Get binaries closer to running without an o/s

blinkenlights now does a pretty good job emulating what happens when
binaries boot from BIOS into long mode. So it's been much easier to
debug the bare metal process and wrinkle out many issues.
Justine Tunney 2020-10-29 04:53:20 -07:00
parent feed0d2b0e
commit 2d80bbc802
50 changed files with 974 additions and 1062 deletions

View File

@ -45,8 +45,11 @@
#include "libc/nexgen32e/vidya.h" #include "libc/nexgen32e/vidya.h"
#include "libc/nt/pedef.h" #include "libc/nt/pedef.h"
#include "libc/nexgen32e/vidya.h" #include "libc/nexgen32e/vidya.h"
#include "libc/dce.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/prot.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/prot.h"
.source "NOTICE" .source "NOTICE"
.source "ape/ape.S" .source "ape/ape.S"
.source "ape/" .source "ape/"
@ -179,6 +182,10 @@ stub: mov $0x40,%dl # *literally* dos
/ @noreturn / @noreturn
.code16 .code16
pc: cld pc: cld
.byte 0x0f,0x1f,0207 # nop rdi binbase
.short (0x7c00-IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL)/512
mov $REAL_STACK_FRAME>>4,%di # we need a stack mov $REAL_STACK_FRAME>>4,%di # we need a stack
xor %cx,%cx xor %cx,%cx
rlstack %di,%cx rlstack %di,%cx
@ -197,6 +204,10 @@ pc: cld
xor %di,%di xor %di,%di
rep rep
movsb %ds:(%si),%es:(%di) movsb %ds:(%si),%es:(%di)
.byte 0x0f,0x1f,0207 # nop rdi binbase
.short (IMAGE_BASE_REAL-0x7c00)/512
ljmp $0,$REAL(1f) # longjmp() ljmp $0,$REAL(1f) # longjmp()
1: mov $-512,%cx # memcpy() [relocate this frame] 1: mov $-512,%cx # memcpy() [relocate this frame]
rep rep
@ -932,9 +943,6 @@ ape.str:
.Lstr.long: .Lstr.long:
.asciz "nolong" .asciz "nolong"
.endobj .Lstr.long .endobj .Lstr.long
.asciz "hello\n"
.endobj .Lstr.hello
.endobj ape.str .endobj ape.str
/ Serial Line Configuration (8250 UART 16550) / Serial Line Configuration (8250 UART 16550)
@ -964,7 +972,7 @@ sconf: .short 1843200/*hz*/ / 16/*wut*/ / 9600/*baud*/
.align 8 .align 8
gdt: .short 2f-1f # table byte length gdt: .short 2f-1f # table byte length
.long REAL(1f),0 # table address .long REAL(1f),0 # table address
.align 8 .zero 2
1: 1:
/ G:granularity (1 limit *= 0x1000) / G:granularity (1 limit *= 0x1000)
/ D/B:default operation size (0 = 16|64bit, 1 = 32-bit) / D/B:default operation size (0 = 16|64bit, 1 = 32-bit)
@ -1047,13 +1055,8 @@ ape.grub.entry:
nop nop
nop nop
realmodeloader: realmodeloader:
push %bp
mov %sp,%bp
call rlinit call rlinit
call sinit4 call sinit4
call vinit
mov $REAL(.Lstr.ape),%di mov $REAL(.Lstr.ape),%di
call rvputs call rvputs
.optfn _start16 .optfn _start16
@ -1062,38 +1065,29 @@ realmodeloader:
.endfn realmodeloader,globl,hidden .endfn realmodeloader,globl,hidden
.section .sort.text.real.init.1,"ax",@progbits .section .sort.text.real.init.1,"ax",@progbits
.type rrinit,@function .type rlinit,@function
rlinit: push %bp rlinit: .previous/*
mov %sp,%bp
... ...
decentralized function decentralized function
... ...
*/.section .sort.text.real.init.3,"ax",@progbits */.section .sort.text.real.init.3,"ax",@progbits
pop %bp
ret ret
.previous .previous
/ Initializes present PC serial lines. / Initializes present PC serial lines.
sinit4: push %bp sinit4: mov $4,%cx
mov %sp,%bp mov $kBiosDataAreaXlm+COM1,%si
movw $4,%cx 0: lodsw
movw $kBiosDataAreaXlm+COM1,%si test %ax,%ax
0: lodsb
mov %al,%dl
mov %al,%dh
test %dx,%dx
jz 1f jz 1f
push %cx push %cx
push %si push %si
mov %dx,%di xchg %ax,%di
movw $REAL(sconf),%si mov $REAL(sconf),%si
call sinit call sinit
pop %si pop %si
pop %cx pop %cx
1: loop 0b 1: loop 0b
pop %bp
ret ret
.endfn sinit4,global,hidden .endfn sinit4,global,hidden
@ -1103,9 +1097,7 @@ sinit4: push %bp
/ @param char (*{es:,e,r}si)[4] register initial values / @param char (*{es:,e,r}si)[4] register initial values
/ @mode long,legacy,real / @mode long,legacy,real
/ @see / @see
sinit: push %bp sinit: mov %di,%dx
mov %sp,%bp
mov %di,%dx
test %dx,%dx test %dx,%dx
jz 2f jz 2f
push %dx push %dx
@ -1123,8 +1115,7 @@ sinit: push %bp
add $1,%dx add $1,%dx
sub $1,%cx sub $1,%cx
jns 1b jns 1b
2: pop %bp 2: ret
.endfn sinit,global,hidden .endfn sinit,global,hidden
/ Abnormally exits program. / Abnormally exits program.
@ -1132,9 +1123,7 @@ sinit: push %bp
/ @param di message / @param di message
/ @mode real / @mode real
/ @noreturn / @noreturn
rldie: push %bp rldie: call rlpute
mov %sp,%bp
call rlpute
call rloff call rloff
.endfn rldie,globl,hidden .endfn rldie,globl,hidden
@ -1142,9 +1131,7 @@ rldie: push %bp
/ /
/ @mode real / @mode real
/ @noreturn / @noreturn
rloff: push %bp rloff: mov $kBiosDataAreaXlm+COM1,%di
mov %sp,%bp
mov $kBiosDataAreaXlm+COM1,%di
mov $4,%si mov $4,%si
call sflush call sflush
call apmoff call apmoff
@ -1154,9 +1141,7 @@ rloff: push %bp
/ /
/ @param di message / @param di message
/ @mode real / @mode real
rlpute: push %bp rlpute: mov kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDERR(%bx),%si
mov %sp,%bp
mov kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDERR(%bx),%si
test %si,%si test %si,%si
jnz 1f jnz 1f
mov kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDOUT,%si mov kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDOUT,%si
@ -1176,8 +1161,7 @@ rlpute: push %bp
pop %si pop %si
call rlput2 call rlput2
jmp 1b jmp 1b
2: pop %bp 2: ret
.endfn rlpute,globl,hidden .endfn rlpute,globl,hidden
/ Prints string to both video and serial. / Prints string to both video and serial.
@ -1185,9 +1169,7 @@ rlpute: push %bp
/ @param di NUL-terminated string / @param di NUL-terminated string
/ @param si serial port / @param si serial port
/ @mode real / @mode real
rlput2: push %bp rlput2: push %di
mov %sp,%bp
push %di
push %si push %si
call rvputs call rvputs
pop %si pop %si
@ -1195,33 +1177,42 @@ rlput2: push %bp
test %si,%si test %si,%si
jz 1f jz 1f
call sputs call sputs
1: pop %bp 1: ret
.endfn rlput2,globl,hidden .endfn rlput2,globl,hidden
/ Video put string. / Video put string.
/ /
/ @param di is the string / @param di is the string
/ @mode real / @mode real
rvputs: push %bp rvputs: mov %di,%si
mov %sp,%bp 0: lodsb
mov %di,%si test %al,%al
call vputs call rvputc
pop %bp
.endfn rvputs,globl,hidden .endfn rvputs,globl,hidden
/ Video put char.
/ @param al is the char
/ @mode real
rvputc: push %bx # don't clobber bp,bx,di,si,cx
push %bp # original ibm pc scroll up bug
mov $7,%bx # normal mda/cga style page zero
mov $0x0e,%ah # teletype output al cp437
int $0x10 # vidya service
pop %bp # preserves al
pop %bx
.endfn rvputc
/ Writes string to serial line. / Writes string to serial line.
/ /
/ @param di NUL-terminated string / @param di NUL-terminated string
/ @param si serial port / @param si serial port
/ @mode long,legacy,real / @mode long,legacy,real
sputs: push %bp sputs: push %bx
mov %sp,%bp
push %bx
mov %di,%bx mov %di,%bx
1: xchg %bx,%si 1: xchg %bx,%si
lodsb lodsb
@ -1234,7 +1225,6 @@ sputs: push %bp
pop %si pop %si
jmp 1b jmp 1b
2: pop %bx 2: pop %bx
pop %bp
ret ret
.endfn sputs,globl .endfn sputs,globl
@ -1290,137 +1280,11 @@ sputc: push %ax
ret ret
.endfn sputc,globl .endfn sputc,globl
/ Asks BIOS to initialize Monochrome Display Adapter.
/ @return es:ax start of video page
/ @mode real
vinit: push $7
pop %ax
bbmov VIDYA_ADDR_MDA>>4,%ax,%ah,%al
mov %ax,%es
xor %ax,%ax
.endfn vinit,globl
/ Prints byte to display w/ teletype emulation.
/ @param es:di screen position
/ @param sil byte
/ @return es:ax new screen position
/ @mode long,legacy,real
vputc: push %bp
mov %sp,%bp
sub $16,%sp # goal is to turn sil into a buffer
xchg %si,%ax # modrm sooo different in real mode
mov %di,%cx
mov %sp,%si
mov %sp,%di
mov %cx,%di
pushpop 1,%dx
jmp 23f
/ Prints string to display w/ teletype emulation.
/ @param es:di screen position
/ @param si NUL-terminated string
/ @return es:ax new screen position
/ @mode long,legacy,real
vputs: push %si # inlined strlen
1: lodsb
test %al,%al
jnz 1b
mov %si,%dx
pop %si
sub %si,%dx
/ fallthrough
/ Prints data to display w/ teletype emulation.
/ @param es:di screen position
/ @param si data address
/ @param dx data size in bytes
/ @return es:ax new screen position
/ @mode long,legacy,real
vtput: push %bp
mov %sp,%bp
23: push %bx
mov %dx,%cx
mov %di,%dx
bband VIDYA_REWIND,%dh,%dl
bbadd VIDYA_SIZE,%dh,%dl
bbmov VIDYA_COLUMNS*2-2,%bx,%bh,%bl
0: cmp %dx,%di
je 6f
ja 3f
lodsb # todo: utf8 cp437
cmp $'\n,%al
je 4f
cmp $'\r,%al
je 5f
1: stosb
mov $VIDYA_ATTR_NORMAL,%al # todo: ansi color
2: loop 0b
3: mov %di,%ax
pop %bx
pop %bp
4: add %bx,%di # line feed
jmp 2b
5: mov %di,%ax # carriage return
push %dx
xor %dx,%dx
idiv %bx # todo: division is deprecated
sub %dx,%di
pop %dx
jmp 2b
6: push %ax
push %cx
push %dx
push %si
mov %bx,%si
rlcall vscroll
mov %ax,%di
pop %si
pop %dx
pop %cx
pop %ax
jmp 2b
.endfn vtput,globl
.endfn vputs,globl
.endfn vputc,globl
/ Scrolls up content in display page.
/ @param es:di cursor address (bytes after aren't moved)
/ @param si byte difference, e.g. VIDYA_COLUMNS*2
/ @return es:ax new cursor address (which is es:di-si)
/ @mode long,legacy,real
vscroll:not %dx
mov %di,%cx
bband VIDYA_REWIND,%ch,%cl
xchg %cx,%di # di is now page addr, i.e. top-left
sub %si,%cx # cx is now future cursor address
push %cx
sub %di,%cx # cx is now memcpy size
mov %di,%si
add %cx,%si
mov $0,%ax
movpp %ds,%es
rep movsb
pop %ax
.endfn vscroll,globl
/ Shuts down personal computer. / Shuts down personal computer.
/ /
/ @mode real / @mode real
/ @noreturn / @noreturn
apmoff: push %bp apmoff: mov $0x5300,%ax # apm installation check
mov %sp,%bp
mov $0x5300,%ax # apm installation check
xor %bx,%bx # for the apm bios itself xor %bx,%bx # for the apm bios itself
jc 1f jc 1f
@ -1485,8 +1349,6 @@ apmoff: push %bp
long mode is long */ long mode is long */
longmodeloader: longmodeloader:
push %bp
mov %sp,%bp
call lcheck call lcheck
call a20 call a20
mov $XLM(E820),%di mov $XLM(E820),%di
@ -1495,15 +1357,13 @@ longmodeloader:
jc 9f jc 9f
call unreal call unreal
call hiload call hiload
call golong jmp golong
9: mov $REAL(.Lstr.e820),%ax 9: mov $REAL(.Lstr.e820),%ax
call rldie call rldie
.endfn longmodeloader,globl,hidden .endfn longmodeloader,globl,hidden
/ Long Mode Hardware Check / Long Mode Hardware Check
lcheck: push %bp lcheck: pushf # check for i8086 / i8088 / i80186
mov %sp,%bp
pushf # check for i8086 / i8088 / i80186
pop %ax pop %ax
test $0x80,%ah # see intel manual volume 1 20.1.2 test $0x80,%ah # see intel manual volume 1 20.1.2
jnz 9f # we now assume 32bit is supported jnz 9f # we now assume 32bit is supported
@ -1534,8 +1394,7 @@ lcheck: push %bp
cmp %edi,%edx cmp %edi,%edx
jne 10f jne 10f
xor %ax,%ax xor %ax,%ax
1: pop %bp 1: ret
9: mov $REAL(.Lstr.oldskool),%ax 9: mov $REAL(.Lstr.oldskool),%ax
jmp 20f jmp 20f
10: mov $REAL(.Lstr.long),%ax 10: mov $REAL(.Lstr.long),%ax
@ -1587,9 +1446,7 @@ e820: push %bp
/ Unreal Mode. / Unreal Mode.
/ Makes 4gb of real memory accessible via %fs segment. / Makes 4gb of real memory accessible via %fs segment.
unreal: push %bp unreal: cli
mov %sp,%bp
lgdt REAL(gdt) lgdt REAL(gdt)
mov %cr0,%eax mov %cr0,%eax
or $CR0_PE,%al or $CR0_PE,%al
@ -1599,16 +1456,13 @@ unreal: push %bp
mov %cx,%fs mov %cx,%fs
and $~CR0_PE,%al and $~CR0_PE,%al
mov %eax,%cr0 mov %eax,%cr0
ljmpl $0,$REAL(1f) ljmp $0,$REAL(1f)
1: sti 1: sti
pop %bp
ret ret
.endfn unreal .endfn unreal
/ Loads remainder of executable off disk. / Loads remainder of executable off disk.
hiload: push %bp hiload: push %bx
mov %sp,%bp
push %bx
mov $IMAGE_BASE_REAL,%esi # relocate, again mov $IMAGE_BASE_REAL,%esi # relocate, again
mov $v_ape_realsectors,%ecx mov $v_ape_realsectors,%ecx
@ -1647,7 +1501,6 @@ hiload: push %bp
pop %cx pop %cx
jmp 0b jmp 0b
9: pop %bx 9: pop %bx
pop %bp
ret ret
.endfn hiload .endfn hiload
@ -1724,18 +1577,16 @@ a20: cli
/ stack segment base. This function only defines enough tables / stack segment base. This function only defines enough tables
/ to get us started. / to get us started.
pinit: push %bp pinit: push %ds
mov %sp,%bp
push %ds
mov $(TIP-0x4000)>>4,%ax mov $(TIP-0x4000)>>4,%ax
mov %ax,%ds mov %ax,%ds
movl $TIP-0x2000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,%ds:0x3000 # PML4TPDPT movl $TIP-0x2000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,0x3000 # PML4TPDPT
movl $TIP-0x3000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,%ds:0x2000 # PDPTPDT movl $TIP-0x3000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,0x2000 # PDPTPDT
movl $TIP-0x4000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,%ds:0x1000 # PDTPD movl $TIP-0x4000+PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,0x1000 # PDTPD
mov $0x100000/0x1000,%cx # PD512kb mov $0x100000/0x1000,%cx # PD512kb
mov $PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,%eax mov $PAGE_V+PAGE_RW,%eax
xor %si,%si xor %si,%si
0: mov %eax,%ds:(%si) 0: mov %eax,(%si)
add $0x1000,%eax add $0x1000,%eax
add $8,%si add $8,%si
loop 0b loop 0b
@ -1743,7 +1594,6 @@ pinit: push %bp
mov $TIP-0x1000,%eax # PML4TCR3 mov $TIP-0x1000,%eax # PML4TCR3
mov %eax,%cr3 mov %eax,%cr3
pop %bp
ret ret
.endfn pinit,globl,hidden .endfn pinit,globl,hidden
@ -1765,44 +1615,47 @@ golong: cli
or $CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_MP,%eax or $CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_MP,%eax
and $~CR0_EM,%eax and $~CR0_EM,%eax
mov %eax,%cr0 mov %eax,%cr0
ljmp $GDT_LONG_CODE,$REAL(1f) ljmp $GDT_LONG_CODE,$REAL(long)
1: mov $GDT_LONG_DATA,%eax
mov %ax,%ds
mov %ax,%fs
mov %ax,%gs
xor %edx,%edx
jmp long
.endfn golong .endfn golong
/ Long mode is long. / Long mode is long.
/ @noreturn / @noreturn
long: .frame0 .code64
xor %edi,%edi long: push $GDT_LONG_DATA
call pageunmap pop %rax
mov %eax,%ds
mov $e820map_xlm,%edi mov %eax,%ss
call smapsort mov %eax,%es
mov %eax,%fs
mov $e820map_xlm,%edi mov %eax,%gs
mov $g_pml4t,%esi xor %ebp,%ebp
mov $g_ptsp_xlm,%edx mov $REAL_STACK_FRAME+FRAMESIZE,%esp
call flattenhighmemory call __map_image
mov $_metal,%eax
mov $REAL(.Lstr.hello),%edi jmp *%rax
mov kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDOUT,%esi
call sputs
mov $kBiosDataAreaXlm+METAL_STDOUT,%edi
mov $4,%esi
call sflush
jmp triplf
lea triplf(%rip),%rdx
call _start
jmp triplf
.endfn long .endfn long
/ Long mode in virtual address space.
/ @noreturn
.byte 0x0f,0x1f,0207 # nop rdi binbase
xor %eax,%eax # clear bss
mov $.Lape.bss.vaddr,%edi
mov $.Lape.bss.memsz,%ecx
rep stosb
movb $METAL,hostos(%rip)
push $0 # auxv
push $0
push $0 # envp
push $0 # auxv
push $0 # argc
xor %edi,%edi
jmp _start
.endfn _metal
/ Avoid linker script variables appearing as code in objdump. / Avoid linker script variables appearing as code in objdump.
.macro .ldsvar name:req .macro .ldsvar name:req
.type \name,@object .type \name,@object

