 *  ECMAScript compiler.
 *  Parses an input string and generates a function template result.
 *  Compilation may happen in multiple contexts (global code, eval
 *  code, function code).
 *  The parser uses a traditional top-down recursive parsing for the
 *  statement level, and an operator precedence based top-down approach
 *  for the expression level.  The attempt is to minimize the C stack
 *  depth.  Bytecode is generated directly without an intermediate
 *  representation (tree), at the cost of needing two (and sometimes
 *  three) passes over each function.
 *  The top-down recursive parser functions are named "duk__parse_XXX".
 *  Recursion limits are in key functions to prevent arbitrary C recursion:
 *  function body parsing, statement parsing, and expression parsing.
 *  See doc/compiler.rst for discussion on the design.
 *  A few typing notes:
 *    - duk_regconst_t: signed, highest bit set (< 0) means constant,
 *      some call sites use -1 for "none" (equivalent to constant 0x7fffffff)
 *    - PC values: duk_int_t, negative values used as markers

#include "third_party/duktape/duk_internal.h"

/* If highest bit of a register number is set, it refers to a constant instead.
 * When interpreted as a signed value, this means const values are always
 * negative (when interpreted as two's complement).  For example
 * DUK__ISREG_TEMP() uses this approach to avoid an explicit DUK__ISREG() check
 * (the condition is logically "'x' is a register AND 'x' >= temp_first").
#define DUK__ISREG(x)       ((x) >= 0)
#define DUK__ISCONST(x)     ((x) < 0)
#define DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, x)                                           \
  ((duk_int32_t)(x) >=                                                         \
   (duk_int32_t)(                                                              \
       (comp_ctx)->curr_func.temp_first)) /* Check for x >= temp_first && x >= \
                                             0 by comparing as signed. */
#define DUK__ISREG_NOTTEMP(comp_ctx, x)                                      \
  ((duk_uint32_t)(x) <                                                       \
   (duk_uint32_t)(                                                           \
       (comp_ctx)                                                            \
           ->curr_func.temp_first)) /* Check for x >= 0 && x < temp_first by \
                                       interpreting as unsigned. */
#define DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx) ((comp_ctx)->curr_func.temp_next)
#define DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, x)    \
  ((comp_ctx)->curr_func.temp_next = \
       (x)) /* dangerous: must only lower (temp_max not updated) */
#define DUK__SETTEMP_CHECKMAX(comp_ctx, x) \
  duk__settemp_checkmax((comp_ctx), (x))
#define DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx)         duk__alloctemp((comp_ctx))
#define DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, count) duk__alloctemps((comp_ctx), (count))

/* Init value set size for array and object literals. */

/* XXX: hack, remove when const lookup is not O(n) */

/* These limits are based on bytecode limits.  Max temps is limited
 * by duk_hcompfunc nargs/nregs fields being 16 bits.
#define DUK__MAX_TEMPS  0xffffL

/* Initial bytecode size allocation. */
#if defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)

#define DUK__RECURSION_INCREASE(comp_ctx, thr)                                 \
  do {                                                                         \
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("RECURSION INCREASE: %s:%ld",                         \
                         (const char *)DUK_FILE_MACRO, (long)DUK_LINE_MACRO)); \
    duk__comp_recursion_increase((comp_ctx));                                  \
  } while (0)

#define DUK__RECURSION_DECREASE(comp_ctx, thr)                                 \
  do {                                                                         \
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("RECURSION DECREASE: %s:%ld",                         \
                         (const char *)DUK_FILE_MACRO, (long)DUK_LINE_MACRO)); \
    duk__comp_recursion_decrease((comp_ctx));                                  \
  } while (0)

/* Value stack slot limits: these are quite approximate right now, and
 * because they overlap in control flow, some could be eliminated.
#define DUK__COMPILE_ENTRY_SLOTS         8
#define DUK__PARSE_EXPR_SLOTS            16

/* Temporary structure used to pass a stack allocated region through
 * duk_safe_call().
typedef struct {
  duk_small_uint_t flags;
  duk_compiler_ctx comp_ctx_alloc;
  duk_lexer_point lex_pt_alloc;
} duk__compiler_stkstate;

 *  Prototypes

/* lexing */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__advance_helper(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_small_int_t expect);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__advance_expect(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_small_int_t expect);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__advance(duk_compiler_ctx *ctx);

/* function helpers */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__init_func_valstack_slots(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__reset_func_for_pass2(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__init_varmap_and_prologue_for_pass2(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_regconst_t *out_stmt_value_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__convert_to_func_template(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__cleanup_varmap(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);

/* code emission */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__get_current_pc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_compiler_instr *duk__get_instr_ptr(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_int_t pc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_instr_t ins);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_op_only(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_small_uint_t op);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_a_b_c(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                                    duk_regconst_t b, duk_regconst_t c);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_a_b(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                  duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                                  duk_regconst_t b);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_b_c(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                  duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t b,
                                  duk_regconst_t c);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_a(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_b(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t b);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_a_bc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                                   duk_regconst_t bc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_bc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                 duk_small_uint_t op, duk_regconst_t bc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_abc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                  duk_small_uint_t op, duk_regconst_t abc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_load_int32(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_regconst_t reg, duk_int32_t val);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_load_int32_noshuffle(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                   duk_regconst_t reg,
                                                   duk_int32_t val);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_jump(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_int_t target_pc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__emit_jump_empty(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__insert_jump_entry(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_int_t jump_pc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__patch_jump(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_int_t jump_pc, duk_int_t target_pc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__patch_jump_here(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_int_t jump_pc);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__patch_trycatch(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_int_t ldconst_pc,
                                        duk_int_t trycatch_pc,
                                        duk_regconst_t reg_catch,
                                        duk_regconst_t const_varname,
                                        duk_small_uint_t flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_if_false_skip(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_regconst_t regconst);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_if_true_skip(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_regconst_t regconst);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__emit_invalid(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);

/* ivalue/ispec helpers */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_regconst(duk_ivalue *x,
                                         duk_regconst_t regconst);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_plain_fromstack(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                duk_ivalue *x);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_var_fromstack(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_ivalue *x);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_var_hstring(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *x, duk_hstring *h);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__copy_ispec(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ispec *src,
                                    duk_ispec *dst);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__copy_ivalue(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_ivalue *src, duk_ivalue *dst);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__alloctemps(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_small_int_t num);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__alloctemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__settemp_checkmax(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_regconst_t temp_next);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__getconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
duk_regconst_t duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_ispec *x,
                                         duk_regconst_t forced_reg,
                                         duk_small_uint_t flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ispec_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ispec *x,
                                           duk_regconst_t forced_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *x,
                                            duk_regconst_t forced_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_toplain(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *x);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                               duk_ivalue *x);
duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *x,
                                          duk_regconst_t forced_reg,
                                          duk_small_uint_t flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                duk_ivalue *x);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *x);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *x,
                                            duk_int_t forced_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toregconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                     duk_ivalue *x);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t
duk__ivalue_totempconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *x);

/* identifier handling */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t
duk__lookup_active_register_binding(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk__lookup_lhs(duk_compiler_ctx *ctx,
                                          duk_regconst_t *out_reg_varbind,
                                          duk_regconst_t *out_rc_varname);

/* label handling */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__add_label(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_hstring *h_label, duk_int_t pc_label,
                                   duk_int_t label_id);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__update_label_flags(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_int_t label_id,
                                            duk_small_uint_t flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__lookup_active_label(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_hstring *h_label, duk_bool_t is_break,
    duk_int_t *out_label_id, duk_int_t *out_label_catch_depth,
    duk_int_t *out_label_pc, duk_bool_t *out_is_closest);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__reset_labels_to_length(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                duk_size_t len);

/* top-down expression parser */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr_nud(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr_led(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *left,
                                  duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_small_uint_t duk__expr_lbp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk__expr_is_empty(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);

/* exprtop is the top level variant which resets nud/led counts */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                              duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__exprtop(duk_compiler_ctx *ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                 duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);

/* convenience helpers */
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *res,
                                          duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags,
                                          duk_regconst_t forced_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_toregconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                   duk_ivalue *res,
                                                   duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_totempconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr_toplain(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_ivalue *res,
                                      duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__expr_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                             duk_ivalue *res,
                                             duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                 duk_ivalue *res,
                                                 duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__exprtop_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                             duk_ivalue *res,
                                             duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags,
                                             duk_regconst_t forced_reg);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_toregconst(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);
#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__exprtop_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags);

/* expression parsing helpers */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__parse_arguments(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__nud_array_literal(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__nud_object_literal(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *res);

/* statement parsing */
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_var_decl(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res,
                                        duk_small_uint_t expr_flags,
                                        duk_regconst_t *out_reg_varbind,
                                        duk_regconst_t *out_rc_varname);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_var_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res,
                                        duk_small_uint_t expr_flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_for_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res,
                                        duk_int_t pc_label_site);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_switch_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ivalue *res,
                                           duk_int_t pc_label_site);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_if_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_do_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_ivalue *res,
                                       duk_int_t pc_label_site);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_while_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *res,
                                          duk_int_t pc_label_site);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_break_or_continue_stmt(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_return_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_throw_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_try_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_with_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_ivalue *res);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                    duk_bool_t allow_source_elem);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__stmt_label_site(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_int_t label_id);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_stmts(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_bool_t allow_source_elem,
                                     duk_bool_t expect_eof,
                                     duk_bool_t regexp_after);

DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_func_body(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_bool_t expect_eof,
                                         duk_bool_t implicit_return_value,
                                         duk_bool_t regexp_after,
                                         duk_small_int_t expect_token);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_func_formals(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__parse_func_like_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                             duk_small_uint_t flags);
DUK_LOCAL_DECL duk_int_t duk__parse_func_like_fnum(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                   duk_small_uint_t flags);

#define DUK__FUNC_FLAG_DECL (1u << 0) /* Parsing a function declaration. */
  (1u << 1) /* Parsing an object literal getter/setter. */
  (1u << 2) /* Parsing an object literal method definition shorthand. */
  (1u << 3) /* Push function name when creating template (first pass only). */
#define DUK__FUNC_FLAG_USE_PREVTOKEN                                           \
  (1u << 4) /* Use prev_token to start function parsing (workaround for object \
              literal). */

 *  Parser control values for tokens.  The token table is ordered by the
 *  DUK_TOK_XXX defines.
 *  The binding powers are for lbp() use (i.e. for use in led() context).
 *  Binding powers are positive for typing convenience, and bits at the
 *  top should be reserved for flags.  Binding power step must be higher
 *  than 1 so that binding power "lbp - 1" can be used for right associative
 *  operators.  Currently a step of 2 is used (which frees one more bit for
 *  flags).

/* XXX: actually single step levels would work just fine, clean up */

/* binding power "levels" (see doc/compiler.rst) */
#define DUK__BP_INVALID 0 /* always terminates led() */
#define DUK__BP_EOF     2
#define DUK__BP_CLOSING 4 /* token closes expression, e.g. ')', ']' */
#define DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR \
  DUK__BP_CLOSING /* bp to use when parsing a top level Expression */
#define DUK__BP_COMMA          6
#define DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT     8
#define DUK__BP_CONDITIONAL    10
#define DUK__BP_LOR            12
#define DUK__BP_LAND           14
#define DUK__BP_BOR            16
#define DUK__BP_BXOR           18
#define DUK__BP_BAND           20
#define DUK__BP_EQUALITY       22
#define DUK__BP_RELATIONAL     24
#define DUK__BP_SHIFT          26
#define DUK__BP_ADDITIVE       28
#define DUK__BP_POSTFIX        34
#define DUK__BP_CALL           36
#define DUK__BP_MEMBER         38

#define DUK__TOKEN_LBP_BP_MASK 0x1f
  (1u << 5) /* regexp literal must not follow this token */
  (1u << 6) /* terminates expression; e.g. post-increment/-decrement */
#define DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_UNUSED (1u << 7) /* unused */

#define DUK__TOKEN_LBP_GET_BP(x) \
  ((duk_small_uint_t)(((x)&DUK__TOKEN_LBP_BP_MASK) * 2))

#define DUK__MK_LBP(bp)              ((bp) >> 1) /* bp is assumed to be even */
#define DUK__MK_LBP_FLAGS(bp, flags) (((bp) >> 1) | (flags))

DUK_LOCAL const duk_uint8_t duk__token_lbp[] = {
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_BREAK */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_CASE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_CATCH */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_CONTINUE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_DEBUGGER */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_DEFAULT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_DELETE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_DO */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_ELSE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_FINALLY */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_FOR */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_FUNCTION */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_IF */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_IN */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_INSTANCEOF */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_NEW */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_RETURN */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_SWITCH */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_THIS */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_THROW */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_TRY */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_TYPEOF */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_VAR */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_CONST */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_VOID */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_WHILE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_WITH */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_CLASS */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_ENUM */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_EXPORT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_EXTENDS */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_IMPORT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_SUPER */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_NULL */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_TRUE */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_FALSE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_GET */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_SET */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_IMPLEMENTS */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_INTERFACE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_LET */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_PACKAGE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_PRIVATE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_PROTECTED */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_PUBLIC */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_STATIC */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_YIELD */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_LCURLY */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_RCURLY */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_MEMBER),                      /* DUK_TOK_LBRACKET */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_RBRACKET */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_CALL),                        /* DUK_TOK_LPAREN */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_RPAREN */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_MEMBER),                      /* DUK_TOK_PERIOD */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_COMMA),                       /* DUK_TOK_COMMA */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_LT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_GT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_LE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_RELATIONAL),                  /* DUK_TOK_GE */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_EQUALITY),                    /* DUK_TOK_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_EQUALITY),                    /* DUK_TOK_NEQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_EQUALITY),                    /* DUK_TOK_SEQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_EQUALITY),                    /* DUK_TOK_SNEQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ADDITIVE),                    /* DUK_TOK_ADD */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ADDITIVE),                    /* DUK_TOK_SUB */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_INCREMENT */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_DECREMENT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_SHIFT),                       /* DUK_TOK_ALSHIFT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_SHIFT),                       /* DUK_TOK_ARSHIFT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_SHIFT),                       /* DUK_TOK_RSHIFT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_BAND),                        /* DUK_TOK_BAND */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_BOR),                         /* DUK_TOK_BOR */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_BXOR),                        /* DUK_TOK_BXOR */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_LNOT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_BNOT */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_LAND),                        /* DUK_TOK_LAND */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_LOR),                         /* DUK_TOK_LOR */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_CONDITIONAL),                 /* DUK_TOK_QUESTION */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_INVALID),                     /* DUK_TOK_COLON */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_EQUALSIGN */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_ADD_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_SUB_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_MUL_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_DIV_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_MOD_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_EXP_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_ALSHIFT_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_ARSHIFT_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_RSHIFT_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_BAND_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_BOR_EQ */
    DUK__MK_LBP(DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT),                  /* DUK_TOK_BXOR_EQ */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_NUMBER */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_STRING */
                      DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP), /* DUK_TOK_REGEXP */

 *  Misc helpers

DUK_LOCAL void duk__comp_recursion_increase(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->recursion_depth >= 0);
  if (comp_ctx->recursion_depth >= comp_ctx->recursion_limit) {

DUK_LOCAL void duk__comp_recursion_decrease(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->recursion_depth > 0);

DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t
duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_hstring *h) {

DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments_in_strict_mode(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_hstring *h) {
  return (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict &&

 *  Parser duk__advance() token eating functions

/* XXX: valstack handling is awkward.  Add a valstack helper which
 * avoids dup():ing; valstack_copy(src, dst)?

DUK_LOCAL void duk__advance_helper(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_small_int_t expect) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_bool_t regexp;

  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE(comp_ctx->curr_token.t >= 0); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t <=
             DUK_TOK_MAXVAL); /* MAXVAL is inclusive */

   *  Use current token to decide whether a RegExp can follow.
   *  We can use either 't' or 't_nores'; the latter would not
   *  recognize keywords.  Some keywords can be followed by a
   *  RegExp (e.g. "return"), so using 't' is better.  This is
   *  not trivial, see doc/compiler.rst.

  regexp = 1;
  if (duk__token_lbp[comp_ctx->curr_token.t] & DUK__TOKEN_LBP_FLAG_NO_REGEXP) {
    regexp = 0;
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.reject_regexp_in_adv) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.reject_regexp_in_adv = 0;
    regexp = 0;
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 0;
    regexp = 1;

  if (expect >= 0 && comp_ctx->curr_token.t != (duk_small_uint_t)expect) {
    DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("parse error: expect=%ld, got=%ld", (long)expect,

  /* make current token the previous; need to fiddle with valstack "backing
   * store" */
  duk_memcpy(&comp_ctx->prev_token, &comp_ctx->curr_token, sizeof(duk_token));
  duk_copy(thr, comp_ctx->tok11_idx, comp_ctx->tok21_idx);
  duk_copy(thr, comp_ctx->tok12_idx, comp_ctx->tok22_idx);

  /* parse new token */
  duk_lexer_parse_js_input_element(&comp_ctx->lex, &comp_ctx->curr_token,
                                   comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict, regexp);

      "advance: curr: tok=%ld/%ld,%ld,term=%ld,%!T,%!T "
      "prev: tok=%ld/%ld,%ld,term=%ld,%!T,%!T",
      (long)comp_ctx->curr_token.t, (long)comp_ctx->curr_token.t_nores,
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->tok11_idx),
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->tok12_idx),
      (long)comp_ctx->prev_token.t, (long)comp_ctx->prev_token.t_nores,
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->tok21_idx),
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->tok22_idx)));

/* advance, expecting current token to be a specific token; parse next token in
 * regexp context */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__advance_expect(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_small_int_t expect) {
  duk__advance_helper(comp_ctx, expect);

/* advance, whatever the current token is; parse next token in regexp context */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__advance(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk__advance_helper(comp_ctx, -1);

 *  Helpers for duk_compiler_func.

/* init function state: inits valstack allocations */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__init_func_valstack_slots(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_compiler_func *func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_idx_t entry_top;

  entry_top = duk_get_top(thr);

              sizeof(*func)); /* intentional overlap with earlier memzero */
  func->h_name = NULL;
  func->h_consts = NULL;
  func->h_funcs = NULL;
  func->h_decls = NULL;
  func->h_labelnames = NULL;
  func->h_labelinfos = NULL;
  func->h_argnames = NULL;
  func->h_varmap = NULL;

  duk_require_stack(thr, DUK__FUNCTION_INIT_REQUIRE_SLOTS);

  DUK_BW_INIT_PUSHBUF(thr, &func->bw_code,
                      DUK__BC_INITIAL_INSTS * sizeof(duk_compiler_instr));
  /* code_idx = entry_top + 0 */

  func->consts_idx = entry_top + 1;
  func->h_consts = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 1);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_consts != NULL);

  func->funcs_idx = entry_top + 2;
  func->h_funcs = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 2);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_funcs != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->fnum_next == 0);

  func->decls_idx = entry_top + 3;
  func->h_decls = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 3);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_decls != NULL);

  func->labelnames_idx = entry_top + 4;
  func->h_labelnames = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 4);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_labelnames != NULL);

  duk_push_dynamic_buffer(thr, 0);
  func->labelinfos_idx = entry_top + 5;
  func->h_labelinfos =
      (duk_hbuffer_dynamic *)duk_known_hbuffer(thr, entry_top + 5);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_labelinfos != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_DYNAMIC(func->h_labelinfos) &&

  func->argnames_idx = entry_top + 6;
  func->h_argnames = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 6);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_argnames != NULL);

  func->varmap_idx = entry_top + 7;
  func->h_varmap = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, entry_top + 7);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_varmap != NULL);

/* reset function state (prepare for pass 2) */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__reset_func_for_pass2(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_compiler_func *func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;

  /* reset bytecode buffer but keep current size; pass 2 will
   * require same amount or more.
  DUK_BW_RESET_SIZE(thr, &func->bw_code);

  duk_set_length(thr, func->consts_idx, 0);
  /* keep func->h_funcs; inner functions are not reparsed to avoid O(depth^2)
   * parsing */
  func->fnum_next = 0;
  /* duk_set_length(thr, func->funcs_idx, 0); */
  duk_set_length(thr, func->labelnames_idx, 0);
  duk_hbuffer_reset(thr, func->h_labelinfos);
  /* keep func->h_argnames; it is fixed for all passes */

  /* truncated in case pass 3 needed */
  duk_replace(thr, func->varmap_idx);
  func->h_varmap = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_POSIDX(thr, func->varmap_idx);
  DUK_ASSERT(func->h_varmap != NULL);

/* cleanup varmap from any null entries, compact it, etc; returns number
 * of final entries after cleanup.
DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__cleanup_varmap(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_hobject *h_varmap;
  duk_hstring *h_key;
  duk_tval *tv;
  duk_uint32_t i, e_next;
  duk_int_t ret;

  /* [ ... varmap ] */

  h_varmap = DUK_GET_HOBJECT_NEGIDX(thr, -1);
  DUK_ASSERT(h_varmap != NULL);

  ret = 0;
  e_next = DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(h_varmap);
  for (i = 0; i < e_next; i++) {
    h_key = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY(thr->heap, h_varmap, i);
    if (!h_key) {

    DUK_ASSERT(!DUK_HOBJECT_E_SLOT_IS_ACCESSOR(thr->heap, h_varmap, i));

    /* The entries can either be register numbers or 'null' values.
     * Thus, no need to DECREF them and get side effects.  DECREF'ing
     * the keys (strings) can cause memory to be freed but no side
     * effects as strings don't have finalizers.  This is why we can
     * rely on the object properties not changing from underneath us.

    tv = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_VALUE_TVAL_PTR(thr->heap, h_varmap, i);
    if (!DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv)) {
      DUK_HOBJECT_E_SET_KEY(thr->heap, h_varmap, i, NULL);
      DUK_HSTRING_DECREF(thr, h_key);
      /* when key is NULL, value is garbage so no need to set */
    } else {


  return ret;

/* Convert duk_compiler_func into a function template, leaving the result
 * on top of stack.
/* XXX: awkward and bloated asm -- use faster internal accesses */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__convert_to_func_template(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_compiler_func *func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_hcompfunc *h_res;
  duk_hbuffer_fixed *h_data;
  duk_size_t consts_count;
  duk_size_t funcs_count;
  duk_size_t code_count;
  duk_size_t code_size;
  duk_size_t data_size;
  duk_size_t i;
  duk_tval *p_const;
  duk_hobject **p_func;
  duk_instr_t *p_instr;
  duk_compiler_instr *q_instr;
  duk_tval *tv;
  duk_bool_t keep_varmap;
  duk_bool_t keep_formals;
  duk_size_t formals_length;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("converting duk_compiler_func to function/template"));

   *  Push result object and init its flags

  /* Valstack should suffice here, required on function valstack init */

  h_res = duk_push_hcompfunc(thr);
  DUK_ASSERT(h_res != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(thr->heap, (duk_hobject *)h_res) ==
      thr, (duk_hobject *)h_res,
      NULL); /* Function templates are "bare objects". */

  if (func->is_function) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function -> set NEWENV"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_NEWENV((duk_hobject *)h_res);

    if (!func->is_arguments_shadowed) {
      /* arguments object would be accessible; note that shadowing
       * bindings are arguments or function declarations, neither
       * of which are deletable, so this is safe.

      if (func->id_access_arguments || func->may_direct_eval) {
            DUK_DDDPRINT("function may access 'arguments' object directly or "
                         "indirectly -> set CREATEARGS"));
        DUK_HOBJECT_SET_CREATEARGS((duk_hobject *)h_res);
  } else if (func->is_eval && func->is_strict) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("strict eval code -> set NEWENV"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_NEWENV((duk_hobject *)h_res);
  } else {
    /* non-strict eval: env is caller's env or global env (direct vs. indirect
     * call) global code: env is is global env
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("non-strict eval code or global code -> no NEWENV"));
    DUK_ASSERT(!DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_NEWENV((duk_hobject *)h_res));

  if (func->is_function && func->is_namebinding && func->h_name != NULL) {
    /* Object literal set/get functions have a name (property
     * name) but must not have a lexical name binding, see
     * test-bug-getset-func-name.js.
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function expression with a name -> set NAMEBINDING"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_NAMEBINDING((duk_hobject *)h_res);

  if (func->is_strict) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function is strict -> set STRICT"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_STRICT((duk_hobject *)h_res);

  if (func->is_notail) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function is notail -> set NOTAIL"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_NOTAIL((duk_hobject *)h_res);

  if (func->is_constructable) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function is constructable -> set CONSTRUCTABLE"));
    DUK_HOBJECT_SET_CONSTRUCTABLE((duk_hobject *)h_res);

   *  Build function fixed size 'data' buffer, which contains bytecode,
   *  constants, and inner function references.
   *  During the building phase 'data' is reachable but incomplete.
   *  Only incref's occur during building (no refzero or GC happens),
   *  so the building process is atomic.

  consts_count = duk_hobject_get_length(thr, func->h_consts);
  funcs_count = duk_hobject_get_length(thr, func->h_funcs) / 3;
  code_count =
      DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(thr, &func->bw_code) / sizeof(duk_compiler_instr);
  code_size = code_count * sizeof(duk_instr_t);

  data_size = consts_count * sizeof(duk_tval) +
              funcs_count * sizeof(duk_hobject *) + code_size;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("consts_count=%ld, funcs_count=%ld, code_size=%ld -> "
                       "data_size=%ld*%ld + %ld*%ld + %ld = %ld",
                       (long)consts_count, (long)funcs_count, (long)code_size,
                       (long)consts_count, (long)sizeof(duk_tval),
                       (long)funcs_count, (long)sizeof(duk_hobject *),
                       (long)code_size, (long)data_size));

  duk_push_fixed_buffer_nozero(thr, data_size);
  h_data = (duk_hbuffer_fixed *)(void *)duk_known_hbuffer(thr, -1);

  DUK_HCOMPFUNC_SET_DATA(thr->heap, h_res, (duk_hbuffer *)h_data);
  DUK_HEAPHDR_INCREF(thr, h_data);

  p_const =
      (duk_tval *)(void *)DUK_HBUFFER_FIXED_GET_DATA_PTR(thr->heap, h_data);
  for (i = 0; i < consts_count; i++) {
    DUK_ASSERT(i <= DUK_UARRIDX_MAX); /* const limits */
    tv = duk_hobject_find_array_entry_tval_ptr(thr->heap, func->h_consts,
    DUK_ASSERT(tv != NULL);
    DUK_TVAL_SET_TVAL(p_const, tv);
    DUK_TVAL_INCREF(thr, tv); /* may be a string constant */

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("constant: %!T", (duk_tval *)tv));

  p_func = (duk_hobject **)p_const;
  DUK_HCOMPFUNC_SET_FUNCS(thr->heap, h_res, p_func);
  for (i = 0; i < funcs_count; i++) {
    duk_hobject *h;
    DUK_ASSERT(i * 3 <= DUK_UARRIDX_MAX); /* func limits */
    tv = duk_hobject_find_array_entry_tval_ptr(thr->heap, func->h_funcs,
                                               (duk_uarridx_t)(i * 3));
    DUK_ASSERT(tv != NULL);
    h = DUK_TVAL_GET_OBJECT(tv);
    DUK_ASSERT(h != NULL);
    *p_func++ = h;

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("inner function: %p -> %!iO", (void *)h,
                         (duk_heaphdr *)h));

  p_instr = (duk_instr_t *)p_func;
  DUK_HCOMPFUNC_SET_BYTECODE(thr->heap, h_res, p_instr);

  /* copy bytecode instructions one at a time */
  q_instr =
      (duk_compiler_instr *)(void *)DUK_BW_GET_BASEPTR(thr, &func->bw_code);
  for (i = 0; i < code_count; i++) {
    p_instr[i] = q_instr[i].ins;
  /* Note: 'q_instr' is still used below */

  DUK_ASSERT((duk_uint8_t *)(p_instr + code_count) ==
             DUK_HBUFFER_FIXED_GET_DATA_PTR(thr->heap, h_data) + data_size);

      thr); /* 'data' (and everything in it) is reachable through h_res now */

   *  Init non-property result fields
   *  'nregs' controls how large a register frame is allocated.
   *  'nargs' controls how many formal arguments are written to registers:
   *  r0, ... r(nargs-1).  The remaining registers are initialized to
   *  undefined.

  DUK_ASSERT(func->temp_max >= 0);
  h_res->nregs = (duk_uint16_t)func->temp_max;
  h_res->nargs = (duk_uint16_t)duk_hobject_get_length(thr, func->h_argnames);
  DUK_ASSERT(h_res->nregs >= h_res->nargs); /* pass2 allocation handles this */
  h_res->start_line = (duk_uint32_t)func->min_line;
  h_res->end_line = (duk_uint32_t)func->max_line;

   *  Init object properties
   *  Properties should be added in decreasing order of access frequency.
   *  (Not very critical for function templates.)

