/* * Custom formatter for debug printing, allowing Duktape specific data * structures (such as tagged values and heap objects) to be printed with * a nice format string. Because debug printing should not affect execution * state, formatting here must be independent of execution (see implications * below) and must not allocate memory. * * Custom format tags begin with a '%!' to safely distinguish them from * standard format tags. The following conversions are supported: * * %!T tagged value (duk_tval *) * %!O heap object (duk_heaphdr *) * %!I decoded bytecode instruction * %!X bytecode instruction opcode name (arg is long) * %!C catcher (duk_catcher *) * %!A activation (duk_activation *) * * Everything is serialized in a JSON-like manner. The default depth is one * level, internal prototype is not followed, and internal properties are not * serialized. The following modifiers change this behavior: * * @ print pointers * # print binary representations (where applicable) * d deep traversal of own properties (not prototype) * p follow prototype chain (useless without 'd') * i include internal properties (other than prototype) * x hexdump buffers * h heavy formatting * * For instance, the following serializes objects recursively, but does not * follow the prototype chain nor print internal properties: "%!dO". * * Notes: * * * Standard snprintf return value semantics seem to vary. This * implementation returns the number of bytes it actually wrote * (excluding the null terminator). If retval == buffer size, * output was truncated (except for corner cases). * * * Output format is intentionally different from ECMAScript * formatting requirements, as formatting here serves debugging * of internals. * * * Depth checking (and updating) is done in each type printer * separately, to allow them to call each other freely. * * * Some pathological structures might take ages to print (e.g. * self recursion with 100 properties pointing to the object * itself). To guard against these, each printer also checks * whether the output buffer is full; if so, early exit. * * * Reference loops are detected using a loop stack. */ #include "third_party/duktape/duk_internal.h" #if defined(DUK_USE_DEBUG) /* list of conversion specifiers that terminate a format tag; * this is unfortunately guesswork. */ #define DUK__ALLOWED_STANDARD_SPECIFIERS "diouxXeEfFgGaAcsCSpnm" /* maximum length of standard format tag that we support */ #define DUK__MAX_FORMAT_TAG_LENGTH 32 /* heapobj recursion depth when deep printing is selected */ #define DUK__DEEP_DEPTH_LIMIT 8 /* maximum recursion depth for loop detection stacks */ #define DUK__LOOP_STACK_DEPTH 256 /* must match bytecode defines now; build autogenerate? */ DUK_LOCAL const char * const duk__bc_optab[256] = { "LDREG", "STREG", "JUMP", "LDCONST", "LDINT", "LDINTX", "LDTHIS", "LDUNDEF", "LDNULL", "LDTRUE", "LDFALSE", "GETVAR", "BNOT", "LNOT", "UNM", "UNP", "EQ_RR", "EQ_CR", "EQ_RC", "EQ_CC", "NEQ_RR", "NEQ_CR", "NEQ_RC", "NEQ_CC", "SEQ_RR", "SEQ_CR", "SEQ_RC", "SEQ_CC", "SNEQ_RR", "SNEQ_CR", "SNEQ_RC", "SNEQ_CC", "GT_RR", "GT_CR", "GT_RC", "GT_CC", "GE_RR", "GE_CR", "GE_RC", "GE_CC", "LT_RR", "LT_CR", "LT_RC", "LT_CC", "LE_RR", "LE_CR", "LE_RC", "LE_CC", "IFTRUE_R", "IFTRUE_C", "IFFALSE_R", "IFFALSE_C", "ADD_RR", "ADD_CR", "ADD_RC", "ADD_CC", "SUB_RR", "SUB_CR", "SUB_RC", "SUB_CC", "MUL_RR", "MUL_CR", "MUL_RC", "MUL_CC", "DIV_RR", "DIV_CR", "DIV_RC", "DIV_CC", "MOD_RR", "MOD_CR", "MOD_RC", "MOD_CC", "EXP_RR", "EXP_CR", "EXP_RC", "EXP_CC", "BAND_RR", "BAND_CR", "BAND_RC", "BAND_CC", "BOR_RR", "BOR_CR", "BOR_RC", "BOR_CC", "BXOR_RR", "BXOR_CR", "BXOR_RC", "BXOR_CC", "BASL_RR", "BASL_CR", "BASL_RC", "BASL_CC", "BLSR_RR", "BLSR_CR", "BLSR_RC", "BLSR_CC", "BASR_RR", "BASR_CR", "BASR_RC", "BASR_CC", "INSTOF_RR", "INSTOF_CR", "INSTOF_RC", "INSTOF_CC", "IN_RR", "IN_CR", "IN_RC", "IN_CC", "GETPROP_RR", "GETPROP_CR", "GETPROP_RC", "GETPROP_CC", "PUTPROP_RR", "PUTPROP_CR", "PUTPROP_RC", "PUTPROP_CC", "DELPROP_RR", "DELPROP_CR", "DELPROP_RC", "DELPROP_CC", "PREINCR", "PREDECR", "POSTINCR", "POSTDECR", "PREINCV", "PREDECV", "POSTINCV", "POSTDECV", "PREINCP_RR", "PREINCP_CR", "PREINCP_RC", "PREINCP_CC", "PREDECP_RR", "PREDECP_CR", "PREDECP_RC", "PREDECP_CC", "POSTINCP_RR", "POSTINCP_CR", "POSTINCP_RC", "POSTINCP_CC", "POSTDECP_RR", "POSTDECP_CR", "POSTDECP_RC", "POSTDECP_CC", "DECLVAR_RR", "DECLVAR_CR", "DECLVAR_RC", "DECLVAR_CC", "REGEXP_RR", "REGEXP_RC", "REGEXP_CR", "REGEXP_CC", "CLOSURE", "TYPEOF", "TYPEOFID", "PUTVAR", "DELVAR", "RETREG", "RETUNDEF", "RETCONST", "RETCONSTN", "LABEL", "ENDLABEL", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "TRYCATCH", "ENDTRY", "ENDCATCH", "ENDFIN", "THROW", "INVLHS", "CSREG", "CSVAR_RR", "CSVAR_CR", "CSVAR_RC", "CSVAR_CC", "CALL0", "CALL1", "CALL2", "CALL3", "CALL4", "CALL5", "CALL6", "CALL7", "CALL8", "CALL9", "CALL10", "CALL11", "CALL12", "CALL13", "CALL14", "CALL15", "NEWOBJ", "NEWARR", "MPUTOBJ", "MPUTOBJI", "INITSET", "INITGET", "MPUTARR", "MPUTARRI", "SETALEN", "INITENUM", "NEXTENUM", "NEWTARGET", "DEBUGGER", "NOP", "INVALID", "UNUSED207", "GETPROPC_RR", "GETPROPC_CR", "GETPROPC_RC", "GETPROPC_CC", "UNUSED212", "UNUSED213", "UNUSED214", "UNUSED215", "UNUSED216", "UNUSED217", "UNUSED218", "UNUSED219", "UNUSED220", "UNUSED221", "UNUSED222", "UNUSED223", "UNUSED224", "UNUSED225", "UNUSED226", "UNUSED227", "UNUSED228", "UNUSED229", "UNUSED230", "UNUSED231", "UNUSED232", "UNUSED233", "UNUSED234", "UNUSED235", "UNUSED236", "UNUSED237", "UNUSED238", "UNUSED239", "UNUSED240", "UNUSED241", "UNUSED242", "UNUSED243", "UNUSED244", "UNUSED245", "UNUSED246", "UNUSED247", "UNUSED248", "UNUSED249", "UNUSED250", "UNUSED251", "UNUSED252", "UNUSED253", "UNUSED254", "UNUSED255" }; typedef