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#endif #endif
#define METAL_STDERR COM2 /* will fallback to stdout if COM2 not present */ #define METAL_STDERR COM1
#endif #endif
/** /**

View File

@ -24,14 +24,16 @@ textreal static uint64_t pushpagetable(uint64_t *ptsp) {
return (*ptsp -= PAGESIZE) | PAGE_V | PAGE_RW; return (*ptsp -= PAGESIZE) | PAGE_V | PAGE_RW;
} }
textreal uint64_t *getpagetableentry(uint64_t vaddr, unsigned depth, textreal uint64_t *getpagetableentry(int64_t vaddr, unsigned depth,
struct PageTable *pml4t, uint64_t *ptsp) { struct PageTable *pml4t, uint64_t *ptsp) {
uint64_t *entry;
unsigned char shift;
assert(depth <= 3); assert(depth <= 3);
assert(*ptsp % PAGESIZE == 0); assert(!(*ptsp & 0xfff));
assert((intptr_t)pml4t % PAGESIZE == 0); assert(!((uintptr_t)pml4t & 0xfff));
unsigned char shift = 39; shift = 39;
for (;;) { for (;;) {
uint64_t *entry = &pml4t->p[(vaddr >> shift) & 511]; entry = &pml4t->p[(vaddr >> shift) & 511];
if (!depth--) return entry; if (!depth--) return entry;
shift -= 9; shift -= 9;
if (!*entry) *entry = pushpagetable(ptsp); if (!*entry) *entry = pushpagetable(ptsp);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
.size kBiosDataAreaXlm,XLM_BIOS_DATA_AREA_SIZE .size kBiosDataAreaXlm,XLM_BIOS_DATA_AREA_SIZE
kBiosDataAreaXlm = XLM(BIOS_DATA_AREA) kBiosDataAreaXlm = XLM(BIOS_DATA_AREA)
.section .sort.real.init.2.kBiosDataArea,"ax",@progbits .section .sort.text.real.init.2.kBiosDataArea,"ax",@progbits
movpp %ds,%es # copy bios data to valid page movpp %ds,%es # copy bios data to valid page

ape/lib/mapimage.c 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
vi: set net ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi
Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
#include "ape/lib/pc.h"
#include "ape/relocations.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
textreal static void __map_segment(uint64_t k, uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t *e;
for (; a < b; a += 0x1000) {
e = getpagetableentry(IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL + a, 3, &g_pml4t, &g_ptsp_xlm);
*e = (IMAGE_BASE_PHYSICAL + a) | k;
textreal void __map_image(void) {
__map_segment(PAGE_V | PAGE_U, 0, (uintptr_t)_etext - IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL);
__map_segment(PAGE_V | PAGE_U | PAGE_RW | PAGE_XD,
(uintptr_t)_etext - IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL,
(uintptr_t)_end - IMAGE_BASE_VIRTUAL);

View File

@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
#include "ape/lib/pc.h" #include "ape/lib/pc.h"
#include "libc/bits/bits.h" #include "libc/bits/bits.h"
textreal void pageunmap(uint64_t vaddr) { textreal void pageunmap(int64_t vaddr) {
uint64_t *entry = getpagetableentry(vaddr, 3, &g_pml4t, &g_ptsp_xlm); uint64_t *entry;
entry = getpagetableentry(vaddr, 3, &g_pml4t, &g_ptsp_xlm);
*entry &= ~PAGE_V; *entry &= ~PAGE_V;
invlpg(vaddr); invlpg(vaddr);
} }

View File

@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
#define PAGE_1GB /* */ 0b110000000 #define PAGE_1GB /* */ 0b110000000
#define PAGE_TA 0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000 #define PAGE_TA 0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000
#define PAGE_PA2 0b11111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000 #define PAGE_PA2 0b11111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000
#define PAGE_XD 0x8000000000000000
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) #if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
#include "ape/config.h" #include "ape/config.h"
@ -213,9 +214,9 @@ extern uint64_t g_ptsp_xlm;
void bootdr(char drive) noreturn; void bootdr(char drive) noreturn;
void smapsort(struct SmapEntry *); void smapsort(struct SmapEntry *);
uint64_t *getpagetableentry(uint64_t, unsigned, struct PageTable *, uint64_t *); uint64_t *getpagetableentry(int64_t, unsigned, struct PageTable *, uint64_t *);
void flattenhighmemory(struct SmapEntry *, struct PageTable *, uint64_t *); void flattenhighmemory(struct SmapEntry *, struct PageTable *, uint64_t *);
void pageunmap(uint64_t); void pageunmap(int64_t);
forceinline unsigned long eflags(void) { forceinline unsigned long eflags(void) {
unsigned long res; unsigned long res;

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#if 0
To the extent possible under law, Justine Tunney has waived
all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this file,
as it is written in the following disclaimers: │ │
#include "libc/nt/console.h"
#include "libc/nt/runtime.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/consolecursorinfo.h"
#include "libc/nt/synchronization.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct NtConsoleCursorInfo ntcursor;
SleepEx(1000, false);
GetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(kNtStdOutputHandle), &ntcursor);
ntcursor.bVisible = false;
SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(kNtStdOutputHandle), &ntcursor);
SleepEx(1000, false);
ntcursor.bVisible = true;
SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(kNtStdOutputHandle), &ntcursor);
SleepEx(1000, false);
return 0;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ EXAMPLES_PACKAGE_FILES := $(wildcard examples/package/*)
# Defines sets of files without needing further iops. # Defines sets of files without needing further iops.

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ int spawnve$sysv(unsigned flags, int stdiofds[3], const char *program,
} }
if (pid != -1) { if (pid != -1) {
if ((pid = fork$sysv()) == 0) { if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
if (flags & SPAWN_DETACH) { if (flags & SPAWN_DETACH) {
if (setsid() == -1) abort(); if (setsid() == -1) abort();
if ((rc = fork$sysv()) == -1) abort(); if ((rc = fork$sysv()) == -1) abort();

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA 02110-1301 USA
*/ */
#include "libc/dce.h"
#include "libc/macros.h" #include "libc/macros.h"
.source __FILE__ .source __FILE__

View File

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ _start: test %rdi,%rdi
lea 24(%rsp,%rbx,8),%rdx # envp lea 24(%rsp,%rbx,8),%rdx # envp
.frame0 .frame0
/ bofram 9f / bofram 9f
.weak idata.iat,idata.iatend .weak idata.iat
.weak idata.iatend
ezlea missingno,ax # make win32 imps noop ezlea missingno,ax # make win32 imps noop
ezlea idata.iat,di ezlea idata.iat,di
ezlea idata.iatend,cx ezlea idata.iatend,cx

View File

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ static const char *__asan_describe_access_poison(int c) {
case kAsanUnscoped: case kAsanUnscoped:
return "unscoped"; return "unscoped";
default: default:
return "poisoned"; return "poisoned";
} }
} }