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("init function properties"));

  /* [ ... res ] */

  /* _Varmap: omitted if function is guaranteed not to do a slow path
   * identifier access that might be caught by locally declared variables.
   * The varmap can also be omitted if it turns out empty of actual
   * register mappings after a cleanup.  When debugging is enabled, we
   * always need the varmap to be able to lookup variables at any point.

  DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("keeping _Varmap because debugger support is enabled"));
  keep_varmap = 1;
  if (func->id_access_slow_own ||  /* directly uses slow accesses that may match
                                      own variables */
      func->id_access_arguments || /* accesses 'arguments' directly */
      func->may_direct_eval || /* may indirectly slow access through a direct
                                  eval */
      funcs_count >
          0) { /* has inner functions which may slow access (XXX: this can be
                  optimized by looking at the inner functions) */
        "keeping _Varmap because of direct eval, slow path access that may "
        "match local variables, or presence of inner functions"));
    keep_varmap = 1;
  } else {
    DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("dropping _Varmap"));
    keep_varmap = 0;

  if (keep_varmap) {
    duk_int_t num_used;
    duk_dup(thr, func->varmap_idx);
    num_used = duk__cleanup_varmap(comp_ctx);
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("cleaned up varmap: %!T (num_used=%ld)",
                         (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, -1), (long)num_used));

    if (num_used > 0) {
      duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_VARMAP,
    } else {
      DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("varmap is empty after cleanup -> no need to add"));

  /* _Formals: omitted if function is guaranteed not to need a (non-strict)
   * arguments object, and _Formals.length matches nargs exactly.
   * Non-arrow functions can't see an outer function's 'argument' binding
   * (because they have their own), but arrow functions can.  When arrow
   * functions are added, this condition would need to be added:
   *     inner_arrow_funcs_count > 0   inner arrow functions may access
   * 'arguments'
  DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("keeping _Formals because debugger support is enabled"));
  keep_formals = 1;
  formals_length = duk_get_length(thr, func->argnames_idx);
  if (formals_length != (duk_size_t)h_res->nargs) {
    /* Nargs not enough for closure .length: keep _Formals regardless
     * of its length.  Shouldn't happen in practice at the moment.
    DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("keeping _Formals because _Formals.length != nargs"));
    keep_formals = 1;
  } else if ((func->id_access_arguments || func->may_direct_eval) &&
             (formals_length > 0)) {
    /* Direct eval (may access 'arguments') or accesses 'arguments'
     * explicitly: keep _Formals unless it is zero length.
    DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("keeping _Formals because of direct eval or explicit "
                       "access to 'arguments', and _Formals.length != 0"));
    keep_formals = 1;
  } else {
        DUK_DDPRINT("omitting _Formals, nargs matches _Formals.length, so no "
                    "properties added"));
    keep_formals = 0;

  if (keep_formals) {
    duk_dup(thr, func->argnames_idx);
    duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_FORMALS,

  /* name */
  if (func->h_name) {
    duk_push_hstring(thr, func->h_name);
    DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("setting function template .name to %!T",
                       duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));
    duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_NAME,

  /* _Source */
  if (0) {
    /* XXX: Currently function source code is not stored, as it is not
     * required by the standard.  Source code should not be stored by
     * default (user should enable it explicitly), and the source should
     * probably be compressed with a trivial text compressor; average
     * compression of 20-30% is quite easy to achieve even with a trivial
     * compressor (RLE + backwards lookup).
     * Debugging needs source code to be useful: sometimes input code is
     * not found in files as it may be generated and then eval()'d, given
     * by dynamic C code, etc.
     * Other issues:
     *   - Need tokenizer indices for start and end to substring
     *   - Always normalize function declaration part?
     *   - If we keep _Formals, only need to store body

     *  For global or eval code this is straightforward.  For functions
     *  created with the Function constructor we only get the source for
     *  the body and must manufacture the "function ..." part.
     *  For instance, for constructed functions (v8):
     *    > a = new Function("foo", "bar", "print(foo)");
     *    [Function]
     *    > a.toString()
     *    'function anonymous(foo,bar) {\nprint(foo)\n}'
     *  Similarly for e.g. getters (v8):
     *    > x = { get a(foo,bar) { print(foo); } }
     *    { a: [Getter] }
     *    > Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x, 'a').get.toString()
     *    'function a(foo,bar) { print(foo); }'

#if 0
		duk_push_literal(thr, "XXX");
		duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_SOURCE, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_NONE);

  /* _Pc2line */
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  if (1) {
     *  Size-optimized pc->line mapping.

        thr, q_instr,
        (duk_uint_fast32_t)code_count); /* -> pushes fixed buffer */
    duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_INT_PC2LINE,

    /* XXX: if assertions enabled, walk through all valid PCs
     * and check line mapping.
#endif /* DUK_USE_PC2LINE */

  /* fileName */
  if (comp_ctx->h_filename) {
     *  Source filename (or equivalent), for identifying thrown errors.

    duk_push_hstring(thr, comp_ctx->h_filename);
    duk_xdef_prop_stridx_short(thr, -2, DUK_STRIDX_FILE_NAME,

  DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("converted function: %!ixT",
                     (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

   *  Compact the function template.


   *  Debug dumping

    duk_hcompfunc *h;
    duk_instr_t *p, *p_start, *p_end;

    h = (duk_hcompfunc *)duk_get_hobject(thr, -1);
    p_start = (duk_instr_t *)DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_CODE_BASE(thr->heap, h);
    p_end = (duk_instr_t *)DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_CODE_END(thr->heap, h);

    p = p_start;
    while (p < p_end) {
          "BC %04ld: %!I        ; 0x%08lx op=%ld (%!X) a=%ld b=%ld c=%ld",
          (long)(p - p_start), (duk_instr_t)(*p), (unsigned long)(*p),
          (long)DUK_DEC_OP(*p), (long)DUK_DEC_OP(*p), (long)DUK_DEC_A(*p),
          (long)DUK_DEC_B(*p), (long)DUK_DEC_C(*p)));

 *  Code emission helpers
 *  Some emission helpers understand the range of target and source reg/const
 *  values and automatically emit shuffling code if necessary.  This is the
 *  case when the slot in question (A, B, C) is used in the standard way and
 *  for opcodes the emission helpers explicitly understand (like
 *  The standard way is that:
 *    - slot A is a target register
 *    - slot B is a source register/constant
 *    - slot C is a source register/constant
 *  If a slot is used in a non-standard way the caller must indicate this
 *  somehow.  If a slot is used as a target instead of a source (or vice
 *  versa), this can be indicated with a flag to trigger proper shuffling
 *  (e.g. DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET).  If the value in the slot is not
 *  register/const related at all, the caller must ensure that the raw value
 *  fits into the corresponding slot so as to not trigger shuffling.  The
 *  caller must set a "no shuffle" flag to ensure compilation fails if
 *  shuffling were to be triggered because of an internal error.
 *  For slots B and C the raw slot size is 9 bits but one bit is reserved for
 *  the reg/const indicator.  To use the full 9-bit range for a raw value,
 *  shuffling must be disabled with the DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_{B,C} flag.
 *  Shuffling is only done for A, B, and C slots, not the larger BC or ABC
 * slots.
 *  There is call handling specific understanding in the A-B-C emitter to
 *  convert call setup and call instructions into indirect ones if necessary.

/* Code emission flags, passed in the 'opcode' field.  Opcode + flags
 * fit into 16 bits for now, so use duk_small_uint_t.
#define DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A (1u << 8)
#define DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_B (1u << 9)
#define DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C (1u << 10)
  (1u << 11) /* slot A is a source (default: target) */
  (1u << 12) /* slot B is a target (default: source) */
  (1u << 13) /* slot C is a target (default: source) */
#define DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST (1u << 14) /* slots B and C are reg/const \
#define DUK__EMIT_FLAG_RESERVE_JUMPSLOT                                     \
  (1u << 15) /* reserve a jumpslot after instr before target spilling, used \
               for NEXTENUM */

/* XXX: macro smaller than call? */
DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__get_current_pc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_compiler_func *func;
  func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  return (duk_int_t)(DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &func->bw_code) /

DUK_LOCAL duk_compiler_instr *duk__get_instr_ptr(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                 duk_int_t pc) {
  DUK_ASSERT(pc >= 0);
  DUK_ASSERT((duk_size_t)pc <
                 DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) /
  return ((duk_compiler_instr *)(void *)DUK_BW_GET_BASEPTR(
             comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code)) +

/* emit instruction; could return PC but that's not needed in the majority
 * of cases.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_instr_t ins) {
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  duk_int_t line;
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("duk__emit: 0x%08lx curr_token.start_line=%ld "
                       "prev_token.start_line=%ld pc=%ld --> %!I",
                       (unsigned long)ins,
                       (long)duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx), (duk_instr_t)ins));

  instr = (duk_compiler_instr *)(void *)DUK_BW_ENSURE_GETPTR(
      comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code, sizeof(duk_compiler_instr));
  DUK_BW_ADD_PTR(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code,

#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  /* The line number tracking is a bit inconsistent right now, which
   * affects debugger accuracy.  Mostly call sites emit opcodes when
   * they have parsed a token (say a terminating semicolon) and called
   * duk__advance().  In this case the line number of the previous
   * token is the most accurate one (except in prologue where
   * prev_token.start_line is 0).  This is probably not 100% correct
   * right now.
  /* approximation, close enough */
  line = comp_ctx->prev_token.start_line;
  if (line == 0) {
    line = comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line;

  instr->ins = ins;
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  instr->line = (duk_uint32_t)line;
  if (line < comp_ctx->curr_func.min_line) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.min_line = line;
  if (line > comp_ctx->curr_func.max_line) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.max_line = line;

  /* Limit checks for bytecode byte size and line number. */
          DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) >
          DUK_USE_ESBC_MAX_BYTES)) {
    goto fail_bc_limit;
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE) && defined(DUK_USE_ESBC_LIMITS)
#if defined(DUK_USE_BUFLEN16)
  /* Buffer length is bounded to 0xffff automatically, avoid compile warning. */
    goto fail_bc_limit;
    goto fail_bc_limit;



/* Update function min/max line from current token.  Needed to improve
 * function line range information for debugging, so that e.g. opening
 * curly brace is covered by line range even when no opcodes are emitted
 * for the line containing the brace.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__update_lineinfo_currtoken(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_int_t line;

  line = comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line;
  if (line == 0) {
  if (line < comp_ctx->curr_func.min_line) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.min_line = line;
  if (line > comp_ctx->curr_func.max_line) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.max_line = line;

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_op_only(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                 duk_small_uint_t op) {
  duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(op, 0));

/* Important main primitive. */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_a_b_c(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                               duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                               duk_regconst_t b, duk_regconst_t c) {
  duk_instr_t ins = 0;
  duk_int_t a_out = -1;
  duk_int_t b_out = -1;
  duk_int_t c_out = -1;
  duk_int_t tmp;
  duk_small_uint_t op = op_flags & 0xffU;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("emit: op_flags=%04lx, a=%ld, b=%ld, c=%ld",
                       (unsigned long)op_flags, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c));

  /* We could rely on max temp/const checks: if they don't exceed BC
   * limit, nothing here can either (just asserts would be enough).
   * Currently we check for the limits, which provides additional
   * protection against creating invalid bytecode due to compiler
   * bugs.

  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE((op_flags & 0xff) >= DUK_BC_OP_MIN); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & 0xff) <= DUK_BC_OP_MAX);
  DUK_ASSERT(b != -1); /* Not 'none'. */
  DUK_ASSERT(c != -1); /* Not 'none'. */

  /* Input shuffling happens before the actual operation, while output
   * shuffling happens afterwards.  Output shuffling decisions are still
   * made at the same time to reduce branch clutter; output shuffle decisions
   * are recorded into X_out variables.

  /* Slot A: currently no support for reg/const. */

  if (a <= DUK_BC_A_MAX && (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A)) {
  if (a <= DUK_BC_A_MAX) {
  } else if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A) {
        "out of regs: 'a' (reg) needs shuffling but shuffle prohibited, a: %ld",
    goto error_outofregs;
  } else if (a <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
    tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1;
    if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE) {
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDREG, tmp, a));
    } else {
      /* Output shuffle needed after main operation */
      a_out = a;

      /* The DUK_OP_CSVAR output shuffle assumes shuffle registers are
       * consecutive.
          (comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1 == 0 &&
           comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2 == 0) ||
          (comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2 == comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1 + 1));
      if (op == DUK_OP_CSVAR) {
        /* For CSVAR the limit is one smaller because output shuffle
         * must be able to express 'a + 1' in BC.
        if (a + 1 > DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
          goto error_outofregs;
    a = tmp;
  } else {
    DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'a' (reg) needs shuffling but does not fit "
                     "into BC, a: %ld",
    goto error_outofregs;

  /* Slot B: reg/const support, mapped to bit 0 of opcode. */

  if ((b & DUK__CONST_MARKER) != 0) {
    DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_B) == 0);
    DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET) == 0);
    b = b & ~DUK__CONST_MARKER;
    if (0) {
    if (b <= 0xff) {
      if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST) {
        /* Opcode follows B/C reg/const convention. */
        DUK_ASSERT((op & 0x01) == 0);
        ins |= DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(0x01, 0, 0, 0); /* const flag for B */
      } else {
        DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("B is const, opcode is not B/C reg/const: %x",
    } else if (b <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
      comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
      tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2;
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDCONST, tmp, b));
      b = tmp;
    } else {
      DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'b' (const) needs shuffling but does not "
                       "fit into BC, b: %ld",
      goto error_outofregs;
  } else {
    if (b <= 0xff && (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_B)) {
    if (b <= 0xff) {
    } else if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_B) {
      if (b > DUK_BC_B_MAX) {
        /* Note: 0xff != DUK_BC_B_MAX */
        DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'b' (reg) needs shuffling but shuffle "
                         "prohibited, b: %ld",
        goto error_outofregs;
    } else if (b <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
      comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
      tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2;
      if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET) {
        /* Output shuffle needed after main operation */
        b_out = b;
      if (!(op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET)) {
        if (op == DUK_OP_MPUTOBJ || op == DUK_OP_MPUTARR) {
          /* Special handling for MPUTOBJ/MPUTARR shuffling.
           * For each, slot B identifies the first register of a range
           * of registers, so normal shuffling won't work.  Instead,
           * an indirect version of the opcode is used.
          DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET) == 0);
          duk__emit_load_int32_noshuffle(comp_ctx, tmp, b);
          op_flags++; /* indirect opcode follows direct */
        } else {
          duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDREG, tmp, b));
      b = tmp;
    } else {
          DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'b' (reg) needs shuffling but does not fit "
                     "into BC, b: %ld",
      goto error_outofregs;

  /* Slot C: reg/const support, mapped to bit 1 of opcode. */

  if ((c & DUK__CONST_MARKER) != 0) {
    DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C) == 0);
    DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_C_IS_TARGET) == 0);
    c = c & ~DUK__CONST_MARKER;
    if (0) {
    if (c <= 0xff) {
      if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST) {
        /* Opcode follows B/C reg/const convention. */
        DUK_ASSERT((op & 0x02) == 0);
        ins |= DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(0x02, 0, 0, 0); /* const flag for C */
      } else {
        DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("C is const, opcode is not B/C reg/const: %x",
    } else if (c <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
      comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
      tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle3;
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDCONST, tmp, c));
      c = tmp;
    } else {
      DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'c' (const) needs shuffling but does not "
                       "fit into BC, c: %ld",
      goto error_outofregs;
  } else {
    if (c <= 0xff && (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C)) {
    if (c <= 0xff) {
    } else if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C) {
      if (c > DUK_BC_C_MAX) {
        /* Note: 0xff != DUK_BC_C_MAX */
        DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'c' (reg) needs shuffling but shuffle "
                         "prohibited, c: %ld",
        goto error_outofregs;
    } else if (c <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
      comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
      tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle3;
      if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_C_IS_TARGET) {
        /* Output shuffle needed after main operation */
        c_out = c;
      } else {
        duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDREG, tmp, c));
      c = tmp;
    } else {
          DUK_DPRINT("out of regs: 'c' (reg) needs shuffling but does not fit "
                     "into BC, c: %ld",
      goto error_outofregs;

  /* Main operation */


  ins |= DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(op_flags & 0xff, a, b, c);
  duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);

  /* NEXTENUM needs a jump slot right after the main instruction.
   * When the JUMP is taken, output spilling is not needed so this
   * workaround is possible.  The jump slot PC is exceptionally
   * plumbed through comp_ctx to minimize call sites.
    comp_ctx->emit_jumpslot_pc = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
    duk__emit_abc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_JUMP, 0);

  /* Output shuffling: only one output register is realistically possible.
   * (Zero would normally be an OK marker value: if the target register
   * was zero, it would never be shuffled.  But with DUK_USE_SHUFFLE_TORTURE
   * this is no longer true, so use -1 as a marker instead.)

  if (a_out >= 0) {
    DUK_ASSERT(b_out < 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(c_out < 0);
    duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_STREG, a, a_out));

    if (op == DUK_OP_CSVAR) {
      /* Special handling for CSVAR shuffling.  The variable lookup
       * results in a <value, this binding> pair in successive
       * registers so use two shuffle registers and two output
       * loads.  (In practice this is dead code because temp/const
       * limit is reached first.)
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_STREG, a + 1, a_out + 1));
  } else if (b_out >= 0) {
    DUK_ASSERT(a_out < 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(c_out < 0);
    duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_STREG, b, b_out));
  } else if (c_out >= 0) {
    DUK_ASSERT(b_out < 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(c_out < 0);
    duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_STREG, c, c_out));



/* For many of the helpers below it'd be technically correct to add
 * "no shuffle" flags for parameters passed in as zero.  For example,
 * duk__emit_a_b() should call duk__emit_a_b_c() with C set to 0, and
 * DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C added to op_flags.  However, since the
 * C value is 0, it'll never get shuffled so adding the flag is just
 * unnecessary additional code.  This is unfortunately not true for
 * "shuffle torture" mode which needs special handling.

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_a_b(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                             duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                             duk_regconst_t b) {
  op_flags |= DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C;
  duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, op_flags, a, b, 0);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_b_c(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                             duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t b,
                             duk_regconst_t c) {
  op_flags |= DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A;
  duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, op_flags, 0, b, c);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_a(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, int op_flags, int a) {
	duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, op_flags, a, 0, 0);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_b(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t b) {
	duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, op_flags, 0, b, 0);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_a_bc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                              duk_small_uint_t op_flags, duk_regconst_t a,
                              duk_regconst_t bc) {
  duk_instr_t ins;
  duk_int_t tmp;

  /* allow caller to give a const number with the DUK__CONST_MARKER */
  DUK_ASSERT(bc != -1); /* Not 'none'. */
  bc = bc & (~DUK__CONST_MARKER);

  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE((op_flags & 0xff) >= DUK_BC_OP_MIN); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT((op_flags & 0xff) <= DUK_BC_OP_MAX);

  if (bc <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
  } else {
    /* No BC shuffling now. */
    goto error_outofregs;

  if (a <= DUK_BC_A_MAX && (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A)) {
  if (a <= DUK_BC_A_MAX) {
    ins = DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(op_flags & 0xff, a, bc);
    duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);
  } else if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A) {
    goto error_outofregs;
  } else if ((op_flags & 0xf0U) == DUK_OP_CALL0) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
    tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1;
    duk__emit_load_int32_noshuffle(comp_ctx, tmp, a);
    op_flags |= DUK_BC_CALL_FLAG_INDIRECT;
    ins = DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(op_flags & 0xff, tmp, bc);
    duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);
  } else if (a <= DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle = 1;
    tmp = comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1;
    ins = DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(op_flags & 0xff, tmp, bc);
    if (op_flags & DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE) {
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_LDREG, tmp, a));
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);
    } else {
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);
      duk__emit(comp_ctx, DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_STREG, tmp, a));
  } else {
    goto error_outofregs;


DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_bc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_small_uint_t op,
                            duk_regconst_t bc) {
  duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, op, 0, bc);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_abc(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_small_uint_t op,
                             duk_regconst_t abc) {
  duk_instr_t ins;

  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE(op >= DUK_BC_OP_MIN); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE(abc >= DUK_BC_ABC_MIN); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT(abc != -1); /* Not 'none'. */

  if (abc <= DUK_BC_ABC_MAX) {
  } else {
    goto error_outofregs;
  ins = DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(op, abc);
      "duk__emit_abc: 0x%08lx line=%ld pc=%ld op=%ld (%!X) abc=%ld (%!I)",
      (unsigned long)ins, (long)comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line,
      (long)duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx), (long)op, (long)op, (long)abc,
  duk__emit(comp_ctx, ins);


DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_load_int32_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_regconst_t reg, duk_int32_t val,
                                        duk_small_uint_t op_flags) {
  /* XXX: Shuffling support could be implemented here so that LDINT+LDINTX
   * would only shuffle once (instead of twice).  The current code works
   * though, and has a smaller compiler footprint.

  if ((val >= (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_BC_MIN - (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS) &&
      (val <= (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_BC_MAX - (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS)) {
        DUK_DDDPRINT("emit LDINT to reg %ld for %ld", (long)reg, (long)val));
    duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDINT | op_flags, reg,
                   (duk_regconst_t)(val + (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS));
  } else {
    duk_int32_t hi = val >> DUK_BC_LDINTX_SHIFT;
    duk_int32_t lo = val & ((((duk_int32_t)1) << DUK_BC_LDINTX_SHIFT) - 1);
    DUK_ASSERT(lo >= 0);
        DUK_DDDPRINT("emit LDINT+LDINTX to reg %ld for %ld -> hi %ld, lo %ld",
                     (long)reg, (long)val, (long)hi, (long)lo));
    duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDINT | op_flags, reg,
                   (duk_regconst_t)(hi + (duk_int32_t)DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS));
    duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDINTX | op_flags, reg, (duk_regconst_t)lo);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_load_int32(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_regconst_t reg, duk_int32_t val) {
  duk__emit_load_int32_raw(comp_ctx, reg, val, 0 /*op_flags*/);

/* Used by duk__emit*() calls so that we don't shuffle the loadints that
 * are needed to handle indirect opcodes.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_load_int32_noshuffle(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_regconst_t reg,
                                              duk_int32_t val) {
  duk__emit_load_int32_raw(comp_ctx, reg, val,
                           DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A /*op_flags*/);
DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_load_int32_noshuffle(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_regconst_t reg,
                                              duk_int32_t val) {
  /* When torture not enabled, can just use the same helper because
   * 'reg' won't get spilled.
  duk__emit_load_int32(comp_ctx, reg, val);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_jump(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_int_t target_pc) {
  duk_int_t curr_pc;
  duk_int_t offset;

  curr_pc =
      (duk_int_t)(DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) /
  offset = (duk_int_t)target_pc - (duk_int_t)curr_pc - 1;
  duk__emit_abc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_JUMP,
                (duk_regconst_t)(offset + DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS));

DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__emit_jump_empty(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_int_t ret;

  ret = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx); /* useful for patching jumps later */
  duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_JUMP);
  return ret;

/* Insert an empty jump in the middle of code emitted earlier.  This is
 * currently needed for compiling for-in.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__insert_jump_entry(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_int_t jump_pc) {
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  duk_int_t line;
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;
  duk_size_t offset;

  DUK_ASSERT(jump_pc >= 0);
  offset = (duk_size_t)jump_pc * sizeof(duk_compiler_instr);
  instr = (duk_compiler_instr *)(void *)DUK_BW_INSERT_ENSURE_AREA(
      comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code, offset,

#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  line = comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line; /* approximation, close enough */
  instr->ins = DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(DUK_OP_JUMP, 0);
#if defined(DUK_USE_PC2LINE)
  instr->line = (duk_uint32_t)line;

  DUK_BW_ADD_PTR(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code,
          DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) >
          DUK_USE_ESBC_MAX_BYTES)) {
    goto fail_bc_limit;


/* Does not assume that jump_pc contains a DUK_OP_JUMP previously; this is
 * intentional to allow e.g. an INVALID opcode be overwritten with a JUMP (label
 * management uses this).
DUK_LOCAL void duk__patch_jump(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_int_t jump_pc,
                               duk_int_t target_pc) {
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;
  duk_int_t offset;

  /* allow negative PCs, behave as a no-op */
  if (jump_pc < 0) {
        "duk__patch_jump(): nop call, jump_pc=%ld (<0), target_pc=%ld",
        (long)jump_pc, (long)target_pc));
  DUK_ASSERT(jump_pc >= 0);

  /* XXX: range assert */
  instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, jump_pc);
  DUK_ASSERT(instr != NULL);

  /* XXX: range assert */
  offset = target_pc - jump_pc - 1;

  instr->ins = DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(DUK_OP_JUMP, offset + DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS);
      DUK_DDDPRINT("duk__patch_jump(): jump_pc=%ld, target_pc=%ld, offset=%ld",
                   (long)jump_pc, (long)target_pc, (long)offset));

DUK_LOCAL void duk__patch_jump_here(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_int_t jump_pc) {
  duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, jump_pc, duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx));

DUK_LOCAL void duk__patch_trycatch(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_int_t ldconst_pc, duk_int_t trycatch_pc,
                                   duk_regconst_t reg_catch,
                                   duk_regconst_t const_varname,
                                   duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;


  instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, ldconst_pc);
  DUK_ASSERT(instr != NULL);
  if (const_varname & DUK__CONST_MARKER) {
    /* Have a catch variable. */
    const_varname = const_varname & (~DUK__CONST_MARKER);
    if (reg_catch > DUK_BC_BC_MAX || const_varname > DUK_BC_BC_MAX) {
      /* Catch attempts to use out-of-range reg/const.  Without this
       * check Duktape 0.12.0 could generate invalid code which caused
       * an assert failure on execution.  This error is triggered e.g.
       * for functions with a lot of constants and a try-catch statement.
       * Shuffling or opcode semantics change is needed to fix the issue.
       * See: test-bug-trycatch-many-constants.js.
      DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("failed to patch trycatch: flags=%ld, reg_catch=%ld, "
                       "const_varname=%ld (0x%08lx)",
                       (long)flags, (long)reg_catch, (long)const_varname,
      DUK_ERROR_RANGE(comp_ctx->thr, DUK_STR_REG_LIMIT);
    instr->ins |= DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(0, 0, const_varname);
  } else {
    /* No catch variable, e.g. a try-finally; replace LDCONST with
     * NOP to avoid a bogus LDCONST.
    instr->ins = DUK_ENC_OP(DUK_OP_NOP);

  instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, trycatch_pc);
  DUK_ASSERT(instr != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(flags <= DUK_BC_A_MAX);
  instr->ins = DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(DUK_OP_TRYCATCH, flags, reg_catch);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_if_false_skip(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_regconst_t regconst) {
  duk_small_uint_t op;

  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, op, regconst); /* helper will remove const flag */

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_if_true_skip(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_regconst_t regconst) {
  duk_small_uint_t op;

  op = DUK__ISREG(regconst) ? DUK_OP_IFTRUE_R : DUK_OP_IFTRUE_C;
  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, op, regconst); /* helper will remove const flag */

DUK_LOCAL void duk__emit_invalid(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INVALID);

 *  Peephole optimizer for finished bytecode.
 *  Does not remove opcodes; currently only straightens out unconditional
 *  jump chains which are generated by several control structures.

