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Pact Proposal
The pact == code of conduct.
Basically we've come the observation that "use common sense" and "be excellent" don't always suffice as a code of conduct. This is because different people have different realities, different values and morals. We think this diversity is a good thing. However in a communal context where these realities clash with eachother it creates friction and conflict.
So the need for basic rules arose, this is an attempt to define these rules.
These basic rules are a practical emanation the two basic rules:
- Use common sense
- Be excellent to eachother
Members are encouraged to apply the two basic rules to the best of their abilities. Be excellent to eachother implies treating others the way you want to be treated, which is considered by almost all moral systems as the golden rule.
Space maintance
- Keep the dishes clean: when using the dishes clean your dishes and any dishes that are standing there. When you see other people using the dishes, and they forget cleaning them, give them a gentle reminder.
- Keep the desks clean, feel free to use the deskspace for your stuff, you can leave your stuff on the desk when you just 'pop out for some food', but leave a note stating when you'll be back. Do Not leave it for the next morning.
- Remove empty packaging, from food or beverages.
- Every once in a while there will be a cleaning day in the space, as an good upstanding member of the community you should attend one of these at least once quarterly. Lots of hands make light work.
Exit space
- If you are the last person to leave the space, it's your resposibility to clean up. If you see people leaving, please alert them if they have left their trash in the space.
- Switch of all power consuming things
- Close the roof
- Read and follow the checklist at the door
Throwing things away
- Some things that seem a useless waste of space to you, might be very valuable to other people. When you throw things away, it has to be decided upon by the group, via the decision model of the group.
- Every member of the space gets one (1) box where they can leave their stuff, if your project doesn't fit in that box, please don't leave it unattended in the space.
Tool Maintance
- When you are using tools/infrastructure from the space, you are effectively borrowing that item from the community.
- Return borrowed items promptly in the same or better condition than when borrowed.
- If you borrow it, return it. If it breaks, fix it. If you lose it, replace it.
- So when using something, clean it afterwards and put it back in it's place.
- If you are not trained to use tool $FOO, don't use tool $FOO but ask an expert to teach you first.
- If you use one of the public workstations, please shut it off when you are done.
- if you use the printer, please deposit some cash to pay for consumables
Social behavior
- When in doubt if you're doing the right thing, you probably aren't.
- People are trying to concentrate in here so
- Mind your voice, volume. If you are talking to someone on the other side of the space everyone inbetween can hear you, move closer.
- We know you like $FOO music, but use a headphione or keep the volume low.