View File

@ -186,11 +186,6 @@
.endif .endif
.endm .endm
/ Custom emulator instruction for bottom stack frame.
.macro bofram endfunc:req
.byte 0x0f,0x1f,0x45,\endfunc-. # nopl disp8(%rbp)
/ Overrides LOOP instruction. / Overrides LOOP instruction.
/ With its mop-Fusion Mexican equivalent. / With its mop-Fusion Mexican equivalent.
/ Thus avoiding 3x legacy pipeline slowdown. / Thus avoiding 3x legacy pipeline slowdown.
@ -330,3 +325,8 @@ _init_\name:
call *\symbol(%rip) call *\symbol(%rip)
add $32,%rsp add $32,%rsp
.endm .endm
/ Custom emulator instruction for bottom stack frame.
.macro bofram endfunc:req
.byte 0x0f,0x1f,0105,\endfunc-. # nopl disp8(%rbp)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "libc/bits/bits.h"
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) #if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
@ -32,17 +33,26 @@ COSMOPOLITAN_C_START_
*/ */
#define rdpid() \ #define rdpid() \
({ \ ({ \
bool Ok; \
long Msr; \ long Msr; \
Ok = false; \
if (X86_HAVE(RDPID)) { \ if (X86_HAVE(RDPID)) { \
asm volatile("rdpid\t%0" : "=r"(Msr) : /* no inputs */ : "memory"); \ asm volatile("rdpid\t%0" : "=r"(Msr) : /* no inputs */ : "memory"); \
Ok = true; \
} else if (IsLinux()) { \ } else if (IsLinux()) { \
asm volatile("lsl\t%1,%0" : "=r"(Msr) : "r"(0x7b) : "memory"); \ asm volatile(ZFLAG_ASM("lsl\t%2,%1") \
} else if (X86_HAVE(RDTSCP)) { \ : ZFLAG_CONSTRAINT(Ok), "=r"(Msr) \
: "r"(0x7b) \
: "memory"); \
} \
if (!Ok && X86_HAVE(RDTSCP)) { \
asm volatile("rdtscp" \ asm volatile("rdtscp" \
: "=c"(Msr) \ : "=c"(Msr) \
: /* no inputs */ \ : /* no inputs */ \
: "eax", "edx", "memory"); \ : "eax", "edx", "memory"); \
} else { \ Ok = true; \
} \
if (!Ok) { \
Msr = -1; \ Msr = -1; \
} \ } \
Msr; \ Msr; \

View File

@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
vi: set net ft=c ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi
Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA
αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε § telecommunications
@ -64,6 +29,7 @@
#define UART_DLM 1 /* divisor latch register */ #define UART_DLM 1 /* divisor latch register */
#define UART_IIR 2 /* interrupt identification register */ #define UART_IIR 2 /* interrupt identification register */
#define UART_LCR 3 /* line control register */ #define UART_LCR 3 /* line control register */
#define UART_MCR 4 /* modem control register */
#define UART_LSR 5 /* line status register */ #define UART_LSR 5 /* line status register */
#define UART_TTYDA (1 << 0) /* data available (rx ready) */ #define UART_TTYDA (1 << 0) /* data available (rx ready) */
#define UART_TTYOE (1 << 1) /* overrun error */ #define UART_TTYOE (1 << 1) /* overrun error */

View File

@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
#include "libc/stdio/stdio.h" #include "libc/stdio/stdio.h"
static void fin(FILE *f) { static void fin(FILE *f) {
f->buf[f->end] = inb(f->fd); f->buf[f->end] = inb(0x3F8);
f->end = (f->end + 1) & (f->size - 1); f->end = (f->end + 1) & (f->size - 1);
} }
static void fout(FILE *f) { static void fout(FILE *f) {
outb(f->fd, f->buf[f->beg]); outb(0x3F8, f->buf[f->beg]);
f->beg = (f->beg + 1) & (f->size - 1); f->beg = (f->beg + 1) & (f->size - 1);
} }
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static int serialstdio(FILE *f, unsigned char status, void action(FILE *)) {
int block = 1; int block = 1;
unsigned tally = 0; unsigned tally = 0;
while (f->end != f->beg) { while (f->end != f->beg) {
if (!(inb(f->fd + UART_LSR) & status)) { if (!(inb(0x3F8 + UART_LSR) & status)) {
if (!block) break; if (!block) break;
asm("pause"); asm("pause");
} else { } else {
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ static int serialstdio(FILE *f, unsigned char status, void action(FILE *)) {
int fsreadbuf(FILE *f) { int fsreadbuf(FILE *f) {
return serialstdio(f, UART_TTYDA, fin); return serialstdio(f, UART_TTYDA, fin);
} }
int fswritebuf(FILE *f) { int fswritebuf(FILE *f) {
return serialstdio(f, UART_TTYTXR, fout); return serialstdio(f, UART_TTYTXR, fout);
} }

View File

@ -19,40 +19,34 @@
*/ */
#include "libc/bits/weaken.h" #include "libc/bits/weaken.h"
#include "libc/calls/calls.h" #include "libc/calls/calls.h"
#include "libc/calls/hefty/ntspawn.h"
#include "libc/calls/internal.h" #include "libc/calls/internal.h"
#include "libc/dce.h"
#include "libc/mem/mem.h" #include "libc/mem/mem.h"
#include "libc/nt/accounting.h" #include "libc/nt/accounting.h"
#include "libc/nt/enum/startf.h" #include "libc/nt/enum/startf.h"
#include "libc/nt/enum/status.h" #include "libc/nt/enum/status.h"
#include "libc/nt/files.h"
#include "libc/nt/process.h" #include "libc/nt/process.h"
#include "libc/nt/runtime.h" #include "libc/nt/runtime.h"
#include "libc/nt/startupinfo.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/processinformation.h" #include "libc/nt/struct/processinformation.h"
#include "libc/nt/synchronization.h" #include "libc/nt/synchronization.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "libc/stdio/stdio.h" #include "libc/stdio/stdio.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h" #include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/fileno.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/fileno.h"
#include "libc/sysv/errfuns.h" #include "libc/sysv/errfuns.h"
#include "libc/x/x.h"
#define SHELL_BIN "/bin/sh" #define SHELL_BIN "/bin/sh"
#define SHELL_ARG "-c" #define SHELL_ARG "-c"
#define CMD_C "CMD /C " #define CMD_C "CMD /C "
static int system$sysv(const char *cmdline) { static int system$sysv(const char *cmdline) {
if (cmdline != NULL) { int rc, n, wstatus;
int pid = fork$sysv();
if (pid == 0) {
struct mem { struct mem {
char shell[sizeof(SHELL_BIN)]; char shell[sizeof(SHELL_BIN)];
char arg[sizeof(SHELL_ARG)]; char arg[sizeof(SHELL_ARG)];
char *args[4]; char *args[4];
char cmdline[]; char cmdline[];
} *mem = malloc(sizeof(struct mem) + (strlen(cmdline) + 1)); } * mem;
if (cmdline != NULL) {
mem = malloc(sizeof(struct mem) + (strlen(cmdline) + 1));
if (!mem) return enomem(); if (!mem) return enomem();
strcpy(mem->shell, SHELL_BIN); strcpy(mem->shell, SHELL_BIN);
strcpy(mem->arg, SHELL_ARG); strcpy(mem->arg, SHELL_ARG);
@ -61,12 +55,16 @@ static int system$sysv(const char *cmdline) {
mem->args[2] = mem->cmdline; mem->args[2] = mem->cmdline;
mem->args[3] = NULL; mem->args[3] = NULL;
strcpy(mem->cmdline, cmdline); strcpy(mem->cmdline, cmdline);
if ((rc = vfork()) != -1) {
if (rc == 0) {
execve$sysv(mem->shell, mem->args, environ); execve$sysv(mem->shell, mem->args, environ);
abort(); abort();
} }
int rc; if ((rc = wait4$sysv(rc, &wstatus, 0, NULL)) != -1) {
int wstatus; rc = wstatus;
if ((rc = wait4$sysv(pid, &wstatus, 0, NULL)) != -1) rc = wstatus; }
return rc; return rc;
} else { } else {
return fileexists(SHELL_BIN); return fileexists(SHELL_BIN);
@ -74,27 +72,32 @@ static int system$sysv(const char *cmdline) {
} }
static textwindows noinline int system$nt(const char *cmdline) { static textwindows noinline int system$nt(const char *cmdline) {
char *mem;
int rc, status;
uint32_t dwExitCode;
struct NtStartupInfo startinfo;
struct NtProcessInformation *info;
uint16_t *cmdline16, *quotedcmdline16;
unsigned len, dosquotemultiplier, cmdline16bytes, quotedcmdline16bytes;
if (cmdline != NULL) { if (cmdline != NULL) {
int rc = -1; rc = -1;
unsigned dosquotemultiplier = 2; dosquotemultiplier = 2;
unsigned len = strlen(cmdline); len = strlen(cmdline);
unsigned cmdline16bytes = (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t); cmdline16bytes = (len + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t);
unsigned quotedcmdline16bytes = quotedcmdline16bytes =
strlen(CMD_C) * sizeof(uint16_t) + cmdline16bytes * dosquotemultiplier; strlen(CMD_C) * sizeof(uint16_t) + cmdline16bytes * dosquotemultiplier;
void *mem = malloc(sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation) + cmdline16bytes + if (!(mem = malloc(sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation) + cmdline16bytes +
quotedcmdline16bytes); quotedcmdline16bytes))) {
if (mem == NULL) return enomem(); return enomem();
struct NtProcessInformation *info = mem; }
uint16_t *cmdline16 = info = (struct NtProcessInformation *)mem;
(uint16_t *)((char *)mem + sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation)); cmdline16 = (uint16_t *)(mem + sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation));
uint16_t *quotedcmdline16 = quotedcmdline16 = (uint16_t *)(mem + sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation) +
(uint16_t *)((char *)mem + sizeof(struct NtProcessInformation) +
cmdline16bytes); cmdline16bytes);
strcpyzbw(cmdline16, cmdline); strcpyzbw(cmdline16, cmdline);
strcpyzbw(quotedcmdline16, CMD_C); strcpyzbw(quotedcmdline16, CMD_C);
if (escapedos(quotedcmdline16 + strlen(CMD_C), len * dosquotemultiplier, if (escapedos(quotedcmdline16 + strlen(CMD_C), len * dosquotemultiplier,
cmdline16, len)) { cmdline16, len)) {
struct NtStartupInfo startinfo;
memset(&startinfo, 0, sizeof(startinfo)); memset(&startinfo, 0, sizeof(startinfo));
startinfo.cb = sizeof(struct NtStartupInfo); startinfo.cb = sizeof(struct NtStartupInfo);
startinfo.dwFlags = kNtStartfUsestdhandles; startinfo.dwFlags = kNtStartfUsestdhandles;
@ -112,8 +115,7 @@ static textwindows noinline int system$nt(const char *cmdline) {
/* lpCurrentDirectory */ NULL, /* lpCurrentDirectory */ NULL,
/* lpStartupInfo */ &startinfo, /* lpStartupInfo */ &startinfo,
/* lpProcessInformation */ info)) { /* lpProcessInformation */ info)) {
uint32_t dwExitCode = kNtStillActive; dwExitCode = kNtStillActive;
int status;
do { do {
WaitForSingleObject(info->hProcess, 0xffffffff); WaitForSingleObject(info->hProcess, 0xffffffff);
} while ((status = GetExitCodeProcess(info->hProcess, &dwExitCode)) && } while ((status = GetExitCodeProcess(info->hProcess, &dwExitCode)) &&
@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ static textwindows noinline int system$nt(const char *cmdline) {
} else { } else {
rc = einval(); rc = einval();
} }
free(mem), mem = NULL; free(mem);
return rc; return rc;
} else { } else {
/* how could cmd.exe not exist? */ /* how could cmd.exe not exist? */

View File

@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ systemfive.xnu:
.init.start 300,_init_systemfive .init.start 300,_init_systemfive
push %rbx push %rbx
push %rsi push %rsi
testb $METAL,(%rdi) # @see ape/ape.S
jnz systemfive.init.metal
testb $XNU,(%rdi) # @see libc/crt/crt.S testb $XNU,(%rdi) # @see libc/crt/crt.S
jnz systemfive.init.xnu jnz systemfive.init.xnu
testb $FREEBSD,(%rdi) # @see libc/crt/crt.S testb $FREEBSD,(%rdi) # @see libc/crt/crt.S
@ -181,6 +183,11 @@ systemfive.init.linux:
push $LINUX push $LINUX
ezlea syscon.linux,si ezlea syscon.linux,si
jmp systemfive.init.os jmp systemfive.init.os
pushb systemfive.linux-.Lanchorpoint
push $METAL
ezlea syscon.linux,si
jmp systemfive.init.os
pushb systemfive.enosys-.Lanchorpoint pushb systemfive.enosys-.Lanchorpoint

View File

@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ TEST(GetIntegerCoefficients, testBt601Vectors) {
16, 16,
235, 235,
{.299, .587, .114, 1, 1, 1}, {.299, .587, .114, 1, 1, 1},
{612, 1202, IsTiny() ? 233 : 234, 2048, 2048, 2048}}, {612, 1202, NoDebug() ? 233 : 234, 2048, 2048, 2048}},
{12, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {1225, 2404, 467}}, {12, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {1225, 2404, 467}},
{13, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {2449, 4809, 934}}, {13, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {2449, 4809, 934}},
{14, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {4899, 9617, 1868}}, {14, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {4899, 9617, 1868}},
{15, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {9798, 19235, IsTiny() ? 3736 : 3735}}, {15, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {9798, 19235, NoDebug() ? 3736 : 3735}},
{16, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {19595, 38470, 7471}}, {16, 16, 235, {.299, .587, .114}, {19595, 38470, 7471}},
}; };
long i, got[6]; long i, got[6];
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TEST(GetIntegerCoefficients, testForYCbCr2Rgb) {
GetIntegerCoefficients(I, C, 11, 16, 232); GetIntegerCoefficients(I, C, 11, 16, 232);
EXPECT_EQ(612, I[0]); EXPECT_EQ(612, I[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1202, I[1]); EXPECT_EQ(1202, I[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(IsTiny() ? 233 : 234, I[2]); EXPECT_EQ(NoDebug() ? 233 : 234, I[2]);
} }
TEST(GetIntegerCoefficients, testForGaussian) { TEST(GetIntegerCoefficients, testForGaussian) {