DUK_LOCAL void duk__peephole_optimize_bytecode(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_compiler_instr *bc;
  duk_small_uint_t iter;
  duk_int_t i, n;
  duk_int_t count_opt;

  bc = (duk_compiler_instr *)(void *)DUK_BW_GET_BASEPTR(
      comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code);
#if defined(DUK_USE_BUFLEN16)
  /* No need to assert, buffer size maximum is 0xffff. */
      (duk_size_t)DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) /
          sizeof(duk_compiler_instr) <=
      (duk_size_t)DUK_INT_MAX); /* bytecode limits */
  n = (duk_int_t)(DUK_BW_GET_SIZE(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code) /

  for (iter = 0; iter < DUK_COMPILER_PEEPHOLE_MAXITER; iter++) {
    count_opt = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      duk_instr_t ins;
      duk_int_t target_pc1;
      duk_int_t target_pc2;

      ins = bc[i].ins;
      if (DUK_DEC_OP(ins) != DUK_OP_JUMP) {

      target_pc1 =
          i + 1 + (duk_int_t)DUK_DEC_ABC(ins) - (duk_int_t)DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS;
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("consider jump at pc %ld; target_pc=%ld", (long)i,
      DUK_ASSERT(target_pc1 >= 0);
      DUK_ASSERT(target_pc1 < n);

      /* Note: if target_pc1 == i, we'll optimize a jump to itself.
       * This does not need to be checked for explicitly; the case
       * is rare and max iter breaks us out.

      ins = bc[target_pc1].ins;
      if (DUK_DEC_OP(ins) != DUK_OP_JUMP) {

      target_pc2 = target_pc1 + 1 + (duk_int_t)DUK_DEC_ABC(ins) -

          "optimizing jump at pc %ld; old target is %ld -> new target is %ld",
          (long)i, (long)target_pc1, (long)target_pc2));

      bc[i].ins =
          DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(DUK_OP_JUMP, target_pc2 - (i + 1) + DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS);


    DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("optimized %ld jumps on peephole round %ld",
                       (long)count_opt, (long)(iter + 1)));

    if (count_opt == 0) {

 *  Intermediate value helpers

/* Flags for intermediate value coercions.  A flag for using a forced reg
 * is not needed, the forced_reg argument suffices and generates better
 * code (it is checked as it is used).
/* XXX: DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_SHORT is passed but not currently implemented
 * by ispec/ivalue operations.
  (1u << 0) /* allow a constant to be returned */
#define DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP                                     \
  (1u << 1) /* require a (mutable) temporary as a result (or a const if \
              allowed) */
#define DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_SHORT                                          \
  (1u << 2) /* require a short (8-bit) reg/const which fits into bytecode B/C \
              slot */

/* XXX: some code might benefit from DUK__SETTEMP_IFTEMP(thr,x) */

#if 0 /* enable manually for dumping */
#define DUK__DUMP_ISPEC(compctx, ispec)  \
  do {                                   \
    duk__dump_ispec((compctx), (ispec)); \
  } while (0)
#define DUK__DUMP_IVALUE(compctx, ivalue)  \
  do {                                     \
    duk__dump_ivalue((compctx), (ivalue)); \
  } while (0)

DUK_LOCAL void duk__dump_ispec(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ispec *x) {
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("ispec dump: t=%ld regconst=0x%08lx, valstack_idx=%ld, value=%!T",
	                 (long) x->t, (unsigned long) x->regconst, (long) x->valstack_idx,
	                 duk_get_tval(comp_ctx->thr, x->valstack_idx)));
DUK_LOCAL void duk__dump_ivalue(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *x) {
	DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("ivalue dump: t=%ld op=%ld "
	                 "x1={t=%ld regconst=0x%08lx valstack_idx=%ld value=%!T} "
	                 "x2={t=%ld regconst=0x%08lx valstack_idx=%ld value=%!T}",
		         (long) x->t, (long) x->op,
	                 (long) x->x1.t, (unsigned long) x->x1.regconst, (long) x->x1.valstack_idx,
	                 duk_get_tval(comp_ctx->thr, x->x1.valstack_idx),
	                 (long) x->x2.t, (unsigned long) x->x2.regconst, (long) x->x2.valstack_idx,
	                 duk_get_tval(comp_ctx->thr, x->x2.valstack_idx)));
#define DUK__DUMP_ISPEC(comp_ctx, x) \
  do {                               \
  } while (0)
#define DUK__DUMP_IVALUE(comp_ctx, x) \
  do {                                \
  } while (0)

DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_regconst(duk_ivalue *x, duk_regconst_t regconst) {
  x->t = DUK_IVAL_PLAIN;
  x->x1.regconst = regconst;

DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_plain_fromstack(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ivalue *x) {
  x->t = DUK_IVAL_PLAIN;
  x->x1.t = DUK_ISPEC_VALUE;
  duk_replace(comp_ctx->thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_var_fromstack(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_ivalue *x) {
  x->t = DUK_IVAL_VAR;
  x->x1.t = DUK_ISPEC_VALUE;
  duk_replace(comp_ctx->thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);

DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__ivalue_var_hstring(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *x, duk_hstring *h) {
  duk_push_hstring(comp_ctx->thr, h);
  duk__ivalue_var_fromstack(comp_ctx, x);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__copy_ispec(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ispec *src,
                               duk_ispec *dst) {
  dst->t = src->t;
  dst->regconst = src->regconst;
  duk_copy(comp_ctx->thr, src->valstack_idx, dst->valstack_idx);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__copy_ivalue(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *src,
                                duk_ivalue *dst) {
  dst->t = src->t;
  dst->op = src->op;
  dst->x1.t = src->x1.t;
  dst->x1.regconst = src->x1.regconst;
  dst->x2.t = src->x2.t;
  dst->x2.regconst = src->x2.regconst;
  duk_copy(comp_ctx->thr, src->x1.valstack_idx, dst->x1.valstack_idx);
  duk_copy(comp_ctx->thr, src->x2.valstack_idx, dst->x2.valstack_idx);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__alloctemps(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_small_int_t num) {
  duk_regconst_t res;

  res = comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next += num;

  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next >
      DUK__MAX_TEMPS) { /* == DUK__MAX_TEMPS is OK */
    DUK_WO_NORETURN(return 0;);

  /* maintain highest 'used' temporary, needed to figure out nregs of function
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next > comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_max) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_max = comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next;

  return res;

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__alloctemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  return duk__alloctemps(comp_ctx, 1);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__settemp_checkmax(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_regconst_t temp_next) {
  comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next = temp_next;
  if (temp_next > comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_max) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_max = temp_next;

/* get const for value at valstack top */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__getconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_compiler_func *f = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  duk_tval *tv1;
  duk_int_t i, n, n_check;

  n = (duk_int_t)duk_get_length(thr, f->consts_idx);

  tv1 = DUK_GET_TVAL_NEGIDX(thr, -1);
  DUK_ASSERT(tv1 != NULL);

#if defined(DUK_USE_FASTINT)
  /* Explicit check for fastint downgrade. */

  /* Sanity workaround for handling functions with a large number of
   * constants at least somewhat reasonably.  Otherwise checking whether
   * we already have the constant would grow very slow (as it is O(N^2)).
  n_check =
  for (i = 0; i < n_check; i++) {
    duk_tval *tv2 = DUK_HOBJECT_A_GET_VALUE_PTR(thr->heap, f->h_consts, i);

    /* Strict equality is NOT enough, because we cannot use the same
     * constant for e.g. +0 and -0.
    if (duk_js_samevalue(tv1, tv2)) {
          DUK_DDDPRINT("reused existing constant for %!T -> const index %ld",
                       (duk_tval *)tv1, (long)i));
      return (duk_regconst_t)i | (duk_regconst_t)DUK__CONST_MARKER;

  if (n > DUK__MAX_CONSTS) {
    DUK_WO_NORETURN(return 0;);

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("allocating new constant for %!T -> const index %ld",
                       (duk_tval *)tv1, (long)n));
  (void)duk_put_prop_index(thr, f->consts_idx,
                           (duk_uarridx_t)n); /* invalidates tv1, tv2 */
  return (duk_regconst_t)n | (duk_regconst_t)DUK__CONST_MARKER;

DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__const_needs_refcount(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                               duk_regconst_t rc) {
  duk_compiler_func *f = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  duk_bool_t ret;

  DUK_ASSERT((rc & DUK__CONST_MARKER) == 0); /* caller removes const marker */
  (void)duk_get_prop_index(comp_ctx->thr, f->consts_idx, (duk_uarridx_t)rc);
  ret = !duk_is_number(comp_ctx->thr,
                       -1); /* now only number/string, so conservative check */
  return ret;
  DUK_ASSERT((rc & DUK__CONST_MARKER) == 0); /* caller removes const marker */
  return 0;

/* Get the value represented by an duk_ispec to a register or constant.
 * The caller can control the result by indicating whether or not:
 *   (1) a constant is allowed (sometimes the caller needs the result to
 *       be in a register)
 *   (2) a temporary register is required (usually when caller requires
 *       the register to be safely mutable; normally either a bound
 *       register or a temporary register are both OK)
 *   (3) a forced register target needs to be used
 * Bytecode may be emitted to generate the necessary value.  The return
 * value is either a register or a constant.

duk_regconst_t duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_ispec *x,
                                         duk_regconst_t forced_reg,
                                         duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(): x={%ld:%ld:%!T}, "
                       "forced_reg=%ld, flags 0x%08lx: allow_const=%ld "
                       "require_temp=%ld require_short=%ld",
                       (long)x->t, (long)x->regconst,
                       (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, x->valstack_idx),
                       (long)forced_reg, (unsigned long)flags,
                       (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST) ? 1 : 0),
                       (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP) ? 1 : 0),
                       (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_SHORT) ? 1 : 0)));

  switch (x->t) {
    case DUK_ISPEC_VALUE: {
      duk_tval *tv;

      tv = DUK_GET_TVAL_POSIDX(thr, x->valstack_idx);
      DUK_ASSERT(tv != NULL);

      switch (DUK_TVAL_GET_TAG(tv)) {
        case DUK_TAG_UNDEFINED: {
          /* Note: although there is no 'undefined' literal, undefined
           * values can occur during compilation as a result of e.g.
           * the 'void' operator.
          duk_regconst_t dest =
              (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
          duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDUNDEF, dest);
          return dest;
        case DUK_TAG_NULL: {
          duk_regconst_t dest =
              (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
          duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDNULL, dest);
          return dest;
        case DUK_TAG_BOOLEAN: {
          duk_regconst_t dest =
              (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
          return dest;
        case DUK_TAG_POINTER: {
        case DUK_TAG_STRING: {
          duk_hstring *h;
          duk_regconst_t dest;
          duk_regconst_t constidx;

          h = DUK_TVAL_GET_STRING(tv);
          DUK_ASSERT(h != NULL);

#if 0 /* XXX: to be implemented? */
			/* Use special opcodes to load short strings */
			if (DUK_HSTRING_GET_BYTELEN(h) <= 2) {
				/* Encode into a single opcode (18 bits can encode 1-2 bytes + length indicator) */
			} else if (DUK_HSTRING_GET_BYTELEN(h) <= 6) {
				/* Encode into a double constant (53 bits can encode 6*8 = 48 bits + 3-bit length */
          duk_dup(thr, x->valstack_idx);
          constidx = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);

          if (flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST) {
            return constidx;

          dest = (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDCONST, dest, constidx);
          return dest;
        case DUK_TAG_OBJECT: {
        case DUK_TAG_BUFFER: {
        case DUK_TAG_LIGHTFUNC: {
#if defined(DUK_USE_FASTINT)
        case DUK_TAG_FASTINT:
        default: {
          /* number */
          duk_regconst_t dest;
          duk_regconst_t constidx;
          duk_double_t dval;
          duk_int32_t ival;

          dval = DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv);

          if (!(flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST)) {
            /* A number can be loaded either through a constant, using
             * LDINT, or using LDINT+LDINTX.  LDINT is always a size win,
             * LDINT+LDINTX is not if the constant is used multiple times.
             * Currently always prefer LDINT+LDINTX over a double constant.

            if (duk_is_whole_get_int32_nonegzero(dval, &ival)) {
              dest = (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
              duk__emit_load_int32(comp_ctx, dest, ival);
              return dest;

          duk_dup(thr, x->valstack_idx);
          constidx = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);

          if (flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST) {
            return constidx;
          } else {
            dest = (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
            duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDCONST, dest, constidx);
            return dest;
      }                   /* end switch */
      goto fail_internal; /* never here */
      if (forced_reg >= 0) {
        if (DUK__ISCONST(x->regconst)) {
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDCONST, forced_reg, x->regconst);
        } else if (x->regconst != forced_reg) {
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDREG, forced_reg, x->regconst);
        } else {
          ; /* already in correct reg */
        return forced_reg;

      DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg < 0);
      if (DUK__ISCONST(x->regconst)) {
        if (!(flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST)) {
          duk_regconst_t dest = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDCONST, dest, x->regconst);
          return dest;
        return x->regconst;

      DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg < 0 && !DUK__ISCONST(x->regconst));
      if ((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP) &&
          !DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, x->regconst)) {
        duk_regconst_t dest = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDREG, dest, x->regconst);
        return dest;
      return x->regconst;
    default: {
      break; /* never here */

  DUK_WO_NORETURN(return 0;);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__ispec_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ispec *x,
                                      duk_regconst_t forced_reg) {
  DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg >= 0);
  (void)duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, x, forced_reg, 0 /*flags*/);

/* Coerce an duk_ivalue to a 'plain' value by generating the necessary
 * arithmetic operations, property access, or variable access bytecode.
 * The duk_ivalue argument ('x') is converted into a plain value as a
 * side effect.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_ivalue *x,
                                       duk_regconst_t forced_reg) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;

      "duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(): "
      "x={t=%ld,op=%ld,x1={%ld:%ld:%!T},x2={%ld:%ld:%!T}}, "
      (long)x->t, (long)x->op, (long)x->x1.t, (long)x->x1.regconst,
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx), (long)x->x2.t,
      (long)x->x2.regconst, (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, x->x2.valstack_idx),

  switch (x->t) {
    case DUK_IVAL_PLAIN: {
    /* XXX: support unary arithmetic ivalues (useful?) */
    case DUK_IVAL_ARITH: {
      duk_regconst_t arg1;
      duk_regconst_t arg2;
      duk_regconst_t dest;
      duk_tval *tv1;
      duk_tval *tv2;

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("arith to plain conversion"));

      /* inline arithmetic check for constant values */
      /* XXX: use the exactly same arithmetic function here as in executor */
      if (x->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE && x->x2.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE &&
          x->t == DUK_IVAL_ARITH) {
        tv1 = DUK_GET_TVAL_POSIDX(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);
        tv2 = DUK_GET_TVAL_POSIDX(thr, x->x2.valstack_idx);
        DUK_ASSERT(tv1 != NULL);
        DUK_ASSERT(tv2 != NULL);

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("arith: tv1=%!T, tv2=%!T", (duk_tval *)tv1,
                             (duk_tval *)tv2));

        if (DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv1) && DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv2)) {
          duk_double_t d1 = DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv1);
          duk_double_t d2 = DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv2);
          duk_double_t d3;
          duk_bool_t accept_fold = 1;

          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("arith inline check: d1=%lf, d2=%lf, op=%ld",
                               (double)d1, (double)d2, (long)x->op));
          switch (x->op) {
            case DUK_OP_ADD: {
              d3 = d1 + d2;
            case DUK_OP_SUB: {
              d3 = d1 - d2;
            case DUK_OP_MUL: {
              d3 = d1 * d2;
            case DUK_OP_DIV: {
              /* Division-by-zero is undefined
               * behavior, so rely on a helper.
              d3 = duk_double_div(d1, d2);
            case DUK_OP_EXP: {
              d3 = (duk_double_t)duk_js_arith_pow((double)d1, (double)d2);
            default: {
              d3 = 0.0; /* Won't be used, but silence MSVC /W4 warning. */
              accept_fold = 0;

          if (accept_fold) {
            duk_double_union du;
            du.d = d3;
            d3 = du.d;

            x->t = DUK_IVAL_PLAIN;
            DUK_ASSERT(x->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE);
            DUK_TVAL_SET_NUMBER(tv1, d3); /* old value is number: no refcount */
        } else if (x->op == DUK_OP_ADD && DUK_TVAL_IS_STRING(tv1) &&
                   DUK_TVAL_IS_STRING(tv2)) {
          /* Inline string concatenation.  No need to check for
           * symbols, as all inputs are valid ECMAScript strings.
          duk_dup(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);
          duk_dup(thr, x->x2.valstack_idx);
          duk_concat(thr, 2);
          duk_replace(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);
          x->t = DUK_IVAL_PLAIN;
          DUK_ASSERT(x->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE);

      arg1 = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
          comp_ctx, &x->x1, -1,
      arg2 = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
          comp_ctx, &x->x2, -1,

      /* If forced reg, use it as destination.  Otherwise try to
       * use either coerced ispec if it is a temporary.
      if (forced_reg >= 0) {
        dest = forced_reg;
      } else if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, arg1)) {
        dest = arg1;
      } else if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, arg2)) {
        dest = arg2;
      } else {
        dest = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

      duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, x->op | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST, dest, arg1,

      duk__ivalue_regconst(x, dest);
    case DUK_IVAL_PROP: {
      /* XXX: very similar to DUK_IVAL_ARITH - merge? */
      duk_regconst_t arg1;
      duk_regconst_t arg2;
      duk_regconst_t dest;

      /* Need a short reg/const, does not have to be a mutable temp. */
      arg1 = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
          comp_ctx, &x->x1, -1,
      arg2 = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
          comp_ctx, &x->x2, -1,

      /* Pick a destination register.  If either base value or key
       * happens to be a temp value, reuse it as the destination.
       * XXX: The temp must be a "mutable" one, i.e. such that no
       * other expression is using it anymore.  Here this should be
       * the case because the value of a property access expression
       * is neither the base nor the key, but the lookup result.

      if (forced_reg >= 0) {
        dest = forced_reg;
      } else if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, arg1)) {
        dest = arg1;
      } else if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, arg2)) {
        dest = arg2;
      } else {
        dest = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

      duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_GETPROP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                      dest, arg1, arg2);

      duk__ivalue_regconst(x, dest);
    case DUK_IVAL_VAR: {
      /* x1 must be a string */
      duk_regconst_t dest;
      duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
      duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

      DUK_ASSERT(x->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE);

      duk_dup(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx);
      if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
        duk__ivalue_regconst(x, reg_varbind);
      } else {
        dest = (forced_reg >= 0 ? forced_reg : DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx));
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_GETVAR, dest, rc_varname);
        duk__ivalue_regconst(x, dest);
    case DUK_IVAL_NONE:
    default: {
      DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("invalid ivalue type: %ld", (long)x->t));


/* evaluate to plain value, no forced register (temp/bound reg both ok) */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_toplain(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *x) {
  duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(comp_ctx, x, -1 /*forced_reg*/);

/* evaluate to final form (e.g. coerce GETPROP to code), throw away temp */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *x) {
  duk_regconst_t temp;

  /* If duk__ivalue_toplain_raw() allocates a temp, forget it and
   * restore next temp state.
  temp = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);
  duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(comp_ctx, x, -1 /*forced_reg*/);
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp);

/* Coerce an duk_ivalue to a register or constant; result register may
 * be a temp or a bound register.
 * The duk_ivalue argument ('x') is converted into a regconst as a
 * side effect.
duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *x,
                                          duk_regconst_t forced_reg,
                                          duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_regconst_t reg;

      "duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(): "
      "x={t=%ld,op=%ld,x1={%ld:%ld:%!T},x2={%ld:%ld:%!T}}, "
      "forced_reg=%ld, flags 0x%08lx: allow_const=%ld require_temp=%ld "
      (long)x->t, (long)x->op, (long)x->x1.t, (long)x->x1.regconst,
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, x->x1.valstack_idx), (long)x->x2.t,
      (long)x->x2.regconst, (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, x->x2.valstack_idx),
      (long)forced_reg, (unsigned long)flags,
      (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST) ? 1 : 0),
      (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP) ? 1 : 0),
      (long)((flags & DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_SHORT) ? 1 : 0)));

  /* first coerce to a plain value */
  duk__ivalue_toplain_raw(comp_ctx, x, forced_reg);

  /* then to a register */
  reg = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &x->x1, forced_reg, flags);
  duk__ivalue_regconst(x, reg);

  return reg;

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_ivalue *x) {
  return duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, x, -1, 0 /*flags*/);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *x) {
	return duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, x, -1, DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP /*flags*/);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_ivalue *x, duk_int_t forced_reg) {
  DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg >= 0);
  (void)duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, x, forced_reg, 0 /*flags*/);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_toregconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                duk_ivalue *x) {
  return duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, x, -1,
                                    DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__ivalue_totempconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                 duk_ivalue *x) {
  return duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(
      comp_ctx, x, -1,

/* The issues below can be solved with better flags */

/* XXX: many operations actually want toforcedtemp() -- brand new temp? */
/* XXX: need a toplain_ignore() which will only coerce a value to a temp
 * register if it might have a side effect.  Side-effect free values do not
 * need to be coerced.

 *  Identifier handling

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t
duk__lookup_active_register_binding(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_hstring *h_varname;
  duk_regconst_t ret;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("resolving identifier reference to '%!T'",
                       (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

   *  Special name handling

  h_varname = duk_known_hstring(thr, -1);

  if (h_varname == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_LC_ARGUMENTS(thr)) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("flagging function as accessing 'arguments'"));
    comp_ctx->curr_func.id_access_arguments = 1;

   *  Inside one or more 'with' statements fall back to slow path always.
   *  (See e.g. test-stmt-with.js.)

  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.with_depth > 0) {
        "identifier lookup inside a 'with' -> fall back to slow path"));
    goto slow_path_own;

   *  Any catch bindings ("catch (e)") also affect identifier binding.
   *  Currently, the varmap is modified for the duration of the catch
   *  clause to ensure any identifier accesses with the catch variable
   *  name will use slow path.

  duk_get_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
  if (duk_is_number(thr, -1)) {
    ret = duk_to_int(thr, -1);
  } else {
    if (comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth > 0 ||
        comp_ctx->curr_func.with_depth > 0) {
          "slow path access from inside a try-catch or with needs _Varmap"));
      goto slow_path_own;
    } else {
      /* In this case we're doing a variable lookup that doesn't
       * match our own variables, so _Varmap won't be needed at
       * run time.
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("slow path access outside of try-catch and with, no "
                           "need for _Varmap"));
      goto slow_path_notown;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("identifier lookup -> reg %ld", (long)ret));
  return ret;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("identifier lookup -> slow path, not own variable"));

  comp_ctx->curr_func.id_access_slow = 1;
  return (duk_regconst_t)-1;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("identifier lookup -> slow path, may be own variable"));

  comp_ctx->curr_func.id_access_slow = 1;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.id_access_slow_own = 1;
  return (duk_regconst_t)-1;

/* Lookup an identifier name in the current varmap, indicating whether the
 * identifier is register-bound and if not, allocating a constant for the
 * identifier name.  Returns 1 if register-bound, 0 otherwise.  Caller can
 * also check (out_reg_varbind >= 0) to check whether or not identifier is
 * register bound.  The caller must NOT use out_rc_varname at all unless
 * return code is 0 or out_reg_varbind is < 0; this is becuase out_rc_varname
 * is unsigned and doesn't have a "unused" / none value.
DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__lookup_lhs(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_regconst_t *out_reg_varbind,
                                     duk_regconst_t *out_rc_varname) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
  duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

  /* [ ... varname ] */

  reg_varbind = duk__lookup_active_register_binding(comp_ctx);

  if (reg_varbind >= 0) {
    *out_reg_varbind = reg_varbind;
    *out_rc_varname = 0; /* duk_regconst_t is unsigned, so use 0 as dummy value
                            (ignored by caller) */
    return 1;
  } else {
    rc_varname = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);
    *out_reg_varbind = -1;
    *out_rc_varname = rc_varname;
    return 0;

 *  Label handling
 *  Labels are initially added with flags prohibiting both break and continue.
 *  When the statement type is finally uncovered (after potentially multiple
 *  labels), all the labels are updated to allow/prohibit break and continue.

DUK_LOCAL void duk__add_label(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_hstring *h_label,
                              duk_int_t pc_label, duk_int_t label_id) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_size_t n;
  duk_size_t new_size;
  duk_uint8_t *p;
  duk_labelinfo *li_start, *li;

  /* Duplicate (shadowing) labels are not allowed, except for the empty
   * labels (which are used as default labels for switch and iteration
   * statements).
   * We could also allow shadowing of non-empty pending labels without any
   * other issues than breaking the required label shadowing requirements
   * of the E5 specification, see Section 12.12.

  p = (duk_uint8_t *)DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_PTR(
      thr->heap, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos);
  li_start = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)p;
  li = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)(p + DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(
  n = (duk_size_t)(li - li_start);

  while (li > li_start) {

    if (li->h_label == h_label &&
        h_label != DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EMPTY_STRING(thr)) {

  duk_push_hstring(thr, h_label);
  DUK_ASSERT(n <= DUK_UARRIDX_MAX); /* label limits */
  (void)duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.labelnames_idx,

  new_size = (n + 1) * sizeof(duk_labelinfo);
  duk_hbuffer_resize(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos, new_size);
  /* XXX: slack handling, slow now */

  /* relookup after possible realloc */
  p = (duk_uint8_t *)DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_PTR(
      thr->heap, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos);
  li_start = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)p;
  DUK_UNREF(li_start); /* silence scan-build warning */
  li = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)(p + DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(

  /* Labels can be used for iteration statements but also for other statements,
   * in particular a label can be used for a block statement.  All cases of a
   * named label accept a 'break' so that flag is set here.  Iteration
   * statements also allow 'continue', so that flag is updated when we figure
   * out the statement type.

  li->label_id = label_id;
  li->h_label = h_label;
  li->catch_depth =
      comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth; /* catch depth from current func */
  li->pc_label = pc_label;

      "registered label: flags=0x%08lx, id=%ld, name=%!O, catch_depth=%ld, "
      (unsigned long)li->flags, (long)li->label_id, (duk_heaphdr *)li->h_label,
      (long)li->catch_depth, (long)li->pc_label));

/* Update all labels with matching label_id. */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__update_label_flags(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_int_t label_id,
                                       duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_uint8_t *p;
  duk_labelinfo *li_start, *li;

  p = (duk_uint8_t *)DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_PTR(
      comp_ctx->thr->heap, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos);
  li_start = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)p;
  li = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)(p + DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(

  /* Match labels starting from latest; once label_id no longer matches, we can
   * safely exit without checking the rest of the labels (only the topmost
   * labels are ever updated).
  while (li > li_start) {

    if (li->label_id != label_id) {

        "updating (overwriting) label flags for li=%p, label_id=%ld, flags=%ld",
        (void *)li, (long)label_id, (long)flags));

    li->flags = flags;

/* Lookup active label information.  Break/continue distinction is necessary to
 * handle switch statement related labels correctly: a switch will only catch a
 * 'break', not a 'continue'.
 * An explicit label cannot appear multiple times in the active set, but empty
 * labels (unlabelled iteration and switch statements) can.  A break will match
 * the closest unlabelled or labelled statement.  A continue will match the
 * closest unlabelled or labelled iteration statement.  It is a syntax error if
 * a continue matches a labelled switch statement; because an explicit label
 * cannot be duplicated, the continue cannot match any valid label outside the
 * switch.
 * A side effect of these rules is that a LABEL statement related to a switch
 * should never actually catch a continue abrupt completion at run-time.  Hence
 * an INVALID opcode can be placed in the continue slot of the switch's LABEL
 * statement.

