Update 'Funding of openweb projects'

Admin 2021-10-04 20:12:23 +00:00
parent b095bd37c1
commit e6f28dc423
1 changed files with 110 additions and 87 deletions

@ -580,93 +580,116 @@ NGO/center - XWiki Bring wiki capabilities into the Fediverse
??? - WikiRate Insights Transforming WikiRate ESG Platform User Experience to Maximise Reliable Data Insights
Wireguard Windows client Native Wireguard protocol client for Windows
Wireguard Rust Implementation Implementation of WireGuard in a type safe language
Wishbone Streaming Add Streaming capabilities to Wishbone
WordPress ActivityPub Bring ActivityPub social networking to the widely used Wordpress
XWiki ActivityPub First class ActivityPub support in XWiki
YaCy Grid SaaS
Yrs Collaborative editing with CRDT written in Rust
ZSipOs Open hardware for telephony encryption
ARPA2 Working towards a decentralised global internet that offers security and privacy by design.
GnuTLS Implement TLS-KDH in GnuTLS
ARPA2 resource ACL and HTTP SASL modules for NGINX Extend consistent access control to NGINX webserver
betrusted A protected hardware device for your private matters.
Bitmask User-friendly and secure VPN configuration
Conferences sponsoring of various conferences
Reinstatement of crypto.signText() Cryptographic signatures brought back to the browser
Democratic Sendcomm An easy to use connected open hardware device with a flat learning curve
dhcpcanon Network configuration with better privacy
DIME A new encrypted, end-to-end email protocol
Distributed Mechanism Learning Privacy preserving ways of distributed data usage
Donations smaller contributions to various activities
ipfs-search.com Index DHT based distributed webs
eduVPN app Add Wireguard protocol to federated VPN suite
eduVPN on Apple eduVPN for Apple devices
eduVPN on Apple part II Improved version of eduVPN for Apple devices
eduVPN multi-protocol Review of the eduVPN multi-protocol project.
eduVPN Making secure VPN network technology available to everyone
elRepo.io - Resilient, human-centered, distributed content sharing and discovery. Resilient, human-centered, distributed content sharing and discovery.
Explain Direct Providing effective and efficient access paradigms for open educational material
Fashion Freedom Supporting research, development, and education to bring the fashion industry into the 21st century
fediverse.space Find your way in the Fediverse
FileSender FileSender is a secure and private way to share large files with anyone.
fwupd Automatic Firmware updates for BSD operating systems
GetDNS Deliver DNSSEC as a building block in harsh environments
Global Directories Distributed contact information discovery mechanism
Pretty Easy Privacy At scale simulation over GNUnet with different realistic user behavior scenarios
GUN P2P Encryption A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine
Hackathons contributions to various hackathons
Internet of Coins Create a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing inter-blockchain connectivity
Handling Data from IPv6 Scanning Scanning tools for scaling up IPv6 scans
iuh-openbsc An open source implementation of 3G
Katzenpost Observation resistant secure messaging layer
Key Management Key Management
DNSSEC Key Signing Suite A best practise for DNSSEC Key Signing
libresilient Create robust web presence with service workers and DHT
libspng A fast and safe implementation of Portable Network Graphics
lpnTPM TPM 2.0 compliant open hardware Trusted Platform Module
Securing Shared Decentralised Live Information with m-ld Collaborative editing of LInked Data based on CRDT
Minedive P2P search over webRTC
mobile-nixos NixOS for mobile phones and tablets
Namecoin Decentralized, censorship resist Internet infrastructure for e.g. DNS and identities
Faster and configurable datapath/Linux xfrm Rewriting nftables to optimise for xfrm
Nixcloud Mail Declarative mail server based on NixOS
Nixcloud Webservices Declarative web services based on NixOS
Software vulnerability discovery Automating discovery of software update and vulnerabilities
node-Tor Implementation of Tor protocols for inside webpages
offen Ethical site analytics, controlled by the user
openEngiadina Platform for creating, publishing and using open local knowledge
oqsprovider Post-quantum/quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms for OpenSSL
pcb-rnd Modular printed circuit board editor
Pitchfork Open hardware for compartmentalizing key material and cryptographic operations
Pitchfork PKCS#11 Contribute to OASIS standardisation PKCS#11 v3
PKCS#11 v3 Contribute to standardisation of PKCS#11 for cryptographic tokens
postmarketOS An independent mobile operating system
Privacy Preserving Disease Tracking Research into contact tracing privacy
RaptorJIT RaptorJIT is a high-performance Lua virtual machine for network dataplanes.
