
548 lines
16 KiB

* $Id: vim.c 762 2010-07-28 11:38:19Z dfishburn $
* Copyright (c) 2000-2003, Darren Hiebert
* This source code is released for free distribution under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License.
* Thanks are due to Jay Glanville for significant improvements.
* This module contains functions for generating tags for user-defined
* functions for the Vim editor.
#include "third_party/ctags/general.h"
/* must always come first */
#include "third_party/ctags/parse.h"
#include "third_party/ctags/read.h"
#include "third_party/ctags/vstring.h"
#if 0
typedef struct sLineInfo {
tokenType type;
keywordId keyword;
vString * string;
vString * scope;
unsigned long lineNumber;
fpos_t filePosition;
} lineInfo;
static kindOption VimKinds[] = {
{TRUE, 'a', "augroup", "autocommand groups"},
{TRUE, 'c', "command", "user-defined commands"},
{TRUE, 'f', "function", "function definitions"},
{TRUE, 'm', "map", "maps"},
{TRUE, 'v', "variable", "variable definitions"},
#if 0
typedef enum eException {
ExceptionNone, ExceptionEOF
} exception_t;
#if 0
static jmp_buf Exception;
/* This function takes a char pointer, tries to find a scope separator in the
* string, and if it does, returns a pointer to the character after the colon,
* and the character defining the scope.
* If a colon is not found, it returns the original pointer.
static const unsigned char *skipPrefix(const unsigned char *name, int *scope) {
const unsigned char *result = name;
int counter;
size_t length;
length = strlen((const char *)name);
if (scope != NULL) *scope = '\0';
if (length > 3 && name[1] == ':') {
if (scope != NULL) *scope = *name;
result = name + 2;
} else if (length > 5 &&
strncasecmp((const char *)name, "<SID>", (size_t)5) == 0) {
if (scope != NULL) *scope = *name;
result = name + 5;
} else {
* Vim7 check for dictionaries or autoload function names
counter = 0;
do {
switch (name[counter]) {
case '.':
/* Set the scope to d - Dictionary */
*scope = 'd';
case '#':
/* Set the scope to a - autoload */
*scope = 'a';
} while (isalnum((int)name[counter]) || name[counter] == '_' ||
name[counter] == '.' || name[counter] == '#');
return result;
static boolean isMap(const unsigned char *line) {
* There are many different short cuts for specifying a map.
* This routine should capture all the permutations.
if (strncmp((const char *)line, "map", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nm", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nma", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nmap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vm", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vma", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vmap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "om", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "oma", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "omap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "im", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "ima", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "imap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lm", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lma", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lmap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cm", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cma", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cmap", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "no", (size_t)2) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nor", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nore", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "norem", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "norema", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "noremap", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nno", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nnor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nnore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nnorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nnorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "nnoremap", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vno", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vnor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vnore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vnorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vnorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "vnoremap", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "ono", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "onor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "onore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "onorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "onorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "onoremap", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "ino", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "inor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "inore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "inorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "inorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "inoremap", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lno", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lnor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lnore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lnorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lnorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "lnoremap", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cno", (size_t)3) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cnor", (size_t)4) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cnore", (size_t)5) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cnorem", (size_t)6) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cnorema", (size_t)7) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)line, "cnoremap", (size_t)8) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static const unsigned char *readVimLine(void) {
const unsigned char *line;
while ((line = fileReadLine()) != NULL) {
while (isspace((int)*line)) ++line;
if ((int)*line == '"') continue; /* skip comment */
return line;
static void parseFunction(const unsigned char *line) {
vString *name = vStringNew();
/* boolean inFunction = FALSE; */
int scope;
const unsigned char *cp = line + 1;
if ((int)*++cp == 'n' && (int)*++cp == 'c' && (int)*++cp == 't' &&
(int)*++cp == 'i' && (int)*++cp == 'o' && (int)*++cp == 'n')
if ((int)*cp == '!') ++cp;
if (isspace((int)*cp)) {
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
if (*cp) {
cp = skipPrefix(cp, &scope);
if (isupper((int)*cp) || scope == 's' || /* script scope */
scope == '<' || /* script scope */
scope == 'd' || /* dictionary */
scope == 'a') /* autoload */
do {
vStringPut(name, (int)*cp);
} while (isalnum((int)*cp) || *cp == '_' || *cp == '.' || *cp == '#');
makeSimpleTag(name, VimKinds, K_FUNCTION);
/* TODO - update struct to indicate inside function */
while ((line = readVimLine()) != NULL) {
* Vim7 added the for/endfo[r] construct, so we must first
* check for an "endfo", before a "endf"
if ((!strncmp((const char *)line, "endfo", (size_t)5) == 0) &&
(strncmp((const char *)line, "endf", (size_t)4) == 0))
/* TODO - call parseVimLine */
static void parseAutogroup(const unsigned char *line) {
vString *name = vStringNew();
/* Found Autocommand Group (augroup) */
const unsigned char *cp = line + 2;
if ((int)*++cp == 'r' && (int)*++cp == 'o' && (int)*++cp == 'u' &&
(int)*++cp == 'p')
if (isspace((int)*cp)) {
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
if (*cp) {
if (strncasecmp((const char *)cp, "end", (size_t)3) != 0) {
do {
vStringPut(name, (int)*cp);
} while (isalnum((int)*cp) || *cp == '_');
makeSimpleTag(name, VimKinds, K_AUGROUP);
static boolean parseCommand(const unsigned char *line) {
vString *name = vStringNew();
boolean cmdProcessed = TRUE;
* Found a user-defined command
* They can have many options preceeded by a dash
* command! -nargs=+ -complete Select :call s:DB_execSql("select " .
* <q-args>) The name of the command should be the first word not preceeded by
* a dash
const unsigned char *cp = line;
if ((int)*cp == '\\') {
* We are recursively calling this function is the command
* has been continued on to the next line
* Vim statements can be continued onto a newline using a \
* to indicate the previous line is continuing.
* com -nargs=1 -bang -complete=customlist,EditFileComplete
* \ EditFile edit<bang> <args>
* If the following lines do not have a line continuation
* the command must not be spanning multiple lines and should
* be synatically incorrect.
if ((int)*cp == '\\') ++cp;
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
} else if ((!strncmp((const char *)line, "comp", (size_t)4) == 0) &&
(!strncmp((const char *)line, "comc", (size_t)4) == 0) &&
(strncmp((const char *)line, "com", (size_t)3) == 0)) {
cp += 2;
if ((int)*++cp == 'm' && (int)*++cp == 'a' && (int)*++cp == 'n' &&
(int)*++cp == 'd')
if ((int)*cp == '!') ++cp;
if ((int)*cp != ' ') {
* :command must be followed by a space. If it is not, it is
* not a valid command.
* Treat the line as processed and continue.
cmdProcessed = TRUE;
goto cleanUp;
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
} else {
* We are recursively calling this function. If it does not start
* with "com" or a line continuation character, we have moved off
* the command line and should let the other routines parse this file.
cmdProcessed = FALSE;
goto cleanUp;
* Strip off any spaces and options which are part of the command.
* These should preceed the command name.
do {
if (isspace((int)*cp)) {
} else if (*cp == '-') {
* Read until the next space which separates options or the name
while (*cp && !isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
} else
} while (*cp);
if (!*cp) {
* We have reached the end of the line without finding the command name.