/* XXX: awkward, especially the bunch of separate output values -> output
 * struct? */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__lookup_active_label(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_hstring *h_label, duk_bool_t is_break,
    duk_int_t *out_label_id, duk_int_t *out_label_catch_depth,
    duk_int_t *out_label_pc, duk_bool_t *out_is_closest) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_uint8_t *p;
  duk_labelinfo *li_start, *li_end, *li;
  duk_bool_t match = 0;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("looking up active label: label='%!O', is_break=%ld",
                       (duk_heaphdr *)h_label, (long)is_break));


  p = (duk_uint8_t *)DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_PTR(
      thr->heap, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos);
  li_start = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)p;
  li_end = (duk_labelinfo *)(void *)(p + DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(
  li = li_end;

  /* Match labels starting from latest label because there can be duplicate
   * empty labels in the label set.
  while (li > li_start) {

    if (li->h_label != h_label) {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("labelinfo[%ld] ->'%!O' != %!O",
                           (long)(li - li_start), (duk_heaphdr *)li->h_label,
                           (duk_heaphdr *)h_label));

        "labelinfo[%ld] -> '%!O' label name matches (still need to check type)",
        (long)(li - li_start), (duk_heaphdr *)h_label));

    /* currently all labels accept a break, so no explicit check for it now */

    if (is_break) {
      /* break matches always */
      match = 1;
    } else if (li->flags & DUK_LABEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONTINUE) {
      /* iteration statements allow continue */
      match = 1;
    } else {
      /* continue matched this label -- we can only continue if this is the
       * empty label, for which duplication is allowed, and thus there is hope
       * of finding a match deeper in the label stack.
      if (h_label != DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EMPTY_STRING(thr)) {
      } else {
            "continue matched an empty label which does not "
            "allow a continue -> continue lookup deeper in label stack"));
  /* XXX: match flag is awkward, rework */
  if (!match) {

      "label match: %!O -> label_id %ld, catch_depth=%ld, pc_label=%ld",
      (duk_heaphdr *)h_label, (long)li->label_id, (long)li->catch_depth,

  *out_label_id = li->label_id;
  *out_label_catch_depth = li->catch_depth;
  *out_label_pc = li->pc_label;
  *out_is_closest = (li == li_end - 1);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__reset_labels_to_length(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                           duk_size_t len) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;

  duk_set_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.labelnames_idx, len);
  duk_hbuffer_resize(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_labelinfos,
                     sizeof(duk_labelinfo) * len);

 *  Expression parsing: duk__expr_nud(), duk__expr_led(), duk__expr_lbp(), and
 * helpers.
 *  - duk__expr_nud(): ("null denotation"): process prev_token as a "start" of
 * an expression (e.g. literal)
 *  - duk__expr_led(): ("left denotation"): process prev_token in the "middle"
 * of an expression (e.g. operator)
 *  - duk__expr_lbp(): ("left-binding power"): return left-binding power of
 * curr_token

/* object literal key tracking flags */
  (1u << 0)                            /* key encountered as a plain property */
#define DUK__OBJ_LIT_KEY_GET (1u << 1) /* key encountered as a getter */
#define DUK__OBJ_LIT_KEY_SET (1u << 2) /* key encountered as a setter */

DUK_LOCAL void duk__nud_array_literal(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_regconst_t reg_obj;    /* result reg */
  duk_regconst_t reg_temp;   /* temp reg */
  duk_regconst_t temp_start; /* temp reg value for start of loop */
      max_init_values; /* max # of values initialized in one MPUTARR set */
  duk_small_uint_t num_values; /* number of values in current MPUTARR set */
  duk_uarridx_t curr_idx;      /* current (next) array index */
  duk_uarridx_t start_idx;     /* start array index of current MPUTARR set */
  duk_uarridx_t init_idx;      /* last array index explicitly initialized, +1 */
  duk_bool_t require_comma;    /* next loop requires a comma */
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  duk_int_t pc_newarr;
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;

  /* DUK_TOK_LBRACKET already eaten, current token is right after that */
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_LBRACKET);

  max_init_values =
      DUK__MAX_ARRAY_INIT_VALUES; /* XXX: depend on available temps? */

  reg_obj = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  pc_newarr = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_NEWARR,
               reg_obj); /* XXX: patch initial size hint afterwards? */
  temp_start = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

   *  Emit initializers in sets of maximum max_init_values.
   *  Corner cases such as single value initializers do not have
   *  special handling now.
   *  Elided elements must not be emitted as 'undefined' values,
   *  because such values would be enumerable (which is incorrect).
   *  Also note that trailing elisions must be reflected in the
   *  length of the final array but cause no elements to be actually
   *  inserted.

  curr_idx = 0;
  init_idx = 0; /* tracks maximum initialized index + 1 */
  start_idx = 0;
  require_comma = 0;

  for (;;) {
    num_values = 0;
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_start);

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RBRACKET) {

    for (;;) {
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RBRACKET) {
        /* the outer loop will recheck and exit */

      /* comma check */
      if (require_comma) {
        if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_COMMA) {
          /* comma after a value, expected */
          require_comma = 0;
        } else {
          goto syntax_error;
      } else {
        if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_COMMA) {
          /* elision - flush */
          /* if num_values > 0, MPUTARR emitted by outer loop after break */
      /* else an array initializer element */

      /* initial index */
      if (num_values == 0) {
        start_idx = curr_idx;
        reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        duk__emit_load_int32(comp_ctx, reg_temp, (duk_int32_t)start_idx);

      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(
          comp_ctx); /* alloc temp just in case, to update max temp */
      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp);
      duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA /*rbp_flags*/,
                            reg_temp /*forced_reg*/);
      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);

      require_comma = 1;

      if (num_values >= max_init_values) {
        /* MPUTARR emitted by outer loop */

    if (num_values > 0) {
      /* - A is a source register (it's not a write target, but used
       *   to identify the target object) but can be shuffled.
       * - B cannot be shuffled normally because it identifies a range
       *   of registers, the emitter has special handling for this
       *   (the "no shuffle" flag must not be set).
       * - C is a non-register number and cannot be shuffled, but
       *   never needs to be.
                      DUK_OP_MPUTARR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C |
                      reg_obj, temp_start, (duk_regconst_t)(num_values + 1));
      init_idx = start_idx + num_values;

      /* num_values and temp_start reset at top of outer loop */

  /* Update initil size for NEWARR, doesn't need to be exact and is
   * capped at A field limit.
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, pc_newarr);
  instr->ins |=
      DUK_ENC_OP_A(0, curr_idx > DUK_BC_A_MAX ? DUK_BC_A_MAX : curr_idx);

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RBRACKET);

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("array literal done, curridx=%ld, initidx=%ld",
                       (long)curr_idx, (long)init_idx));

  /* trailing elisions? */
  if (curr_idx > init_idx) {
    /* yes, must set array length explicitly */
        "array literal has trailing elisions which affect its length"));
    reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
    duk__emit_load_int32(comp_ctx, reg_temp, (duk_int_t)curr_idx);
    duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_SETALEN | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                   reg_obj, reg_temp);

  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_start);

  duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_obj);


typedef struct {
  duk_regconst_t reg_obj;
  duk_regconst_t temp_start;
  duk_small_uint_t num_pairs;
  duk_small_uint_t num_total_pairs;
} duk__objlit_state;

DUK_LOCAL void duk__objlit_flush_keys(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk__objlit_state *st) {
  if (st->num_pairs > 0) {
    /* - A is a source register (it's not a write target, but used
     *   to identify the target object) but can be shuffled.
     * - B cannot be shuffled normally because it identifies a range
     *   of registers, the emitter has special handling for this
     *   (the "no shuffle" flag must not be set).
     * - C is a non-register number and cannot be shuffled, but
     *   never needs to be.
    DUK_ASSERT(st->num_pairs > 0);
                    DUK_OP_MPUTOBJ | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_C |
                    st->reg_obj, st->temp_start,
                    (duk_regconst_t)(st->num_pairs * 2));
    st->num_total_pairs += st->num_pairs;
    st->num_pairs = 0;
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, st->temp_start);

DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__objlit_load_key(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                          duk_ivalue *res, duk_token *tok,
                                          duk_regconst_t reg_temp) {
  if (tok->t_nores == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER || tok->t_nores == DUK_TOK_STRING) {
    /* same handling for identifiers and strings */
    DUK_ASSERT(tok->str1 != NULL);
    duk_push_hstring(comp_ctx->thr, tok->str1);
  } else if (tok->t == DUK_TOK_NUMBER) {
    /* numbers can be loaded as numbers and coerced on the fly */
    duk_push_number(comp_ctx->thr, tok->num);
  } else {
    return 1; /* error */

  duk__ivalue_plain_fromstack(comp_ctx, res);
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);
  duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, reg_temp);
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);
  return 0;

DUK_LOCAL void duk__nud_object_literal(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                       duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk__objlit_state st;
  duk_regconst_t reg_temp;         /* temp reg */
  duk_small_uint_t max_init_pairs; /* max # of key-value pairs initialized in
                                      one MPUTOBJ set */
  duk_bool_t first;          /* first value: comma must not precede the value */
  duk_bool_t is_set, is_get; /* temps */
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  duk_int_t pc_newobj;
  duk_compiler_instr *instr;

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_LCURLY);

  max_init_pairs =
      DUK__MAX_OBJECT_INIT_PAIRS; /* XXX: depend on available temps? */

  st.reg_obj = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);  /* target object */
  st.temp_start = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx); /* start of MPUTOBJ argument list */
  st.num_pairs =
      0; /* number of key/value pairs emitted for current MPUTOBJ set */
  st.num_total_pairs = 0; /* number of key/value pairs emitted overall */

#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  pc_newobj = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_NEWOBJ, st.reg_obj);

   *  Emit initializers in sets of maximum max_init_pairs keys.
   *  Setter/getter is handled separately and terminates the
   *  current set of initializer values.  Corner cases such as
   *  single value initializers do not have special handling now.

  first = 1;
  for (;;) {
     *  ES5 and ES2015+ provide a lot of different PropertyDefinition
     *  formats, see
     * http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-object-initializer.
     *  PropertyName can be IdentifierName (includes reserved words), a string
     *  literal, or a number literal.  Note that IdentifierName allows 'get' and
     *  'set' too, so we need to look ahead to the next token to distinguish:
     *     { get : 1 }
     *  and
     *     { get foo() { return 1 } }
     *     { get get() { return 1 } }    // 'get' as getter propertyname
     *  Finally, a trailing comma is allowed.
     *  Key name is coerced to string at compile time (and ends up as a
     *  a string constant) even for numeric keys (e.g. "{1:'foo'}").
     *  These could be emitted using e.g. LDINT, but that seems hardly
     *  worth the effort and would increase code size.

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("object literal loop, curr_token->t = %ld",

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY) {

    if (first) {
      first = 0;
    } else {
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_COMMA) {
        goto syntax_error;
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY) {
        /* trailing comma followed by rcurly */

    /* Advance to get one step of lookup. */

    /* Flush current MPUTOBJ if enough many pairs gathered. */
    if (st.num_pairs >= max_init_pairs) {
      duk__objlit_flush_keys(comp_ctx, &st);
      DUK_ASSERT(st.num_pairs == 0);

    /* Reset temp register state and reserve reg_temp and
     * reg_temp + 1 for handling the current property.
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, st.temp_start + 2 * (duk_regconst_t)st.num_pairs);
    reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

    /* NOTE: "get" and "set" are not officially ReservedWords and the lexer
     * currently treats them always like ordinary identifiers (DUK_TOK_GET
     * and DUK_TOK_SET are unused).  They need to be detected based on the
     * identifier string content.

    is_get = (comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER &&
              comp_ctx->prev_token.str1 == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_GET(thr));
    is_set = (comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER &&
              comp_ctx->prev_token.str1 == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_SET(thr));
    if ((is_get || is_set) && comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_COLON) {
      /* getter/setter */
      duk_int_t fnum;

      duk__objlit_flush_keys(comp_ctx, &st);
      DUK_ASSERT(DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx) ==
                 st.temp_start); /* 2 regs are guaranteed to be allocated w.r.t.
                                    temp_max */
      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

      if (duk__objlit_load_key(comp_ctx, res, &comp_ctx->curr_token,
                               reg_temp) != 0) {
        goto syntax_error;

      /* curr_token = get/set name */
      fnum = duk__parse_func_like_fnum(comp_ctx, DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET);

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, st.temp_start + 1,

      /* Slot C is used in a non-standard fashion (range of regs),
       * emitter code has special handling for it (must not set the
       * "no shuffle" flag).
          (is_get ? DUK_OP_INITGET : DUK_OP_INITSET) |
          st.temp_start); /* temp_start+0 = key, temp_start+1 = closure */

      DUK_ASSERT(st.num_pairs == 0); /* temp state is reset on next loop */
#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6)
    } else if (comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER &&
               (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_COMMA ||
                comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY)) {
      duk_bool_t load_rc;

      load_rc =
          duk__objlit_load_key(comp_ctx, res, &comp_ctx->prev_token, reg_temp);
      DUK_ASSERT(load_rc ==
                 0); /* always succeeds because token is identifier */

      duk__ivalue_var_hstring(comp_ctx, res, comp_ctx->prev_token.str1);
      DUK_ASSERT(DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx) == reg_temp + 1);
      duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, reg_temp + 1);

    } else if ((comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER ||
                comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_STRING ||
                comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_NUMBER) &&
               comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_LPAREN) {
      duk_int_t fnum;

      /* Parsing-wise there's a small hickup here: the token parsing
       * state is one step too advanced for the function parse helper
       * compared to other cases.  The current solution is an extra
       * flag to indicate whether function parsing should use the
       * current or the previous token to starting parsing from.

      if (duk__objlit_load_key(comp_ctx, res, &comp_ctx->prev_token,
                               reg_temp) != 0) {
        goto syntax_error;

      fnum = duk__parse_func_like_fnum(

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, reg_temp + 1,

#endif /* DUK_USE_ES6 */
    } else {
#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6)
      if (comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_LBRACKET) {
        /* ES2015 computed property name.  Executor ToPropertyKey()
         * coerces the key at runtime.
        DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp);
        duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR, reg_temp);
        duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RBRACKET);

        /* XXX: If next token is '(' we're dealing with
         * the method shorthand with a computed name,
         * e.g. { [Symbol.for('foo')](a,b) {} }.  This
         * form is not yet supported and causes a
         * SyntaxError on the DUK_TOK_COLON check below.
      } else
#endif /* DUK_USE_ES6 */
        if (duk__objlit_load_key(comp_ctx, res, &comp_ctx->prev_token,
                                 reg_temp) != 0) {
          goto syntax_error;

      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COLON);

      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);
      duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA /*rbp_flags*/,
                            reg_temp + 1 /*forced_reg*/);

  } /* property loop */

  /* Flush remaining properties. */
  duk__objlit_flush_keys(comp_ctx, &st);
  DUK_ASSERT(st.num_pairs == 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx) == st.temp_start);

  /* Update initial size for NEWOBJ.  The init size doesn't need to be
   * exact as the purpose is just to avoid object resizes in common
   * cases.  The size is capped to field A limit, and will be too high
   * if the object literal contains duplicate keys (this is harmless but
   * increases memory traffic if the object is compacted later on).
#if !defined(DUK_USE_PREFER_SIZE)
  instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, pc_newobj);
  instr->ins |= DUK_ENC_OP_A(
      0, st.num_total_pairs > DUK_BC_A_MAX ? DUK_BC_A_MAX : st.num_total_pairs);

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY);
  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* No RegExp after object literal. */

  duk__ivalue_regconst(res, st.reg_obj);


/* Parse argument list.  Arguments are written to temps starting from
 * "next temp".  Returns number of arguments parsed.  Expects left paren
 * to be already eaten, and eats the right paren before returning.
DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__parse_arguments(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_int_t nargs = 0;
  duk_regconst_t reg_temp;

  /* Note: expect that caller has already eaten the left paren */

      "start parsing arguments, prev_token.t=%ld, curr_token.t=%ld",
      (long)comp_ctx->prev_token.t, (long)comp_ctx->curr_token.t));

  for (;;) {
    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RPAREN) {
    if (nargs > 0) {
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COMMA);

    /* We want the argument expression value to go to "next temp"
     * without additional moves.  That should almost always be the
     * case, but we double check after expression parsing.
     * This is not the cleanest possible approach.

    reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(
        comp_ctx); /* bump up "allocated" reg count, just in case */
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp);

    /* binding power must be high enough to NOT allow comma expressions directly
        comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA /*rbp_flags*/,
        reg_temp); /* always allow 'in', coerce to 'tr' just in case */

    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("argument #%ld written into reg %ld", (long)nargs,

  /* eat the right paren */
                      DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* RegExp mode does not matter. */

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing arguments"));

  return nargs;

DUK_LOCAL duk_bool_t duk__expr_is_empty(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  /* empty expressions can be detected conveniently with nud/led counts */
  return (comp_ctx->curr_func.nud_count == 0) &&
         (comp_ctx->curr_func.led_count == 0);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr_nud(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_token *tk;
  duk_regconst_t temp_at_entry;
  duk_small_uint_t tok;
      args; /* temp variable to pass constants and flags to shared code */

   *  ctx->prev_token     token to process with duk__expr_nud()
   *  ctx->curr_token     updated by caller
   *  Note: the token in the switch below has already been eaten.

  temp_at_entry = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);


  tk = &comp_ctx->prev_token;
  tok = tk->t;
  res->t = DUK_IVAL_NONE;

      "duk__expr_nud(), prev_token.t=%ld, allow_in=%ld, paren_level=%ld",
      (long)tk->t, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in,

  switch (tok) {

    case DUK_TOK_THIS: {
      duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
      duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDTHIS, reg_temp);
      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);
      duk__ivalue_var_hstring(comp_ctx, res, tk->str1);
    case DUK_TOK_NULL: {
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_TRUE: {
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_FALSE: {
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_NUMBER: {
      duk_push_number(thr, tk->num);
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_STRING: {
      DUK_ASSERT(tk->str1 != NULL);
      duk_push_hstring(thr, tk->str1);
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_REGEXP: {
      duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
      duk_regconst_t rc_re_bytecode; /* const */
      duk_regconst_t rc_re_source;   /* const */

      DUK_ASSERT(tk->str1 != NULL);
      DUK_ASSERT(tk->str2 != NULL);

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("emitting regexp op, str1=%!O, str2=%!O",
                           (duk_heaphdr *)tk->str1, (duk_heaphdr *)tk->str2));

      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
      duk_push_hstring(thr, tk->str1);
      duk_push_hstring(thr, tk->str2);

      /* [ ... pattern flags ] */


      /* [ ... escaped_source bytecode ] */

      rc_re_bytecode = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);
      rc_re_source = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);

      duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_REGEXP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                      reg_temp /*a*/, rc_re_bytecode /*b*/, rc_re_source /*c*/);

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);
      goto syntax_error;
    case DUK_TOK_LBRACKET: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("parsing array literal"));
      duk__nud_array_literal(comp_ctx, res);
    case DUK_TOK_LCURLY: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("parsing object literal"));
      duk__nud_object_literal(comp_ctx, res);
    case DUK_TOK_LPAREN: {
      duk_bool_t prev_allow_in;

      prev_allow_in = comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in;
      comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in =
          1; /* reset 'allow_in' for parenthesized expression */

          comp_ctx, res,
          DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression, terminates at a ')' */

          DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* No RegExp after parenthesized expression. */
      comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in = prev_allow_in;


    case DUK_TOK_NEW: {
       *  Parsing an expression starting with 'new' is tricky because
       *  there are multiple possible productions deriving from
       *  LeftHandSideExpression which begin with 'new'.
       *  We currently resort to one-token lookahead to distinguish the
       *  cases.  Hopefully this is correct.  The binding power must be
       *  such that parsing ends at an LPAREN (CallExpression) but not at
       *  a PERIOD or LBRACKET (MemberExpression).
       *  See doc/compiler.rst for discussion on the parsing approach,
       *  and testcases/test-dev-new.js for a bunch of documented tests.

      duk_regconst_t reg_target;
      duk_int_t nargs;

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin parsing new expression"));

      reg_target = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6)
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_PERIOD) {
        /* new.target */
        if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t_nores != DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER ||
                                              "target")) {
          goto syntax_error_newtarget;
        if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_global) {
          goto syntax_error_newtarget;
        duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_NEWTARGET, reg_target);
        duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_target);
#endif /* DUK_USE_ES6 */

      duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_CALL /*rbp_flags*/,
                            reg_target /*forced_reg*/);
      duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_NEWOBJ,
                   reg_target + 1); /* default instance */
      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_target + 2);

      /* XXX: 'new obj.noSuch()' doesn't use GETPROPC now which
       * makes the error message worse than for obj.noSuch().

      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_LPAREN) {
        /* 'new' MemberExpression Arguments */
        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("new expression has argument list"));
        nargs = duk__parse_arguments(
            res); /* parse args starting from "next temp", reg_target + 1 */
                  /* right paren eaten */
      } else {
        /* 'new' MemberExpression */
        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("new expression has no argument list"));
        nargs = 0;

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CALL0 | DUK_BC_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCT,
                     nargs /*num_args*/, reg_target /*target*/);

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing new expression"));

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_target);


    case DUK_TOK_FUNCTION: {
      /* Function expression.  Note that any statement beginning with 'function'
       * is handled by the statement parser as a function declaration, or a
       * non-standard function expression/statement (or a SyntaxError).  We only
       * handle actual function expressions (occurring inside an expression)
       * here.
       * O(depth^2) parse count for inner functions is handled by recording a
       * lexer offset on the first compilation pass, so that the function can
       * be efficiently skipped on the second pass.  This is encapsulated into
       * duk__parse_func_like_fnum().

      duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
      duk_int_t fnum;

      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

      /* curr_token follows 'function' */
      fnum = duk__parse_func_like_fnum(comp_ctx, 0 /*flags*/);
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("parsed inner function -> fnum %ld", (long)fnum));

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, reg_temp /*a*/,
                     (duk_regconst_t)fnum /*bc*/);

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);


    case DUK_TOK_DELETE: {
      /* Delete semantics are a bit tricky.  The description in E5 specification
       * is kind of confusing, because it distinguishes between resolvability of
       * a reference (which is only known at runtime) seemingly at compile time
       * (= SyntaxError throwing).
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
        /* not allowed in strict mode, regardless of whether resolves;
         * in non-strict mode DELVAR handles both non-resolving and
         * resolving cases (the specification description is a bit confusing).

        duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
        duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
        duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

        if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict) {

        DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_at_entry);
        reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

        duk_dup(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
        if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
          /* register bound variables are non-configurable -> always false */
          duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDFALSE, reg_temp);
        } else {
          duk_dup(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
          rc_varname = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_DELVAR, reg_temp, rc_varname);
        duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);
      } else if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
        duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
        duk_regconst_t reg_obj;
        duk_regconst_t rc_key;

        DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_at_entry);
        reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        reg_obj =
            duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x1, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                      0 /*flags*/); /* don't allow const */
        rc_key =
            duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x2, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                      DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);
        duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_DELPROP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                        reg_temp, reg_obj, rc_key);

        duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);
      } else {
        /* non-Reference deletion is always 'true', even in strict mode */
        goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_VOID: {
          comp_ctx, res,
          DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      goto plain_value;
    case DUK_TOK_TYPEOF: {
      /* 'typeof' must handle unresolvable references without throwing
       * a ReferenceError (E5 Section 11.4.3).  Register mapped values
       * will never be unresolvable so special handling is only required
       * when an identifier is a "slow path" one.
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */

      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
        duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
        duk_regconst_t rc_varname;
        duk_regconst_t reg_temp;

        duk_dup(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
        if (!duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
              "typeof for an identifier name which could not be resolved "
              "at compile time, need to use special run-time handling"));
          reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_TYPEOFID, reg_temp, rc_varname);
          duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);

      args = DUK_OP_TYPEOF;
      goto unary;
      args = (DUK_OP_PREINCP << 8) + DUK_OP_PREINCR;
      goto preincdec;
      args = (DUK_OP_PREDECP << 8) + DUK_OP_PREDECR;
      goto preincdec;
    case DUK_TOK_ADD: {
      /* unary plus */
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE &&
          duk_is_number(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx)) {
        /* unary plus of a number is identity */
      args = DUK_OP_UNP;
      goto unary;
    case DUK_TOK_SUB: {
      /* unary minus */
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE &&
          duk_is_number(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx)) {
        /* this optimization is important to handle negative literals
         * (which are not directly provided by the lexical grammar)
        duk_tval *tv_num;
        duk_double_union du;

        tv_num = DUK_GET_TVAL_POSIDX(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
        DUK_ASSERT(tv_num != NULL);
        du.d = DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv_num);
        du.d = -du.d;
        DUK_TVAL_SET_NUMBER(tv_num, du.d);
      args = DUK_OP_UNM;
      goto unary;
    case DUK_TOK_BNOT: {
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      args = DUK_OP_BNOT;
      goto unary;
    case DUK_TOK_LNOT: {
      duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
                DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE) {
        /* Very minimal inlining to handle common idioms '!0' and '!1',
         * and also boolean arguments like '!false' and '!true'.
        duk_tval *tv_val;

        tv_val = DUK_GET_TVAL_POSIDX(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
        DUK_ASSERT(tv_val != NULL);
        if (DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv_val)) {
          duk_double_t d;
          d = DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv_val);
          if (duk_double_equals(d, 0.0)) {
            /* Matches both +0 and -0 on purpose. */
            DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("inlined lnot: !0 -> true"));
          } else if (duk_double_equals(d, 1.0)) {
            DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("inlined lnot: !1 -> false"));
        } else if (DUK_TVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(tv_val)) {
          duk_small_uint_t v;
          v = DUK_TVAL_GET_BOOLEAN(tv_val);
          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("inlined lnot boolean: %ld", (long)v));
          DUK_ASSERT(v == 0 || v == 1);
          DUK_TVAL_SET_BOOLEAN(tv_val, v ^ 0x01);
      args = DUK_OP_LNOT;
      goto unary;

  } /* end switch */


unary : {
  /* Unary opcodes use just the 'BC' register source because it
   * matches current shuffle limits, and maps cleanly to 16 high
   * bits of the opcode.

  duk_regconst_t reg_src, reg_res;

  reg_src =
      duk__ivalue_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, res, -1 /*forced_reg*/, 0 /*flags*/);
  if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, reg_src)) {
    reg_res = reg_src;
  } else {
    reg_res = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, args, reg_res, reg_src);
  duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_res);

preincdec : {
  /* preincrement and predecrement */
  duk_regconst_t reg_res;
  duk_small_uint_t args_op1 = args & 0xff; /* DUK_OP_PREINCR/DUK_OP_PREDECR */
  duk_small_uint_t args_op2 =
      args >> 8; /* DUK_OP_PREINCP_RR/DUK_OP_PREDECP_RR */

  /* Specific assumptions for opcode numbering. */

  reg_res = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res,
            DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE /*rbp_flags*/); /* UnaryExpression */
  if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
    duk_hstring *h_varname;
    duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
    duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

    h_varname = duk_known_hstring(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);

    if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments_in_strict_mode(comp_ctx, h_varname)) {
      goto syntax_error;

    duk_dup(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
    if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, args_op1, /* e.g. DUK_OP_PREINCR */
                     reg_res, reg_varbind);
    } else {
      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, args_op1 + 4, /* e.g. DUK_OP_PREINCV */
                     reg_res, rc_varname);

        "preincdec to '%!O' -> reg_varbind=%ld, rc_varname=%ld",
        (duk_heaphdr *)h_varname, (long)reg_varbind, (long)rc_varname));
  } else if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
    duk_regconst_t reg_obj; /* allocate to reg only (not const) */
    duk_regconst_t rc_key;
    reg_obj = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x1, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                        0 /*flags*/); /* don't allow const */
    rc_key = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x2, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                       DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);
        args_op2 | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST, /* e.g. DUK_OP_PREINCP */
        reg_res, reg_obj, rc_key);
  } else {
    /* Technically return value is not needed because INVLHS will
     * unconditially throw a ReferenceError.  Coercion is necessary
     * for proper semantics (consider ToNumber() called for an object).
     * Use DUK_OP_UNP with a dummy register to get ToNumber().

    duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, reg_res);
    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_UNP,
                 reg_res); /* for side effects, result ignored */
    duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INVLHS);
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_res + 1);
  duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_res);

plain_value : {
  /* Stack top contains plain value */
  duk__ivalue_plain_fromstack(comp_ctx, res);

#if defined(DUK_USE_ES6)


/* XXX: add flag to indicate whether caller cares about return value; this
 * affects e.g. handling of assignment expressions.  This change needs API
 * changes elsewhere too.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr_led(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *left,
                             duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_token *tk;
  duk_small_uint_t tok;
      args; /* temp variable to pass constants and flags to shared code */

   *  ctx->prev_token     token to process with duk__expr_led()
   *  ctx->curr_token     updated by caller


  /* The token in the switch has already been eaten here */
  tk = &comp_ctx->prev_token;
  tok = tk->t;

      "duk__expr_led(), prev_token.t=%ld, allow_in=%ld, paren_level=%ld",
      (long)tk->t, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in,

  /* XXX: default priority for infix operators is duk__expr_lbp(tok) -> get it
   * here? */

  switch (tok) {

    case DUK_TOK_PERIOD: {
      /* Property access expressions are critical for correct LHS ordering,
       * see comments in duk__expr()!
       * A conservative approach would be to use duk__ivalue_totempconst()
       * for 'left'.  However, allowing a reg-bound variable seems safe here
       * and is nice because "foo.bar" is a common expression.  If the ivalue
       * is used in an expression a GETPROP will occur before any changes to
       * the base value can occur.  If the ivalue is used as an assignment
       * LHS, the assignment code will ensure the base value is safe from
       * RHS mutation.

      /* XXX: This now coerces an identifier into a GETVAR to a temp, which
       * causes an extra LDREG in call setup.  It's sufficient to coerce to a
       * unary ivalue?
      duk__ivalue_toplain(comp_ctx, left);

      /* NB: must accept reserved words as property name */
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t_nores != DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {

      res->t = DUK_IVAL_PROP;
      duk__copy_ispec(comp_ctx, &left->x1, &res->x1); /* left.x1 -> res.x1 */
      DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.str1 != NULL);
      duk_push_hstring(thr, comp_ctx->curr_token.str1);
      duk_replace(thr, res->x2.valstack_idx);
      res->x2.t = DUK_ISPEC_VALUE;

      /* special RegExp literal handling after IdentifierName */
      comp_ctx->curr_func.reject_regexp_in_adv = 1;

    case DUK_TOK_LBRACKET: {
      /* Property access expressions are critical for correct LHS ordering,
       * see comments in duk__expr()!

      /* XXX: optimize temp reg use */
      /* XXX: similar coercion issue as in DUK_TOK_PERIOD */
      /* XXX: coerce to regs? it might be better for enumeration use, where the
       * same PROP ivalue is used multiple times.  Or perhaps coerce PROP
       * further there?
      /* XXX: for simple cases like x['y'] an unnecessary LDREG is
       * emitted for the base value; could avoid it if we knew that
       * the key expression is safe (e.g. just a single literal).

