#!/bin/sh #-*-mode:sh;indent-tabs-mode:nil;tab-width:2;coding:utf-8-*-┐ #───vi: set net ft=sh ts=2 sts=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi─────────────┘ # # SYNOPSIS # # Program Deprioritizer # # OVERVIEW # # This is a drop-in replacement for the traditional Unix `nice` # command that also invokes `ionice`, which is important, since # network and traffic is usually what clobber the system. if [ -z "$IONICE" ]; then if IONICE=$(command -v ionice 2>/dev/null); then IONICE="$IONICE -c3" fi fi if [ -z "$NICE" ]; then NICE=$(command -v nice 2>/dev/null) fi if [ -z "$IONICE$NICE" ]; then echo "error: can't be nice" >&2 fi exec $IONICE $NICE "$@"