Commit Graph

13 Commits (main)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Justine Tunney 0e85b136ae Fix Windows 7 support (#19)
This change pays off technical debt with the function -> DLL mappings in
libc/nt/, which was originally defined based on binary analysis
on Windows 10. It's now been updated so the kernel32/kernelbase/advapi32
imports should be exactly as they are written, on the MSDN documentation
and that wouldn't have been easy without Geoff Chappell's work thank him
2020-12-28 13:52:02 -08:00
Justine Tunney 37a4c70c36 Change license 2020-12-27 17:18:44 -08:00
Justine Tunney 1bc3a25505 Improve documentation
The Cosmo API documentation page is pretty good now
2020-12-27 07:02:35 -08:00
Justine Tunney 95b142e4e5 Make minor improvements 2020-12-23 23:42:56 -08:00
Justine Tunney 1fc91f3580 Fold conv package into fmt
Both packages had nearly identical dependency requirements, so merging
them should help reduce the complexity of the build graph.
2020-12-09 16:52:00 -08:00
Justine Tunney 3e4fd4b0ad Add epoll and do more release readiness changes
This change also pays off some of the remaining technical debt with
stdio, file descriptors, and memory managemnt polyfills.
2020-11-28 12:01:51 -08:00
Justine Tunney ea0b5d9d1c Get Cosmopolitan into releasable state
A new rollup tool now exists for flattening out the headers in a way
that works better for our purposes than cpp. A lot of the API clutter
has been removed. APIs that aren't a sure thing in terms of general
recommendation are now marked internal.

There's now a smoke test for the amalgamation archive and gigantic
header file. So we can now guarantee you can use this project on the
easiest difficulty setting without the gigantic repository.

A website is being created, which is currently a work in progress:
2020-11-25 08:19:00 -08:00
Justine Tunney db33973e0a Get fork() working on Windows
This is done without using Microsoft's internal APIs. MAP_PRIVATE
mappings are copied to the subprocess via a pipe, since Microsoft
doesn't want us to have proper COW pages. MAP_SHARED mappings are
remapped without needing to do any copying. Global variables need
copying along with the stack and the whole heap of anonymous mem.
This actually improves the reliability of the redbean http server
although one shouldn't expect 10k+ connections on a home computer
that isn't running software built to serve like Linux or FreeBSD.
2020-11-13 03:14:39 -08:00
Justine Tunney c45e46f871 Add fixes performance and static web server 2020-10-05 23:11:49 -07:00
Justine Tunney 416fd86676 Make improvements
- Emulator can now test the αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε bootloader

- Whipped up a webserver named redbean. It services 150k requests per
  second on a single core. Bundling assets inside zip enables extremely
  fast serving for two reasons. The first is that zip central directory
  lookups go faster than stat() system calls. The second is that both
  zip and gzip content-encoding use DEFLATE, therefore, compressed
  responses can be served via the sendfile() system call which does an
  in-kernel copy directly from the zip executable structure. Also note
  that red bean zip executables can be deployed easily to all platforms,
  since these native executables work on Linux, Mac, BSD, and Windows.

- Address sanitizer now works very well
2020-09-14 00:02:34 -07:00
Justine Tunney eb4bb43275 Fix close() return code for Winsock
Thus fixing tool/net/ on NT.
2020-08-25 09:33:11 -07:00
Justine Tunney f4f4caab0e Add x86_64-linux-gnu emulator
I wanted a tiny scriptable meltdown proof way to run userspace programs
and visualize how program execution impacts memory. It helps to explain
how things like Actually Portable Executable works. It can show you how
the GCC generated code is going about manipulating matrices and more. I
didn't feel fully comfortable with Qemu and Bochs because I'm not smart
enough to understand them. I wanted something like gVisor but with much
stronger levels of assurances. I wanted a single binary that'll run, on
all major operating systems with an embedded GPL barrier ZIP filesystem
that is tiny enough to transpile to JavaScript and run in browsers too.
2020-08-25 04:43:42 -07:00
Justine Tunney c91b3c5006 Initial import 2020-06-15 07:18:57 -07:00