      /* The 'left' value must not be a register bound variable
       * because it may be mutated during the rest of the expression
       * and E5.1 Section 11.2.1 specifies the order of evaluation
       * so that the base value is evaluated first.
       * See: test-bug-nested-prop-mutate.js.
      duk__ivalue_totempconst(comp_ctx, left);
          comp_ctx, res,
          DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression, ']' terminates */
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RBRACKET);

      res->t = DUK_IVAL_PROP;
      duk__copy_ispec(comp_ctx, &res->x1, &res->x2);  /* res.x1 -> res.x2 */
      duk__copy_ispec(comp_ctx, &left->x1, &res->x1); /* left.x1 -> res.x1 */
    case DUK_TOK_LPAREN: {
      /* function call */
      duk_regconst_t reg_cs = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);
      duk_int_t nargs;
      duk_small_uint_t call_op = DUK_OP_CALL0;

      /* XXX: attempt to get the call result to "next temp" whenever
       * possible to avoid unnecessary register shuffles.

       *  Setup call: target and 'this' binding.  Three cases:
       *    1. Identifier base (e.g. "foo()")
       *    2. Property base (e.g. "foo.bar()")
       *    3. Register base (e.g. "foo()()"; i.e. when a return value is a
       * function)

      if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
        duk_hstring *h_varname;
        duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
        duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function call with identifier base"));

        h_varname = duk_known_hstring(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);
        if (h_varname == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EVAL(thr)) {
          /* Potential direct eval call detected, flag the CALL
           * so that a run-time "direct eval" check is made and
           * special behavior may be triggered.  Note that this
           * does not prevent 'eval' from being register bound.
          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function call with identifier 'eval' "
                               "-> using EVALCALL, marking function "
                               "as may_direct_eval"));
          call_op |= DUK_BC_CALL_FLAG_CALLED_AS_EVAL;
          comp_ctx->curr_func.may_direct_eval = 1;

        duk_dup(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);
        if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CSREG | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                         reg_varbind, reg_cs + 0);
        } else {
          /* XXX: expand target register or constant field to
           * reduce shuffling.
          duk__emit_a_b(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CSVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                        reg_cs + 0, rc_varname);
      } else if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
        /* Call through a property lookup, E5 Section 11.2.3, step 6.a.i,
         * E5 Section 10.4.3.  There used to be a separate CSPROP opcode
         * but a typical call setup took 3 opcodes (e.g. LDREG, LDCONST,
         * CSPROP) and the same can be achieved with ordinary loads.
        duk_regconst_t reg_key;

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function call with property base"));

        /* XXX: For Math.sin() this generates: LDCONST + LDREG +
         * GETPROPC + call.  The LDREG is unnecessary because LDCONST
         * could be loaded directly into reg_cs + 1.  This doesn't
         * happen now because a variable cannot be in left->x1 of a
         * DUK_IVAL_PROP.  We could notice that left->x1 is a temp
         * and reuse, but it would still be in the wrong position
         * (reg_cs + 0 rather than reg_cs + 1).
        duk__ispec_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, &left->x1, reg_cs + 1); /* base */
        reg_key = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
            comp_ctx, &left->x2, -1, DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);
        duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_GETPROPC | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                        reg_cs + 0, reg_cs + 1, reg_key);
        duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, reg_cs + 0); /* base[key] */
      } else {
        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function call with register base"));

        duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, reg_cs + 0);
#if 0
			               DUK_OP_CSREG | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
			               reg_cs + 0,
			               reg_cs + 0);  /* in-place setup */
        /* Because of in-place setup, REGCS is equivalent to
         * just this LDUNDEF.
        duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDUNDEF, reg_cs + 1);

      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_cs + 2);
      nargs = duk__parse_arguments(
          comp_ctx, res); /* parse args starting from "next temp" */

      /* Tailcalls are handled by back-patching the already emitted opcode
       * later in return statement parser.

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, call_op, (duk_regconst_t)nargs /*numargs*/,
                     reg_cs /*basereg*/);
      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_cs + 1); /* result in csreg */

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_cs);


      args = (DUK_OP_POSTINCP_RR << 16) + (DUK_OP_POSTINCR << 8) + 0;
      goto postincdec;
      args = (DUK_OP_POSTDECP_RR << 16) + (DUK_OP_POSTDECR << 8) + 0;
      goto postincdec;


    case DUK_TOK_EXP: {
      args =
          (DUK_OP_EXP << 8) + DUK__BP_EXPONENTIATION - 1; /* UnaryExpression */
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_MUL: {
      args = (DUK_OP_MUL << 8) +
             DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE; /* ExponentiationExpression */
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_DIV: {
      args = (DUK_OP_DIV << 8) +
             DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE; /* ExponentiationExpression */
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_MOD: {
      args = (DUK_OP_MOD << 8) +
             DUK__BP_MULTIPLICATIVE; /* ExponentiationExpression */
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_ADD: {
      args =
          (DUK_OP_ADD << 8) + DUK__BP_ADDITIVE; /* MultiplicativeExpression */
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_SUB: {
      args =
          (DUK_OP_SUB << 8) + DUK__BP_ADDITIVE; /* MultiplicativeExpression */
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_ALSHIFT: {
      /* << */
      args = (DUK_OP_BASL << 8) + DUK__BP_SHIFT;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_ARSHIFT: {
      /* >> */
      args = (DUK_OP_BASR << 8) + DUK__BP_SHIFT;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_RSHIFT: {
      /* >>> */
      args = (DUK_OP_BLSR << 8) + DUK__BP_SHIFT;
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_LT: {
      /* < */
      args = (DUK_OP_LT << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_GT: {
      args = (DUK_OP_GT << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_LE: {
      args = (DUK_OP_LE << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_GE: {
      args = (DUK_OP_GE << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;
      args = (DUK_OP_INSTOF << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_IN: {
      args = (DUK_OP_IN << 8) + DUK__BP_RELATIONAL;
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_EQ: {
      args = (DUK_OP_EQ << 8) + DUK__BP_EQUALITY;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_NEQ: {
      args = (DUK_OP_NEQ << 8) + DUK__BP_EQUALITY;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_SEQ: {
      args = (DUK_OP_SEQ << 8) + DUK__BP_EQUALITY;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_SNEQ: {
      args = (DUK_OP_SNEQ << 8) + DUK__BP_EQUALITY;
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_BAND: {
      args = (DUK_OP_BAND << 8) + DUK__BP_BAND;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_BXOR: {
      args = (DUK_OP_BXOR << 8) + DUK__BP_BXOR;
      goto binary;
    case DUK_TOK_BOR: {
      args = (DUK_OP_BOR << 8) + DUK__BP_BOR;
      goto binary;


    case DUK_TOK_LAND: {
      /* syntactically left-associative but parsed as right-associative */
      args = (1u << 8) + DUK__BP_LAND - 1;
      goto binary_logical;
    case DUK_TOK_LOR: {
      /* syntactically left-associative but parsed as right-associative */
      args = (0 << 8) + DUK__BP_LOR - 1;
      goto binary_logical;


    case DUK_TOK_QUESTION: {
      /* XXX: common reg allocation need is to reuse a sub-expression's temp
       * reg, but only if it really is a temp.  Nothing fancy here now.
      duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
      duk_int_t pc_jump1;
      duk_int_t pc_jump2;

      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
      duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, reg_temp);
      duk__emit_if_true_skip(comp_ctx, reg_temp);
      pc_jump1 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* jump to false */
      duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA /*rbp_flags*/,
                            reg_temp /*forced_reg*/); /* AssignmentExpression */
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COLON);
      pc_jump2 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* jump to end */
      duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump1);
      duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA /*rbp_flags*/,
                            reg_temp /*forced_reg*/); /* AssignmentExpression */
      duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump2);

      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp + 1);
      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);


       *  Assignments are right associative, allows e.g.
       *    a = 5;
       *    a += b = 9;   // same as a += (b = 9)
       *  -> expression value 14, a = 14, b = 9
       *  Right associativiness is reflected in the BP for recursion,
       *  "-1" ensures assignment operations are allowed.
       *  XXX: just use DUK__BP_COMMA (i.e. no need for 2-step bp levels)?
      args = (DUK_OP_NONE << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT -
             1; /* DUK_OP_NONE marks a 'plain' assignment */
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_ADD_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_ADD << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_SUB_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_SUB << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_MUL_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_MUL << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_DIV_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_DIV << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_MOD_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_MOD << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_EXP_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_EXP << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_ALSHIFT_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BASL << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_ARSHIFT_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BASR << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_RSHIFT_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BLSR << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_BAND_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BAND << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_BOR_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BOR << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;
    case DUK_TOK_BXOR_EQ: {
      /* right associative */
      args = (DUK_OP_BXOR << 8) + DUK__BP_ASSIGNMENT - 1;
      goto assign;

      /* COMMA */

    case DUK_TOK_COMMA: {
      /* right associative */

                                 left); /* need side effects, not value */
      duk__expr_toplain(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_COMMA - 1 /*rbp_flags*/);

      /* return 'res' (of right part) as our result */

    default: {

  DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("parse error: unexpected token: %ld", (long)tok));

#if 0
	/* XXX: shared handling for 'duk__expr_lhs'? */
	if (comp_ctx->curr_func.paren_level == 0 && XXX) {
		comp_ctx->curr_func.duk__expr_lhs = 0;

   *  Shared handling of binary operations
   *  args = (opcode << 8) + rbp
    duk__ivalue_toplain(comp_ctx, left);
    duk__expr_toplain(comp_ctx, res, args & 0xff /*rbp_flags*/);

    /* combine left->x1 and res->x1 (right->x1, really) -> (left->x1 OP res->x1)
    DUK_ASSERT(left->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN);

    res->t = DUK_IVAL_ARITH;
    res->op = (args >> 8) & 0xff;

    res->x2.t = res->x1.t;
    res->x2.regconst = res->x1.regconst;
    duk_copy(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx, res->x2.valstack_idx);

    res->x1.t = left->x1.t;
    res->x1.regconst = left->x1.regconst;
    duk_copy(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx, res->x1.valstack_idx);

        "binary op, res: t=%ld, x1.t=%ld, x1.regconst=0x%08lx, x2.t=%ld, "
        (long)res->t, (long)res->x1.t, (unsigned long)res->x1.regconst,
        (long)res->x2.t, (unsigned long)res->x2.regconst));

   *  Shared handling for logical AND and logical OR.
   *  args = (truthval << 8) + rbp
   *  Truthval determines when to skip right-hand-side.
   *  For logical AND truthval=1, for logical OR truthval=0.
   *  See doc/compiler.rst for discussion on compiling logical
   *  AND and OR expressions.  The approach here is very simplistic,
   *  generating extra jumps and multiple evaluations of truth values,
   *  but generates code on-the-fly with only local back-patching.
   *  Both logical AND and OR are syntactically left-associated.
   *  However, logical ANDs are compiled as right associative
   *  expressions, i.e. "A && B && C" as "A && (B && C)", to allow
   *  skip jumps to skip over the entire tail.  Similarly for logical OR.

    duk_regconst_t reg_temp;
    duk_int_t pc_jump;
    duk_small_uint_t args_truthval = args >> 8;
    duk_small_uint_t args_rbp = args & 0xff;

    /* XXX: unoptimal use of temps, resetting */

    reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

    duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, reg_temp);
    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, (args_truthval ? DUK_OP_IFTRUE_R : DUK_OP_IFFALSE_R),
                 reg_temp); /* skip jump conditionally */
    pc_jump = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx);
    duk__expr_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/,
                          reg_temp /*forced_reg*/);
    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump);

    duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_temp);

   *  Shared assignment expression handling
   *  args = (opcode << 8) + rbp
   *  If 'opcode' is DUK_OP_NONE, plain assignment without arithmetic.
   *  Syntactically valid left-hand-side forms which are not accepted as
   *  left-hand-side values (e.g. as in "f() = 1") must NOT cause a
   *  SyntaxError, but rather a run-time ReferenceError.
   *  When evaluating X <op>= Y, the LHS (X) is conceptually evaluated
   *  to a temporary first.  The RHS is then evaluated.  Finally, the
   *  <op> is applied to the initial value of RHS (not the value after
   *  RHS evaluation), and written to X.  Doing so concretely generates
   *  inefficient code so we'd like to avoid the temporary when possible.
   *  See: https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/pull/992.
   *  The expression value (final LHS value, written to RHS) is
   *  conceptually copied into a fresh temporary so that it won't
   *  change even if the LHS/RHS values change in outer expressions.
   *  For example, it'd be generally incorrect for the expression value
   *  to be the RHS register binding, unless there's a guarantee that it
   *  won't change during further expression evaluation.  Using the
   *  temporary concretely produces inefficient bytecode, so we try to
   *  avoid the extra temporary for some known-to-be-safe cases.
   *  Currently the only safe case we detect is a "top level assignment",
   *  for example "x = y + z;", where the assignment expression value is
   *  ignored.
   *  See: test-dev-assign-expr.js and test-bug-assign-mutate-gh381.js.

    duk_small_uint_t args_op = args >> 8;
    duk_small_uint_t args_rbp = args & 0xff;
    duk_bool_t toplevel_assign;

    /* XXX: here we need to know if 'left' is left-hand-side compatible.
     * That information is no longer available from current expr parsing
     * state; it would need to be carried into the 'left' ivalue or by
     * some other means.

    /* A top-level assignment is e.g. "x = y;".  For these it's safe
     * to use the RHS as-is as the expression value, even if the RHS
     * is a reg-bound identifier.  The RHS ('res') is right associative
     * so it has consumed all other assignment level operations; the
     * only relevant lower binding power construct is comma operator
     * which will ignore the expression value provided here.  Usually
     * the top level assignment expression value is ignored, but it
     * is relevant for e.g. eval code.
    toplevel_assign =
        (comp_ctx->curr_func.nud_count == 1 && /* one token before */
         comp_ctx->curr_func.led_count == 1);  /* one operator (= assign) */
        "assignment: nud_count=%ld, led_count=%ld, toplevel_assign=%ld",
        (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.led_count, (long)toplevel_assign));

    if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
      duk_hstring *h_varname;
      duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
      duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

      DUK_ASSERT(left->x1.t ==
                 DUK_ISPEC_VALUE); /* LHS is already side effect free */

      h_varname = duk_known_hstring(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);
      if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments_in_strict_mode(comp_ctx,
                                                           h_varname)) {
        /* E5 Section 11.13.1 (and others for other assignments), step 4. */
        goto syntax_error_lvalue;
      duk_dup(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);
      (void)duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname);

      if (args_op == DUK_OP_NONE) {
        duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);
        if (toplevel_assign) {
          /* Any 'res' will do. */
          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("plain assignment, toplevel assign, use as is"));
        } else {
          /* 'res' must be a plain ivalue, and not register-bound variable. */
              DUK_DDDPRINT("plain assignment, not toplevel assign, ensure not "
                           "a reg-bound identifier"));
          if (res->t != DUK_IVAL_PLAIN ||
              (res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST &&
               DUK__ISREG_NOTTEMP(comp_ctx, res->x1.regconst))) {
            duk__ivalue_totempconst(comp_ctx, res);
      } else {
        /* For X <op>= Y we need to evaluate the pre-op
         * value of X before evaluating the RHS: the RHS
         * can change X, but when we do <op> we must use
         * the pre-op value.
        duk_regconst_t reg_temp;

        reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

        if (reg_varbind >= 0) {
          duk_regconst_t reg_res;
          duk_regconst_t reg_src;
          duk_int_t pc_temp_load;
          duk_int_t pc_before_rhs;
          duk_int_t pc_after_rhs;

          if (toplevel_assign) {
            /* 'reg_varbind' is the operation result and can also
             * become the expression value for top level assignments
             * such as: "var x; x += y;".
                DUK_DDPRINT("<op>= expression is top level, write directly to "
            reg_res = reg_varbind;
          } else {
            /* Not safe to use 'reg_varbind' as assignment expression
             * value, so go through a temp.
                "<op>= expression is not top level, write to reg_temp"));
            reg_res = reg_temp; /* reg_res should be smallest possible */
            reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

          /* Try to optimize X <op>= Y for reg-bound
           * variables.  Detect side-effect free RHS
           * narrowly by seeing whether it emits code.
           * If not, rewind the code emitter and overwrite
           * the unnecessary temp reg load.

          pc_temp_load = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDREG, reg_temp, reg_varbind);

          pc_before_rhs = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
          duk__expr_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);
          DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN &&
                     res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST);
          pc_after_rhs = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

              "pc_temp_load=%ld, pc_before_rhs=%ld, pc_after_rhs=%ld",
              (long)pc_temp_load, (long)pc_before_rhs, (long)pc_after_rhs));

          if (pc_after_rhs == pc_before_rhs) {
            /* Note: if the reg_temp load generated shuffling
             * instructions, we may need to rewind more than
             * one instruction, so use explicit PC computation.
            DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("rhs is side effect free, rewind and avoid "
                               "unnecessary temp for reg-based <op>="));
            DUK_BW_ADD_PTR(comp_ctx->thr, &comp_ctx->curr_func.bw_code,
                           (pc_temp_load - pc_before_rhs) *
            reg_src = reg_varbind;
          } else {
                DUK_DDPRINT("rhs evaluation emitted code, not sure if rhs is "
                            "side effect free; use temp reg for LHS"));
            reg_src = reg_temp;

          duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, args_op | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                          reg_res, reg_src, res->x1.regconst);

          res->x1.regconst = reg_res;

          /* Ensure compact use of temps. */
          if (DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, reg_res)) {
            DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_res + 1);
        } else {
          /* When LHS is not register bound, always go through a
           * temporary.  No optimization for top level assignment.

          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_GETVAR, reg_temp, rc_varname);

          duk__expr_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);
          DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN &&
                     res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST);

          duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, args_op | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                          reg_temp, reg_temp, res->x1.regconst);
          res->x1.regconst = reg_temp;

        DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST);

      /* At this point 'res' holds the potential expression value.
       * It can be basically any ivalue here, including a reg-bound
       * identifier (if code above deems it safe) or a unary/binary
       * operation.  Operations must be resolved to a side effect free
       * plain value, and the side effects must happen exactly once.

      if (reg_varbind >= 0) {
        if (res->t != DUK_IVAL_PLAIN) {
          /* Resolve 'res' directly into the LHS binding, and use
           * that as the expression value if safe.  If not safe,
           * resolve to a temp/const and copy to LHS.
          if (toplevel_assign) {
            duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, (duk_int_t)reg_varbind);
          } else {
            duk__ivalue_totempconst(comp_ctx, res);
            duk__copy_ivalue(comp_ctx, res, left); /* use 'left' as a temp */
            duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, (duk_int_t)reg_varbind);
        } else {
          /* Use 'res' as the expression value (it's side effect
           * free and may be a plain value, a register, or a
           * constant) and write it to the LHS binding too.
          duk__copy_ivalue(comp_ctx, res, left); /* use 'left' as a temp */
          duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, (duk_int_t)reg_varbind);
      } else {
        /* Only a reg fits into 'A' so coerce 'res' into a register
         * for PUTVAR.
         * XXX: here the current A/B/C split is suboptimal: we could
         * just use 9 bits for reg_res (and support constants) and 17
         * instead of 18 bits for the varname const index.

        duk__ivalue_toreg(comp_ctx, res);
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_PUTVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                       res->x1.regconst, rc_varname);

      /* 'res' contains expression value */
    } else if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
      /* E5 Section 11.13.1 (and others) step 4 never matches for prop writes ->
       * no check */
      duk_regconst_t reg_obj;
      duk_regconst_t rc_key;
      duk_regconst_t rc_res;
      duk_regconst_t reg_temp;

      /* Property access expressions ('a[b]') are critical to correct
       * LHS evaluation ordering, see test-dev-assign-eval-order*.js.
       * We must make sure that the LHS target slot (base object and
       * key) don't change during RHS evaluation.  The only concrete
       * problem is a register reference to a variable-bound register
       * (i.e., non-temp).  Require temp regs for both key and base.
       * Don't allow a constant for the object (even for a number
       * etc), as it goes into the 'A' field of the opcode.

      reg_obj =
          duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &left->x1, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                    DUK__IVAL_FLAG_REQUIRE_TEMP /*flags*/);

      rc_key = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(
          comp_ctx, &left->x2, -1 /*forced_reg*/,

      /* Evaluate RHS only when LHS is safe. */

      if (args_op == DUK_OP_NONE) {
        duk__expr_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);
        DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST);
        rc_res = res->x1.regconst;
      } else {
        reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_GETPROP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                        reg_temp, reg_obj, rc_key);

        duk__expr_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);
        DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN && res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_REGCONST);

        duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, args_op | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                        reg_temp, reg_temp, res->x1.regconst);
        rc_res = reg_temp;

                      DUK_OP_PUTPROP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE |
                      reg_obj, rc_key, rc_res);

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, rc_res);
    } else {
      /* No support for lvalues returned from new or function call expressions.
       * However, these must NOT cause compile-time SyntaxErrors, but run-time
       * ReferenceErrors.  Both left and right sides of the assignment must be
       * evaluated before throwing a ReferenceError.  For instance:
       *     f() = g();
       * must result in f() being evaluated, then g() being evaluated, and
       * finally, a ReferenceError being thrown.  See E5 Section 11.13.1.

      duk_regconst_t rc_res;

      /* First evaluate LHS fully to ensure all side effects are out. */
      duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, left);

      /* Then evaluate RHS fully (its value becomes the expression value too).
       * Technically we'd need the side effect safety check here too, but
       * because we always throw using INVLHS the result doesn't matter.
      rc_res = duk__expr_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, args_rbp /*rbp_flags*/);

      duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INVLHS);

      duk__ivalue_regconst(res, rc_res);


postincdec : {
   *  Post-increment/decrement will return the original value as its
   *  result value.  However, even that value will be coerced using
   *  ToNumber() which is quite awkward.  Specific bytecode opcodes
   *  are used to handle these semantics.
   *  Note that post increment/decrement has a "no LineTerminator here"
   *  restriction.  This is handled by duk__expr_lbp(), which forcibly
   * terminates the previous expression if a LineTerminator occurs before
   * '++'/'--'.

  duk_regconst_t reg_res;
  duk_small_uint_t args_op1 =
      (args >> 8) & 0xff; /* DUK_OP_POSTINCR/DUK_OP_POSTDECR */
  duk_small_uint_t args_op2 =
      args >> 16; /* DUK_OP_POSTINCP_RR/DUK_OP_POSTDECP_RR */

  /* Specific assumptions for opcode numbering. */

  reg_res = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

  if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
    duk_hstring *h_varname;
    duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
    duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

    h_varname = duk_known_hstring(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);

    if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments_in_strict_mode(comp_ctx, h_varname)) {
      goto syntax_error;

    duk_dup(thr, left->x1.valstack_idx);
    if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, args_op1, /* e.g. DUK_OP_POSTINCR */
                     reg_res, reg_varbind);
    } else {
      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, args_op1 + 4, /* e.g. DUK_OP_POSTINCV */
                     reg_res, rc_varname);

        "postincdec to '%!O' -> reg_varbind=%ld, rc_varname=%ld",
        (duk_heaphdr *)h_varname, (long)reg_varbind, (long)rc_varname));
  } else if (left->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
    duk_regconst_t reg_obj; /* allocate to reg only (not const) */
    duk_regconst_t rc_key;

    reg_obj = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &left->x1, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                        0 /*flags*/); /* don't allow const */
    rc_key = duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &left->x2, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                       DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);
        args_op2 | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST, /* e.g. DUK_OP_POSTINCP */
        reg_res, reg_obj, rc_key);
  } else {
    /* Technically return value is not needed because INVLHS will
     * unconditially throw a ReferenceError.  Coercion is necessary
     * for proper semantics (consider ToNumber() called for an object).
     * Use DUK_OP_UNP with a dummy register to get ToNumber().
    duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, left, reg_res);
    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_UNP,
                 reg_res); /* for side effects, result ignored */
    duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INVLHS);

  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_res + 1);
  duk__ivalue_regconst(res, reg_res);



DUK_LOCAL duk_small_uint_t duk__expr_lbp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_small_uint_t tok = comp_ctx->curr_token.t;

  DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE(tok >= DUK_TOK_MINVAL); /* unsigned */
  DUK_ASSERT(sizeof(duk__token_lbp) == DUK_TOK_MAXVAL + 1);

  /* XXX: integrate support for this into led() instead?
   * Similar issue as post-increment/post-decrement.

  /* prevent duk__expr_led() by using a binding power less than anything valid
  if (tok == DUK_TOK_IN && !comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in) {
    return 0;

  if ((tok == DUK_TOK_DECREMENT || tok == DUK_TOK_INCREMENT) &&
      (comp_ctx->curr_token.lineterm)) {
    /* '++' or '--' in a post-increment/decrement position,
     * and a LineTerminator occurs between the operator and
     * the preceding expression.  Force the previous expr
     * to terminate, in effect treating e.g. "a,b\n++" as
     * "a,b;++" (= SyntaxError).
    return 0;

  return DUK__TOKEN_LBP_GET_BP(duk__token_lbp[tok]); /* format is bit packed */

 *  Expression parsing.
 *  Upon entry to 'expr' and its variants, 'curr_tok' is assumed to be the
 *  first token of the expression.  Upon exit, 'curr_tok' will be the first
 *  token not part of the expression (e.g. semicolon terminating an expression
 *  statement).

#define DUK__EXPR_RBP_MASK 0xff
  (1u << 8) /* reject 'in' token (used for for-in) */
#define DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY (1u << 9) /* allow empty expression */
  (1u << 10) /* require initializer for var/const */

/* main expression parser function */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                         duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_ivalue tmp_alloc; /* 'res' is used for "left", and 'tmp' for "right" */
  duk_ivalue *tmp = &tmp_alloc;
  duk_small_uint_t rbp;

  DUK__RECURSION_INCREASE(comp_ctx, thr);

  duk_require_stack(thr, DUK__PARSE_EXPR_SLOTS);

  /* filter out flags from exprtop rbp_flags here to save space */
  rbp = rbp_flags & DUK__EXPR_RBP_MASK;

      "duk__expr(), rbp_flags=%ld, rbp=%ld, allow_in=%ld, paren_level=%ld",
      (long)rbp_flags, (long)rbp, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in,

  duk_memzero(&tmp_alloc, sizeof(tmp_alloc));
  tmp->x1.valstack_idx = duk_get_top(thr);
  tmp->x2.valstack_idx = tmp->x1.valstack_idx + 1;

  /* XXX: where to release temp regs in intermediate expressions?
   * e.g. 1+2+3 -> don't inflate temp register count when parsing this.
   * that particular expression temp regs can be forced here.

  /* XXX: increase ctx->expr_tokens here for every consumed token
   * (this would be a nice statistic)?

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON ||
      comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RPAREN) {
    /* XXX: possibly incorrect handling of empty expression */
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("empty expression"));
    if (!(rbp_flags & DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY)) {
    duk__ivalue_plain_fromstack(comp_ctx, res);
    goto cleanup;

  duk__expr_nud(comp_ctx, res); /* reuse 'res' as 'left' */
  while (rbp < duk__expr_lbp(comp_ctx)) {
    duk__expr_led(comp_ctx, res, tmp);
    duk__copy_ivalue(comp_ctx, tmp, res); /* tmp -> res */

  /* final result is already in 'res' */


  DUK__RECURSION_DECREASE(comp_ctx, thr);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__exprtop(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                            duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;

  /* Note: these variables must reside in 'curr_func' instead of the global
   * context: when parsing function expressions, expression parsing is nested.
  comp_ctx->curr_func.nud_count = 0;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.led_count = 0;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.paren_level = 0;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.expr_lhs = 1;
  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_in = (rbp_flags & DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REJECT_IN ? 0 : 1);

  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);

  if (!(rbp_flags & DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY) &&
      duk__expr_is_empty(comp_ctx)) {

/* A bunch of helpers (for size optimization) that combine
 * duk__expr()/duk__exprtop() and result conversions.
 * Each helper needs at least 2-3 calls to make it worth while to wrap.

