exectl.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exectn.obj : exectn.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execto.obj : execto.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exectp.obj : exectp.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exectq.obj : exectq.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exectr.obj : exectr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exects.obj : exects.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exectt.obj : exectt.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exectu.obj : exectu.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dchars.h
exectv.obj : exectv.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exectw.obj : exectw.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exectx.obj : exectx.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
execty.obj : execty.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exectz.obj : exectz.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exed.obj : exed.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exedgt.obj : exedgt.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h chmacs.h
exedot.obj : exedot.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exedqu.obj : exedqu.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h chmacs.h
exee.obj : exee.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h dchars.h deferr.h
exeequ.obj : exeequ.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
exeesc.obj : exeesc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exeexc.obj : exeexc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exeey.obj : exeey.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exef.obj : exef.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h deferr.h
exefb.obj : exefb.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeg.obj : exeg.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exegtr.obj : exegtr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeh.obj : exeh.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exei.obj : exei.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
exeill.obj : exeill.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exej.obj : exej.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exek.obj : exek.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exel.obj : exel.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exelbr.obj : exelbr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exelst.obj : exelst.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exem.obj : exem.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exen.obj : exen.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exenul.obj : exenul.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exenyi.obj : exenyi.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeo.obj : exeo.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
exeopr.obj : exeopr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exep.obj : exep.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeprc.obj : exeprc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exepw.obj : exepw.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exeq.obj : exeq.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeqes.obj : exeqes.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exer.obj : exer.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exerbr.obj : exerbr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exertp.obj : exertp.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exes.obj : exes.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
exescl.obj : exescl.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exet.obj : exet.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exeu.obj : exeu.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeund.obj : exeund.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exeusc.obj : exeusc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
exev.obj : exev.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
exew.obj : exew.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dscren.h
exex.obj : exex.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exey.obj : exey.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
exez.obj : exez.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
findes.obj : findes.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
findqr.obj : findqr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h chmacs.h
flowec.obj : flowec.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
flowee.obj : flowee.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
flowel.obj : flowel.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
getara.obj : getara.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
getnma.obj : getnma.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
inccbp.obj : inccbp.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
init.obj : init.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
insstr.obj : insstr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
isradx.obj : isradx.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h
ln2chr.obj : ln2chr.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h
makdbf.obj : makdbf.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
makrom.obj : makrom.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
popmac.obj : popmac.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
pshmac.obj : pshmac.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
pushex.obj : pushex.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
rdline.obj : rdline.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dchars.h
rdpage.obj : rdpage.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
readcs.obj : readcs.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h \
replac.obj : replac.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
search.obj : search.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h dchars.h
singlp.obj : singlp.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
skpcmd.obj : skpcmd.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h dchars.h deferr.h
srclop.obj : srclop.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h deferr.h
sserch.obj : sserch.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
tabort.obj : tabort.c zport.h tecoc.h
typbuf.obj : typbuf.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h
typest.obj : typest.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h
uminus.obj : uminus.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h
wrpage.obj : wrpage.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h deferr.h
zfrsrc.obj : zfrsrc.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h dchars.h chmacs.h deferr.h
zmsdos.obj : zmsdos.c zport.h tecoc.h defext.h chmacs.h clpars.h deferr.h \
dchars.h dscren.h vrbmsg.h