View File


View File

@ -290,13 +290,6 @@ static bool IsCall(void) {
(m->xedd->op.dispatch == 0x0FF && m->xedd->op.reg == 2)); (m->xedd->op.dispatch == 0x0FF && m->xedd->op.reg == 2));
} }
static bool IsLongBranch(void) {
return m->mode != XED_MODE_LONG &&
(m->xedd->op.dispatch == 0x0EA || m->xedd->op.dispatch == 0x09A ||
(m->xedd->op.opcode == 0x0FF && m->xedd->op.reg == 3) ||
(m->xedd->op.opcode == 0x0FF && m->xedd->op.reg == 5));
static bool IsDebugBreak(void) { static bool IsDebugBreak(void) {
return m->xedd-> == XED_ILD_MAP0 && m->xedd->op.opcode == 0xCC; return m->xedd-> == XED_ILD_MAP0 && m->xedd->op.opcode == 0xCC;
} }
@ -791,6 +784,17 @@ static int GetTerminalDimensions(int *out_y, int *out_x) {
return ReadCursorPosition(out_y, out_x); return ReadCursorPosition(out_y, out_x);
} }
void CommonSetup(void) {
static bool once;
if (!once) {
if (tuimode || breakpoints.i) {
once = true;
void TuiSetup(void) { void TuiSetup(void) {
int y, x; int y, x;
bool report; bool report;
@ -798,8 +802,7 @@ void TuiSetup(void) {
report = false; report = false;
if (!once) { if (!once) {
LOGF("loaded program %s\n%s", codepath, gc(FormatPml4t(m))); LOGF("loaded program %s\n%s", codepath, gc(FormatPml4t(m)));
LoadSyms(); CommonSetup();
ioctl(ttyout, TCGETS, &oldterm); ioctl(ttyout, TCGETS, &oldterm);
xsigaction(SIGINT, OnSigInt, 0, 0, oldsig + 3); xsigaction(SIGINT, OnSigInt, 0, 0, oldsig + 3);
atexit(TtyRestore2); atexit(TtyRestore2);
@ -820,14 +823,7 @@ void TuiSetup(void) {
} }
static void ExecSetup(void) { static void ExecSetup(void) {
static bool once; CommonSetup();
if (!once) {
if (breakpoints.i) {
once = true;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,
&((struct itimerval){{0, 1. / 60 * 1e6}, {0, 1. / 60 * 1e6}}), &((struct itimerval){{0, 1. / 60 * 1e6}, {0, 1. / 60 * 1e6}}),
@ -1089,44 +1085,49 @@ static void DrawHr(struct Panel *p, const char *s) {
AppendStr(&p->lines[0], "\e[0m"); AppendStr(&p->lines[0], "\e[0m");
} }
void DrawTerminal(struct Panel *p) { static void DrawTerminalHr(struct Panel *p) {
long i, y, yn; long i;
if (p->bottom == p->top) return;
if (pty->conf & kPtyBell) { if (pty->conf & kPtyBell) {
if (!alarmed) { if (!alarmed) {
alarmed = true; alarmed = true;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &((struct itimerval){{0, 0}, {0, 800000}}), NULL); setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &((struct itimerval){{0, 0}, {0, 800000}}), NULL);
} }
AppendStr(&pan.displayhr.lines[0], "\e[1m"); AppendStr(&p->lines[0], "\e[1m");
} }
AppendStr(&pan.displayhr.lines[0], AppendFmt(&p->lines[0], "──────────TELETYPEWRITER──%s──%s──%s──%s",
(pty->conf & kPtyLed1) ? "\e[1;31m◎\e[0m" : "", (pty->conf & kPtyLed1) ? "\e[1;31m◎\e[0m" : "",
(pty->conf & kPtyLed2) ? "\e[1;32m◎\e[0m" : "", (pty->conf & kPtyLed2) ? "\e[1;32m◎\e[0m" : "",
(pty->conf & kPtyLed3) ? "\e[1;33m◎\e[0m" : "", (pty->conf & kPtyLed3) ? "\e[1;33m◎\e[0m" : "",
(pty->conf & kPtyLed4) ? "\e[1;34m◎\e[0m" : ""))); (pty->conf & kPtyLed4) ? "\e[1;34m◎\e[0m" : "");
for (i = 36; i < pan.displayhr.right - pan.displayhr.left; ++i) { for (i = 36; i < p->right - p->left; ++i) {
AppendWide(&pan.displayhr.lines[0], u''); AppendWide(&p->lines[0], u'');
} }
static void DrawTerminal(struct Panel *p) {
long y, yn;
if (p->top == p->bottom) return;
for (yn = MIN(pty->yn, p->bottom - p->top), y = 0; y < yn; ++y) { for (yn = MIN(pty->yn, p->bottom - p->top), y = 0; y < yn; ++y) {
PtyAppendLine(pty, p->lines + y, y); PtyAppendLine(pty, p->lines + y, y);
AppendStr(p->lines + y, "\e[0m"); AppendStr(p->lines + y, "\e[0m");
} }
} }
void DrawDisplay(struct Panel *p) { static void DrawDisplay(struct Panel *p) {
if (p->top == p->bottom) return;
switch (vidya) { switch (vidya) {
case 7: case 7:
DrawHr(&pan.displayhr, "MONOCHROME DISPLAY ADAPTER"); DrawHr(&pan.displayhr, "MONOCHROME DISPLAY ADAPTER");
DrawMda(p, if (0xb0000 + 25 * 80 * 2 > m->real.n) return;
VirtualSend(m, gc(xmalloc(25 * 80 * 2)), 0xb0000, 25 * 80 * 2)); DrawMda(p, (void *)(m->real.p + 0xb0000));
break; break;
case 3: case 3:
DrawHr(&pan.displayhr, "COLOR GRAPHICS ADAPTER"); DrawHr(&pan.displayhr, "COLOR GRAPHICS ADAPTER");
DrawCga(p, if (0xb8000 + 25 * 80 * 2 > m->real.n) return;
VirtualSend(m, gc(xmalloc(25 * 80 * 2)), 0xb8000, 25 * 80 * 2)); DrawCga(p, (void *)(m->real.p + 0xb8000));
break; break;
default: default:
DrawTerminal(p); DrawTerminal(p);
break; break;
} }
@ -1530,9 +1531,9 @@ static int AppendStat(struct Buffer *b, const char *name, int64_t value,
return 1 + width; return 1 + width;
} }
void DrawStatus(struct Panel *p) { static void DrawStatus(struct Panel *p) {
int yn, xn, rw; int yn, xn, rw;
struct Buffer s; struct Buffer *s;
struct MachineMemstat *a, *b; struct MachineMemstat *a, *b;
yn = p->top - p->bottom; yn = p->top - p->bottom;
xn = p->right - p->left; xn = p->right - p->left;
@ -1540,19 +1541,21 @@ void DrawStatus(struct Panel *p) {
rw = 0; rw = 0;
a = &m->memstat; a = &m->memstat;
b = &lastmemstat; b = &lastmemstat;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s = xmalloc(sizeof(struct Buffer));
if (ips > 0) rw += AppendStat(&s, "ips", ips, false); memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
rw += AppendStat(&s, "kb", m->real.n / 1024, false); if (ips > 0) rw += AppendStat(s, "ips", ips, false);
rw += AppendStat(&s, "reserve", a->reserved, a->reserved != b->reserved); rw += AppendStat(s, "kb", m->real.n / 1024, false);
rw += AppendStat(&s, "commit", a->committed, a->committed != b->committed); rw += AppendStat(s, "reserve", a->reserved, a->reserved != b->reserved);
rw += AppendStat(&s, "freed", a->freed, a->freed != b->freed); rw += AppendStat(s, "commit", a->committed, a->committed != b->committed);
rw += AppendStat(&s, "tables", a->pagetables, a->pagetables != b->pagetables); rw += AppendStat(s, "freed", a->freed, a->freed != b->freed);
rw += AppendStat(&s, "fds", m->fds.i, false); rw += AppendStat(s, "tables", a->pagetables, a->pagetables != b->pagetables);
rw += AppendStat(s, "fds", m->fds.i, false);
AppendFmt(&p->lines[0], "\e[7m%-*s%s\e[0m", xn - rw, AppendFmt(&p->lines[0], "\e[7m%-*s%s\e[0m", xn - rw,
statusmessage && nowl() < statusexpires ? statusmessage statusmessage && nowl() < statusexpires ? statusmessage
: "das blinkenlights", : "das blinkenlights",
s.p); s->p);
free(s.p); free(s->p);
memcpy(b, a, sizeof(*a)); memcpy(b, a, sizeof(*a));
} }
@ -1900,7 +1903,9 @@ static void OnDiskServiceGetParams(void) {
} }
static void OnDiskServiceReadSectors(void) { static void OnDiskServiceReadSectors(void) {
int64_t drive, head, track, sector, offset, size, addr; static int x;
uint64_t addr, size;
int64_t drive, head, track, sector, offset;
drive = m->dx[0]; drive = m->dx[0];
head = m->dx[1]; head = m->dx[1];
track = (m->cx[0] & 0b11000000) << 2 | m->cx[1]; track = (m->cx[0] & 0b11000000) << 2 | m->cx[1];
@ -1910,9 +1915,9 @@ static void OnDiskServiceReadSectors(void) {
offset = sector * 512 + track * 512 * 63 + head * 512 * 63 * 1024; offset = sector * 512 + track * 512 * 63 + head * 512 * 63 * 1024;
if (0 <= sector && offset + size <= elf->mapsize) { if (0 <= sector && offset + size <= elf->mapsize) {
addr = Read64(m->es) + Read16(m->bx); addr = Read64(m->es) + Read16(m->bx);
if (addr + size <= 0xffff0 + 0xffff + 1) { if (addr + size <= m->real.n) {
SetWriteAddr(m, addr, size); SetWriteAddr(m, addr, size);
VirtualRecv(m, addr, elf->map + offset, size); memcpy(m->real.p + addr, elf->map + offset, size);
m->ax[1] = 0x00; m->ax[1] = 0x00;
SetCarry(false); SetCarry(false);
} else { } else {
@ -2080,12 +2085,16 @@ static void OnApmService(void) {
static void OnE820(void) { static void OnE820(void) {
uint8_t p[20]; uint8_t p[20];
if (Read32(m->dx) == 0x534D4150 && Read32(m->cx) == 24) { uint64_t addr;
addr = Read64(m->es) + Read16(m->di);
if (Read32(m->dx) == 0x534D4150 && Read32(m->cx) == 24 &&
addr + sizeof(p) <= m->real.n) {
if (!Read32(m->bx)) { if (!Read32(m->bx)) {
Write64(p + 000, 0); Write64(p + 000, 0);
Write64(p + 010, BIGPAGESIZE); Write64(p + 010, m->real.n);
Write32(p + 014, 1); Write32(p + 014, 1);
VirtualRecv(m, Read64(m->es) + Read16(m->di), p, sizeof(p)); memcpy(m->real.p + addr, p, sizeof(p));
SetWriteAddr(m, addr, sizeof(p));
Write32(m->cx, sizeof(p)); Write32(m->cx, sizeof(p));
Write32(m->bx, 1); Write32(m->bx, 1);
} else { } else {
@ -2157,6 +2166,24 @@ static bool OnHalt(int interrupt) {
} }
} }
static void OnBinbase(struct Machine *m) {
unsigned i;
int64_t skew;
skew = m->xedd->op.disp * 512;
LOGF("skew binbase %,ld @ %p", skew, GetIp());
for (i = 0; i < dis->syms.i; ++i) {
dis->syms.p[i].addr += skew;
for (i = 0; i < dis->loads.i; ++i) {
dis->loads.p[i].addr += skew;
static void OnLongBranch(struct Machine *m) {
static void OnPageUp(void) { static void OnPageUp(void) {
opstart -= tyn / 2; opstart -= tyn / 2;
} }
@ -2647,9 +2674,6 @@ static void Tui(void) {
ScrollReadData(&pan.readdata); ScrollReadData(&pan.readdata);
ScrollWriteData(&pan.writedata); ScrollWriteData(&pan.writedata);
} }
if (IsLongBranch()) {
} else { } else {
m->ip += m->xedd->length; m->ip += m->xedd->length;
action &= ~NEXT; action &= ~NEXT;
@ -2787,6 +2811,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
pty = NewPty(); pty = NewPty();
m = NewMachine(); m = NewMachine();
m->onbinbase = OnBinbase;
m->onlongbranch = OnLongBranch;
speed = 16; speed = 16;
SetXmmSize(2); SetXmmSize(2);
SetXmmDisp(kXmmHex); SetXmmDisp(kXmmHex);

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ TOOL_BUILD_DIRECTDEPS = \

View File

@ -58,36 +58,6 @@ o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/%.elf: \
$(ELF) $(ELF)
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lisp.elf: \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lisp.o \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lispelf.o \
o/dbg/tool/build/emubin/ \
o/dbg/tool/build/emubin/lisp.real.o \
$(CRT) \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lisp.bin.dbg: \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lisp.real.o \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lispstart.o \
@$(ELFLINK) -z max-page-size=0x10
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/love.bin.dbg: \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/love.o \
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/emubin/lispstart.o \
@$(ELFLINK) -z max-page-size=0x10
o/tiny/tool/build/emubin/spiral.bin.dbg: \ o/tiny/tool/build/emubin/spiral.bin.dbg: \
o/tiny/tool/build/emubin/spiral.real.o o/tiny/tool/build/emubin/spiral.real.o