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
	duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
	return duk__ivalue_toreg(comp_ctx, res);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
	duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
	return duk__ivalue_totemp(comp_ctx, res);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_ivalue *res,
                                     duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags,
                                     duk_regconst_t forced_reg) {
  DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg >= 0);
  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, forced_reg);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_toregconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_ivalue *res,
                                              duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  return duk__ivalue_toregconst(comp_ctx, res);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__expr_totempconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
	duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
	return duk__ivalue_totempconst(comp_ctx, res);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr_toplain(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                 duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  duk__ivalue_toplain(comp_ctx, res);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__expr_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res,
                                        duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk__expr(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_toreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                            duk_ivalue *res,
                                            duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  return duk__ivalue_toreg(comp_ctx, res);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_totemp(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
	duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
	return duk__ivalue_totemp(comp_ctx, res);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__exprtop_toforcedreg(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_ivalue *res,
                                        duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags,
                                        duk_regconst_t forced_reg) {
  DUK_ASSERT(forced_reg >= 0);
  duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, forced_reg);

DUK_LOCAL duk_regconst_t duk__exprtop_toregconst(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                 duk_ivalue *res,
                                                 duk_small_uint_t rbp_flags) {
  duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
  return duk__ivalue_toregconst(comp_ctx, res);

#if 0 /* unused */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__exprtop_toplain_ignore(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res, int rbp_flags) {
	duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, rbp_flags);
	duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res);

 *  Parse an individual source element (top level statement) or a statement.
 *  Handles labeled statements automatically (peeling away labels before
 *  parsing an expression that follows the label(s)).
 *  Upon entry, 'curr_tok' contains the first token of the statement (parsed
 *  in "allow regexp literal" mode).  Upon exit, 'curr_tok' contains the first
 *  token following the statement (if the statement has a terminator, this is
 *  the token after the terminator).

#define DUK__HAS_VAL (1u << 0) /* stmt has non-empty value */
#define DUK__HAS_TERM \
  (1u << 1) /* stmt has explicit/implicit semicolon terminator */
#define DUK__ALLOW_AUTO_SEMI_ALWAYS                                            \
  (1u << 2) /* allow automatic semicolon even without lineterm (compatibility) \
  (1u << 3) /* statement does not terminate directive prologue */
#define DUK__IS_TERMINAL                                                       \
  (1u << 4) /* statement is guaranteed to be terminal (control doesn't flow to \
              next statement) */

/* Parse a single variable declaration (e.g. "i" or "i=10").  A leading 'var'
 * has already been eaten.  These is no return value in 'res', it is used only
 * as a temporary.
 * When called from 'for-in' statement parser, the initializer expression must
 * not allow the 'in' token.  The caller supply additional expression parsing
 * flags (like DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REJECT_IN) in 'expr_flags'.
 * Finally, out_rc_varname and out_reg_varbind are updated to reflect where
 * the identifier is bound:
 *    If register bound:      out_reg_varbind >= 0, out_rc_varname == 0 (ignore)
 *    If not register bound:  out_reg_varbind < 0, out_rc_varname >= 0
 * These allow the caller to use the variable for further assignment, e.g.
 * as is done in 'for-in' parsing.

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_var_decl(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                   duk_small_uint_t expr_flags,
                                   duk_regconst_t *out_reg_varbind,
                                   duk_regconst_t *out_rc_varname) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_hstring *h_varname;
  duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
  duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

  /* assume 'var' has been eaten */

  /* Note: Identifier rejects reserved words */
  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
    goto syntax_error;
  h_varname = comp_ctx->curr_token.str1;

  DUK_ASSERT(h_varname != NULL);

  /* strict mode restrictions (E5 Section 12.2.1) */
  if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments_in_strict_mode(comp_ctx, h_varname)) {
    goto syntax_error;

  /* register declarations in first pass */
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.in_scanning) {
    duk_uarridx_t n;
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("register variable declaration %!O in pass 1",
                         (duk_heaphdr *)h_varname));
    n = (duk_uarridx_t)duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx);
    duk_push_hstring(thr, h_varname);
    duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, n);
    duk_push_int(thr, DUK_DECL_TYPE_VAR + (0 << 8));
    duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, n + 1);

                   h_varname); /* push before advancing to keep reachable */

  /* register binding lookup is based on varmap (even in first pass) */
  (void)duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname);

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat identifier */

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_EQUALSIGN) {

        "vardecl, assign to '%!O' -> reg_varbind=%ld, rc_varname=%ld",
        (duk_heaphdr *)h_varname, (long)reg_varbind, (long)rc_varname));

        comp_ctx, res,
        DUK__BP_COMMA | expr_flags /*rbp_flags*/); /* AssignmentExpression */

    if (reg_varbind >= 0) {
      duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, reg_varbind);
    } else {
      duk_regconst_t reg_val;
      reg_val = duk__ivalue_toreg(comp_ctx, res);
      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_PUTVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                     reg_val, rc_varname);
  } else {
    if (expr_flags & DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REQUIRE_INIT) {
      /* Used for minimal 'const': initializer required. */
      goto syntax_error;

  duk_pop(thr); /* pop varname */

  *out_rc_varname = rc_varname;
  *out_reg_varbind = reg_varbind;



DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_var_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                   duk_small_uint_t expr_flags) {
  duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
  duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'var' */

  for (;;) {
    /* rc_varname and reg_varbind are ignored here */
    duk__parse_var_decl(comp_ctx, res, 0 | expr_flags, &reg_varbind,

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_COMMA) {

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_for_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                   duk_int_t pc_label_site) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_int_t pc_v34_lhs; /* start variant 3/4 left-hand-side code (L1 in
                           doc/compiler.rst example) */
      temp_reset; /* knock back "next temp" to this whenever possible */
      reg_temps; /* preallocated temporaries (2) for variants 3 and 4 */

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("start parsing a for/for-in statement"));

  /* Two temporaries are preallocated here for variants 3 and 4 which need
   * registers which are never clobbered by expressions in the loop
   * (concretely: for the enumerator object and the next enumerated value).
   * Variants 1 and 2 "release" these temps.

  reg_temps = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

  temp_reset = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

   *  For/for-in main variants are:
   *    1. for (ExpressionNoIn_opt; Expression_opt; Expression_opt) Statement
   *    2. for (var VariableDeclarationNoIn; Expression_opt; Expression_opt)
   * Statement
   *    3. for (LeftHandSideExpression in Expression) Statement
   *    4. for (var VariableDeclarationNoIn in Expression) Statement
   *  Parsing these without arbitrary lookahead or backtracking is relatively
   *  tricky but we manage to do so for now.
   *  See doc/compiler.rst for a detailed discussion of control flow
   *  issues, evaluation order issues, etc.

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'for' */
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("detecting for/for-in loop variant, pc=%ld",

  /* a label site has been emitted by duk__parse_stmt() automatically
   * (it will also emit the ENDLABEL).

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_VAR) {
     *  Variant 2 or 4

    duk_regconst_t reg_varbind; /* variable binding register if register-bound
                                   (otherwise < 0) */
    duk_regconst_t rc_varname;  /* variable name reg/const, if variable not
                                   register-bound */

    duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'var' */
    duk__parse_var_decl(comp_ctx, res, DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REJECT_IN, &reg_varbind,
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_IN) {
       *  Variant 4

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("detected for variant 4: for (var "
                           "VariableDeclarationNoIn in Expression) Statement"));
      pc_v34_lhs = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx); /* jump is inserted here */
      if (reg_varbind >= 0) {
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDREG, reg_varbind, reg_temps + 0);
      } else {
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_PUTVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                       reg_temps + 0, rc_varname);
      goto parse_3_or_4;
    } else {
       *  Variant 2

          "detected for variant 2: for (var VariableDeclarationNoIn; "
          "Expression_opt; Expression_opt) Statement"));
      for (;;) {
        /* more initializers */
        if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_COMMA) {
        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("variant 2 has another variable initializer"));

        duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat comma */
        duk__parse_var_decl(comp_ctx, res, DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REJECT_IN,
                            &reg_varbind, &rc_varname);
      goto parse_1_or_2;
  } else {
     *  Variant 1 or 3

    pc_v34_lhs =
        duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx); /* jump is inserted here (variant 3) */

    /* Note that duk__exprtop() here can clobber any reg above current
     * temp_next, so any loop variables (e.g. enumerator) must be
     * "preallocated".

    /* don't coerce yet to a plain value (variant 3 needs special handling) */
    duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res,
                 DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR | DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REJECT_IN |
                     DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression */
    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_IN) {
       *  Variant 3

      /* XXX: need to determine LHS type, and check that it is LHS compatible */
          DUK_DDDPRINT("detected for variant 3: for (LeftHandSideExpression in "
                       "Expression) Statement"));
      if (duk__expr_is_empty(comp_ctx)) {
        goto syntax_error; /* LeftHandSideExpression does not allow empty
                              expression */

      if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR) {
        duk_regconst_t reg_varbind;
        duk_regconst_t rc_varname;

        duk_dup(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx);
        if (duk__lookup_lhs(comp_ctx, &reg_varbind, &rc_varname)) {
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDREG, reg_varbind, reg_temps + 0);
        } else {
          duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_PUTVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                         reg_temps + 0, rc_varname);
      } else if (res->t == DUK_IVAL_PROP) {
        /* Don't allow a constant for the object (even for a number etc), as
         * it goes into the 'A' field of the opcode.
        duk_regconst_t reg_obj;
        duk_regconst_t rc_key;
        reg_obj =
            duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x1, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                      0 /*flags*/); /* don't allow const */
        rc_key =
            duk__ispec_toregconst_raw(comp_ctx, &res->x2, -1 /*forced_reg*/,
                                      DUK__IVAL_FLAG_ALLOW_CONST /*flags*/);
                        DUK_OP_PUTPROP | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE |
                        reg_obj, rc_key, reg_temps + 0);
      } else {
        duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res); /* just in case */
        duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INVLHS);
      goto parse_3_or_4;
    } else {
       *  Variant 1

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("detected for variant 1: for (ExpressionNoIn_opt; "
                           "Expression_opt; Expression_opt) Statement"));
      duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res);
      goto parse_1_or_2;

   *  Parse variant 1 or 2.  The first part expression (which differs
   *  in the variants) has already been parsed and its code emitted.
   *  reg_temps + 0: unused
   *  reg_temps + 1: unused
    duk_regconst_t rc_cond;
    duk_int_t pc_l1, pc_l2, pc_l3, pc_l4;
    duk_int_t pc_jumpto_l3, pc_jumpto_l4;
    duk_bool_t expr_c_empty;

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("shared code for parsing variants 1 and 2"));

    /* "release" preallocated temps since we won't need them */
    temp_reset = reg_temps + 0;
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON);

    pc_l1 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
        comp_ctx, res,
        DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR |
            DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression_opt */
    if (duk__expr_is_empty(comp_ctx)) {
      /* no need to coerce */
      pc_jumpto_l3 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* to body */
      pc_jumpto_l4 = -1;                             /* omitted */
    } else {
      rc_cond = duk__ivalue_toregconst(comp_ctx, res);
      duk__emit_if_false_skip(comp_ctx, rc_cond);
      pc_jumpto_l3 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* to body */
      pc_jumpto_l4 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* to exit */
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON);

    pc_l2 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
        comp_ctx, res,
        DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR |
            DUK__EXPR_FLAG_ALLOW_EMPTY /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression_opt */
    if (duk__expr_is_empty(comp_ctx)) {
      /* no need to coerce */
      expr_c_empty = 1;
      /* JUMP L1 omitted */
    } else {
      duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res);
      expr_c_empty = 0;
      duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, pc_l1);
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
        comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

    pc_l3 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
    duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);
    if (expr_c_empty) {
      duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, pc_l1);
    } else {
      duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, pc_l2);
    /* temp reset is not necessary after duk__parse_stmt(), which already does
     * it */

    pc_l4 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

        "patching jumps: jumpto_l3: %ld->%ld, jumpto_l4: %ld->%ld, "
        "break: %ld->%ld, continue: %ld->%ld",
        (long)pc_jumpto_l3, (long)pc_l3, (long)pc_jumpto_l4, (long)pc_l4,
        (long)(pc_label_site + 1), (long)pc_l4, (long)(pc_label_site + 2),

    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l3, pc_l3);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l4, pc_l4);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 1, pc_l4); /* break jump */
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 2,
                    expr_c_empty ? pc_l1 : pc_l2); /* continue jump */
  goto finished;

   *  Parse variant 3 or 4.
   *  For variant 3 (e.g. "for (A in C) D;") the code for A (except the
   *  final property/variable write) has already been emitted.  The first
   *  instruction of that code is at pc_v34_lhs; a JUMP needs to be inserted
   *  there to satisfy control flow needs.
   *  For variant 4, if the variable declaration had an initializer
   *  (e.g. "for (var A = B in C) D;") the code for the assignment
   *  (B) has already been emitted.
   *  Variables set before entering here:
   *    pc_v34_lhs:    insert a "JUMP L2" here (see doc/compiler.rst example).
   *    reg_temps + 0: iteration target value (written to LHS)
   *    reg_temps + 1: enumerator object
    duk_int_t pc_l1, pc_l2, pc_l3, pc_l4, pc_l5;
    duk_int_t pc_jumpto_l2, pc_jumpto_l3, pc_jumpto_l4, pc_jumpto_l5;
    duk_regconst_t reg_target;

        DUK_DDDPRINT("shared code for parsing variants 3 and 4, pc_v34_lhs=%ld",

    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    /* First we need to insert a jump in the middle of previously
     * emitted code to get the control flow right.  No jumps can
     * cross the position where the jump is inserted.  See doc/compiler.rst
     * for discussion on the intricacies of control flow and side effects
     * for variants 3 and 4.

    duk__insert_jump_entry(comp_ctx, pc_v34_lhs);
    pc_jumpto_l2 = pc_v34_lhs; /* inserted jump */
    pc_l1 = pc_v34_lhs + 1;    /* +1, right after inserted jump */

    /* The code for writing reg_temps + 0 to the left hand side has already
     * been emitted.

    pc_jumpto_l3 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* -> loop body */

    duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'in' */

    /* Parse enumeration target and initialize enumerator.  For 'null' and
     * 'undefined', INITENUM will creates a 'null' enumerator which works like
     * an empty enumerator (E5 Section 12.6.4, step 3).  Note that INITENUM
     * requires the value to be in a register (constant not allowed).

    pc_l2 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
    reg_target = duk__exprtop_toreg(
        comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/); /* Expression */
    duk__emit_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_INITENUM | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_B_IS_TARGET,
                  reg_temps + 1, reg_target);
    pc_jumpto_l4 = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx);
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

    comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
        comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

    pc_l3 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
    duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);
    /* temp reset is not necessary after duk__parse_stmt(), which already does
     * it */

    /* NEXTENUM needs a jump slot right after the main opcode.
     * We need the code emitter to reserve the slot: if there's
     * target shuffling, the target shuffle opcodes must happen
     * after the jump slot (for NEXTENUM the shuffle opcodes are
     * not needed if the enum is finished).
    pc_l4 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
                  reg_temps + 0, reg_temps + 1);
    pc_jumpto_l5 = comp_ctx->emit_jumpslot_pc; /* NEXTENUM jump slot: executed
                                                  when enum finished */
        pc_l1); /* jump to next loop, using reg_v34_iter as iterated value */

    pc_l5 = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

    /* XXX: since the enumerator may be a memory expensive object,
     * perhaps clear it explicitly here?  If so, break jump must
     * go through this clearing operation.

        "patching jumps: jumpto_l2: %ld->%ld, jumpto_l3: %ld->%ld, "
        "jumpto_l4: %ld->%ld, jumpto_l5: %ld->%ld, "
        "break: %ld->%ld, continue: %ld->%ld",
        (long)pc_jumpto_l2, (long)pc_l2, (long)pc_jumpto_l3, (long)pc_l3,
        (long)pc_jumpto_l4, (long)pc_l4, (long)pc_jumpto_l5, (long)pc_l5,
        (long)(pc_label_site + 1), (long)pc_l5, (long)(pc_label_site + 2),

    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l2, pc_l2);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l3, pc_l3);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l4, pc_l4);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_jumpto_l5, pc_l5);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 1, pc_l5); /* break jump */
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 2, pc_l4); /* continue jump */
  goto finished;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing a for/for-in statement"));


DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_switch_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_ivalue *res,
                                      duk_int_t pc_label_site) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_regconst_t temp_at_loop;
  duk_regconst_t rc_switch; /* reg/const for switch value */
  duk_regconst_t rc_case;   /* reg/const for case value */
  duk_regconst_t reg_temp;  /* general temp register */
  duk_int_t pc_prevcase = -1;
  duk_int_t pc_prevstmt = -1;
  duk_int_t pc_default =
      -1; /* -1 == not set, -2 == pending (next statement list) */

  /* Note: negative pc values are ignored when patching jumps, so no explicit
   * checks needed */

   *  Switch is pretty complicated because of several conflicting concerns:
   *    - Want to generate code without an intermediate representation,
   *      i.e., in one go
   *    - Case selectors are expressions, not values, and may thus e.g. throw
   *      exceptions (which causes evaluation order concerns)
   *    - Evaluation semantics of case selectors and default clause need to be
   *      carefully implemented to provide correct behavior even with case value
   *      side effects
   *    - Fall through case and default clauses; avoiding dead JUMPs if case
   *      ends with an unconditional jump (a break or a continue)
   *    - The same case value may occur multiple times, but evaluation rules
   *      only process the first match before switching to a "propagation" mode
   *      where case values are no longer evaluated
   *  See E5 Section 12.11.  Also see doc/compiler.rst for compilation
   *  discussion.

  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);
  rc_switch =
      duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
                      DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* RegExp mode does not matter. */
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LCURLY);

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("switch value in register %ld", (long)rc_switch));

  temp_at_loop = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

  for (;;) {
    duk_int_t num_stmts;
    duk_small_uint_t tok;

    /* sufficient for keeping temp reg numbers in check */
    DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_at_loop);

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY) {

     *  Parse a case or default clause.

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_CASE) {
       *  Case clause.
       *  Note: cannot use reg_case as a temp register (for SEQ target)
       *  because it may be a constant.

      duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_prevcase); /* chain jumps for case
                                                    * evaluation and checking

      rc_case = duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res,
                                        DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COLON);

      reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
      duk__emit_a_b_c(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_SEQ | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_BC_REGCONST,
                      reg_temp, rc_switch, rc_case);
      duk__emit_if_true_skip(comp_ctx, reg_temp);

      /* jump to next case clause */
      pc_prevcase = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* no match, next case */

      /* statements go here (if any) on next loop */
    } else if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_DEFAULT) {
       *  Default clause.

      if (pc_default >= 0) {
        goto syntax_error;
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COLON);

      /* Fix for https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/issues/155:
       * If 'default' is first clause (detected by pc_prevcase < 0)
       * we need to ensure we stay in the matching chain.
      if (pc_prevcase < 0) {
        DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("default clause is first, emit prevcase jump"));
        pc_prevcase = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx);

      /* default clause matches next statement list (if any) */
      pc_default = -2;
    } else {
      /* Code is not accepted before the first case/default clause */
      goto syntax_error;

     *  Parse code after the clause.  Possible terminators are
     *  'case', 'default', and '}'.
     *  Note that there may be no code at all, not even an empty statement,
     *  between case clauses.  This must be handled just like an empty statement
     *  (omitting seemingly pointless JUMPs), to avoid situations like
     *  test-bug-case-fallthrough.js.

    num_stmts = 0;
    if (pc_default == -2) {
      pc_default = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

    /* Note: this is correct even for default clause statements:
     * they participate in 'fall-through' behavior even if the
     * default clause is in the middle.
                         pc_prevstmt); /* chain jumps for 'fall-through'
                                        * after a case matches.

    for (;;) {
      tok = comp_ctx->curr_token.t;
      if (tok == DUK_TOK_CASE || tok == DUK_TOK_DEFAULT ||
          tok == DUK_TOK_RCURLY) {
      duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);

    /* fall-through jump to next code of next case (backpatched) */
    pc_prevstmt = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx);

    /* XXX: would be nice to omit this jump when the jump is not
     * reachable, at least in the obvious cases (such as the case
     * ending with a 'break'.
     * Perhaps duk__parse_stmt() could provide some info on whether
     * the statement is a "dead end"?
     * If implemented, just set pc_prevstmt to -1 when not needed.

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY);
  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

  /* default case control flow patchup; note that if pc_prevcase < 0
   * (i.e. no case clauses), control enters default case automatically.
  if (pc_default >= 0) {
    /* default case exists: go there if no case matches */
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_prevcase, pc_default);
  } else {
    /* default case does not exist, or no statements present
     * after default case: finish case evaluation
    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_prevcase);

  /* fall-through control flow patchup; note that pc_prevstmt may be
   * < 0 (i.e. no case clauses), in which case this is a no-op.
  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_prevstmt);

  /* continue jump not patched, an INVALID opcode remains there */
  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 1); /* break jump */

  /* Note: 'fast' breaks will jump to pc_label_site + 1, which will
   * then jump here.  The double jump will be eliminated by a
   * peephole pass, resulting in an optimal jump here.  The label
   * site jumps will remain in bytecode and will waste code size.



DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_if_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_regconst_t temp_reset;
  duk_regconst_t rc_cond;
  duk_int_t pc_jump_false;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin parsing if statement"));

  temp_reset = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'if' */
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);

  rc_cond =
      duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
  duk__emit_if_true_skip(comp_ctx, rc_cond);
  pc_jump_false = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* jump to end or else part */
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
                      DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

  duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);

  /* The 'else' ambiguity is resolved by 'else' binding to the innermost
   * construct, so greedy matching is correct here.

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_ELSE) {
    duk_int_t pc_jump_end;

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("if has else part"));


    pc_jump_end =
        duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx); /* jump from true part to end */
    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump_false);

    duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);

    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump_end);
  } else {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("if does not have else part"));

    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump_false);

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing if statement"));

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_do_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                                  duk_int_t pc_label_site) {
  duk_regconst_t rc_cond;
  duk_int_t pc_start;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin parsing do statement"));

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* Eat 'do'; allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

  pc_start = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);
  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 2); /* continue jump */

  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_WHILE);
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);

  rc_cond =
      duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
  duk__emit_if_false_skip(comp_ctx, rc_cond);
  duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, pc_start);
  /* no need to reset temps, as we're finished emitting code */

  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv =
      1; /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RPAREN);

  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 1); /* break jump */

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing do statement"));

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_while_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_ivalue *res, duk_int_t pc_label_site) {
  duk_regconst_t temp_reset;
  duk_regconst_t rc_cond;
  duk_int_t pc_start;
  duk_int_t pc_jump_false;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin parsing while statement"));

  temp_reset = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'while' */

  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);

  pc_start = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 2); /* continue jump */

  rc_cond =
      duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
  duk__emit_if_true_skip(comp_ctx, rc_cond);
  pc_jump_false = duk__emit_jump_empty(comp_ctx);
  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_reset);

  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
                      DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

  duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);
  duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, pc_start);

  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_jump_false);
  duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_label_site + 1); /* break jump */

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end parsing while statement"));

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_break_or_continue_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                                 duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_bool_t is_break = (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_BREAK);
  duk_int_t label_id;
  duk_int_t label_catch_depth;
  duk_int_t label_pc; /* points to LABEL; pc+1 = jump site for break; pc+2 =
                         jump site for continue */
  duk_bool_t label_is_closest;


  label_pc = 0;
  label_id = 0;
  label_catch_depth = 0;
  label_is_closest = 0;

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'break' or 'continue' */

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON || /* explicit semi follows */
      comp_ctx->curr_token.lineterm || /* automatic semi will be inserted */
          .allow_auto_semi) { /* automatic semi will be inserted */
    /* break/continue without label */

    duk__lookup_active_label(comp_ctx, DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EMPTY_STRING(thr),
                             is_break, &label_id, &label_catch_depth, &label_pc,
  } else if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
    /* break/continue with label (label cannot be a reserved word, production is
     * 'Identifier' */
    DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.str1 != NULL);
    duk__lookup_active_label(comp_ctx, comp_ctx->curr_token.str1, is_break,
                             &label_id, &label_catch_depth, &label_pc,
  } else {

  /* Use a fast break/continue when possible.  A fast break/continue is
   * just a jump to the LABEL break/continue jump slot, which then jumps
   * to an appropriate place (for break, going through ENDLABEL correctly).
   * The peephole optimizer will optimize the jump to a direct one.

  if (label_catch_depth == comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth &&
      label_is_closest) {
        "break/continue: is_break=%ld, label_id=%ld, label_is_closest=%ld, "
        "label_catch_depth=%ld, catch_depth=%ld "
        "-> use fast variant (direct jump)",
        (long)is_break, (long)label_id, (long)label_is_closest,
        (long)label_catch_depth, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth));

    duk__emit_jump(comp_ctx, label_pc + (is_break ? 1 : 2));
  } else {
        "break/continue: is_break=%ld, label_id=%ld, label_is_closest=%ld, "
        "label_catch_depth=%ld, catch_depth=%ld "
        "-> use slow variant (longjmp)",
        (long)is_break, (long)label_id, (long)label_is_closest,
        (long)label_catch_depth, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth));

    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, is_break ? DUK_OP_BREAK : DUK_OP_CONTINUE,

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_return_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                      duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_regconst_t rc_val;

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'return' */

  /* A 'return' statement is only allowed inside an actual function body,
   * not as part of eval or global code.
  if (!comp_ctx->curr_func.is_function) {

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON || /* explicit semi follows */
      comp_ctx->curr_token.lineterm || /* automatic semi will be inserted */
          .allow_auto_semi) { /* automatic semi will be inserted */
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("empty return value -> undefined"));
    duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETUNDEF);
  } else {
    duk_int_t pc_before_expr;
    duk_int_t pc_after_expr;

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("return with a value"));


    pc_before_expr = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
    rc_val =
        duk__exprtop_toregconst(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
    pc_after_expr = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

    /* Tail call check: if last opcode emitted was CALL, and
     * the context allows it, add a tailcall flag to the CALL.
     * This doesn't guarantee that a tail call will be allowed at
     * runtime, so the RETURN must still be emitted.  (Duktape
     * 0.10.0 avoided this and simulated a RETURN if a tail call
     * couldn't be used at runtime; but this didn't work
     * correctly with a thread yield/resume, see
     * test-bug-tailcall-thread-yield-resume.js for discussion.)
     * In addition to the last opcode being CALL, we also need to
     * be sure that 'rc_val' is the result register of the CALL.
     * For instance, for the expression 'return 0, (function ()
     * { return 1; }), 2' the last opcode emitted is CALL (no
     * bytecode is emitted for '2') but 'rc_val' indicates
     * constant '2'.  Similarly if '2' is replaced by a register
     * bound variable, no opcodes are emitted but tail call would
     * be incorrect.
     * This is tricky and easy to get wrong.  It would be best to
     * track enough expression metadata to check that 'rc_val' came
     * from that last CALL instruction.  We don't have that metadata
     * now, so we check that 'rc_val' is a temporary register result
     * (not a constant or a register bound variable).  There should
     * be no way currently for 'rc_val' to be a temporary for an
     * expression following the CALL instruction without emitting
     * some opcodes following the CALL.  This proxy check is used
     * below.
     * See: test-bug-comma-expr-gh131.js.
     * The non-standard 'caller' property disables tail calls
     * because they pose some special cases which haven't been
     * fixed yet.

#if defined(DUK_USE_TAILCALL)
    if (comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth == 0 && /* no catchers */
        pc_after_expr > pc_before_expr) { /* at least one opcode emitted */
      duk_compiler_instr *instr;
      duk_instr_t ins;
      duk_small_uint_t op;

      instr = duk__get_instr_ptr(comp_ctx, pc_after_expr - 1);
      DUK_ASSERT(instr != NULL);

      ins = instr->ins;
      op = (duk_small_uint_t)DUK_DEC_OP(ins);
      if ((op & ~0x0fU) == DUK_OP_CALL0 &&
          DUK__ISREG_TEMP(comp_ctx, rc_val) /* see above */) {
            "return statement detected a tail call opportunity: "
            "catch depth is 0, duk__exprtop() emitted >= 1 instructions, "
            "and last instruction is a CALL "
            "-> change to TAILCALL"));
        instr->ins = ins;
#endif /* DUK_USE_TAILCALL */

    if (DUK__ISREG(rc_val)) {
      duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETREG, rc_val);
    } else {
      rc_val = DUK__REMOVECONST(rc_val);
      if (duk__const_needs_refcount(comp_ctx, rc_val)) {
        duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETCONST, rc_val);
      } else {
        duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETCONSTN, rc_val);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_throw_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                     duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_regconst_t reg_val;

  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'throw' */

  /* Unlike break/continue, throw statement does not allow an empty value. */

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.lineterm) {

  reg_val = duk__exprtop_toreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);
  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_THROW, reg_val);

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_try_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                   duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
      reg_catch; /* reg_catch+0 and reg_catch+1 are reserved for TRYCATCH */
  duk_regconst_t rc_varname = 0;
  duk_small_uint_t trycatch_flags = 0;
  duk_int_t pc_ldconst = -1;
  duk_int_t pc_trycatch = -1;
  duk_int_t pc_catch = -1;
  duk_int_t pc_finally = -1;


   *  See the following documentation for discussion:
   *    doc/execution.rst: control flow details
   *  Try, catch, and finally "parts" are Blocks, not Statements, so
   *  they must always be delimited by curly braces.  This is unlike e.g.
   *  the if statement, which accepts any Statement.  This eliminates any
   *  questions of matching parts of nested try statements.  The Block
   *  parsing is implemented inline here (instead of calling out).
   *  Finally part has a 'let scoped' variable, which requires a few kinks
   *  here.