Modular CA Modular infrastructure for building secure internet services
Remote PKCS#11 Remote usage of PKCS#11
SDR PHY Create a GSM mobile phone consisting of completely open source software and SDR radio
x86-64-bit Virtual Machine Monitor for seL4 verified microkernel Very restricted virtualized environment for higher security
Search and Displace Find and redact privacy sensitive information
SecuShare A framework for sufficiently safe social interaction
Secushare Box Operating system extension of Secushare for hardware devices
Serval-LR SERVAL Long-range WiFi Add-on
Magic Wormhole/SPAKE2 Securely send files between two computers with minimum fuss
Stubby A local DNS Privacy stub resolver using DNS-over-TLS
TLS-KDH Combined Kerberos and Diffie-Hellman as an authentication mechanism for TLS
TOS;DR A user rights initiative to rate and label website terms & privacy policies
Tracking Exposed Increase transparency behind personalization algorithms
Trusted Boot Module An open hardware trusted boot manager
Vita A fast IPSEC-based VPN gateway
Vita A high performance IPSEC implementation
Free Software Vulnerability Database A resource to aggregate software updates
Nixcloud Declarative internet services based on NixOS
WireGuard A fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography
Wireguard Take modern network tunnels to the next level
WPIA CA Infrastructure Deployment infrastructure for certificate authorities
xqerl Performant (Erlang) implementation of W3C XQuery and XML database
left - Wireguard Windows client Native Wireguard protocol client for Windows
NGO - Wireguard Rust Implementation Implementation of WireGuard in a type safe language
??? - Wishbone Streaming Add Streaming capabilities to Wishbone
Left - WordPress ActivityPub Bring ActivityPub social networking to the widely used Wordpress
left - XWiki ActivityPub First class ActivityPub support in XWiki
??? - YaCy Grid SaaS
NGO - Yrs Collaborative editing with CRDT written in Rust
Right - ZSipOs Open hardware for telephony encryption
Right - ARPA2 Working towards a decentralised global internet that offers security and privacy by design.
??? - GnuTLS Implement TLS-KDH in GnuTLS
??? - ARPA2 resource ACL and HTTP SASL modules for NGINX Extend consistent access control to NGINX webserver
Right - betrusted A protected hardware device for your private matters.
NGO - Bitmask User-friendly and secure VPN configuration
??? - Conferences sponsoring of various conferences
??? - Reinstatement of crypto.signText() Cryptographic signatures brought back to the browser
NGO - Democratic Sendcomm An easy to use connected open hardware device with a flat learning curve
??? - dhcpcanon Network configuration with better privacy
Right/NGO - DIME A new encrypted, end-to-end email protocol
??? - Distributed Mechanism Learning Privacy preserving ways of distributed data usage
??? - Donations smaller contributions to various activities
??? - ipfs-search.com Index DHT based distributed webs
??? - eduVPN app Add Wireguard protocol to federated VPN suite
??? - eduVPN on Apple eduVPN for Apple devices
??? - eduVPN on Apple part II Improved version of eduVPN for Apple devices
??? - eduVPN multi-protocol Review of the eduVPN multi-protocol project.
??? - eduVPN Making secure VPN network technology available to everyone
NGO - elRepo.io - Resilient, human-centered, distributed content sharing and discovery. Resilient, human-centered, distributed content sharing and discovery.
NGO - Explain Direct Providing effective and efficient access paradigms for open educational material
NGO - Fashion Freedom Supporting research, development, and education to bring the fashion industry into the 21st century
??? - fediverse.space Find your way in the Fediverse
NGO - FileSender FileSender is a secure and private way to share large files with anyone.