struct duk__dprint_state duk__dprint_state; struct duk__dprint_state { duk_fixedbuffer *fb; /* loop_stack_index could be perhaps be replaced by 'depth', but it's nice * to not couple these two mechanisms unnecessarily. */ duk_hobject *loop_stack[DUK__LOOP_STACK_DEPTH]; duk_int_t loop_stack_index; duk_int_t loop_stack_limit; duk_int_t depth; duk_int_t depth_limit; duk_bool_t pointer; duk_bool_t heavy; duk_bool_t binary; duk_bool_t follow_proto; duk_bool_t internal; duk_bool_t hexdump; }; /* helpers */ DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_hstring(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hstring *k, duk_bool_t quotes); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_hobject(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hobject *h); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_hbuffer(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hbuffer *h); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_tval(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_tval *tv); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_instr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_instr_t ins); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_heaphdr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr *h); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_shared_heaphdr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr *h); DUK_LOCAL_DECL void duk__print_shared_heaphdr_string(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr_string *h); DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_shared_heaphdr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr *h) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "(%p)", (void *) h); } if (!h) { return; } if (st->binary) { duk_size_t i; duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_LBRACKET); for (i = 0; i < (duk_size_t) sizeof(*h); i++) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%02lx", (unsigned long) ((duk_uint8_t *)h)[i]); } duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_RBRACKET); } #if defined(DUK_USE_REFERENCE_COUNTING) /* currently implicitly also DUK_USE_DOUBLE_LINKED_HEAP */ if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[h_next=%p,h_prev=%p,h_refcount=%lu,h_flags=%08lx,type=%ld," "reachable=%ld,temproot=%ld,finalizable=%ld,finalized=%ld]", (void *) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_NEXT(NULL, h), (void *) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_PREV(NULL, h), (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT(h), (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_FLAGS(h), (long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE(h), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_REACHABLE(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_TEMPROOT(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZABLE(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZED(h) ? 1 : 0)); } #else if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[h_next=%p,h_flags=%08lx,type=%ld,reachable=%ld,temproot=%ld,finalizable=%ld,finalized=%ld]", (void *) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_NEXT(NULL, h), (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_FLAGS(h), (long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE(h), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_REACHABLE(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_TEMPROOT(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZABLE(h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZED(h) ? 1 : 0)); } #endif } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_shared_heaphdr_string(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr_string *h) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "(%p)", (void *) h); } if (!h) { return; } if (st->binary) { duk_size_t i; duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_LBRACKET); for (i = 0; i < (duk_size_t) sizeof(*h); i++) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%02lx", (unsigned long) ((duk_uint8_t *)h)[i]); } duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_RBRACKET); } #if defined(DUK_USE_REFERENCE_COUNTING) if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[h_refcount=%lu,h_flags=%08lx,type=%ld,reachable=%ld,temproot=%ld,finalizable=%ld,finalized=%ld]", (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT((duk_heaphdr *) h), (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_FLAGS((duk_heaphdr *) h), (long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE((duk_heaphdr *) h), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_REACHABLE((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_TEMPROOT((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZABLE((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZED((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0)); } #else if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[h_flags=%08lx,type=%ld,reachable=%ld,temproot=%ld,finalizable=%ld,finalized=%ld]", (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_FLAGS((duk_heaphdr *) h), (long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE((duk_heaphdr *) h), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_REACHABLE((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_TEMPROOT((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZABLE((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0), (long) (DUK_HEAPHDR_HAS_FINALIZED((duk_heaphdr *) h) ? 1 : 0)); } #endif } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_hstring(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hstring *h, duk_bool_t quotes) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; const duk_uint8_t *p; const duk_uint8_t *p_end; /* terminal type: no depth check */ if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } duk__print_shared_heaphdr_string(st, &h->hdr); if (!h) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } p = DUK_HSTRING_GET_DATA(h); p_end = p + DUK_HSTRING_GET_BYTELEN(h); if (p_end > p && p[0] == DUK_ASC_UNDERSCORE) { /* If property key begins with underscore, encode it with * forced quotes (e.g. "_Foo") to distinguish it from encoded * internal properties (e.g. \x82Bar -> _Bar). */ quotes = 1; } if (quotes) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_DOUBLEQUOTE); } while (p < p_end) { duk_uint8_t ch = *p++; /* two special escapes: '\' and '"', other printables as is */ if (ch == '\\') { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "\\\\"); } else if (ch == '"') { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "\\\""); } else if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7e) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, ch); } else if (ch == 0x82 && !quotes) { /* encode \x82Bar as _Bar if no quotes are * applied, this is for readable internal keys. */ duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_UNDERSCORE); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "\\x%02lx", (unsigned long) ch); } } if (quotes) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_DOUBLEQUOTE); } #if defined(DUK_USE_REFERENCE_COUNTING) /* XXX: limit to quoted strings only, to save keys from being cluttered? */ duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "/%lu", (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT(&h->hdr)); #endif } #define DUK__COMMA() do { \ if (first) { \ first = 0; \ } else { \ duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_COMMA); \ } \ } while (0) DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_hobject(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hobject *h) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; duk_uint_fast32_t i; duk_tval *tv; duk_hstring *key; duk_bool_t first = 1; const char *brace1 = "{"; const char *brace2 = "}"; duk_bool_t pushed_loopstack = 0; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } duk__print_shared_heaphdr(st, &h->hdr); if (h && DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_ARRAY_PART(h)) { brace1 = "["; brace2 = "]"; } if (!h) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); goto finished; } if (st->depth >= st->depth_limit) { const char *subtype = "generic"; if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_COMPFUNC(h)) { subtype = "compfunc"; } else if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_NATFUNC(h)) { subtype = "natfunc"; } else if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_THREAD(h)) { subtype = "thread"; } else if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_BUFOBJ(h)) { subtype = "bufobj"; } else if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_ARRAY(h)) { subtype = "array"; } duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%sobject/%s %p%s", (const char *) brace1, subtype, (void *) h, (const char *) brace2); return; } for (i = 0; i < (duk_uint_fast32_t) st->loop_stack_index; i++) { if (st->loop_stack[i] == h) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%sLOOP:%p%s", (const char *) brace1, (void *) h, (const char *) brace2); return; } } /* after this, return paths should 'goto finished' for decrement */ st->depth++; if (st->loop_stack_index >= st->loop_stack_limit) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%sOUT-OF-LOOP-STACK%s", (const char *) brace1, (const char *) brace2); goto finished; } st->loop_stack[st->loop_stack_index++] = h; pushed_loopstack = 1; /* * Notation: double underscore used for internal properties which are not * stored in the property allocation (e.g. '__valstack'). */ duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, brace1); if (DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROPS(NULL, h)) { duk_uint32_t a_limit; a_limit = DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ASIZE(h); if (st->internal) { /* dump all allocated entries, unused entries print as 'unused', * note that these may extend beyond current 'length' and look * a bit funny. */ } else { /* leave out trailing 'unused' elements */ while (a_limit > 0) { tv = DUK_HOBJECT_A_GET_VALUE_PTR(NULL, h, a_limit - 1); if (!DUK_TVAL_IS_UNUSED(tv)) { break; } a_limit--; } } for (i = 0; i < a_limit; i++) { tv = DUK_HOBJECT_A_GET_VALUE_PTR(NULL, h, i); DUK__COMMA(); duk__print_tval(st, tv); } for (i = 0; i < DUK_HOBJECT_GET_ENEXT(h); i++) { key = DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_KEY(NULL, h, i); if (!key) { continue; } if (!st->internal && DUK_HSTRING_HAS_HIDDEN(key)) { continue; } DUK__COMMA(); duk__print_hstring(st, key, 0); duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_COLON); if (DUK_HOBJECT_E_SLOT_IS_ACCESSOR(NULL, h, i)) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[get:%p,set:%p]", (void *) DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_VALUE(NULL, h, i).a.get, (void *) DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_VALUE(NULL, h, i).a.set); } else { tv = &DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_VALUE(NULL, h, i).v; duk__print_tval(st, tv); } if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "<%02lx>", (unsigned long) DUK_HOBJECT_E_GET_FLAGS(NULL, h, i)); } } } if (st->internal) { if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_ARRAY(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__array:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_EXTENSIBLE(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__extensible:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_CONSTRUCTABLE(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__constructable:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_BOUNDFUNC(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__boundfunc:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_COMPFUNC(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__compfunc:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_NATFUNC(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__natfunc:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_BUFOBJ(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__bufobj:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_THREAD(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__thread:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_ARRAY_PART(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__array_part:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_STRICT(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__strict:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_NOTAIL(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__notail:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_NEWENV(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__newenv:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_NAMEBINDING(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__namebinding:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_CREATEARGS(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__createargs:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_EXOTIC_ARRAY(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__exotic_array:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_EXOTIC_STRINGOBJ(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__exotic_stringobj:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_EXOTIC_ARGUMENTS(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__exotic_arguments:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_IS_BUFOBJ(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__exotic_bufobj:true"); } if (DUK_HOBJECT_HAS_EXOTIC_PROXYOBJ(h)) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__exotic_proxyobj:true"); } } if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_ARRAY(h)) { duk_harray *a = (duk_harray *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__length:%ld", (long) a->length); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__length_nonwritable:%ld", (long) a->length_nonwritable); } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_COMPFUNC(h)) { duk_hcompfunc *f = (duk_hcompfunc *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "__data:"); duk__print_hbuffer(st, (duk_hbuffer *) DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_DATA(NULL, f)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "__lexenv:"); duk__print_hobject(st, DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_LEXENV(NULL, f)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "__varenv:"); duk__print_hobject(st, DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_VARENV(NULL, f)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__nregs:%ld", (long) f->nregs); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__nargs:%ld", (long) f->nargs); #if defined(DUK_USE_DEBUGGER_SUPPORT) DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__start_line:%ld", (long) f->start_line); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__end_line:%ld", (long) f->end_line); #endif DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "__data:"); duk__print_hbuffer(st, (duk_hbuffer *) DUK_HCOMPFUNC_GET_DATA(NULL, f)); } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_NATFUNC(h)) { duk_hnatfunc *f = (duk_hnatfunc *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__func:"); duk_fb_put_funcptr(fb, (duk_uint8_t *) &f->func, sizeof(f->func)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__nargs:%ld", (long) f->nargs); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__magic:%ld", (long) f->magic); } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_DECENV(h)) { duk_hdecenv *e = (duk_hdecenv *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__thread:"); duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) e->thread); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__varmap:"); duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) e->varmap); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__regbase_byteoff:%ld", (long) e->regbase_byteoff); } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_OBJENV(h)) { duk_hobjenv *e = (duk_hobjenv *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__target:"); duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) e->target); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__has_this:%ld", (long) e->has_this); #if defined(DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT) } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_BUFOBJ(h)) { duk_hbufobj *b = (duk_hbufobj *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__buf:"); duk__print_hbuffer(st, (duk_hbuffer *) b->buf); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__buf_prop:"); duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) b->buf_prop); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__offset:%ld", (long) b->offset); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__length:%ld", (long) b->length); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__shift:%ld", (long) b->shift); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__elemtype:%ld", (long) b->elem_type); #endif } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_PROXY(h)) { duk_hproxy *p = (duk_hproxy *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__target:"); duk__print_hobject(st, p->target); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__handler:"); duk__print_hobject(st, p->handler); } else if (st->internal && DUK_HOBJECT_IS_THREAD(h)) { duk_hthread *t = (duk_hthread *) h; DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__ptr_curr_pc:%p", (void *) t->ptr_curr_pc); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__heap:%p", (void *) t->heap); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__strict:%ld", (long) t->strict); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__state:%ld", (long) t->state); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__unused1:%ld", (long) t->unused1); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__unused2:%ld", (long) t->unused2); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__valstack:%p", (void *) t->valstack); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__valstack_end:%p/%ld", (void *) t->valstack_end, (long) (t->valstack_end - t->valstack)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__valstack_alloc_end:%p/%ld", (void *) t->valstack_alloc_end, (long) (t->valstack_alloc_end - t->valstack)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__valstack_bottom:%p/%ld", (void *) t->valstack_bottom, (long) (t->valstack_bottom - t->valstack)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__valstack_top:%p/%ld", (void *) t->valstack_top, (long) (t->valstack_top - t->valstack)); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__callstack_curr:%p", (void *) t->callstack_curr); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__callstack_top:%ld", (long) t->callstack_top); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__callstack_preventcount:%ld", (long) t->callstack_preventcount); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__resumer:"); duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) t->resumer); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__compile_ctx:%p", (void *) t->compile_ctx); #if defined(DUK_USE_INTERRUPT_COUNTER) DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__interrupt_counter:%ld", (long) t->interrupt_counter); DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__interrupt_init:%ld", (long) t->interrupt_init); #endif /* XXX: print built-ins array? */ } #if defined(DUK_USE_REFERENCE_COUNTING) if (st->internal) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__refcount:%lu", (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT((duk_heaphdr *) h)); } #endif if (st->internal) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__class:%ld", (long) DUK_HOBJECT_GET_CLASS_NUMBER(h)); } DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__heapptr:%p", (void *) h); /* own pointer */ /* prototype should be last, for readability */ if (DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(NULL, h)) { if (st->follow_proto) { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "__prototype:"); duk__print_hobject(st, DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(NULL, h)); } else { DUK__COMMA(); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "__prototype:%p", (void *) DUK_HOBJECT_GET_PROTOTYPE(NULL, h)); } } duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, brace2); #if defined(DUK_USE_HOBJECT_HASH_PART) if (st->heavy && DUK_HOBJECT_GET_HSIZE(h) > 0) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_LANGLE); for (i = 0; i < DUK_HOBJECT_GET_HSIZE(h); i++) { duk_uint_t h_idx = DUK_HOBJECT_H_GET_INDEX(NULL, h, i); if (i > 0) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_COMMA); } if (h_idx == DUK_HOBJECT_HASHIDX_UNUSED) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "u"); } else if (h_idx == DUK_HOBJECT_HASHIDX_DELETED) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "d"); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%ld", (long) h_idx); } } duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_RANGLE); } #endif finished: st->depth--; if (pushed_loopstack) { st->loop_stack_index--; st->loop_stack[st->loop_stack_index] = NULL; } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_hbuffer(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_hbuffer *h) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; duk_size_t i, n; duk_uint8_t *p; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } /* terminal type: no depth check */ if (!h) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } if (DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_DYNAMIC(h)) { if (DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_EXTERNAL(h)) { duk_hbuffer_external *g = (duk_hbuffer_external *) h; duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "buffer:external:%p:%ld", (void *) DUK_HBUFFER_EXTERNAL_GET_DATA_PTR(NULL, g), (long) DUK_HBUFFER_EXTERNAL_GET_SIZE(g)); } else { duk_hbuffer_dynamic *g = (duk_hbuffer_dynamic *) h; duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "buffer:dynamic:%p:%ld", (void *) DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_PTR(NULL, g), (long) DUK_HBUFFER_DYNAMIC_GET_SIZE(g)); } } else { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "buffer:fixed:%ld", (long) DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(h)); } #if defined(DUK_USE_REFERENCE_COUNTING) duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "/%lu", (unsigned long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT(&h->hdr)); #endif if (st->hexdump) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "=["); n = DUK_HBUFFER_GET_SIZE(h); p = (duk_uint8_t *) DUK_HBUFFER_GET_DATA_PTR(NULL, h); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%02lx", (unsigned long) p[i]); } duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "]"); } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_heaphdr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_heaphdr *h) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } if (!h) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } switch (DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE(h)) { case DUK_HTYPE_STRING: duk__print_hstring(st, (duk_hstring *) h, 1); break; case DUK_HTYPE_OBJECT: duk__print_hobject(st, (duk_hobject *) h); break; case DUK_HTYPE_BUFFER: duk__print_hbuffer(st, (duk_hbuffer *) h); break; default: duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[unknown htype %ld]", (long) DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_TYPE(h)); break; } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_tval(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_tval *tv) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } /* depth check is done when printing an actual type */ if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "(%p)", (void *) tv); } if (!tv) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } if (st->binary) { duk_size_t i; duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_LBRACKET); for (i = 0; i < (duk_size_t) sizeof(*tv); i++) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%02lx", (unsigned long) ((duk_uint8_t *)tv)[i]); } duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_RBRACKET); } if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_LANGLE); } switch (DUK_TVAL_GET_TAG(tv)) { case DUK_TAG_UNDEFINED: { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "undefined"); break; } case DUK_TAG_UNUSED: { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "unused"); break; } case DUK_TAG_NULL: { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "null"); break; } case DUK_TAG_BOOLEAN: { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, DUK_TVAL_GET_BOOLEAN(tv) ? "true" : "false"); break; } case DUK_TAG_STRING: { /* Note: string is a terminal heap object, so no depth check here */ duk__print_hstring(st, DUK_TVAL_GET_STRING(tv), 1); break; } case DUK_TAG_OBJECT: { duk__print_hobject(st, DUK_TVAL_GET_OBJECT(tv)); break; } case DUK_TAG_BUFFER: { duk__print_hbuffer(st, DUK_TVAL_GET_BUFFER(tv)); break; } case DUK_TAG_POINTER: { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "pointer:%p", (void *) DUK_TVAL_GET_POINTER(tv)); break; } case DUK_TAG_LIGHTFUNC: { duk_c_function func; duk_small_uint_t lf_flags; DUK_TVAL_GET_LIGHTFUNC(tv, func, lf_flags); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "lightfunc:"); duk_fb_put_funcptr(fb, (duk_uint8_t *) &func, sizeof(func)); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, ":%04lx", (long) lf_flags); break; } #if defined(DUK_USE_FASTINT) case DUK_TAG_FASTINT: DUK_ASSERT(!DUK_TVAL_IS_UNUSED(tv)); DUK_ASSERT(DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv)); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%.18g_F", (double) DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv)); break; #endif default: { /* IEEE double is approximately 16 decimal digits; print a couple extra */ DUK_ASSERT(!DUK_TVAL_IS_UNUSED(tv)); DUK_ASSERT(DUK_TVAL_IS_NUMBER(tv)); duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%.18g", (double) DUK_TVAL_GET_NUMBER(tv)); break; } } if (st->heavy) { duk_fb_put_byte(fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_RANGLE); } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_instr(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_instr_t ins) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; duk_small_int_t op; const char *op_name; op = (duk_small_int_t) DUK_DEC_OP(ins); op_name = duk__bc_optab[op]; /* XXX: option to fix opcode length so it lines up nicely */ if (op == DUK_OP_JUMP) { duk_int_t diff1 = (duk_int_t) (DUK_DEC_ABC(ins) - DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS); /* from next pc */ duk_int_t diff2 = diff1 + 1; /* from curr pc */ duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%s %ld (to pc%c%ld)", (const char *) op_name, (long) diff1, (int) (diff2 >= 0 ? '+' : '-'), /* char format: use int */ (long) (diff2 >= 0 ? diff2 : -diff2)); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%s %ld, %ld, %ld", (const char *) op_name, (long) DUK_DEC_A(ins), (long) DUK_DEC_B(ins), (long) DUK_DEC_C(ins)); } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_opcode(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_small_int_t opcode) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (opcode < DUK_BC_OP_MIN || opcode > DUK_BC_OP_MAX) { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "?(%ld)", (long) opcode); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "%s", (const char *) duk__bc_optab[opcode]); } } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_catcher(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_catcher *cat) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } if (!cat) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[catcher ptr=%p parent=%p varname=%p pc_base=%p, idx_base=%ld, flags=0x%08lx]", (void *) cat, (void *) cat->parent, (void *) cat->h_varname, (void *) cat->pc_base, (long) cat->idx_base, (unsigned long) cat->flags); } DUK_LOCAL void duk__print_activation(duk__dprint_state *st, duk_activation *act) { duk_fixedbuffer *fb = st->fb; if (duk_fb_is_full(fb)) { return; } if (!act) { duk_fb_put_cstring(fb, "NULL"); return; } /* prev_caller: conditional, omitted on purpose, it's rarely used. */ /* prev_line: conditional, omitted on purpose (but would be nice). */ duk_fb_sprintf(fb, "[activation ptr=%p tv_func= func=%p parent=%p var_env=%p lex_env=%p cat=%p curr_pc=%p bottom_byteoff=%ld retval_byteoff=%ld reserve_byteoff=%ld flags=%ld]", (void *) act, (void *) act->func, (void *) act->parent, (void *) act->var_env, (void *) act->lex_env, (void *) act->cat, (void *) act->curr_pc, (long) act->bottom_byteoff, (long) act->retval_byteoff, (long) act->reserve_byteoff, (long) act->flags); } DUK_INTERNAL duk_int_t duk_debug_vsnprintf(char *str, duk_size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap) { duk_fixedbuffer fb; const char *p = format; const char *p_end = p + DUK_STRLEN(format); duk_int_t retval; duk_memzero(&fb, sizeof(fb)); fb.buffer = (duk_uint8_t *) str; fb.length = size; fb.offset = 0; fb.truncated = 0; while (p < p_end) { char ch = *p++; const char *p_begfmt = NULL; duk_bool_t got_exclamation = 0; duk_bool_t got_long = 0; /* %lf, %ld etc */ duk__dprint_state st; if (ch != DUK_ASC_PERCENT) { duk_fb_put_byte(&fb, (duk_uint8_t) ch); continue; } /* * Format tag parsing. Since we don't understand all the * possible format tags allowed, we just scan for a terminating * specifier and keep track of relevant modifiers that we do * understand. See man 3 printf. */ duk_memzero(&st, sizeof(st)); st.fb = &fb; st.depth = 0; st.depth_limit = 1; st.loop_stack_index = 0; st.loop_stack_limit = DUK__LOOP_STACK_DEPTH; p_begfmt = p - 1; while (p < p_end) { ch = *p++; if (ch == DUK_ASC_STAR) { /* unsupported: would consume multiple args */ goto format_error; } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_PERCENT) { duk_fb_put_byte(&fb, (duk_uint8_t) DUK_ASC_PERCENT); break; } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_EXCLAMATION) { got_exclamation = 1; } else if (!got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_L) { got_long = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_D) { st.depth_limit = DUK__DEEP_DEPTH_LIMIT; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_P) { st.follow_proto = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_I) { st.internal = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_X) { st.hexdump = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_LC_H) { st.heavy = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_ATSIGN) { st.pointer = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_HASH) { st.binary = 1; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_T) { duk_tval *t = va_arg(ap, duk_tval *); if (st.pointer && !st.heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, "(%p)", (void *) t); } duk__print_tval(&st, t); break; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_O) { duk_heaphdr *t = va_arg(ap, duk_heaphdr *); if (st.pointer && !st.heavy) { duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, "(%p)", (void *) t); } duk__print_heaphdr(&st, t); break; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_I) { duk_instr_t t = va_arg(ap, duk_instr_t); duk__print_instr(&st, t); break; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_X) { long t = va_arg(ap, long); duk__print_opcode(&st, (duk_small_int_t) t); break; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_C) { duk_catcher *t = va_arg(ap, duk_catcher *); duk__print_catcher(&st, t); break; } else if (got_exclamation && ch == DUK_ASC_UC_A) { duk_activation *t = va_arg(ap, duk_activation *); duk__print_activation(&st, t); break; } else if (!got_exclamation && strchr(DUK__ALLOWED_STANDARD_SPECIFIERS, (int) ch)) { char fmtbuf[DUK__MAX_FORMAT_TAG_LENGTH]; duk_size_t fmtlen; DUK_ASSERT(p >= p_begfmt); fmtlen = (duk_size_t) (p - p_begfmt); if (fmtlen >= sizeof(fmtbuf)) { /* format is too large, abort */ goto format_error; } duk_memzero(fmtbuf, sizeof(fmtbuf)); duk_memcpy(fmtbuf, p_begfmt, fmtlen); /* assume exactly 1 arg, which is why '*' is forbidden; arg size still * depends on type though. */ if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_F || ch == DUK_ASC_LC_G || ch == DUK_ASC_LC_E) { /* %f and %lf both consume a 'long' */ double arg = va_arg(ap, double); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_D && got_long) { /* %ld */ long arg = va_arg(ap, long); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_D) { /* %d; only 16 bits are guaranteed */ int arg = va_arg(ap, int); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_U && got_long) { /* %lu */ unsigned long arg = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_U) { /* %u; only 16 bits are guaranteed */ unsigned int arg = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_X && got_long) { /* %lx */ unsigned long arg = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_X) { /* %x; only 16 bits are guaranteed */ unsigned int arg = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_S) { /* %s */ const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (arg == NULL) { /* '%s' and NULL is not portable, so special case * it for debug printing. */ duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, "NULL"); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_P) { /* %p */ void *arg = va_arg(ap, void *); if (arg == NULL) { /* '%p' and NULL is portable, but special case it * anyway to get a standard NULL marker in logs. */ duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, "NULL"); } else { duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } } else if (ch == DUK_ASC_LC_C) { /* '%c', passed concretely as int */ int arg = va_arg(ap, int); duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, fmtbuf, arg); } else { /* Should not happen. */ duk_fb_sprintf(&fb, "INVALID-FORMAT(%s)", (const char *) fmtbuf); } break; } else { /* ignore */ } } } goto done; format_error: duk_fb_put_cstring(&fb, "FMTERR"); /* fall through */ done: retval = (duk_int_t) fb.offset; duk_fb_put_byte(&fb, (duk_uint8_t) 0); /* return total chars written excluding terminator */ return retval; } #if 0 /*unused*/ DUK_INTERNAL duk_int_t duk_debug_snprintf(char *str, duk_size_t size, const char *format, ...) { duk_int_t retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); retval = duk_debug_vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); va_end(ap); return retval; } #endif /* Formatting function pointers is tricky: there is no standard pointer for * function pointers and the size of a function pointer may depend on the * specific pointer type. This helper formats a function pointer based on * its memory layout to get something useful on most platforms. */ DUK_INTERNAL void duk_debug_format_funcptr(char *buf, duk_size_t buf_size, duk_uint8_t *fptr, duk_size_t fptr_size) { duk_size_t i; duk_uint8_t *p = (duk_uint8_t *) buf; duk_uint8_t *p_end = (duk_uint8_t *) (buf + buf_size - 1); DUK_ASSERT(buf != NULL); duk_memzero(buf, buf_size); for (i = 0; i < fptr_size; i++) { duk_int_t left = (duk_int_t) (p_end - p); duk_uint8_t ch; if (left <= 0) { break; } /* Quite approximate but should be useful for little and big endian. */ #if defined(DUK_USE_INTEGER_BE) ch = fptr[i]; #else ch = fptr[fptr_size - 1 - i]; #endif p += DUK_SNPRINTF((char *) p, (duk_size_t) left, "%02lx", (unsigned long) ch); } } #endif /* DUK_USE_DEBUG */