* Read the next line and continue processing it as a command.
line = readVimLine();
goto cleanUp;
do {
vStringPut(name, (int)*cp);
} while (isalnum((int)*cp) || *cp == '_');
makeSimpleTag(name, VimKinds, K_COMMAND);
return cmdProcessed;
static void parseLet(const unsigned char *line) {
vString *name = vStringNew();
/* we've found a variable declared outside of a function!! */
const unsigned char *cp = line + 3;
const unsigned char *np = line;
/* get the name */
if (isspace((int)*cp)) {
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
* Ignore lets which set:
* & - local buffer vim settings
* @ - registers
* [ - Lists or Dictionaries
if (!*cp || *cp == '&' || *cp == '@' || *cp == '[') goto cleanUp;
* Ignore vim variables which are read only
* v: - Vim variables.
np = cp;
if ((int)*cp == 'v' && (int)*np == ':') goto cleanUp;
/* deal with spaces, $, @ and & */
while (*cp && *cp != '$' && !isalnum((int)*cp)) ++cp;
if (!*cp) goto cleanUp;
/* cp = skipPrefix (cp, &scope); */
do {
if (!*cp) break;
vStringPut(name, (int)*cp);
} while (isalnum((int)*cp) || *cp == '_' || *cp == '#' || *cp == ':' ||
*cp == '$');
makeSimpleTag(name, VimKinds, K_VARIABLE);
static boolean parseMap(const unsigned char *line) {
vString *name = vStringNew();
const unsigned char *cp = line;
/* Remove map */
while (*cp && isalnum((int)*cp)) ++cp;
if ((int)*cp == '!') ++cp;
* Maps follow this basic format
* map
* nnoremap <silent> <F8> :Tlist<CR>
* map <unique> <Leader>scdt <Plug>GetColumnDataType
* inoremap ,,, <esc>diwi<<esc>pa><cr></<esc>pa><esc>kA
* inoremap <buffer> ( <C-R>=PreviewFunctionSignature()<LF>
* The Vim help shows the various special arguments available to a map:
* 1.2 SPECIAL ARGUMENTS *:map-arguments*
* <buffer>
* <silent>
* <script>
* <unique>
* <special>
* <expr>
* Strip the special arguments from the map command, this should leave
* the map name which we will use as the "name".
do {
while (*cp && isspace((int)*cp)) ++cp;
if (strncmp((const char *)cp, "<Leader>", (size_t)8) == 0) break;
if (strncmp((const char *)cp, "<buffer>", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)cp, "<silent>", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)cp, "<script>", (size_t)8) == 0 ||
strncmp((const char *)cp, "<unique>", (size_t)8) == 0) {
cp += 8;
if (strncmp((const char *)cp, "<expr>", (size_t)6) == 0) {
cp += 6;
if (strncmp((const char *)cp, "<special>", (size_t)9) == 0) {
cp += 9;
} while (*cp);
do {
vStringPut(name, (int)*cp);
} while (*cp && *cp != ' ');
makeSimpleTag(name, VimKinds, K_MAP);
return TRUE;
static boolean parseVimLine(const unsigned char *line) {
boolean readNextLine = TRUE;
if ((!strncmp((const char *)line, "comp", (size_t)4) == 0) &&
(!strncmp((const char *)line, "comc", (size_t)4) == 0) &&
(strncmp((const char *)line, "com", (size_t)3) == 0)) {
readNextLine = parseCommand(line);
/* TODO - Handle parseCommand returning FALSE */
if (isMap(line)) {
if (strncmp((const char *)line, "fu", (size_t)2) == 0) {
if (strncmp((const char *)line, "aug", (size_t)3) == 0) {
if (strncmp((const char *)line, "let", (size_t)3) == 0) {
return readNextLine;
static void parseVimFile(const unsigned char *line) {
boolean readNextLine = TRUE;
line = readVimLine();
while (line != NULL) {
readNextLine = parseVimLine(line);
if (readNextLine) line = readVimLine();
static void findVimTags(void) {
const unsigned char *line;
/* TODO - change this into a structure */
line = '\0';
extern parserDefinition *VimParser(void) {
static const char *const extensions[] = {"vim", NULL};
parserDefinition *def = parserNew("Vim");
def->kinds = VimKinds;
def->kindCount = KIND_COUNT(VimKinds);
def->extensions = extensions;
def->parser = findVimTags;
return def;
/* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab: */