NGO - fwupd Automatic Firmware updates for BSD operating systems
NGO - GetDNS Deliver DNSSEC as a building block in harsh environments
NGO - Global Directories Distributed contact information discovery mechanism
Right/NGO - Pretty Easy Privacy At scale simulation over GNUnet with different realistic user behavior scenarios
NGO - GUN P2P Encryption A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine
??? - Hackathons contributions to various hackathons
Right/NGO - Internet of Coins Create a decentralized, self-sustaining economy by implementing inter-blockchain connectivity
??? - Handling Data from IPv6 Scanning Scanning tools for scaling up IPv6 scans
NGO - iuh-openbsc An open source implementation of 3G
NGO - Katzenpost Observation resistant secure messaging layer
NGO - Key Management Key Management
NGO - DNSSEC Key Signing Suite A best practise for DNSSEC Key Signing
??? - libresilient Create robust web presence with service workers and DHT
??? - libspng A fast and safe implementation of Portable Network Graphics
??? - lpnTPM TPM 2.0 compliant open hardware Trusted Platform Module
NGO - Securing Shared Decentralised Live Information with m-ld Collaborative editing of LInked Data based on CRDT
NGO - Minedive P2P search over webRTC
NGO - mobile-nixos NixOS for mobile phones and tablets
RIGHT/NGO - Namecoin Decentralized, censorship resist Internet infrastructure for e.g. DNS and identities
??? - Faster and configurable datapath/Linux xfrm Rewriting nftables to optimise for xfrm
??? - Nixcloud Mail Declarative mail server based on NixOS
??? - Nixcloud Webservices Declarative web services based on NixOS
??? - Software vulnerability discovery Automating discovery of software update and vulnerabilities
NGO -node-Tor Implementation of Tor protocols for inside webpages
NGO - offen Ethical site analytics, controlled by the user
NGO - openEngiadina Platform for creating, publishing and using open local knowledge
Right - oqsprovider Post-quantum/quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms for OpenSSL
NGO - pcb-rnd Modular printed circuit board editor
NGO/right - Pitchfork Open hardware for compartmentalizing key material and cryptographic operations
NGO/right - Pitchfork PKCS#11 Contribute to OASIS standardisation PKCS#11 v3
right - PKCS#11 v3 Contribute to standardisation of PKCS#11 for cryptographic tokens
NGO - postmarketOS An independent mobile operating system
Right - Privacy Preserving Disease Tracking Research into contact tracing privacy
NGO - RaptorJIT RaptorJIT is a high-performance Lua virtual machine for network dataplanes.
NGO - Modular CA Modular infrastructure for building secure internet services
??? - Remote PKCS#11 Remote usage of PKCS#11
NGO - SDR PHY Create a GSM mobile phone consisting of completely open source software and SDR radio
Right - x86-64-bit Virtual Machine Monitor for seL4 verified microkernel Very restricted virtualized environment for higher security
NGO/??? - Search and Displace Find and redact privacy sensitive information
Right - SecuShare A framework for sufficiently safe social interaction
Right/ngo - Secushare Box Operating system extension of Secushare for hardware devices
??? - Serval-LR SERVAL Long-range WiFi Add-on
NGO - Magic Wormhole/SPAKE2 Securely send files between two computers with minimum fuss
Right - Stubby A local DNS Privacy stub resolver using DNS-over-TLS
NGO/right - TLS-KDH Combined Kerberos and Diffie-Hellman as an authentication mechanism for TLS
NGO - TOS;DR A user rights initiative to rate and label website terms & privacy policies
NGO - Tracking Exposed Increase transparency behind personalization algorithms
Right/ngo - Trusted Boot Module An open hardware trusted boot manager
Right/ngo - Vita A fast IPSEC-based VPN gateway
Right/ngo - Vita A high performance IPSEC implementation
NGO - Free Software Vulnerability Database A resource to aggregate software updates
NGO - Nixcloud Declarative internet services based on NixOS
Right - WireGuard A fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography
Right - Wireguard Take modern network tunnels to the next level
NGO - WPIA CA Infrastructure Deployment infrastructure for certificate authorities
NGO - xqerl Performant (Erlang) implementation of W3C XQuery and XML database
NLnet Foundation currently supports the following projects with in-kind contributions:
The Commons Conservancy Legal infrastructure for public benefit efforts