  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'try' */

  reg_catch = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

  /* The target for this LDCONST may need output shuffling, but we assume
   * that 'pc_ldconst' will be the LDCONST that we can patch later.  This
   * should be the case because there's no input shuffling.  (If there's
   * no catch clause, this LDCONST will be replaced with a NOP.)
  pc_ldconst = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDCONST, reg_catch, 0 /*patched later*/);

  pc_trycatch = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_invalid(comp_ctx); /* TRYCATCH, cannot emit now (not enough info) */
  duk__emit_invalid(comp_ctx); /* jump for 'catch' case */
      comp_ctx); /* jump for 'finally' case or end (if no finally) */

  /* try part */
  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LCURLY);
  duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/, 0 /*expect_eof*/,
                   1 /*regexp_after*/);
  /* the DUK_TOK_RCURLY is eaten by duk__parse_stmts() */
  duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_ENDTRY);

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_CATCH) {
     *  The catch variable must be updated to reflect the new allocated
     *  register for the duration of the catch clause.  We need to store
     *  and restore the original value for the varmap entry (if any).

     *  Note: currently register bindings must be fixed for the entire
     *  function.  So, even though the catch variable is in a register
     *  we know, we must use an explicit environment record and slow path
     *  accesses to read/write the catch binding to make closures created
     *  within the catch clause work correctly.  This restriction should
     *  be fixable (at least in common cases) later.
     *  See: test-bug-catch-binding-2.js.
     *  XXX: improve to get fast path access to most catch clauses.

    duk_hstring *h_var;
    duk_int_t varmap_value; /* for storing/restoring the varmap binding for
                               catch variable */

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("stack top at start of catch clause: %ld",

    trycatch_flags |= DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_CATCH;

    pc_catch = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
      /* Identifier, i.e. don't allow reserved words */
      goto syntax_error;
    h_var = comp_ctx->curr_token.str1;
    DUK_ASSERT(h_var != NULL);

                     h_var); /* keep in on valstack, use borrowed ref below */

    if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict &&
        ((h_var == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EVAL(thr)) ||
         (h_var == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_LC_ARGUMENTS(thr)))) {
          DUK_DDDPRINT("catch identifier 'eval' or 'arguments' in strict mode "
                       "-> SyntaxError"));
      goto syntax_error;

    rc_varname = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("catch clause, rc_varname=0x%08lx (%ld)",
                         (unsigned long)rc_varname, (long)rc_varname));

    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RPAREN);

    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LCURLY);

        "varmap before modifying for catch clause: %!iT",
        (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)));

    duk_get_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
    if (duk_is_undefined(thr, -1)) {
      varmap_value = -2;
    } else if (duk_is_null(thr, -1)) {
      varmap_value = -1;
    } else {
      DUK_ASSERT(duk_is_number(thr, -1));
      varmap_value = duk_get_int(thr, -1);
      DUK_ASSERT(varmap_value >= 0);

#if 0
		/* It'd be nice to do something like this - but it doesn't
		 * work for closures created inside the catch clause.
		duk_push_int(thr, (duk_int_t) (reg_catch + 0));
		duk_put_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
    duk_put_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);

    duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_PUTVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_A_IS_SOURCE,
                   reg_catch + 0 /*value*/, rc_varname /*varname*/);

        "varmap before parsing catch clause: %!iT",
        (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)));

    duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/, 0 /*expect_eof*/,
                     1 /*regexp_after*/);
    /* the DUK_TOK_RCURLY is eaten by duk__parse_stmts() */

    if (varmap_value == -2) {
      /* not present */
      duk_del_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
    } else {
      if (varmap_value == -1) {
      } else {
        DUK_ASSERT(varmap_value >= 0);
        duk_push_int(thr, varmap_value);
      duk_put_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
    /* varname is popped by above code */

        "varmap after restore catch clause: %!iT",
        (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)));

    duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_ENDCATCH);

     *  XXX: for now, indicate that an expensive catch binding
     *  declarative environment is always needed.  If we don't
     *  need it, we don't need the const_varname either.


    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("stack top at end of catch clause: %ld",

  if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_FINALLY) {
    trycatch_flags |= DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_FINALLY;

    pc_finally = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);


    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LCURLY);
    duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/, 0 /*expect_eof*/,
                     1 /*regexp_after*/);
    /* the DUK_TOK_RCURLY is eaten by duk__parse_stmts() */
    duk__emit_abc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_ENDFIN, reg_catch); /* rethrow */

  if (!(trycatch_flags & DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_CATCH) &&
      !(trycatch_flags & DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_FINALLY)) {
    /* must have catch and/or finally */
    goto syntax_error;

  /* If there's no catch block, rc_varname will be 0 and duk__patch_trycatch()
   * will replace the LDCONST with a NOP.  For any actual constant (including
   * constant 0) the DUK__CONST_MARKER flag will be set in rc_varname.

  duk__patch_trycatch(comp_ctx, pc_ldconst, pc_trycatch, reg_catch, rc_varname,

  if (trycatch_flags & DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_CATCH) {
    DUK_ASSERT(pc_catch >= 0);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_trycatch + 1, pc_catch);

  if (trycatch_flags & DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_FINALLY) {
    DUK_ASSERT(pc_finally >= 0);
    duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_trycatch + 2, pc_finally);
  } else {
    /* without finally, the second jump slot is used to jump to end of stmt */
    duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_trycatch + 2);



DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_with_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_ivalue *res) {
  duk_int_t pc_trycatch;
  duk_int_t pc_finished;
  duk_regconst_t reg_catch;
  duk_small_uint_t trycatch_flags;

  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict) {


  duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'with' */

  reg_catch = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 2);

  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);
  duk__exprtop_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/,
  comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
                      DUK_TOK_RPAREN); /* Allow RegExp as part of next stmt. */

  pc_trycatch = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_TRYCATCH | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A,
                 (duk_regconst_t)trycatch_flags /*a*/, reg_catch /*bc*/);
  duk__emit_invalid(comp_ctx); /* catch jump */
  duk__emit_invalid(comp_ctx); /* finished jump */

  duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/);
  duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_ENDTRY);

  pc_finished = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);

  duk__patch_jump(comp_ctx, pc_trycatch + 2, pc_finished);


DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__stmt_label_site(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                         duk_int_t label_id) {
  /* if a site already exists, nop: max one label site per statement */
  if (label_id >= 0) {
    return label_id;

  label_id = comp_ctx->curr_func.label_next++;
  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("allocated new label id for label site: %ld",

  duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LABEL, (duk_regconst_t)label_id);

  return label_id;

/* Parse a single statement.
 * Creates a label site (with an empty label) automatically for iteration
 * statements.  Also "peels off" any label statements for explicit labels.
DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_stmt(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_ivalue *res,
                               duk_bool_t allow_source_elem) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_bool_t dir_prol_at_entry; /* directive prologue status at entry */
  duk_regconst_t temp_at_entry;
  duk_size_t labels_len_at_entry;
  duk_int_t pc_at_entry; /* assumed to also be PC of "LABEL" */
  duk_int_t stmt_id;
  duk_small_uint_t stmt_flags = 0;
  duk_int_t label_id = -1;
  duk_small_uint_t tok;
  duk_bool_t test_func_decl;

  DUK__RECURSION_INCREASE(comp_ctx, thr);

  temp_at_entry = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);
  pc_at_entry = duk__get_current_pc(comp_ctx);
  labels_len_at_entry = duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.labelnames_idx);
  stmt_id = comp_ctx->curr_func.stmt_next++;
  dir_prol_at_entry = comp_ctx->curr_func.in_directive_prologue;


      "parsing a statement, stmt_id=%ld, temp_at_entry=%ld, "
      "labels_len_at_entry=%ld, "
      "is_strict=%ld, in_directive_prologue=%ld, catch_depth=%ld",
      (long)stmt_id, (long)temp_at_entry, (long)labels_len_at_entry,

  /* The directive prologue flag is cleared by default so that it is
   * unset for any recursive statement parsing.  It is only "revived"
   * if a directive is detected.  (We could also make directives only
   * allowed if 'allow_source_elem' was true.)
  comp_ctx->curr_func.in_directive_prologue = 0;


  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("try stmt parse, stmt_id=%ld, label_id=%ld, "
                       "allow_source_elem=%ld, catch_depth=%ld",
                       (long)stmt_id, (long)label_id, (long)allow_source_elem,

   *  Detect iteration statements; if encountered, establish an
   *  empty label.

  tok = comp_ctx->curr_token.t;
  if (tok == DUK_TOK_FOR || tok == DUK_TOK_DO || tok == DUK_TOK_WHILE ||
      tok == DUK_TOK_SWITCH) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("iteration/switch statement -> add empty label"));

    label_id = duk__stmt_label_site(comp_ctx, label_id);
    duk__add_label(comp_ctx, DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_EMPTY_STRING(thr),
                   pc_at_entry /*pc_label*/, label_id);

   *  Main switch for statement / source element type.

  switch (comp_ctx->curr_token.t) {
    case DUK_TOK_FUNCTION: {
       *  Function declaration, function expression, or (non-standard)
       *  function statement.
       *  The E5 specification only allows function declarations at
       *  the top level (in "source elements").  An ExpressionStatement
       *  is explicitly not allowed to begin with a "function" keyword
       *  (E5 Section 12.4).  Hence any non-error semantics for such
       *  non-top-level statements are non-standard.  Duktape semantics
       *  for function statements are modelled after V8, see
       *  test-dev-func-decl-outside-top.js.
      test_func_decl = allow_source_elem;
      /* Lenient: allow function declarations outside top level in
       * non-strict mode but reject them in strict mode.
      test_func_decl = test_func_decl || !comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict;
      /* Strict: never allow function declarations outside top level. */
      if (test_func_decl) {
        /* FunctionDeclaration: not strictly a statement but handled as such.
         * O(depth^2) parse count for inner functions is handled by recording a
         * lexer offset on the first compilation pass, so that the function can
         * be efficiently skipped on the second pass.  This is encapsulated into
         * duk__parse_func_like_fnum().

        duk_int_t fnum;
        duk_idx_t top_before;

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function declaration statement"));

        top_before = duk_get_top(thr);

        duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat 'function' */
        fnum = duk__parse_func_like_fnum(

        /* The value stack convention here is a bit odd: the function
         * name is only pushed on pass 1 (in_scanning), and is needed
         * to process function declarations.
        if (comp_ctx->curr_func.in_scanning) {
          duk_uarridx_t n;

          DUK_ASSERT(duk_get_top(thr) == top_before + 1);
              "register function declaration %!T in pass 1, fnum %ld",
              duk_get_tval(thr, -1), (long)fnum));
          n = (duk_uarridx_t)duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx);
          /* funcname is at index -1 */
          duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, n);
          duk_push_int(thr, (duk_int_t)(DUK_DECL_TYPE_FUNC + (fnum << 8)));
          duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, n + 1);
        } else {
          DUK_ASSERT(duk_get_top(thr) == top_before);

        /* no statement value (unlike function expression) */
        stmt_flags = 0;
      } else {
    case DUK_TOK_LCURLY: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("block statement"));
      duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 0 /*allow_source_elem*/, 0 /*expect_eof*/,
                       1 /*regexp_after*/);
      /* the DUK_TOK_RCURLY is eaten by duk__parse_stmts() */
      if (label_id >= 0) {
        duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_at_entry + 1); /* break jump */
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_CONST: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("constant declaration statement"));
      duk__parse_var_stmt(comp_ctx, res,
                          DUK__EXPR_FLAG_REQUIRE_INIT /*expr_flags*/);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM;
    case DUK_TOK_VAR: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("variable declaration statement"));
      duk__parse_var_stmt(comp_ctx, res, 0 /*expr_flags*/);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM;
      /* empty statement with an explicit semicolon */
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("empty statement"));
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM;
    case DUK_TOK_IF: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("if statement"));
      duk__parse_if_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      if (label_id >= 0) {
        duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_at_entry + 1); /* break jump */
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_DO: {
       *  Do-while statement is mostly trivial, but there is special
       *  handling for automatic semicolon handling (triggered by the
       *  DUK__ALLOW_AUTO_SEMI_ALWAYS) flag related to a bug filed at:
       *    https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8
       *  See doc/compiler.rst for details.
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("do statement"));
      DUK_ASSERT(label_id >= 0);
          comp_ctx, label_id,
      duk__parse_do_stmt(comp_ctx, res, pc_at_entry);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM |
                                                   workaround */
    case DUK_TOK_WHILE: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("while statement"));
      DUK_ASSERT(label_id >= 0);
          comp_ctx, label_id,
      duk__parse_while_stmt(comp_ctx, res, pc_at_entry);
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_FOR: {
       *  For/for-in statement is complicated to parse because
       *  determining the statement type (three-part for vs. a
       *  for-in) requires potential backtracking.
       *  See the helper for the messy stuff.
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("for/for-in statement"));
      DUK_ASSERT(label_id >= 0);
          comp_ctx, label_id,
      duk__parse_for_stmt(comp_ctx, res, pc_at_entry);
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_BREAK: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("break/continue statement"));
      duk__parse_break_or_continue_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM | DUK__IS_TERMINAL;
    case DUK_TOK_RETURN: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("return statement"));
      duk__parse_return_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM | DUK__IS_TERMINAL;
    case DUK_TOK_WITH: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("with statement"));
      duk__parse_with_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      if (label_id >= 0) {
        duk__patch_jump_here(comp_ctx, pc_at_entry + 1); /* break jump */
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_SWITCH: {
       *  The switch statement is pretty messy to compile.
       *  See the helper for details.
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("switch statement"));
      DUK_ASSERT(label_id >= 0);
          comp_ctx, label_id,
          DUK_LABEL_FLAG_ALLOW_BREAK); /* don't allow continue */
      duk__parse_switch_stmt(comp_ctx, res, pc_at_entry);
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_THROW: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("throw statement"));
      duk__parse_throw_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM | DUK__IS_TERMINAL;
    case DUK_TOK_TRY: {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("try statement"));
      duk__parse_try_stmt(comp_ctx, res);
      stmt_flags = 0;
    case DUK_TOK_DEBUGGER: {
          "debugger statement: debugging enabled, emit debugger opcode"));
      duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_DEBUGGER);
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("debugger statement: ignored"));
      stmt_flags = DUK__HAS_TERM;
    default: {
       *  Else, must be one of:
       *    - ExpressionStatement, possibly a directive (String)
       *    - LabelledStatement (Identifier followed by ':')
       *  Expressions beginning with 'function' keyword are covered by a case
       *  above (such expressions are not allowed in standard E5 anyway).
       *  Also expressions starting with '{' are interpreted as block
       *  statements.  See E5 Section 12.4.
       *  Directive detection is tricky; see E5 Section 14.1 on directive
       *  prologue.  A directive is an expression statement with a single
       *  string literal and an explicit or automatic semicolon.  Escape
       *  characters are significant and no parens etc are allowed:
       *    'use strict';          // valid 'use strict' directive
       *    'use\u0020strict';     // valid directive, not a 'use strict'
       * directive
       *    ('use strict');        // not a valid directive
       *  The expression is determined to consist of a single string literal
       *  based on duk__expr_nud() and duk__expr_led() call counts.  The string
       * literal of a 'use strict' directive is determined to lack any escapes
       * based num_escapes count from the lexer.  Note that other directives may
       * be allowed to contain escapes, so a directive with escapes does not
       *  terminate a directive prologue.
       *  We rely on the fact that the expression parser will not emit any
       *  code for a single token expression.  However, it will generate an
       *  intermediate value which we will then successfully ignore.
       *  A similar approach is used for labels.

      duk_bool_t single_token;

      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("expression statement"));
      duk__exprtop(comp_ctx, res, DUK__BP_FOR_EXPR /*rbp_flags*/);

      single_token = (comp_ctx->curr_func.nud_count == 1 && /* one token */
                      comp_ctx->curr_func.led_count == 0);  /* no operators */

      if (single_token && comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER &&
          comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_COLON) {
         *  Detected label

        duk_hstring *h_lab;

        /* expected ival */
        DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_VAR);
        DUK_ASSERT(res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE);
        DUK_ASSERT(DUK_TVAL_IS_STRING(duk_get_tval(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx)));
        h_lab = comp_ctx->prev_token.str1;
        DUK_ASSERT(h_lab != NULL);

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("explicit label site for label '%!O'",
                             (duk_heaphdr *)h_lab));

        duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat colon */

        label_id = duk__stmt_label_site(comp_ctx, label_id);

        duk__add_label(comp_ctx, h_lab, pc_at_entry /*pc_label*/, label_id);

        /* a statement following a label cannot be a source element
         * (a function declaration).
        allow_source_elem = 0;

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("label handled, retry statement parsing"));
        goto retry_parse;

      stmt_flags = 0;

      if (dir_prol_at_entry && /* still in prologue */
          single_token &&      /* single string token */
          comp_ctx->prev_token.t == DUK_TOK_STRING) {
         *  Detected a directive
        duk_hstring *h_dir;

        /* expected ival */
        DUK_ASSERT(res->t == DUK_IVAL_PLAIN);
        DUK_ASSERT(res->x1.t == DUK_ISPEC_VALUE);
        DUK_ASSERT(DUK_TVAL_IS_STRING(duk_get_tval(thr, res->x1.valstack_idx)));
        h_dir = comp_ctx->prev_token.str1;
        DUK_ASSERT(h_dir != NULL);

        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("potential directive: %!O", h_dir));

        stmt_flags |= DUK__STILL_PROLOGUE;

        /* Note: escaped characters differentiate directives */

        if (comp_ctx->prev_token.num_escapes > 0) {
          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("directive contains escapes: valid directive "
                               "but we ignore such directives"));
        } else {
           * The length comparisons are present to handle
           * strings like "use strict\u0000foo" as required.

          if (DUK_HSTRING_GET_BYTELEN(h_dir) == 10 &&
              DUK_STRCMP((const char *)DUK_HSTRING_GET_DATA(h_dir),
                         "use strict") == 0) {
#if defined(DUK_USE_STRICT_DECL)
                "use strict directive detected: strict flag %ld -> %ld",
                (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict, (long)1));
            comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict = 1;
            DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("use strict detected but strict declarations "
                                 "disabled, ignoring"));
          } else if (DUK_HSTRING_GET_BYTELEN(h_dir) == 14 &&
                     DUK_STRCMP((const char *)DUK_HSTRING_GET_DATA(h_dir),
                                "use duk notail") == 0) {
                "use duk notail directive detected: notail flag %ld -> %ld",
                (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.is_notail, (long)1));
            comp_ctx->curr_func.is_notail = 1;
          } else {
                "unknown directive: '%!O', ignoring but not terminating "
                "directive prologue",
                (duk_hobject *)h_dir));
      } else {
            "non-directive expression statement or no longer in prologue; "
            "prologue terminated if still active"));

      stmt_flags |= DUK__HAS_VAL | DUK__HAS_TERM;
  } /* end switch (tok) */

   *  Statement value handling.
   *  Global code and eval code has an implicit return value
   *  which comes from the last statement with a value
   *  (technically a non-"empty" continuation, which is
   *  different from an empty statement).
   *  Since we don't know whether a later statement will
   *  override the value of the current statement, we need
   *  to coerce the statement value to a register allocated
   *  for implicit return values.  In other cases we need
   *  to coerce the statement value to a plain value to get
   *  any side effects out (consider e.g. "foo.bar;").

  /* XXX: what about statements which leave a half-cooked value in 'res'
   * but have no stmt value?  Any such statements?

  if (stmt_flags & DUK__HAS_VAL) {
    duk_regconst_t reg_stmt_value = comp_ctx->curr_func.reg_stmt_value;
    if (reg_stmt_value >= 0) {
      duk__ivalue_toforcedreg(comp_ctx, res, reg_stmt_value);
    } else {
      duk__ivalue_toplain_ignore(comp_ctx, res);
  } else {

   *  Statement terminator check, including automatic semicolon
   *  handling.  After this step, 'curr_tok' should be the first
   *  token after a possible statement terminator.

  if (stmt_flags & DUK__HAS_TERM) {
    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_SEMICOLON) {
      DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("explicit semicolon terminates statement"));
    } else {
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.allow_auto_semi) {
        DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("automatic semicolon terminates statement"));
      } else if (stmt_flags & DUK__ALLOW_AUTO_SEMI_ALWAYS) {
        /* XXX: make this lenience dependent on flags or strictness? */
            DUK_DDDPRINT("automatic semicolon terminates statement (allowed "
                         "for compatibility "
                         "even though no lineterm present before next token)"));
      } else {
  } else {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("statement has no terminator"));

   *  Directive prologue tracking.

  if (stmt_flags & DUK__STILL_PROLOGUE) {
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("setting in_directive_prologue"));
    comp_ctx->curr_func.in_directive_prologue = 1;

   *  Cleanups (all statement parsing flows through here).
   *  Pop label site and reset labels.  Reset 'next temp' to value at
   *  entry to reuse temps.

  if (label_id >= 0) {
    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_ENDLABEL, (duk_regconst_t)label_id);

  DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, temp_at_entry);

  duk__reset_labels_to_length(comp_ctx, labels_len_at_entry);

  /* XXX: return indication of "terminalness" (e.g. a 'throw' is terminal) */

  DUK__RECURSION_DECREASE(comp_ctx, thr);

 *  Parse a statement list.
 *  Handles automatic semicolon insertion and implicit return value.
 *  Upon entry, 'curr_tok' should contain the first token of the first
 *  statement (parsed in the "allow regexp literal" mode).  Upon exit,
 *  'curr_tok' contains the token following the statement list terminator
 *  (EOF or closing brace).

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_stmts(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                duk_bool_t allow_source_elem,
                                duk_bool_t expect_eof,
                                duk_bool_t regexp_after) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_ivalue res_alloc;
  duk_ivalue *res = &res_alloc;

  /* Setup state.  Initial ivalue is 'undefined'. */

  duk_require_stack(thr, DUK__PARSE_STATEMENTS_SLOTS);

  /* XXX: 'res' setup can be moved to function body level; in fact, two 'res'
   * intermediate values suffice for parsing of each function.  Nesting is
   * needed for nested functions (which may occur inside expressions).

  duk_memzero(&res_alloc, sizeof(res_alloc));
  res->t = DUK_IVAL_PLAIN;
  res->x1.t = DUK_ISPEC_VALUE;
  res->x1.valstack_idx = duk_get_top(thr);
  res->x2.valstack_idx = res->x1.valstack_idx + 1;

  /* Parse statements until a closing token (EOF or '}') is found. */

  for (;;) {
    /* Check whether statement list ends. */

    if (expect_eof) {
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_EOF) {
    } else {
      if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RCURLY) {

    /* Check statement type based on the first token type.
     * Note: expression parsing helpers expect 'curr_tok' to
     * contain the first token of the expression upon entry.

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("TOKEN %ld (non-whitespace, non-comment)",

    duk__parse_stmt(comp_ctx, res, allow_source_elem);

  /* RegExp is allowed / not allowed depending on context.  For function
   * declarations RegExp is allowed because it follows a function
   * declaration statement and may appear as part of the next statement.
   * For function expressions RegExp is not allowed, and it's possible
   * to do something like '(function () {} / 123)'.
  if (regexp_after) {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;

  /* Tear down state. */


 *  Declaration binding instantiation conceptually happens when calling a
 *  function; for us it essentially means that function prologue.  The
 *  conceptual process is described in E5 Section 10.5.
 *  We need to keep track of all encountered identifiers to (1) create an
 *  identifier-to-register map ("varmap"); and (2) detect duplicate
 *  declarations.  Identifiers which are not bound to registers still need
 *  to be tracked for detecting duplicates.  Currently such identifiers
 *  are put into the varmap with a 'null' value, which is later cleaned up.
 *  To support functions with a large number of variable and function
 *  declarations, registers are not allocated beyond a certain limit;
 *  after that limit, variables and functions need slow path access.
 *  Arguments are currently always register bound, which imposes a hard
 *  (and relatively small) argument count limit.
 *  Some bindings in E5 are not configurable (= deletable) and almost all
 *  are mutable (writable).  Exceptions are:
 *    - The 'arguments' binding, established only if no shadowing argument
 *      or function declaration exists.  We handle 'arguments' creation
 *      and binding through an explicit slow path environment record.
 *    - The "name" binding for a named function expression.  This is also
 *      handled through an explicit slow path environment record.

/* XXX: add support for variables to not be register bound always, to
 * handle cases with a very large number of variables?

DUK_LOCAL void duk__init_varmap_and_prologue_for_pass2(
    duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx, duk_regconst_t *out_stmt_value_reg) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_hstring *h_name;
  duk_bool_t configurable_bindings;
  duk_uarridx_t num_args;
  duk_uarridx_t num_decls;
  duk_regconst_t rc_name;
  duk_small_uint_t declvar_flags;
  duk_uarridx_t i;
  duk_idx_t entry_top;

  entry_top = duk_get_top(thr);

   *  Preliminaries

  configurable_bindings = comp_ctx->curr_func.is_eval;
      DUK_DDDPRINT("configurable_bindings=%ld", (long)configurable_bindings));

  /* varmap is already in comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx */

   *  Function formal arguments, always bound to registers
   *  (there's no support for shuffling them now).

  num_args =
      (duk_uarridx_t)duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.argnames_idx);
  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("num_args=%ld", (long)num_args));
  /* XXX: check num_args */

  for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.argnames_idx, i);
    h_name = duk_known_hstring(thr, -1);

    if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict) {
      if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments(comp_ctx, h_name)) {
            "arg named 'eval' or 'arguments' in strict mode -> SyntaxError"));
        goto error_argname;
      if (duk_has_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)) {
            DUK_DDDPRINT("duplicate arg name in strict mode -> SyntaxError"));
        goto error_argname;

      /* Ensure argument name is not a reserved word in current
       * (final) strictness.  Formal argument parsing may not
       * catch reserved names if strictness changes during
       * parsing.
       * We only need to do this in strict mode because non-strict
       * keyword are always detected in formal argument parsing.

        goto error_argname;

    /* overwrite any previous binding of the same name; the effect is
     * that last argument of a certain name wins.