View File

@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
vi: set net ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi
Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
#include "tool/build/emubin/lisp.h"
#define TRACE 0 // print eval input output
#define RETRO 0 // auto capitalize input
#define DELETE 0 // allow backspace to rub out symbol
#define QUOTES 0 // allow 'X shorthand (QUOTE X)
#define PROMPT 0 // show repl prompt
#define WORD short
#define WORDS 8192
The LISP Challenge § LISP Machine
#define ATOM 0
#define CONS 1
#define NIL 0
#define UNDEFINED 8
#define ATOM_T 30
#define ATOM_QUOTE 34
#define ATOM_ATOM 46
#define ATOM_EQ 56
#define ATOM_COND 62
#define ATOM_CAR 72
#define ATOM_CDR 80
#define ATOM_CONS 88
#define ATOM_LAMBDA 98
#define BOOL(x) ((x) ? ATOM_T : NIL)
#define VALUE(x) ((x) >> 1)
#define PTR(i) ((i) << 1 | CONS)
struct Lisp {
unsigned char syntax[256];
WORD look;
WORD globals;
WORD index;
char token[128];
char str[WORDS];
_Static_assert(sizeof(struct Lisp) <= 0x7c00 - 0x600,
"LISP Machine too large for real mode");
_Alignas(char) const char kSymbols[] = "NIL\0"
#ifdef __REAL_MODE__
static struct Lisp *const q;
static struct Lisp q[1];
static void Print(long);
static WORD GetList(void);
static WORD GetObject(void);
static void PrintObject(long);
static WORD Eval(long, long);
static void SetupSyntax(void) {
unsigned char *syntax = q->syntax;
asm("" : "+bSD"(syntax));
syntax[' '] = ' ';
syntax['\r'] = ' ';
syntax['\n'] = ' ';
syntax['('] = '(';
syntax[')'] = ')';
syntax['.'] = '.';
syntax['\''] = '\'';
static void SetupBuiltins(void) {
CopyMemory(q->str, kSymbols, sizeof(kSymbols));
static inline WORD Car(long x) {
return PEEK_ARRAY(q, mem, VALUE(x), 0);
static inline WORD Cdr(long x) {
return PEEK_ARRAY(q, mem, VALUE(x), 1);
static WORD Set(long i, long k, long v) {
POKE_ARRAY(q, mem, VALUE(i), 0, k);
POKE_ARRAY(q, mem, VALUE(i), 1, v);
return i;
static WORD Cons(WORD car, WORD cdr) {
int i, cell;
i = q->index;
POKE_ARRAY(q, mem, i, 0, car);
POKE_ARRAY(q, mem, i, 1, cdr);
q->index = i + 2;
cell = OBJECT(CONS, i);
return cell;
static char *StpCpy(char *d, char *s) {
char c;
do {
c = LODS(s); // a.k.a. c = *s++
STOS(d, c); // a.k.a. *d++ = c
} while (c);
return d;
static WORD Intern(char *s) {
int j, cx;
char c, *z, *t;
z = q->str;
c = LODS(z);
while (c) {
for (j = 0;; ++j) {
if (c != PEEK(s, j, 0)) {
if (!c) {
return OBJECT(ATOM, z - q->str - j - 1);
c = LODS(z);
while (c) c = LODS(z);
c = LODS(z);
StpCpy(z, s);
return OBJECT(ATOM, SUB((long)z, q->str));
static unsigned char XlatSyntax(unsigned char b) {
return PEEK_ARRAY(q, syntax, b, 0);
static void PrintString(char *s) {
char c;
for (;;) {
if (!(c = PEEK(s, 0, 0))) break;
static int GetChar(void) {
int c;
c = ReadChar();
if (c >= 'a') {
if (c <= 'z') c -= 'a' - 'A';
if (c == '\b') return c;
if (c == '\r') PrintChar('\n');
return c;
static void GetToken(void) {
char *t;
unsigned char b, x;
b = q->look;
t = q->token;
for (;;) {
x = XlatSyntax(b);
if (x != ' ') break;
b = GetChar();
if (x) {
STOS(t, b);
b = GetChar();
} else {
while (b && !x) {
if (!DELETE || b != '\b') {
STOS(t, b);
} else if (t > q->token) {
PrintString("\b \b");
if (t > q->token) --t;
b = GetChar();
x = XlatSyntax(b);
STOS(t, 0);
q->look = b;
static WORD ConsumeObject(void) {
return GetObject();
static WORD Cadr(long x) {
return Car(Cdr(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → (E F G)
static WORD List(long x, long y) {
return Cons(x, Cons(y, NIL));
static WORD Quote(long x) {
return List(ATOM_QUOTE, x);
static WORD GetQuote(void) {
return Quote(ConsumeObject());
static WORD AddList(WORD x) {
return Cons(x, GetList());
static WORD GetList(void) {
switch (*q->token & 0xFF) {
return AddList(GetObject());
case ')':
return NIL;
case '.':
return ConsumeObject();
case '\'':
return AddList(GetQuote());
static WORD GetObject(void) {
switch (*q->token & 0xFF) {
return Intern(q->token);
case '(':
return GetList();
case '\'':
return GetQuote();
static WORD ReadObject(void) {
q->look = GetChar();
return GetObject();
static WORD Read(void) {
return ReadObject();
static void PrintAtom(long x) {
PrintString(q->str + VALUE(x));
static void PrintList(long x) {
if (Car(x) == ATOM_QUOTE) {
while ((x = Cdr(x))) {
if (!ISATOM(x)) {
PrintChar(' ');
} else {
PrintString(" . ");
static void PrintObject(long x) {
if (ISATOM(x)) {
} else {
static void Print(long i) {
The LISP Challenge § Bootstrap John McCarthy's Metacircular Evaluator
static WORD Atom(long x) {
return BOOL(ISATOM(x));
WORD Eq(long x, long y) {
return BOOL(x == y);
static WORD Caar(long x) {
return Car(Car(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → A
static WORD Cdar(long x) {
return Cdr(Car(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → (B C D)
static WORD Cadar(long x) {
return Cadr(Car(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → B
static WORD Caddr(long x) {
return Cadr(Cdr(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → H
static WORD Caddar(long x) {
return Caddr(Car(x)); // ((A B C D) (E F G) H I) → C
static WORD Arg1(long e, long a) {
return Eval(Cadr(e), a);
static WORD Arg2(long e, long a) {
return Eval(Caddr(e), a);
static WORD Append(long x, long y) {
return x ? Cons(Car(x), Append(Cdr(x), y)) : y;
static WORD Evcon(long c, long a) {
return Eval(Caar(c), a) ? Eval(Cadar(c), a) : Evcon(Cdr(c), a);
static WORD Bind(long v, long a, long e) {
return v ? Cons(Cons(Car(v), Eval(Car(a), e)), Bind(Cdr(v), Cdr(a), e)) : e;
static WORD Assoc(long x, long y) {
return y ? Eq(Caar(y), x) ? Cdar(y) : Assoc(x, Cdr(y)) : NIL;
static WORD Pair(long x, long y) {
if (Atom(x) || Atom(y)) {
return NIL;
} else {
return Cons(Cons(Car(x), Car(y)), Pair(Cdr(x), Cdr(y)));
__attribute__((__noinline__)) static WORD Evaluate(long e, long a) {
if (Atom(e)) {
return Assoc(e, a);
} else if (Atom(Car(e))) {
switch (Car(e)) {
case NIL:
return Cadr(e);
return Atom(Arg1(e, a));
case ATOM_EQ:
return Eq(Arg1(e, a), Arg2(e, a));
return Evcon(Cdr(e), a);
case ATOM_CAR:
return Car(Arg1(e, a));
case ATOM_CDR:
return Cdr(Arg1(e, a));
return Cons(Arg1(e, a), Arg2(e, a));
return Eval(Cons(Assoc(Car(e), a), Cdr(e)), a);
} else if (Eq(Caar(e), ATOM_LAMBDA)) {
return Eval(Caddar(e), Bind(Cadar(e), Cdr(e), a));
} else {
static WORD Eval(long e, long a) {
PrintString(" ");
e = Evaluate(e, a);
return e;
The LISP Challenge § User Interface
void Repl(void) {
for (;;) {
PrintString("* ");
Print(Eval(Read(), q->globals));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
PrintString("THE LISP CHALLENGE V1\r\n"
return 0;

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int main() {
SetEs(0); SetEs(0);
memset((void *)(0x7c00 + 512), 0, 25 * 80); memset((void *)(0x7c00 + 512), 0, 25 * 80);
SetEs(0xb8000 >> 4); SetEs(0xb8000 >> 4);
memset((void *)0, 0, 25 * 80 * 2); /* memset((void *)0, 0, 25 * 80 * 2); */
spiral((void *)0, (void *)(0x7c00 + 512), g); spiral((void *)0, (void *)(0x7c00 + 512), g);
} }
} }

View File

@ -17,16 +17,10 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA 02110-1301 USA
*/ */
#include "libc/alg/arraylist2.h"
#include "libc/assert.h"
#include "libc/bits/popcnt.h"
#include "libc/bits/safemacros.h"
#include "libc/log/check.h" #include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/mem/mem.h" #include "libc/mem/mem.h"
#include "libc/runtime/gc.h" #include "libc/runtime/gc.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h" #include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/auxv.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/endian.h" #include "tool/build/lib/endian.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/machine.h" #include "tool/build/lib/machine.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/memory.h" #include "tool/build/lib/memory.h"

View File

@ -21,18 +21,27 @@
#include "libc/calls/calls.h" #include "libc/calls/calls.h"
#include "libc/errno.h" #include "libc/errno.h"
#include "libc/fmt/fmt.h" #include "libc/fmt/fmt.h"
#include "libc/macros.h"
#include "libc/mem/mem.h" #include "libc/mem/mem.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h" #include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/str/tpenc.h" #include "libc/str/tpenc.h"
#include "libc/str/tpencode.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/buffer.h" #include "tool/build/lib/buffer.h"
void AppendChar(struct Buffer *b, char c) { void AppendData(struct Buffer *b, char *data, unsigned len) {
APPEND(&b->p, &b->i, &b->n, &c); char *p;
unsigned n;
if (b->i + len + 1 > b->n) {
n = MAX(b->i + len + 1, MAX(16, b->n + (b->n >> 1)));
if (!(p = realloc(b->p, n))) return;
b->p = p;
b->n = n;
memcpy(b->p + b->i, data, len);
b->p[b->i += len] = 0;
} }
void AppendData(struct Buffer *b, char *data, size_t len) { void AppendChar(struct Buffer *b, char c) {
CONCAT(&b->p, &b->i, &b->n, data, len); AppendData(b, &c, 1);
} }
void AppendStr(struct Buffer *b, const char *s) { void AppendStr(struct Buffer *b, const char *s) {

View File

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
struct Buffer { struct Buffer {
size_t i, n; unsigned i, n;
char *p; char *p;
}; };
void AppendChar(struct Buffer *, char); void AppendChar(struct Buffer *, char);
void AppendData(struct Buffer *, char *, size_t); void AppendData(struct Buffer *, char *, unsigned);
void AppendStr(struct Buffer *, const char *); void AppendStr(struct Buffer *, const char *);
void AppendWide(struct Buffer *, wint_t); void AppendWide(struct Buffer *, wint_t);
int AppendFmt(struct Buffer *, const char *, ...); int AppendFmt(struct Buffer *, const char *, ...);

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ TOOL_BUILD_LIB_A_DIRECTDEPS = \
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ $(TOOL_BUILD_LIB_A_OBJS): \
-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=address
endif endif
o/$(MODE)/tool/build/lib/memory-gcc.asm: \ o/$(MODE)/tool/build/lib/buffer-gcc.asm: \
-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=address

View File

@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ void OpCpuid(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
cx |= 0 << 1; // pclmulqdq cx |= 0 << 1; // pclmulqdq
cx |= 1 << 9; // ssse3 cx |= 1 << 9; // ssse3
cx |= 1 << 23; // popcnt cx |= 1 << 23; // popcnt
cx |= 0 << 30; // rdrnd cx |= 1 << 30; // rdrnd
cx |= 0 << 25; // aes cx |= 0 << 25; // aes
cx |= 1 << 13; // cmpxchg16b
dx |= 1 << 0; // fpu dx |= 1 << 0; // fpu
dx |= 1 << 4; // tsc dx |= 1 << 4; // tsc
dx |= 1 << 6; // pae dx |= 1 << 6; // pae
@ -48,15 +49,31 @@ void OpCpuid(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
dx |= 1 << 15; // cmov dx |= 1 << 15; // cmov
dx |= 1 << 19; // clflush dx |= 1 << 19; // clflush
dx |= 1 << 23; // mmx dx |= 1 << 23; // mmx
dx |= 1 << 24; // fxsave
dx |= 1 << 25; // sse dx |= 1 << 25; // sse
dx |= 1 << 26; // sse2 dx |= 1 << 26; // sse2
break; break;
case 7: case 7:
switch (Read32(m->cx)) {
case 0:
bx |= 1 << 0; // fsgsbase
bx |= 1 << 9; // erms bx |= 1 << 9; // erms
bx |= 0 << 18; // rdseed
cx |= 1 << 22; // rdpid
break; break;
case 0x80000001: case 0x80000001:
cx |= 1 << 0; // lahf cx |= 1 << 0; // lahf
dx |= 1 << 0; // fpu
dx |= 1 << 8; // cmpxchg8b
dx |= 1 << 11; // syscall dx |= 1 << 11; // syscall
dx |= 1 << 15; // cmov
dx |= 1 << 23; // mmx
dx |= 1 << 24; // fxsave
dx |= 1 << 27; // rdtscp
dx |= 1 << 29; // long dx |= 1 << 29; // long
break; break;
case 0x80000007: case 0x80000007:

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include "libc/conv/itoa.h" #include "libc/conv/itoa.h"
#include "libc/fmt/bing.h" #include "libc/fmt/bing.h"
#include "libc/fmt/fmt.h" #include "libc/fmt/fmt.h"
#include "libc/limits.h"
#include "libc/log/check.h" #include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/log/log.h" #include "libc/log/log.h"
#include "libc/macros.h" #include "libc/macros.h"
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ static char *DisError(struct Dis *d, char *p) {
} }
static char *DisAddr(struct Dis *d, char *p) { static char *DisAddr(struct Dis *d, char *p) {
if (INT32_MIN <= d->addr && d->addr <= INT32_MAX) { if (-0x80000000 <= d->addr && d->addr <= 0x7fffffff) {
return p + uint64toarray_fixed16(d->addr, p, 32); return p + uint64toarray_fixed16(d->addr, p, 32);
} else { } else {
return p + uint64toarray_fixed16(d->addr, p, 48); return p + uint64toarray_fixed16(d->addr, p, 48);

View File

@ -336,20 +336,24 @@ static char *DisEvqp(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisE(d, rde, p, DisRegisterWord); return DisE(d, rde, p, DisRegisterWord);
} }
static char *DisEdqpReg(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) { static char *DisRv(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegister(p, kGreg[Osz(rde)][0][Rexb(rde)][ModrmRm(rde)]);
static char *DisRvqp(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegister(p, kGreg[Osz(rde)][Rexw(rde)][Rexb(rde)][ModrmRm(rde)]);
static char *DisRdqp(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegister(p, kGreg[0][Rexw(rde)][Rexb(rde)][ModrmRm(rde)]); return DisRegister(p, kGreg[0][Rexw(rde)][Rexb(rde)][ModrmRm(rde)]);
} }
static char *DisEdqp(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) { static char *DisEdqp(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegMem(d, rde, p, DisEdqpReg); return DisRegMem(d, rde, p, DisRdqp);
static char *DisEvReg(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegister(p, kGreg[Osz(rde)][0][Rexb(rde)][ModrmRm(rde)]);
} }
static char *DisEv(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) { static char *DisEv(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
return DisRegMem(d, rde, p, DisEvReg); return DisRegMem(d, rde, p, DisRv);
} }
static char *DisGvq(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p, int r) { static char *DisGvq(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p, int r) {
@ -597,8 +601,6 @@ static char *DisWps(struct Dis *d, uint32_t rde, char *p) {
#define DisOvqp DisAbs #define DisOvqp DisAbs
#define DisPpi DisPq #define DisPpi DisPq
#define DisQpi DisQq #define DisQpi DisQq
#define DisRdqp DisGdqp
#define DisRvqp DisGvqp
#define DisVpd DisVdq #define DisVpd DisVdq
#define DisVps DisVdq #define DisVps DisVdq
#define DisVq DisVdq #define DisVq DisVdq

View File

@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ long DisFindSymByName(struct Dis *d, const char *s) {
} }
void DisLoadElf(struct Dis *d, struct Elf *elf) { void DisLoadElf(struct Dis *d, struct Elf *elf) {
if (!elf || !elf->ehdr) return; if (!elf || !elf->ehdr) return;
DisLoadElfLoads(d, elf); DisLoadElfLoads(d, elf);
DisLoadElfSyms(d, elf); DisLoadElfSyms(d, elf);

View File

@ -447,7 +447,11 @@ const char *DisSpecMap0(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
} }
const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) { const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
bool isreg;
isreg = IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde);
switch (x->op.opcode & 0xff) { switch (x->op.opcode & 0xff) {
RCASE(0x02, "lar %Gvqp Ev");
RCASE(0x03, "lsl %Gvqp Ev");
RCASE(0x05, "syscall"); RCASE(0x05, "syscall");
RCASE(0x0B, "ud2"); RCASE(0x0B, "ud2");
RCASE(0x0D, "nop Ev"); RCASE(0x0D, "nop Ev");
@ -464,7 +468,12 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
RCASE(0x2B, "movntpSD Mps %Vps"); RCASE(0x2B, "movntpSD Mps %Vps");
RCASE(0x2E, Osz(x->op.rde) ? "ucomisd %Vsd Wsd" : "ucomiss %Vss Wss"); RCASE(0x2E, Osz(x->op.rde) ? "ucomisd %Vsd Wsd" : "ucomiss %Vss Wss");
RCASE(0x2F, Osz(x->op.rde) ? "comisd %Vsd Wsd" : "comiss %Vss Wss"); RCASE(0x2F, Osz(x->op.rde) ? "comisd %Vsd Wsd" : "comiss %Vss Wss");
RCASE(0x30, "wrmsr");
RCASE(0x31, "rdtsc"); RCASE(0x31, "rdtsc");
RCASE(0x32, "rdmsr");
RCASE(0x33, "rdpmc");
RCASE(0x34, "sysenter");
RCASE(0x35, "sysexit");
RCASE(0x40 ... 0x4f, "cmovCC %Gvqp Evqp"); RCASE(0x40 ... 0x4f, "cmovCC %Gvqp Evqp");
RCASE(0x52, DisOpVpsWpsVssWss(x, p, "rsqrt")); RCASE(0x52, DisOpVpsWpsVssWss(x, p, "rsqrt"));
RCASE(0x53, DisOpVpsWpsVssWss(x, p, "rcp")); RCASE(0x53, DisOpVpsWpsVssWss(x, p, "rcp"));
@ -570,17 +579,76 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
RCASE(0xFE, DisOpPqQqVdqWdq(x, p, "paddd")); RCASE(0xFE, DisOpPqQqVdqWdq(x, p, "paddd"));
RCASE(0xFF, "ud0 %Gvqp Evqp"); RCASE(0xFF, "ud0 %Gvqp Evqp");
case 0x01: case 0x01:
if (ModrmMod(x->op.rde) == 0b11 && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0b111 && switch (ModrmReg(x->op.rde)) {
ModrmRm(x->op.rde) == 0b001) { case 0:
return "rdtscp"; if (!isreg) {
} else if (!IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde) && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0) {
return "sgdt Ms"; return "sgdt Ms";
} else if (!IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde) && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 2) { } else {
switch (ModrmRm(x->op.rde)) {
case 1:
return "vmcall";
case 2:
return "vmlaunch";
case 3:
return "vmresume";
case 4:
return "vmxoff";
return UNKNOWN;
case 1:
if (!isreg) {
return "sidt Ms";
} else {
switch (ModrmRm(x->op.rde)) {
case 0:
return "monitor";
case 1:
return "mwait";
return UNKNOWN;
case 2:
if (!isreg) {
return "lgdt Ms"; return "lgdt Ms";
} else if (ModrmRm(x->op.rde) == 0) {
return "xgetbv";
} else if (ModrmRm(x->op.rde) == 1) {
return "xsetbv";
} else { } else {
return UNKNOWN; return UNKNOWN;
} }
break; break;
case 3:
if (!isreg) {
return "lidt Ms";
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
case 4:
return "smsw Ew";
case 6:
return "lmsw Ew";
case 7:
if (!isreg) {
return "invlpg M";
} else {
switch (ModrmRm(x->op.rde)) {
case 0:
return "swapgs";
case 1:
return "rdtscp";
return UNKNOWN;
return UNKNOWN;
case 0x1F: case 0x1F:
if (ModrmMod(x->op.rde) == 1 && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0 && if (ModrmMod(x->op.rde) == 1 && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0 &&
ModrmRm(x->op.rde) == 0b101) { ModrmRm(x->op.rde) == 0b101) {
@ -621,15 +689,42 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
break; break;
case 0xAE: case 0xAE:
switch (ModrmReg(x->op.rde)) { switch (ModrmReg(x->op.rde)) {
RCASE(0, "fxsave Mstx %st %st(1)"); case 0:
RCASE(1, "fxrstor Mstx %st %st(1)"); if (isreg) {
RCASE(2, "ldmxcsr Md"); return "rdfsbase %Rdqp";
RCASE(3, "stmxcsr Md"); } else {
RCASE(4, "xsave M %edx %eax"); return "fxsave M";
RCASE(5, "lfence"); }
RCASE(6, "mfence"); case 1:
if (isreg) {
return "rdgsbase %Rdqp";
} else {
return "fxrstor M";
case 2:
if (isreg) {
return "wrfsbase %Rdqp";
} else {
return "ldmxcsr Md";
case 3:
if (isreg) {
return "wrgsbase %Rdqp";
} else {
return "stmxcsr Md";
case 4:
if (isreg) {
return UNKNOWN;
} else {
return "xsave M %edx %eax";
case 5:
return "lfence";
case 6:
return "mfence";
case 7: case 7:
if (ModrmMod(x->op.rde) == 0b11 && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0b111) { if (isreg && ModrmReg(x->op.rde) == 0b111) {
return "sfence"; return "sfence";
} else { } else {
return "clflush"; return "clflush";
@ -668,13 +763,13 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
break; break;
case 0xC4: case 0xC4:
if (!Osz(x->op.rde)) { if (!Osz(x->op.rde)) {
if (IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde)) { if (isreg) {
return "pinsrw %Pq %Rdqp Ib"; return "pinsrw %Pq %Rdqp Ib";
} else { } else {
return "pinsrw %Pq Mw Ib"; return "pinsrw %Pq Mw Ib";
} }
} else { } else {
if (IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde)) { if (isreg) {
return "pinsrw %Vdq %Rdqp Ib"; return "pinsrw %Vdq %Rdqp Ib";
} else { } else {
return "pinsrw %Vdq Mw Ib"; return "pinsrw %Vdq Mw Ib";
@ -696,11 +791,39 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
} }
break; break;
case 0xC7: case 0xC7:
switch (ModrmReg(x->op.rde)) {
case 1:
if (!isreg) {
if (Rexw(x->op.rde)) { if (Rexw(x->op.rde)) {
return "cmpxchg16b Mdq"; return "cmpxchg16b Mdq";
} else { } else {
return "cmpxchg8b Mq"; return "cmpxchg8b Mq";
} }
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
case 6:
if (isreg) {
return "rdrand %Rdqp";
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
case 7:
if (isreg) {
if (Rep(x->op.rde) == 3) {
return "rdpid %Rdqp";
} else {
return "rdseed %Rdqp";
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
return UNKNOWN;
break; break;
case 0xD6: case 0xD6:
if (Osz(x->op.rde)) { if (Osz(x->op.rde)) {
@ -714,7 +837,7 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
case 0x12: case 0x12:
switch (Rep(x->op.rde) | Osz(x->op.rde)) { switch (Rep(x->op.rde) | Osz(x->op.rde)) {
case 0: case 0:
if (IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde)) { if (isreg) {
return "movhlps %Vq %Uq"; return "movhlps %Vq %Uq";
} else { } else {
return "movlps %Vq Mq"; return "movlps %Vq Mq";
@ -740,7 +863,7 @@ const char *DisSpecMap1(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
case 0x16: case 0x16:
switch (Rep(x->op.rde) | Osz(x->op.rde)) { switch (Rep(x->op.rde) | Osz(x->op.rde)) {
case 0: case 0:
if (IsModrmRegister(x->op.rde)) { if (isreg) {
return "movlhps %Vq %Uq"; return "movlhps %Vq %Uq";
} else { } else {
return "movhps %Vq Mq"; return "movhps %Vq Mq";
@ -938,6 +1061,20 @@ const char *DisSpecMap2(struct XedDecodedInst *x, char *p) {
RCASE(0x41, "phminposuw %Vdq Wdq"); RCASE(0x41, "phminposuw %Vdq Wdq");
RCASE(0x80, "invept %Gq Mdq"); RCASE(0x80, "invept %Gq Mdq");
RCASE(0x81, "invvpid %Gq Mdq"); RCASE(0x81, "invvpid %Gq Mdq");
case 0xF0:
if (Rep(x->op.rde) == 2) {
return "crc32 %Gvqp Eb";
} else {
return "movbe %Gvqp M";
case 0xF1:
if (Rep(x->op.rde) == 2) {
return "crc32 %Gvqp Evqp";
} else {
return "movbe M %Gvqp";
default: default:
return UNKNOWN; return UNKNOWN;
} }

