The hackerspace is a shared resource created *by* the community, *for* the community. It only exists because people think it's valuable enough to nourish it. Without the community, the hackerspace would simply not exist, so it is very important that we as a community collaborate and keep it fun for everyone.
People have different realities, values and morals, resulting in different ideas for how to do these three things. To get around these differing realities use empathy, not cunning. Continuously convincing others to see things your way will get you what you want in the short run but can breed resentment in the long run. Going out of your way to understand and to accommodate the other person's point of view strengthens the community itself. The guidelines below describe what the hackerspace thinks it means to use common sense, be excellent to others, and not be an asshole.
The goal of the do-ocracy and these guidelines is to create an awesome community. The do-ocracy gives you a lot of freedom, but you need to use it wisely. People who try to exploit loopholes in this system to do things that damage the community cannot handle the freedom of a do-ocracy and will be pushed out very quickly. Do not read these guidelines like a lawbook, but read it like a cookbook. It doesn't matter if you use a bit more sugar than the recipe says, as long as your goal is to make the cake better.
* Only members are allowed to have personal property in the space. You get one box (the membership box) where you can leave your stuff. If you need more space for your projects, bring it up in a group meeting.
* If you break personal property of another member, you have to fully reimburse the member's losses.
* All personal property that is not in a members box has to be labeled (including tools and machines).
If you damage or lose space property, you have to notice the community immediately in the Changelog or Main channel on mattermost. Explain what happened and if/how you will fix it.
Only members are allowed to take space property out of the space. If you take space property out of the space, you have to notify the community immediately, for example in the Changelog or Main channel on Mattermost. If someone disagrees with you taking it out of the space, make that person happy or put it back.
* Keep the dishes clean: when using the dishes, clean your dishes and any dishes that are standing there. When you see other people using the dishes, and they forget cleaning them, give them a gentle reminder.
* Keep the desks clean, feel free to use the desk space for your stuff, you can leave your stuff on the desk when you just 'pop out for some food', but leave a note stating when you'll be back. _Do Not_ leave it there until the next morning.
* Every once in a while there will be a cleaning day in the space, as a good upstanding member of the community you should attend one of these at least once quarterly. Many hands make light work.
* If you are the last person to leave the space, it's your responsibility to clean up. If you see people leaving, please alert them if they have left their trash in the space.
* Some things that seem a useless waste of space to you might be very valuable to other people. When you throw things away, you have to let the community know and give them enough time to object.
* Share your love and passion, but respect people's boundaries.
* Don't hack people without their explicit consent.
If you have any issues with other people's behavior, please notify the board. The board will help if you want, but even if you don't; still notify them so they know of the problem.
* Some moments are 'louder' than others, so it's not always easy to follow. Sometimes library/office-rules apply, sometimes workshop-rules and sometimes bar-rules. When in doubt, check with the other members.