    /* only functions can have arguments */
    duk_push_uarridx(thr, i); /* -> [ ... name index ] */
    duk_put_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx); /* -> [ ... ] */

    /* no code needs to be emitted, the regs already have values */

  /* use temp_next for tracking register allocations */
  DUK__SETTEMP_CHECKMAX(comp_ctx, (duk_regconst_t)num_args);

   *  After arguments, allocate special registers (like shuffling temps)

  if (out_stmt_value_reg) {
    *out_stmt_value_reg = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle) {
    duk_regconst_t shuffle_base = DUK__ALLOCTEMPS(comp_ctx, 3);
    comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1 = shuffle_base;
    comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2 = shuffle_base + 1;
    comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle3 = shuffle_base + 2;
        "shuffle registers needed by function, allocated: %ld %ld %ld",
        (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle1, (long)comp_ctx->curr_func.shuffle2,
  if (comp_ctx->curr_func.temp_next > 0x100) {
    DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("not enough 8-bit regs: temp_next=%ld",
    goto error_outofregs;

   *  Function declarations

  num_decls = (duk_uarridx_t)duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx);
      "num_decls=%ld -> %!T", (long)num_decls,
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx)));
  for (i = 0; i < num_decls; i += 2) {
    duk_int_t decl_type;
    duk_int_t fnum;

    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx,
                       i + 1); /* decl type */
    decl_type = duk_to_int(thr, -1);
    fnum = decl_type >> 8; /* XXX: macros */
    decl_type = decl_type & 0xff;

    if (decl_type != DUK_DECL_TYPE_FUNC) {

    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, i); /* decl name */

    /* XXX: spilling */
    if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_function) {
      duk_regconst_t reg_bind;
      if (duk_has_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)) {
        /* shadowed; update value */
        duk_get_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx);
        reg_bind = duk_to_int(thr, -1); /* [ ... name reg_bind ] */
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, reg_bind,
      } else {
        /* function: always register bound */
        reg_bind = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, reg_bind,
        duk_push_int(thr, (duk_int_t)reg_bind);
    } else {
      /* Function declaration for global/eval code is emitted even
       * for duplicates, because of E5 Section 10.5, step 5.e of
       * E5.1 (special behavior for variable bound to global object).
       * DECLVAR will not re-declare a variable as such, but will
       * update the binding value.

      duk_regconst_t reg_temp = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
      rc_name = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);

      duk__emit_a_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_CLOSURE, reg_temp, (duk_regconst_t)fnum);

      declvar_flags = DUK_PROPDESC_FLAG_WRITABLE |
                      DUK_PROPDESC_FLAG_ENUMERABLE |

      if (configurable_bindings) {
        declvar_flags |= DUK_PROPDESC_FLAG_CONFIGURABLE;

                      DUK_OP_DECLVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A |
                      (duk_regconst_t)declvar_flags /*flags*/, rc_name /*name*/,
                      reg_temp /*value*/);

      DUK__SETTEMP(comp_ctx, reg_temp); /* forget temp */

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("function declaration to varmap: %!T -> %!T",
                         (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, -2),
                         (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

#if defined(DUK_USE_FASTINT)
    DUK_ASSERT(DUK_TVAL_IS_NULL(duk_get_tval(thr, -1)) ||
               DUK_TVAL_IS_FASTINT(duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));
        comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx); /* [ ... name reg/null ] -> [ ... ] */

   *  'arguments' binding is special; if a shadowing argument or
   *  function declaration exists, an arguments object will
   *  definitely not be needed, regardless of whether the identifier
   *  'arguments' is referenced inside the function body.

  if (duk_has_prop_stridx(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx,
                          DUK_STRIDX_LC_ARGUMENTS)) {
        "'arguments' is shadowed by argument or function declaration "
        "-> arguments object creation can be skipped"));
    comp_ctx->curr_func.is_arguments_shadowed = 1;

   *  Variable declarations.
   *  Unlike function declarations, variable declaration values don't get
   *  assigned on entry.  If a binding of the same name already exists, just
   *  ignore it silently.

  for (i = 0; i < num_decls; i += 2) {
    duk_int_t decl_type;

    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx,
                       i + 1); /* decl type */
    decl_type = duk_to_int(thr, -1);
    decl_type = decl_type & 0xff;

    if (decl_type != DUK_DECL_TYPE_VAR) {

    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, i); /* decl name */

    if (duk_has_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx)) {
      /* shadowed, ignore */
    } else {
      duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.decls_idx, i); /* decl name */
      h_name = duk_known_hstring(thr, -1);

      if (h_name == DUK_HTHREAD_STRING_LC_ARGUMENTS(thr) &&
          !comp_ctx->curr_func.is_arguments_shadowed) {
        /* E5 Section steps 7-8 */
            DUK_DDDPRINT("'arguments' not shadowed by a function declaration, "
                         "but appears as a variable declaration -> treat as "
                         "a no-op for variable declaration purposes"));

      /* XXX: spilling */
      if (comp_ctx->curr_func.is_function) {
        duk_regconst_t reg_bind = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);
        /* no need to init reg, it will be undefined on entry */
        duk_push_int(thr, (duk_int_t)reg_bind);
      } else {
        rc_name = duk__getconst(comp_ctx);

        declvar_flags =
        if (configurable_bindings) {
          declvar_flags |= DUK_PROPDESC_FLAG_CONFIGURABLE;

                        DUK_OP_DECLVAR | DUK__EMIT_FLAG_NO_SHUFFLE_A |
                        (duk_regconst_t)declvar_flags /*flags*/,
                        rc_name /*name*/, 0 /*value*/);

      duk_put_prop(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func
                            .varmap_idx); /* [ ... name reg/null ] -> [ ... ] */

   *  Wrap up

      "varmap: %!T, is_arguments_shadowed=%ld",
      (duk_tval *)duk_get_tval(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.varmap_idx),

  DUK_ASSERT_TOP(thr, entry_top);



 *  Parse a function-body-like expression (FunctionBody or Program
 *  in E5 grammar) using a two-pass parse.  The productions appear
 *  in the following contexts:
 *    - function expression
 *    - function statement
 *    - function declaration
 *    - getter in object literal
 *    - setter in object literal
 *    - global code
 *    - eval code
 *    - Function constructor body
 *  This function only parses the statement list of the body; the argument
 *  list and possible function name must be initialized by the caller.
 *  For instance, for Function constructor, the argument names are originally
 *  on the value stack.  The parsing of statements ends either at an EOF or
 *  a closing brace; this is controlled by an input flag.
 *  Note that there are many differences affecting parsing and even code
 *  generation:
 *    - Global and eval code have an implicit return value generated
 *      by the last statement; function code does not
 *    - Global code, eval code, and Function constructor body end in
 *      an EOF, other bodies in a closing brace ('}')
 *  Upon entry, 'curr_tok' is ignored and the function will pull in the
 *  first token on its own.  Upon exit, 'curr_tok' is the terminating
 *  token (EOF or closing brace).

DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_func_body(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                    duk_bool_t expect_eof,
                                    duk_bool_t implicit_return_value,
                                    duk_bool_t regexp_after,
                                    duk_small_int_t expect_token) {
  duk_compiler_func *func;
  duk_hthread *thr;
  duk_regconst_t reg_stmt_value = -1;
  duk_lexer_point lex_pt;
  duk_regconst_t temp_first;
  duk_small_int_t compile_round = 1;

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx != NULL);

  thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  DUK_ASSERT(thr != NULL);

  func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  DUK_ASSERT(func != NULL);

  DUK__RECURSION_INCREASE(comp_ctx, thr);

  duk_require_stack(thr, DUK__FUNCTION_BODY_REQUIRE_SLOTS);

   *  Store lexer position for a later rewind

  DUK_LEXER_GETPOINT(&comp_ctx->lex, &lex_pt);

   *  Program code (global and eval code) has an implicit return value
   *  from the last statement value (e.g. eval("1; 2+3;") returns 3).
   *  This is not the case with functions.  If implicit statement return
   *  value is requested, all statements are coerced to a register
   *  allocated here, and used in the implicit return statement below.

  /* XXX: this is pointless here because pass 1 is throw-away */
  if (implicit_return_value) {
    reg_stmt_value = DUK__ALLOCTEMP(comp_ctx);

    /* If an implicit return value is needed by caller, it must be
     * initialized to 'undefined' because we don't know whether any
     * non-empty (where "empty" is a continuation type, and different
     * from an empty statement) statements will be executed.
     * However, since 1st pass is a throwaway one, no need to emit
     * it here.
#if 0

   *  First pass.
   *  Gather variable/function declarations needed for second pass.
   *  Code generated is dummy and discarded.

  func->in_directive_prologue = 1;
  func->in_scanning = 1;
  func->may_direct_eval = 0;
  func->id_access_arguments = 0;
  func->id_access_slow = 0;
  func->id_access_slow_own = 0;
  func->reg_stmt_value = reg_stmt_value;
  func->min_line = DUK_INT_MAX;
  func->max_line = 0;

  /* duk__parse_stmts() expects curr_tok to be set; parse in "allow
   * regexp literal" mode with current strictness.
  if (expect_token >= 0) {
    /* Eating a left curly; regexp mode is allowed by left curly
     * based on duk__token_lbp[] automatically.
    DUK_ASSERT(expect_token == DUK_TOK_LCURLY);
    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, expect_token);
  } else {
    /* Need to set curr_token.t because lexing regexp mode depends on current
     * token type.  Zero value causes "allow regexp" mode.
    comp_ctx->curr_token.t = 0;

  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin 1st pass"));
  duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 1,   /* allow source elements */
                   expect_eof,    /* expect EOF instead of } */
                   regexp_after); /* regexp after */
  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end 1st pass"));

   *  Second (and possibly third) pass.
   *  Generate actual code.  In most cases the need for shuffle
   *  registers is detected during pass 1, but in some corner cases
   *  we'll only detect it during pass 2 and a third pass is then
   *  needed (see GH-115).

  for (;;) {
    duk_bool_t needs_shuffle_before = comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle;

     *  Rewind lexer.
     *  duk__parse_stmts() expects curr_tok to be set; parse in "allow regexp
     *  literal" mode with current strictness.
     *  curr_token line number info should be initialized for pass 2 before
     *  generating prologue, to ensure prologue bytecode gets nice line numbers.

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("rewind lexer"));
    DUK_LEXER_SETPOINT(&comp_ctx->lex, &lex_pt);
    comp_ctx->curr_token.t = 0; /* this is needed for regexp mode */
    comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line =
        0; /* needed for line number tracking (becomes prev_token.start_line) */

     *  Reset function state and perform register allocation, which creates
     *  'varmap' for second pass.  Function prologue for variable declarations,
     *  binding value initializations etc is emitted as a by-product.
     *  Strict mode restrictions for duplicate and invalid argument
     *  names are checked here now that we know whether the function
     *  is actually strict.  See: test-dev-strict-mode-boundary.js.
     *  Inner functions are compiled during pass 1 and are not reset.

    func->in_directive_prologue = 1;
    func->in_scanning = 0;

    /* must be able to emit code, alloc consts, etc. */

        comp_ctx, (implicit_return_value ? &reg_stmt_value : NULL));
    func->reg_stmt_value = reg_stmt_value;

    temp_first = DUK__GETTEMP(comp_ctx);

    func->temp_first = temp_first;
    func->temp_next = temp_first;
    func->stmt_next = 0;
    func->label_next = 0;

    /* XXX: init or assert catch depth etc -- all values */
    func->id_access_arguments = 0;
    func->id_access_slow = 0;
    func->id_access_slow_own = 0;

     *  Check function name validity now that we know strictness.
     *  This only applies to function declarations and expressions,
     *  not setter/getter name.
     *  See: test-dev-strict-mode-boundary.js

    if (func->is_function && !func->is_setget && func->h_name != NULL) {
      if (func->is_strict) {
        if (duk__hstring_is_eval_or_arguments(comp_ctx, func->h_name)) {
              "func name is 'eval' or 'arguments' in strict mode"));
          goto error_funcname;
        if (DUK_HSTRING_HAS_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD(func->h_name)) {
          DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("func name is a reserved word in strict mode"));
          goto error_funcname;
      } else {
        if (DUK_HSTRING_HAS_RESERVED_WORD(func->h_name) &&
            !DUK_HSTRING_HAS_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD(func->h_name)) {
              DUK_DDDPRINT("func name is a reserved word in non-strict mode"));
          goto error_funcname;

     *  Second pass parsing.

    if (implicit_return_value) {
      /* Default implicit return value. */
      duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_LDUNDEF, 0);

    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("begin 2nd pass"));
    duk__parse_stmts(comp_ctx, 1,   /* allow source elements */
                     expect_eof,    /* expect EOF instead of } */
                     regexp_after); /* regexp after */
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("end 2nd pass"));


    if (needs_shuffle_before == comp_ctx->curr_func.needs_shuffle) {
      /* Shuffle decision not changed. */
    if (compile_round >= 3) {
      /* Should never happen but avoid infinite loop just in case. */
          DUK_DPRINT("more than 3 compile passes needed, should never happen"));
    DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("need additional round to compile function, round now %d",

   *  Emit a final RETURN.
   *  It would be nice to avoid emitting an unnecessary "return" opcode
   *  if the current PC is not reachable.  However, this cannot be reliably
   *  detected; even if the previous instruction is an unconditional jump,
   *  there may be a previous jump which jumps to current PC (which is the
   *  case for iteration and conditional statements, for instance).

  /* XXX: request a "last statement is terminal" from duk__parse_stmt() and
   * duk__parse_stmts(); we could avoid the last RETURN if we could ensure there
   * is no way to get here (directly or via a jump)

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.catch_depth == 0);
  if (reg_stmt_value >= 0) {
    duk__emit_bc(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETREG, reg_stmt_value /*reg*/);
  } else {
    duk__emit_op_only(comp_ctx, DUK_OP_RETUNDEF);

   *  Peephole optimize JUMP chains.


   *  comp_ctx->curr_func is now ready to be converted into an actual
   *  function template.

  DUK__RECURSION_DECREASE(comp_ctx, thr);


 *  Parse a function-like expression:
 *    - function expression
 *    - function declaration
 *    - function statement (non-standard)
 *    - setter/getter
 *  Adds the function to comp_ctx->curr_func function table and returns the
 *  function number.
 *  On entry, curr_token points to:
 *    - the token after 'function' for function expression/declaration/statement
 *    - the token after 'set' or 'get' for setter/getter

/* Parse formals. */
DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_func_formals(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_bool_t first = 1;
  duk_uarridx_t n;

  for (;;) {
    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RPAREN) {

    if (first) {
      /* no comma */
      first = 0;
    } else {
      duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_COMMA);

    /* Note: when parsing a formal list in non-strict context, e.g.
     * "implements" is parsed as an identifier.  When the function is
     * later detected to be strict, the argument list must be rechecked
     * against a larger set of reserved words (that of strict mode).
     * This is handled by duk__parse_func_body().  Here we recognize
     * whatever tokens are considered reserved in current strictness
     * (which is not always enough).

    if (comp_ctx->curr_token.t != DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
    DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER);
    DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.str1 != NULL);
    DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("formal argument: %!O",
                         (duk_heaphdr *)comp_ctx->curr_token.str1));

    /* XXX: append primitive */
    duk_push_hstring(thr, comp_ctx->curr_token.str1);
    n = (duk_uarridx_t)duk_get_length(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.argnames_idx);
    duk_put_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.argnames_idx, n);

    duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* eat identifier */

/* Parse a function-like expression, assuming that 'comp_ctx->curr_func' is
 * correctly set up.  Assumes that curr_token is just after 'function' (or
 * 'set'/'get' etc).
DUK_LOCAL void duk__parse_func_like_raw(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                        duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_token *tok;
  duk_bool_t no_advance;

  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.num_formals == 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_function == 1);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_eval == 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_global == 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_setget ==
             ((flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET) != 0));


   *  Function name (if any)
   *  We don't check for prohibited names here, because we don't
   *  yet know whether the function will be strict.  Function body
   *  parsing handles this retroactively.
   *  For function expressions and declarations function name must
   *  be an Identifer (excludes reserved words).  For setter/getter
   *  it is a PropertyName which allows reserved words and also
   *  strings and numbers (e.g. "{ get 1() { ... } }").
   *  Function parsing may start either from prev_token or curr_token
   *  (object literal method definition uses prev_token for example).
   *  This is dealt with for the initial token.

  no_advance = (flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_USE_PREVTOKEN);
  if (no_advance) {
    tok = &comp_ctx->prev_token;
  } else {
    tok = &comp_ctx->curr_token;

  if (flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET) {
    /* PropertyName -> IdentifierName | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral */
    if (tok->t_nores == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER || tok->t == DUK_TOK_STRING) {
      duk_push_hstring(thr, tok->str1); /* keep in valstack */
    } else if (tok->t == DUK_TOK_NUMBER) {
      duk_push_number(thr, tok->num);
      duk_to_string(thr, -1);
    } else {
    comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name =
        duk_known_hstring(thr, -1); /* borrowed reference */
  } else {
    /* Function name is an Identifier (not IdentifierName), but we get
     * the raw name (not recognizing keywords) here and perform the name
     * checks only after pass 1.
    if (tok->t_nores == DUK_TOK_IDENTIFIER) {
      duk_push_hstring(thr, tok->str1); /* keep in valstack */
      comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name =
          duk_known_hstring(thr, -1); /* borrowed reference */
    } else {
      /* valstack will be unbalanced, which is OK */
      DUK_ASSERT((flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET) == 0);
      DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name == NULL);
      no_advance = 1;
      if (flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_DECL) {

  DUK_DD(DUK_DDPRINT("function name: %!O",
                     (duk_heaphdr *)comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name));

  if (!no_advance) {

   *  Formal argument list
   *  We don't check for prohibited names or for duplicate argument
   *  names here, becase we don't yet know whether the function will
   *  be strict.  Function body parsing handles this retroactively.

  duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_LPAREN);


  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_token.t == DUK_TOK_RPAREN);

   *  Parse function body

  duk__parse_func_body(comp_ctx, 0,                 /* expect_eof */
                       0,                           /* implicit_return_value */
                       flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_DECL, /* regexp_after */
                       DUK_TOK_LCURLY);             /* expect_token */

   *  Convert duk_compiler_func to a function template and add it
   *  to the parent function table.

  duk__convert_to_func_template(comp_ctx); /* -> [ ... func ] */

/* Parse an inner function, adding the function template to the current
 * function's function table.  Return a function number to be used by the outer
 * function.
 * Avoiding O(depth^2) inner function parsing is handled here.  On the first
 * pass, compile and register the function normally into the 'funcs' array, also
 * recording a lexer point (offset/line) to the closing brace of the function.
 * On the second pass, skip the function and return the same 'fnum' as on the
 * first pass by using a running counter.
 * An unfortunate side effect of this is that when parsing the inner function,
 * almost nothing is known of the outer function, i.e. the inner function's
 * scope.  We don't need that information at the moment, but it would allow some
 * optimizations if it were used.
DUK_LOCAL duk_int_t duk__parse_func_like_fnum(duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx,
                                              duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk_hthread *thr = comp_ctx->thr;
  duk_compiler_func old_func;
  duk_idx_t entry_top;
  duk_int_t fnum;

   *  On second pass, skip the function.

  if (!comp_ctx->curr_func.in_scanning) {
    duk_lexer_point lex_pt;

    fnum = comp_ctx->curr_func.fnum_next++;
    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.funcs_idx,
                       (duk_uarridx_t)(fnum * 3 + 1));
    lex_pt.offset = (duk_size_t)duk_to_uint(thr, -1);
    duk_get_prop_index(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.funcs_idx,
                       (duk_uarridx_t)(fnum * 3 + 2));
    lex_pt.line = duk_to_int(thr, -1);

        DUK_DDDPRINT("second pass of an inner func, skip the function, reparse "
                     "closing brace; lex offset=%ld, line=%ld",
                     (long)lex_pt.offset, (long)lex_pt.line));

    DUK_LEXER_SETPOINT(&comp_ctx->lex, &lex_pt);
    comp_ctx->curr_token.t = 0; /* this is needed for regexp mode */
    comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line =
        0; /* needed for line number tracking (becomes prev_token.start_line) */

    /* RegExp is not allowed after a function expression, e.g. in
     * (function () {} / 123).  A RegExp *is* allowed after a
     * function declaration!
    if (flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_DECL) {
      comp_ctx->curr_func.allow_regexp_in_adv = 1;
    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_RCURLY);

    return fnum;

   *  On first pass, perform actual parsing.  Remember valstack top on entry
   *  to restore it later, and switch to using a new function in comp_ctx.

  entry_top = duk_get_top(thr);
  DUK_DDD(DUK_DDDPRINT("before func: entry_top=%ld, curr_tok.start_offset=%ld",

  duk_memcpy(&old_func, &comp_ctx->curr_func, sizeof(duk_compiler_func));

  duk_memzero(&comp_ctx->curr_func, sizeof(duk_compiler_func));
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.num_formals == 0);

  /* inherit initial strictness from parent */
  comp_ctx->curr_func.is_strict = old_func.is_strict;

  /* XXX: It might be better to just store the flags into the curr_func
   * struct and use them as is without this flag interpretation step
   * here.
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_notail == 0);
  comp_ctx->curr_func.is_function = 1;
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_eval == 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.is_global == 0);
  comp_ctx->curr_func.is_setget = ((flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET) != 0);
  comp_ctx->curr_func.is_namebinding =
                 DUK__FUNC_FLAG_DECL)); /* no name binding for: declarations,
                                           objlit getset, objlit method def */
  comp_ctx->curr_func.is_constructable =
      !(flags & (DUK__FUNC_FLAG_GETSET |
                 DUK__FUNC_FLAG_METDEF)); /* not constructable: objlit getset,
                                             objlit method def */

   *  Parse inner function

  duk__parse_func_like_raw(comp_ctx, flags); /* pushes function template */

  /* prev_token.start_offset points to the closing brace here; when skipping
   * we're going to reparse the closing brace to ensure semicolon insertion
   * etc work as expected.
      "after func: prev_tok.start_offset=%ld, curr_tok.start_offset=%ld",
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->lex.input[comp_ctx->prev_token.start_offset] ==

  /* XXX: append primitive */
  DUK_ASSERT(duk_get_length(thr, old_func.funcs_idx) ==
             (duk_size_t)(old_func.fnum_next * 3));
  fnum = old_func.fnum_next++;

  if (fnum > DUK__MAX_FUNCS) {
    DUK_WO_NORETURN(return 0;);

  /* array writes autoincrement length */
  (void)duk_put_prop_index(thr, old_func.funcs_idx, (duk_uarridx_t)(fnum * 3));
  duk_push_size_t(thr, comp_ctx->prev_token.start_offset);
  (void)duk_put_prop_index(thr, old_func.funcs_idx,
                           (duk_uarridx_t)(fnum * 3 + 1));
  duk_push_int(thr, comp_ctx->prev_token.start_line);
  (void)duk_put_prop_index(thr, old_func.funcs_idx,
                           (duk_uarridx_t)(fnum * 3 + 2));

   *  Cleanup: restore original function, restore valstack state.
   *  Function declaration handling needs the function name to be pushed
   *  on the value stack.

  if (flags & DUK__FUNC_FLAG_PUSHNAME_PASS1) {
    DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name != NULL);
    duk_push_hstring(thr, comp_ctx->curr_func.h_name);
    duk_replace(thr, entry_top);
    duk_set_top(thr, entry_top + 1);
  } else {
    duk_set_top(thr, entry_top);
  duk_memcpy((void *)&comp_ctx->curr_func, (void *)&old_func,

  return fnum;

 *  Compile input string into an executable function template without
 *  arguments.
 *  The string is parsed as the "Program" production of ECMAScript E5.
 *  Compilation context can be either global code or eval code (see E5
 *  Sections 14 and
 *  Input stack:  [ ... filename ]
 *  Output stack: [ ... func_template ]

/* XXX: source code property */

DUK_LOCAL duk_ret_t duk__js_compile_raw(duk_hthread *thr, void *udata) {
  duk_hstring *h_filename;
  duk__compiler_stkstate *comp_stk;
  duk_compiler_ctx *comp_ctx;
  duk_lexer_point *lex_pt;
  duk_compiler_func *func;
  duk_idx_t entry_top;
  duk_bool_t is_strict;
  duk_bool_t is_eval;
  duk_bool_t is_funcexpr;
  duk_small_uint_t flags;

  DUK_ASSERT(thr != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(udata != NULL);

   *  Arguments check

  entry_top = duk_get_top(thr);
  DUK_ASSERT(entry_top >= 1);

  comp_stk = (duk__compiler_stkstate *)udata;
  comp_ctx = &comp_stk->comp_ctx_alloc;
  lex_pt = &comp_stk->lex_pt_alloc;
  DUK_ASSERT(comp_ctx != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(lex_pt != NULL);

  flags = comp_stk->flags;
  is_eval = (flags & DUK_COMPILE_EVAL ? 1 : 0);
  is_strict = (flags & DUK_COMPILE_STRICT ? 1 : 0);
  is_funcexpr = (flags & DUK_COMPILE_FUNCEXPR ? 1 : 0);

  h_filename = duk_get_hstring(thr, -1); /* may be undefined */

   *  Init compiler and lexer contexts

  func = &comp_ctx->curr_func;
  comp_ctx->thr = NULL;
  comp_ctx->h_filename = NULL;
  comp_ctx->prev_token.str1 = NULL;
  comp_ctx->prev_token.str2 = NULL;
  comp_ctx->curr_token.str1 = NULL;
  comp_ctx->curr_token.str2 = NULL;

  duk_require_stack(thr, DUK__COMPILE_ENTRY_SLOTS);

  duk_push_dynamic_buffer(thr, 0); /* entry_top + 0 */
  duk_push_undefined(thr);         /* entry_top + 1 */
  duk_push_undefined(thr);         /* entry_top + 2 */
  duk_push_undefined(thr);         /* entry_top + 3 */
  duk_push_undefined(thr);         /* entry_top + 4 */

  comp_ctx->thr = thr;
  comp_ctx->h_filename = h_filename;
  comp_ctx->tok11_idx = entry_top + 1;
  comp_ctx->tok12_idx = entry_top + 2;
  comp_ctx->tok21_idx = entry_top + 3;
  comp_ctx->tok22_idx = entry_top + 4;
  comp_ctx->recursion_limit = DUK_USE_COMPILER_RECLIMIT;

  /* comp_ctx->lex has been pre-initialized by caller: it has been
   * zeroed and input/input_length has been set.
  comp_ctx->lex.thr = thr;
  /* comp_ctx->lex.input and comp_ctx->lex.input_length filled by caller */
  comp_ctx->lex.slot1_idx = comp_ctx->tok11_idx;
  comp_ctx->lex.slot2_idx = comp_ctx->tok12_idx;
  comp_ctx->lex.buf_idx = entry_top + 0;
  comp_ctx->lex.buf =
      (duk_hbuffer_dynamic *)duk_known_hbuffer(thr, entry_top + 0);
  DUK_ASSERT(DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_DYNAMIC(comp_ctx->lex.buf) &&
  comp_ctx->lex.token_limit = DUK_COMPILER_TOKEN_LIMIT;

  lex_pt->offset = 0;
  lex_pt->line = 1;
  DUK_LEXER_SETPOINT(&comp_ctx->lex, lex_pt); /* fills window */
  comp_ctx->curr_token.start_line =
      0; /* needed for line number tracking (becomes prev_token.start_line) */

   *  Initialize function state for a zero-argument function

  DUK_ASSERT(func->num_formals == 0);

  if (is_funcexpr) {
    /* Name will be filled from function expression, not by caller.
     * This case is used by Function constructor and duk_compile()
     * API with the DUK_COMPILE_FUNCTION option.
    DUK_ASSERT(func->h_name == NULL);
  } else {
                            (is_eval ? DUK_STRIDX_EVAL : DUK_STRIDX_GLOBAL));
    func->h_name = duk_get_hstring(thr, -1);

   *  Parse a function body or a function-like expression, depending
   *  on flags.

  DUK_ASSERT(func->is_setget == 0);
  func->is_strict = (duk_uint8_t)is_strict;
  DUK_ASSERT(func->is_notail == 0);

  if (is_funcexpr) {
    func->is_function = 1;
    DUK_ASSERT(func->is_eval == 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(func->is_global == 0);
    func->is_namebinding = 1;
    func->is_constructable = 1;

    duk__advance(comp_ctx); /* init 'curr_token' */
    duk__advance_expect(comp_ctx, DUK_TOK_FUNCTION);
    (void)duk__parse_func_like_raw(comp_ctx, 0 /*flags*/);
  } else {
    DUK_ASSERT(func->is_function == 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(is_eval == 0 || is_eval == 1);
    func->is_eval = (duk_uint8_t)is_eval;
    func->is_global = (duk_uint8_t)!is_eval;
    DUK_ASSERT(func->is_namebinding == 0);
    DUK_ASSERT(func->is_constructable == 0);

    duk__parse_func_body(comp_ctx, 1, /* expect_eof */
                         1,           /* implicit_return_value */
                         1,           /* regexp_after (does not matter) */
                         -1);         /* expect_token */

   *  Convert duk_compiler_func to a function template


   *  Wrapping duk_safe_call() will mangle the stack, just return stack top

  /* [ ... filename (temps) func ] */

  return 1;

DUK_INTERNAL void duk_js_compile(duk_hthread *thr,
                                 const duk_uint8_t *src_buffer,
                                 duk_size_t src_length,
                                 duk_small_uint_t flags) {
  duk__compiler_stkstate comp_stk;
  duk_compiler_ctx *prev_ctx;
  duk_ret_t safe_rc;

  DUK_ASSERT(thr != NULL);
  DUK_ASSERT(src_buffer != NULL);

  /* preinitialize lexer state partially */
  duk_memzero(&comp_stk, sizeof(comp_stk));
  comp_stk.flags = flags;
  comp_stk.comp_ctx_alloc.lex.input = src_buffer;
  comp_stk.comp_ctx_alloc.lex.input_length = src_length;
  comp_stk.comp_ctx_alloc.lex.flags =
      flags; /* Forward flags directly for now. */

  /* [ ... filename ] */

  prev_ctx = thr->compile_ctx;
  thr->compile_ctx = &comp_stk.comp_ctx_alloc; /* for duk_error_augment.c */
  safe_rc = duk_safe_call(thr, duk__js_compile_raw, (void *)&comp_stk /*udata*/,
                          1 /*nargs*/, 1 /*nrets*/);
  thr->compile_ctx = prev_ctx; /* must restore reliably before returning */

  if (safe_rc != DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) {
    DUK_D(DUK_DPRINT("compilation failed: %!T", duk_get_tval(thr, -1)));

  /* [ ... template ] */