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
02110-1301 USA 02110-1301 USA
*/ */
#include "libc/calls/struct/iovec.h" #include "libc/calls/struct/iovec.h"
#include "libc/nexgen32e/uart.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/fileno.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/fileno.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/ioports.h" #include "tool/build/lib/ioports.h"
@ -42,10 +43,42 @@ static void OpE9Write(struct Machine *m, uint8_t b) {
m->fds.p[fd].cb->writev(m->fds.p[fd].fd, &(struct iovec){&b, 1}, 1); m->fds.p[fd].cb->writev(m->fds.p[fd].fd, &(struct iovec){&b, 1}, 1);
} }
static int OpSerialIn(struct Machine *m, int r) {
switch (r) {
case UART_DLL:
if (!m->dlab) {
return OpE9Read(m);
} else {
return 0x01;
case UART_LSR:
return 0;
static void OpSerialOut(struct Machine *m, int r, uint32_t x) {
switch (r) {
case UART_DLL:
if (!m->dlab) {
return OpE9Write(m, x);
case UART_LCR:
m->dlab = !!(x & UART_DLAB);
uint64_t OpIn(struct Machine *m, uint16_t p) { uint64_t OpIn(struct Machine *m, uint16_t p) {
switch (p) { switch (p) {
case 0xE9: case 0xE9:
return OpE9Read(m); return OpE9Read(m);
case 0x3F8 ... 0x3FF:
return OpSerialIn(m, p - 0x3F8);
default: default:
return -1; return -1;
} }
@ -56,6 +89,9 @@ void OpOut(struct Machine *m, uint16_t p, uint32_t x) {
case 0xE9: case 0xE9:
OpE9Write(m, x); OpE9Write(m, x);
break; break;
case 0x3F8 ... 0x3FF:
OpSerialOut(m, p - 0x3F8, x);
default: default:
break; break;
} }

View File

@ -109,6 +109,29 @@ static void LoadBin(struct Machine *m, intptr_t base, const char *prog,
m->ip = base; m->ip = base;
} }
static void BootProgram(struct Machine *m, struct Elf *elf, size_t codesize) {
m->ip = 0x7c00;
elf->base = 0x7c00;
CHECK_NE(-1, ReserveReal(m, 0x00f00000));
memset(m->real.p, 0, 0x00f00000);
Write16(m->real.p + 0x400, 0x3F8);
Write16(m->real.p + 0x40E, 0xb0000 >> 4);
Write16(m->real.p + 0x413, 0xb0000 / 1024);
Write16(m->real.p + 0x44A, 80);
Write64(m->cs, 0);
Write64(m->dx, 0);
memcpy(m->real.p + 0x7c00, elf->map, 512);
if (memcmp(elf->map, "\177ELF", 4) == 0) {
elf->ehdr = (void *)elf->map;
elf->size = codesize;
elf->base = elf->ehdr->e_entry;
} else {
elf->base = 0x7c00;
elf->ehdr = NULL;
elf->size = 0;
void LoadProgram(struct Machine *m, const char *prog, char **args, char **vars, void LoadProgram(struct Machine *m, const char *prog, char **args, char **vars,
struct Elf *elf) { struct Elf *elf) {
int fd; int fd;
@ -147,21 +170,7 @@ void LoadProgram(struct Machine *m, const char *prog, char **args, char **vars,
CHECK_NE(-1, close(fd)); CHECK_NE(-1, close(fd));
ResetCpu(m); ResetCpu(m);
if ((m->mode & 3) == XED_MODE_REAL) { if ((m->mode & 3) == XED_MODE_REAL) {
elf->base = 0x7c00; BootProgram(m, elf, codesize);
CHECK_NE(-1, ReserveReal(m, BIGPAGESIZE));
m->ip = 0x7c00;
Write64(m->cs, 0);
Write64(m->dx, 0);
VirtualRecv(m, m->ip, elf->map, 512);
if (memcmp(elf->map, "\177ELF", 4) == 0) {
elf->ehdr = (void *)elf->map;
elf->size = codesize;
elf->base = elf->ehdr->e_entry;
} else {
elf->base = 0x7c00;
elf->ehdr = NULL;
elf->size = 0;
} else { } else {
sp = 0x800000000000; sp = 0x800000000000;
Write64(m->sp, sp); Write64(m->sp, sp);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA 02110-1301 USA
*/ */
#include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/macros.h" #include "libc/macros.h"
#include "libc/rand/rand.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h" #include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/abp.h" #include "tool/build/lib/abp.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/address.h" #include "tool/build/lib/address.h"
@ -202,14 +204,87 @@ static relegated void OpMovEvqpSw(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Read64(GetSegment(m, rde, ModrmReg(rde))) >> 4); Read64(GetSegment(m, rde, ModrmReg(rde))) >> 4);
} }
static relegated void OpMovSwEvqp(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static relegated int GetDescriptor(struct Machine *m, int selector,
Write64(GetSegment(m, rde, ModrmReg(rde)), uint64_t *out_descriptor) {
ReadMemory(rde, GetModrmRegisterWordPointerReadOszRexw(m, rde)) << 4); uint8_t buf[8];
DCHECK(m->gdt_base + m->gdt_limit <= m->real.n);
selector &= -8;
if (8 <= selector && selector + 8 <= m->gdt_limit) {
SetReadAddr(m, m->gdt_base + selector, 8);
*out_descriptor = Read64(m->real.p + m->gdt_base + selector);
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
} }
static relegated void OpJmpf(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static uint64_t GetDescriptorBase(uint64_t d) {
return (d & 0xff00000000000000) >> 32 | (d & 0x000000ffffff0000) >> 16;
static uint64_t GetDescriptorLimit(uint64_t d) {
return (d & 0x000f000000000000) >> 32 | d & 0xffff;
static int GetDescriptorMode(uint64_t d) {
uint8_t kMode[] = {
return kMode[(d & 0x0060000000000000) >> 53];
static bool IsProtectedMode(struct Machine *m) {
return m->cr0 & 1;
static relegated void OpMovSwEvqp(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
uint64_t x, d;
x = ReadMemory(rde, GetModrmRegisterWordPointerReadOszRexw(m, rde));
if (!IsProtectedMode(m)) {
x <<= 4;
} else if (GetDescriptor(m, x, &d) != -1) {
x = GetDescriptorBase(d);
} else {
Write64(GetSegment(m, rde, ModrmReg(rde)), x);
static void OpLsl(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
uint64_t descriptor;
if (GetDescriptor(m, Read16(GetModrmRegisterWordPointerRead2(m, rde)),
&descriptor) != -1) {
WriteRegister(rde, RegRexrReg(m, rde), GetDescriptorLimit(descriptor));
SetFlag(m->flags, FLAGS_ZF, true);
} else {
SetFlag(m->flags, FLAGS_ZF, false);
static void ChangeMachineMode(struct Machine *m, int mode) {
if (mode == m->mode) return;
m->mode = mode;
static void OpJmpf(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
uint64_t descriptor;
if (!IsProtectedMode(m)) {
Write64(m->cs, m->xedd->op.uimm0 << 4); Write64(m->cs, m->xedd->op.uimm0 << 4);
m->ip = m->xedd->op.disp; m->ip = m->xedd->op.disp;
} else if (GetDescriptor(m, m->xedd->op.uimm0, &descriptor) != -1) {
Write64(m->cs, GetDescriptorBase(descriptor));
m->ip = m->xedd->op.disp;
ChangeMachineMode(m, GetDescriptorMode(descriptor));
} else {
if (m->onlongbranch) {
} }
static relegated void OpXlatAlBbb(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static relegated void OpXlatAlBbb(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
@ -373,12 +448,50 @@ static void OpCmpxchg16b(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
} }
} }
static void OpCmpxchgDxAx(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void OpRdrand(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
WriteRegister(rde, RegRexbRm(m, rde), rand64());
static void OpRdseed(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
OpRdrand(m, rde);
static void Op1c7(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
bool ismem;
ismem = !IsModrmRegister(rde);
switch (ModrmReg(rde)) {
case 1:
if (ismem) {
if (Rexw(rde)) { if (Rexw(rde)) {
OpCmpxchg16b(m, rde); OpCmpxchg16b(m, rde);
} else { } else {
OpCmpxchg8b(m, rde); OpCmpxchg8b(m, rde);
} }
} else {
OpUd(m, rde);
case 6:
if (!ismem) {
OpRdrand(m, rde);
} else {
OpUd(m, rde);
case 7:
if (!ismem) {
if (Rep(rde) == 3) {
OpRdpid(m, rde);
} else {
OpRdseed(m, rde);
} else {
OpUd(m, rde);
OpUd(m, rde);
} }
static void OpXaddEbGb(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void OpXaddEbGb(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
@ -699,8 +812,7 @@ static void OpAlubFlipTest(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
} }
static void Alubi(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde, aluop_f op) { static void Alubi(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde, aluop_f op) {
uint8_t *a, x; uint8_t *a = GetModrmRegisterBytePointerWrite(m, rde);
a = GetModrmRegisterBytePointerWrite(m, rde);
Write8(a, op(Read8(a), m->xedd->op.uimm0, &m->flags)); Write8(a, op(Read8(a), m->xedd->op.uimm0, &m->flags));
} }
@ -770,7 +882,6 @@ static void OpAluwFlipTest(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
static void Aluwi(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde, aluop_f ops[4]) { static void Aluwi(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde, aluop_f ops[4]) {
uint8_t *a; uint8_t *a;
uint64_t x;
a = GetModrmRegisterWordPointerWriteOszRexw(m, rde); a = GetModrmRegisterWordPointerWriteOszRexw(m, rde);
WriteRegisterOrMemory( WriteRegisterOrMemory(
rde, a, rde, a,
@ -1339,8 +1450,105 @@ static void OpDoubleShift(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
m->xedd->op.opcode & 8, &m->flags)); m->xedd->op.opcode & 8, &m->flags));
} }
static void OpFxsave(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
int64_t v;
uint8_t buf[32];
memset(buf, 0, 32);
Write16(buf + 0, m->;
Write16(buf + 2, m->fpu.sw);
Write8(buf + 4, m->;
Write16(buf + 6, m->fpu.op);
Write32(buf + 8, m->fpu.ip);
Write32(buf + 24, m->sse.mxcsr);
v = ComputeAddress(m, rde);
VirtualRecv(m, v + 0, buf, 32);
VirtualRecv(m, v + 32, m->, 128);
VirtualRecv(m, v + 160, m->xmm, 256);
SetWriteAddr(m, v, 416);
static void OpFxrstor(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
int64_t v;
uint8_t buf[32];
v = ComputeAddress(m, rde);
SetReadAddr(m, v, 416);
VirtualSend(m, buf, v + 0, 32);
VirtualSend(m, m->, v + 32, 128);
VirtualSend(m, m->xmm, v + 160, 256);
m-> = Read16(buf + 0);
m->fpu.sw = Read16(buf + 2);
m-> = Read8(buf + 4);
m->fpu.op = Read16(buf + 6);
m->fpu.ip = Read32(buf + 8);
m->sse.mxcsr = Read32(buf + 24);
static void OpXsave(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
static void OpLdmxcsr(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
m->sse.mxcsr = Read32(ComputeReserveAddressRead4(m, rde));
static void OpStmxcsr(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write32(ComputeReserveAddressWrite4(m, rde), m->sse.mxcsr);
static void OpRdfsbase(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
WriteRegister(rde, RegRexbRm(m, rde), Read64(m->fs));
static void OpRdgsbase(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
WriteRegister(rde, RegRexbRm(m, rde), Read64(m->gs));
static void OpWrfsbase(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write64(m->fs, ReadMemory(rde, RegRexbRm(m, rde)));
static void OpWrgsbase(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write64(m->gs, ReadMemory(rde, RegRexbRm(m, rde)));
static void Op1ae(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void Op1ae(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
bool ismem;
ismem = !IsModrmRegister(rde);
switch (ModrmReg(rde)) { switch (ModrmReg(rde)) {
case 0:
if (ismem) {
OpFxsave(m, rde);
} else {
OpRdfsbase(m, rde);
case 1:
if (ismem) {
OpFxrstor(m, rde);
} else {
OpRdgsbase(m, rde);
case 2:
if (ismem) {
OpLdmxcsr(m, rde);
} else {
OpWrfsbase(m, rde);
case 3:
if (ismem) {
OpStmxcsr(m, rde);
} else {
OpWrgsbase(m, rde);
case 4:
if (ismem) {
OpXsave(m, rde);
} else {
OpUd(m, rde);
case 5: case 5:
OpLfence(m, rde); OpLfence(m, rde);
break; break;
@ -1348,10 +1556,10 @@ static void Op1ae(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
OpMfence(m, rde); OpMfence(m, rde);
break; break;
case 7: case 7:
if (ModrmMod(rde) == 0b11 && ModrmReg(rde) == 0b111) { if (ismem) {
OpSfence(m, rde);
} else {
OpClflush(m, rde); OpClflush(m, rde);
} else {
OpSfence(m, rde);
} }
break; break;
default: default:
@ -1363,11 +1571,32 @@ static void OpSalc(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write8(m->ax, GetFlag(m->flags, FLAGS_CF)); Write8(m->ax, GetFlag(m->flags, FLAGS_CF));
} }
static void OpBofram(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
if (m->xedd->op.disp) {
m->bofram[0] = m->ip;
m->bofram[1] = m->ip + (m->xedd->op.disp & 0xff);
} else {
m->bofram[0] = 0;
m->bofram[1] = 0;
static void OpBinbase(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
if (m->onbinbase) {
static void OpNopEv(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void OpNopEv(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
switch (ModrmMod(rde) << 6 | ModrmReg(rde) << 3 | ModrmRm(rde)) { switch (ModrmMod(rde) << 6 | ModrmReg(rde) << 3 | ModrmRm(rde)) {
case 0x45: case 0105:
OpBofram(m, rde); OpBofram(m, rde);
break; break;
case 0007:
case 0107:
case 0207:
OpBinbase(m, rde);
default: default:
OpNoop(m, rde); OpNoop(m, rde);
} }
@ -1421,6 +1650,14 @@ static void OpMovCqRq(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
} }
} }
static void OpWrmsr(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
static void OpRdmsr(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write32(m->dx, 0);
Write32(m->ax, 0);
static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = { static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = {
[0x000] = OpAlubAdd, [0x000] = OpAlubAdd,
[0x001] = OpAluw, [0x001] = OpAluw,
@ -1681,7 +1918,7 @@ static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = {
[0x100] = OpUd, [0x100] = OpUd,
[0x101] = Op101, [0x101] = Op101,
[0x102] = OpUd, [0x102] = OpUd,
[0x103] = OpUd, [0x103] = OpLsl,
[0x104] = OpUd, [0x104] = OpUd,
[0x105] = OpSyscall, [0x105] = OpSyscall,
[0x106] = OpUd, [0x106] = OpUd,
@ -1708,7 +1945,7 @@ static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = {
[0x11B] = OpHintNopEv, [0x11B] = OpHintNopEv,
[0x11C] = OpHintNopEv, [0x11C] = OpHintNopEv,
[0x11D] = OpHintNopEv, [0x11D] = OpHintNopEv,
[0x11E] = OpUd, [0x11E] = OpHintNopEv,
[0x11F] = OpNopEv, [0x11F] = OpNopEv,
[0x120] = OpMovRqCq, [0x120] = OpMovRqCq,
[0x121] = OpUd, [0x121] = OpUd,
@ -1726,9 +1963,9 @@ static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = {
[0x12D] = OpCvt0f2d, [0x12D] = OpCvt0f2d,
[0x12E] = OpComissVsWs, [0x12E] = OpComissVsWs,
[0x12F] = OpComissVsWs, [0x12F] = OpComissVsWs,
[0x130] = OpUd, [0x130] = OpWrmsr,
[0x131] = OpRdtsc, [0x131] = OpRdtsc,
[0x132] = OpUd, [0x132] = OpRdmsr,
[0x133] = OpUd, [0x133] = OpUd,
[0x134] = OpUd, [0x134] = OpUd,
[0x135] = OpUd, [0x135] = OpUd,
@ -1877,7 +2114,7 @@ static const nexgen32e_f kNexgen32e[] = {
[0x1C4] = OpPinsrwVdqEwIb, [0x1C4] = OpPinsrwVdqEwIb,
[0x1C5] = OpPextrwGdqpUdqIb, [0x1C5] = OpPextrwGdqpUdqIb,
[0x1C6] = OpShufpsd, [0x1C6] = OpShufpsd,
[0x1C7] = OpCmpxchgDxAx, [0x1C7] = Op1c7,
[0x1C8] = OpBswapZvqp, [0x1C8] = OpBswapZvqp,
[0x1C9] = OpBswapZvqp, [0x1C9] = OpBswapZvqp,
[0x1CA] = OpBswapZvqp, [0x1CA] = OpBswapZvqp,

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h" #include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "third_party/xed/x86.h" #include "third_party/xed/x86.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/fds.h" #include "tool/build/lib/fds.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/pml4t.h"
#define kMachineHalt -1 #define kMachineHalt -1
#define kMachineDecodeError -2 #define kMachineDecodeError -2
@ -134,6 +133,10 @@ struct Machine {
uint64_t cr0; uint64_t cr0;
uint64_t cr2; uint64_t cr2;
uint64_t cr4; uint64_t cr4;
uint64_t gdt_base;
uint64_t idt_base;
uint16_t gdt_limit;
uint16_t idt_limit;
struct MachineRealFree { struct MachineRealFree {
uint64_t i; uint64_t i;
uint64_t n; uint64_t n;
@ -156,9 +159,12 @@ struct Machine {
int64_t bofram[2]; int64_t bofram[2];
jmp_buf onhalt; jmp_buf onhalt;
int64_t faultaddr; int64_t faultaddr;
bool dlab;
struct MachineFds fds; struct MachineFds fds;
uint8_t stash[4096]; uint8_t stash[4096];
uint8_t icache[1024][40]; uint8_t icache[1024][40];
void (*onbinbase)(struct Machine *);
void (*onlongbranch)(struct Machine *);
} aligned(64); } aligned(64);
struct Machine *NewMachine(void) nodiscard; struct Machine *NewMachine(void) nodiscard;
@ -166,6 +172,7 @@ void FreeMachine(struct Machine *);
void ResetMem(struct Machine *); void ResetMem(struct Machine *);
void ResetCpu(struct Machine *); void ResetCpu(struct Machine *);
void ResetTlb(struct Machine *); void ResetTlb(struct Machine *);
void ResetInstructionCache(struct Machine *);
void LoadInstruction(struct Machine *); void LoadInstruction(struct Machine *);
void ExecuteInstruction(struct Machine *); void ExecuteInstruction(struct Machine *);
long AllocateLinearPage(struct Machine *); long AllocateLinearPage(struct Machine *);

View File

@ -143,10 +143,20 @@ void *VirtualSend(struct Machine *m, void *dst, int64_t src, uint64_t n) {
return dst; return dst;
} }
void VirtualSendRead(struct Machine *m, void *dst, int64_t addr, uint64_t n) {
VirtualSend(m, dst, addr, n);
SetReadAddr(m, addr, n);
void VirtualRecv(struct Machine *m, int64_t dst, void *src, uint64_t n) { void VirtualRecv(struct Machine *m, int64_t dst, void *src, uint64_t n) {
VirtualCopy(m, dst, src, n, false); VirtualCopy(m, dst, src, n, false);
} }
void VirtualRecvWrite(struct Machine *m, int64_t addr, void *src, uint64_t n) {
VirtualRecv(m, addr, src, n);
SetWriteAddr(m, addr, n);
void *ReserveAddress(struct Machine *m, int64_t v, size_t n) { void *ReserveAddress(struct Machine *m, int64_t v, size_t n) {
void *r; void *r;
DCHECK_LE(n, sizeof(m->stash)); DCHECK_LE(n, sizeof(m->stash));

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ void VirtualRecv(struct Machine *, int64_t, void *, uint64_t);
void *VirtualSend(struct Machine *, void *, int64_t, uint64_t); void *VirtualSend(struct Machine *, void *, int64_t, uint64_t);
void VirtualSet(struct Machine *, int64_t, char, uint64_t); void VirtualSet(struct Machine *, int64_t, char, uint64_t);
void *RealAddress(struct Machine *, int64_t); void *RealAddress(struct Machine *, int64_t);
void VirtualSendRead(struct Machine *, void *, int64_t, uint64_t);
void VirtualRecvWrite(struct Machine *, int64_t, void *, uint64_t);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */ #endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */

View File

@ -17,22 +17,79 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA 02110-1301 USA
*/ */
#include "libc/log/log.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/endian.h" #include "tool/build/lib/endian.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/memory.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/modrm.h" #include "tool/build/lib/modrm.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/op101.h" #include "tool/build/lib/op101.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/throw.h" #include "tool/build/lib/throw.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/time.h" #include "tool/build/lib/time.h"
static void StoreDescriptorTable(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde,
uint16_t limit, uint64_t base) {
uint64_t l;
l = ComputeAddress(m, rde);
if (l + 10 <= m->real.n) {
Write16(m->real.p + l, limit);
if (Rexw(rde)) {
Write64(m->real.p + l + 2, base);
SetWriteAddr(m, l, 10);
} else if (!Osz(rde)) {
Write32(m->real.p + l + 2, base);
SetWriteAddr(m, l, 6);
} else {
Write16(m->real.p + l + 2, base);
SetWriteAddr(m, l, 4);
} else {
ThrowSegmentationFault(m, l);
static void LoadDescriptorTable(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde,
uint16_t *out_limit, uint64_t *out_base) {
uint16_t limit;
uint64_t l, base;
l = ComputeAddress(m, rde);
if (l + 10 <= m->real.n) {
limit = Read16(m->real.p + l);
if (Rexw(rde)) {
base = Read64(m->real.p + l + 2) & 0x00ffffff;
SetReadAddr(m, l, 10);
} else if (!Osz(rde)) {
base = Read32(m->real.p + l + 2);
SetReadAddr(m, l, 6);
} else {
base = Read16(m->real.p + l + 2);
SetReadAddr(m, l, 4);
if (base + limit <= m->real.n) {
*out_limit = limit;
*out_base = base;
} else {
} else {
ThrowSegmentationFault(m, l);
static void SgdtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void SgdtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
StoreDescriptorTable(m, rde, m->gdt_limit, m->gdt_base);
} }
static void LgdtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void LgdtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
LoadDescriptorTable(m, rde, &m->gdt_limit, &m->gdt_base);
LOGF("set gdt %p lim %,d", m->gdt_base, m->gdt_limit);
} }
static void SidtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void SidtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
StoreDescriptorTable(m, rde, m->idt_limit, m->idt_base);
} }
static void LidtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void LidtMs(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
LoadDescriptorTable(m, rde, &m->idt_limit, &m->idt_base);
LOGF("set idt %p lim %,d", m->idt_base, m->idt_limit);
} }
static void Monitor(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static void Monitor(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-bansic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 /*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
-*- vi: set net ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi vi: set net ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi
Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney

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@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ static void ResetSse(struct Machine *m) {
memset(m->xmm, 0, sizeof(m->xmm)); memset(m->xmm, 0, sizeof(m->xmm));
} }
void ResetInstructionCache(struct Machine *m) {
memset(m->icache, -1, sizeof(m->icache));
void ResetCpu(struct Machine *m) { void ResetCpu(struct Machine *m) {
m->faultaddr = 0; m->faultaddr = 0;
m->stashsize = 0; m->stashsize = 0;

View File

@ -186,16 +186,6 @@ void OpRet(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
m->ip = Pop(m, rde, m->xedd->op.uimm0); m->ip = Pop(m, rde, m->xedd->op.uimm0);
} }
void OpBofram(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
if (m->xedd->op.disp) {
m->bofram[0] = m->ip;
m->bofram[1] = m->ip + (m->xedd->op.disp & 0xff);
} else {
m->bofram[0] = 0;
m->bofram[1] = 0;
void OpPushEvq(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { void OpPushEvq(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
unsigned osz; unsigned osz;
osz = kStackOsz[m->xedd->op.osz][Mode(rde)]; osz = kStackOsz[m->xedd->op.osz][Mode(rde)];
@ -303,9 +293,15 @@ relegated void OpCallf(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Push(m, rde, m->ip); Push(m, rde, m->ip);
Write64(m->cs, m->xedd->op.uimm0 << 4); Write64(m->cs, m->xedd->op.uimm0 << 4);
m->ip = m->xedd->op.disp & (Osz(rde) ? 0xffff : 0xffffffff); m->ip = m->xedd->op.disp & (Osz(rde) ? 0xffff : 0xffffffff);
if (m->onlongbranch) {
} }
relegated void OpRetf(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { relegated void OpRetf(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
m->ip = Pop(m, rde, 0); m->ip = Pop(m, rde, 0);
Write64(m->cs, Pop(m, rde, m->xedd->op.uimm0) << 4); Write64(m->cs, Pop(m, rde, m->xedd->op.uimm0) << 4);
if (m->onlongbranch) {
} }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ void OpRet(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpRetf(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpRetf(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpLeave(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpLeave(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpCallEq(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpCallEq(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpBofram(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpPopEvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpPopEvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpPopZvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpPopZvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpPushZvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpPushZvq(struct Machine *, uint32_t);

View File

@ -422,18 +422,6 @@ static const char *GetSimulated(void) {
} }
} }
static void VirtualSendRead(struct Machine *m, void *dst, int64_t addr,
uint64_t n) {
VirtualSend(m, dst, addr, n);
SetReadAddr(m, addr, n);
static void VirtualRecvWrite(struct Machine *m, int64_t addr, void *src,
uint64_t n) {
VirtualRecv(m, addr, src, n);
SetWriteAddr(m, addr, n);
static int AppendIovsReal(struct Machine *m, struct Iovs *ib, int64_t addr, static int AppendIovsReal(struct Machine *m, struct Iovs *ib, int64_t addr,
size_t size) { size_t size) {
void *real; void *real;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "libc/sysv/consts/clock.h" #include "libc/sysv/consts/clock.h"
#include "libc/time/time.h" #include "libc/time/time.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/endian.h" #include "tool/build/lib/endian.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/modrm.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/time.h" #include "tool/build/lib/time.h"
/** /**
@ -41,11 +42,18 @@ void OpRdtsc(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write64(m->dx, (c >> 040) & 0xffffffff); Write64(m->dx, (c >> 040) & 0xffffffff);
} }
void OpRdtscp(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) { static int64_t GetTscAux(struct Machine *m) {
uint32_t core, node, tscaux; uint32_t core, node;
OpRdtsc(m, rde);
core = 0; core = 0;
node = 0; node = 0;
tscaux = (node & 0xfff) << 12 | (core & 0xfff); return (node & 0xfff) << 12 | (core & 0xfff);
Write64(m->cx, tscaux & 0xffffffff); }
void OpRdtscp(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
OpRdtsc(m, rde);
Write64(m->cx, GetTscAux(m));
void OpRdpid(struct Machine *m, uint32_t rde) {
Write64(RegRexbRm(m, rde), GetTscAux(m));
} }

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ COSMOPOLITAN_C_START_
void OpPause(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpPause(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpRdtsc(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpRdtsc(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpRdtscp(struct Machine *, uint32_t); void OpRdtscp(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
void OpRdpid(struct Machine *, uint32_t);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */ #endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
(defconst cosmo-c-constants-limits (defconst cosmo-c-constants-limits